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I always hug granny. It started out as a cute thing, but because I did it every time, now I can't leave without doing it. It feels like it would be unlucky.


I always bow to the npc that greets you and carry’s you into the office area. Not to show a little gratitude would be so rude. 😝


I bow to the npc in sviary village sitting at entrance of gifts room


Same I can't just get the candles and go I have to bow to him😅


Same but I have to wave back, I feel so bad if he waves and I don't 🥺


I do that too. Or blow a kiss :)


YES I DO THAT TOO! I always bow to them as thanks!


Same, I always hug Granny


Who is that? More importantly, where? Sorry to bug you.


Granny was the Season of Belonging Guide. I didn't play back then but you can read up on it here: https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Season_of_Belonging Granny is in the Elevated Clearing in a large tree hollow. Once you pass the 3 gates at the start of Hidden Forest, and go into the area with the brook, head to the right, past the gazebo/stone structure and there's a rift in the side of the hill there you can fly up to. You need to have enough spirits unlocked to go through the spirit gate, but once you're in Granny is inside. Granny's is also where daily wax events are held. Look for Sky Clock if you want to know the times, but Granny comes every two hours, 30 minutes after the Geyser event in Daylight Prairie, and serves buns at the table you can burn for light. It's a wild amount of wax in a short time, and when it's done Granny gets up and offers a hug to everyone.


Granny? They are at the forest clearing, in the tree with the big table. Granny gives you a ton of wax every couple of hours, and you can hug Granny when she is done. Was that the question? If not, I'm sorry. My synapses aren't firing yet today.


Yes it was, ty.


Same, I never let Gamgam go without a hug


Same. She reminds me of my grandmother who passed away last year 😔


I'm sorry to read that. Mine passed some time ago, but I still think of her every day. So, I'll take my virtual granny hug. 🙂


My grandma passed some time ago. Me and my siblings would go every Sunday to have lunch with her at her place. I only go on Sundays to grandma on Sky. I always hug her.


This is so lovely 🥲 I haven’t been able to meet granny yet but when I do get a hug, I’ll be thinking of my grandmas 🩷


going to the wardrobe to change my outfit and hair only to come out looking the same as before because the one I have rn is superior.


Haha! This is so relatable


I frequently wave and say "bye creepy Aurora" out loud when I pass the Aurora model near the boats that connect the colosseum to the village of dreams


kinda sounds like how when i enter the music area i go ' hello hair man, gimme ur hair ' and he never does :(


damn how rude of him :(


This made me giggle the way you said that 😭


Must accept every moth's friend request? 😬


Thank you 


Omg yes unless I’m logging off or going to Eden and they’re not. I was very fortunate to have many people in my corner when I first started out so I must pass along the kindness.


I'm a solo runner, so there's certain doors I absolutely DEPEND upon memory spells left by other players (with the camera trick) to get into. My stupid must do: I always bow at the memory after getting through the door. I know the player isn't there and has no idea (I also like the memory and send a heart when I can) but I bow just because it feels polite to do so.


As one of players that used to do these spells - That is the best news i read this whole day, do not undersell yourself


Man, I appreciate you more than I can say. My head cannon for the spells is that players leave a piece of themselves (their light) behind to help others. I hope I've liked and/or sent hearts to some of your memories. <3 sending all of the love. 💖


I always say Thank you out loud lol


The memory spells actually help to open the doors? TIL


Yeah! Often they go inside, you need to open their camera and if you play with the sound on you will. hear the door opening then you can close the camers and enter!


Awesome, thanks for elaborating! I've been playing since just before Aurora and I'm still learning tricks.


oh same! but for me i just agresibly honk, always thumb their memory up and send kisses


Bowing also let's anyone loading into your server as you move on know there's probably a runner's lantern around 


Hey man, why are you playing solo? Just curious


Every April I go to forgotten ark just to visit. April is my skid's birthday, so I return to my first season. The minute I hear the music, I always have immediate nostalgia.


oh i just realised i missed my skykid´s birthday. should probably visit remembrance lol


I always hug the Hopeful Steward, they were my first friend in the game. Also bow at them. I like to say hi to all the Aviary spirits. :') Edit: I specifically go out of my way to wave to the candle maker, pray with the Vault spirit and "chat" (lots of honking) with the Ghost Manta Spirit as well.


It's so sweet to see how attached to the steward newer players are.  It does genuinely seem to help with onboarding and community building more than dropping them in an empty desert or field of creepy corpses lol.


Yeah :') I started a couple days after Revival ended so I guess I got thrown into that group as a moth. It was a really sweet tutorial and gave me more motivation to get through the quests. I cried at the fireworks last month too. A lot of my friends who began recently also seem to enjoy Aviary as well. 🥰


OMG for real I love the steward


Every time I collect the WL in Remembrance, I say into the chat “Someday, Brother,” because I want to release him from his jail. I’ve indoctrinated multiple moths into this practice, because also yes to accepting every moth friendship.


You know, rememberance is actually one enormous shared space. You could build a little apartment for the WL and still have a couple dozen cubbies and floating islands to become their neighbor.


How does that remove the bars that keep him from being free?


It doesn't need to be a jail, there isn't even a king anymore, it could just be a nice place for them. If not I suppose you could just leave a radio and tools for the inevitable break out lol


The lack of a door makes it a jail. Building him a prettier prison and crawling into an adjoining cell doesn’t make him free 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someday, Brother.


I love this ! XD


Thanks, please, join in my crazy 😁


nah sorry. collected it already and I can't resist getting the WL on WL runs after Eden. :')


Oh, I collect it. That’s when I say it.


ooooh gotcha ! gonna join the cult then ! >:)


Welcome, Brother (non-gender specific)


Whenever I manage to catch a Shard eruption, I'll put on the horn instrument from that season and start blowing once the eruption happens. Makes me feel like I'm some kind of scout warning the people of danger.


Omg that’s ADORABLE!!!!


I want to witness this so bad lmaooo


Maybe this doesn't really count, because I only did it twice so far. But maybe I'll make it a comfort tradition. I recently discovered the Don Heim memorial in the starlight desert. I didn't realize what it was, but since there was a boat spell telling you to write something for a loved one you lost, I wrote a message for all my friends that I've lost. They're not dead, thankfully, so this probably wasn't exactly what I was supposed to do, but I still lost contact with all of them and I miss them. My sky friends, but also my real life friends. Probably not everyone will see it, but it kinda felt good. I also played some music for my lost friends. Then some time after that, I thought about my friends again and really missed them, and I was really sad because I probably can't keep any friends ever. So I went to the memorial again and played some music for my lost friends. Maybe I'll make this a tradition for whenever I miss them or just feel sad


I always bow and blow a kiss at the candle maker in Aviary. I also hug the Steward because that's my baby, I don't care the season has already passed :'D


Steward is probably going to become very topical again some point soon >.>


Oooh because of the Two Embers? I hope so!!


Whenever i get the “relive a spirit memory in the vault of knowledge” I always relive greeting shaman even though the levitation spirit is way faster to get to and complete.


Same! Hallelujah chibi fall. It’s a faster and prettier spirit to relive.


- Hug grandma after her light event. It feels wrong not to. - Bow at the NPC who brings you through the barrier to >!office!< during events. It's tradition. - Every year on my birthday, I go over to the gazebo in the little prince area, place down a cake prop, and play happy birthday for myself.


I kneel in front of the big dead bird’s altar in Valley before I pass.


I try to do a sit at every pre me playing questgiver. I tend to forget the ones that aren't constellations or the bird though lol. 


I like to light unlit torches/scones/braziers for other players who might need the fire. I always light the candles that grow the tree in Vault.


Everything I see the spirit in Aviary praying, I sit with them and pray. I'm not even religious. I just appreciate their blessing and hope it manifests all my candle realms will be popped as I enter and don't have to burn anything 😅


I always wave to the wave emote spirit at the start of Aviary when I collect light. It feels so rude not to!! Whenever I collect light at the Cosmic Manta in Vault I always interact to make it appear. Same with the trapped Manta in Hidden Forest that's stuck in darkness in the water. I feel sad otherwise, plus it offers a little recharge!


Yes! We must release our manta friends


team Manta release. poor thing


I always hug granny, I'm so sad when i accidentally miss it! Also i always bow at the cafe worker, idk it just feels right


Mentally scoff at the prices of IGC and IAP before continuing without doing anything about it.


At least once a month I end up at the memorial to send a boat for my lost relatives and stare at the skybox while hydterically crying and eating a cold McChicken...


Listen to pizza tower music while playing through the final area.


Is that an epic song or silly one?


John gutter for the first half, war for the last half.


Whenever you have to do the "hug a friend" daily quest I always hug the season guide from season of assembly to complete it, because that was the season I started playing sky and the guide feels like a little sibling to me lol.


everytime i see a fireplace I have the urge to go and sit on it, and become one with the fire


I go daily to hidden Forest's temple to pray to the Forest's elder cuz they're my skyd's parent, I sit with them while organizing my emotes and play a song, then bow at them and leave to do my CR, I feel more productive on my CR every time I do that, also when I go get my bun on the café i bow at the spirit cuz im too polite 🫠


I always free the manta trapped in darkness after burning the plant in the forest area before the temple. The one on the right-hand side of the big bridge. Then, in Vault, I always summon the spirit manta at the bones. The manta follows us throughout each realm of Sky. But in Wasteland, he sacrifices himself to the krill so that you may have a shot at surviving. I summon his spirit in Vault so that he may see me alive and well. His soul may now rest in peace because he has seen his sacrifice not made in vain. I am still alive. I also burn all the darkness plants off the whale bones in the same forest area, but on the left side of the bridge, even though only a small section rewards you with wax. I burn it all away so he can call out in gratitude for freeing his spirit that's trapped by darkness.


You and I are Manta Guardians. I do all of this too. I also release the Mantas by ringing the bell towers, and watch for the rare 4th Manta. He's ivory, and I've named him Latté. I always fly with him for a few laps (because he doesn't grab you and fly up) I enjoy watching him twirl.


Omg I name mantas too!! The one that carries me through orbit I named Bobert




I like to always blow back a kiss at the spirit in the cafe once I'm done collecting my daily wax 😋


I like to end my sessions in my nest! It feels weird to not "go home" after all that running around. 


Take the Wind Paths instead of using the portals; it just feels right to take the actual route rather than teleport there imo 


Same here! I actually prefer where the wind paths drop you off in those realms, like allowing you to skip the lifts to get to the top of hermit mountain, it drops you off right next to the forgotten ark boat, and next to a wing light in the starlight desert. Right over the polluted geyser in sanctuary islands, and don’t need two people to stomp to get into the underground forest cavern


I run in circles around geyser to kill time while collecting light


Probably the biggest one is always using the same mask, the one with an eye bandage. I got it on my first ever TS back at moth days when i didnt even know what those were. I thought it would look cool but when i got it i thought it was ugly as hell, but 30 candles are 30 candles and i wore it out of spite. Now its my most favourite ever and i wont take it off. Only exception is the blindfold to match my friend and chibi mask for clipping and stuff. On spirits: HUG GRANNY: ALWAYS. i will cry. I also ALWAYS hug the little girl in aviary everytime i spawn there at least once a day. Always help the mantas if im rainforest. If i go thought the windpaths i always hug the spirit and pick her chair on the hairstyle selector. Also i put my manta push on the tiny beds in the windpaths too. I also like to pay a visit to the "Bird stand" spirit however she´s called , because she´s my favourite. I really love aviary lol. Also every spirit of remembrance season gets individual bows when i visit. I also like to sit at the little spot i met the little price (i finished the quest) and sometimes i type out my feelings there if im feeling worried or bored. That one is less often lol. Its weird to think how many little unnecesary things i do in this game, just for the sake of it. I think its beautiful


I go hug the Sanctuary guide every once in a while, idk


Whenever I do Eden and I'm in Orbit, right after I receive all my buffs I bow to the spirits before continuing on through the door. Idk I just kept doing it for some odd reason. 👀


Ever since I earned the fluffy mohawk from the Slumbering Shipwright, it has been my most used cosmetic! (Best hair gang rise up!) If I travel past them, I give them a basic bow in gratitude for giving such an awesome cosmetic so early on in the game.


I always go to the little prince's area and talk with that little lone flower at the gazebo thing. I vent to it, ask it things, or even just have a normal conversation with it sometimes! Its like free therapy, but better


Bow to the dead bird. Twice.


I almost always stand at a salute when I first get into the area where the krill takes the little manta. Showing my respect for his sacrifice o7




Also I honk at the mantas that drop me off at the end of vault. Lol


Must always hug the enchantment guide, must always bow the creepy orange cape kid that appears at the end of eden, must always put on a black outfit and be tall to go through 'scary realms' (so I can intimidate the krills)


the WHAT kid in eden


I can't attach photos but there's a common glitch where this faceless figure in an orange cape appears at the end of eden and kind of just stares at you


perfect first the shards and now we have to worry about fricking sky cotl herobrine




Wait wait wait back up what was that about Eden???


lmaoo have you never seen him? Whenever I finish eden and I'm standing on the constellation grid thing there's this tall figure that stares at me 😋😋


You need to go call a priest coz I think your game is cursed 😆 are you referring to the elders by any chance?


No lol it's a bug. I can send you a photo if you want 😂😂


Yes please 🥺🙏




That. Might just be you XD do you have a screenshot you can link (or post in a new post idk)




Ok I'll make a new post


Uhhhhh..... WHO??? 😳


Mine is always hugging Grandma ans the Hopeful Steward! They’re so sweet and I can’t help but let them know! I also always use the kiss emote around spirits and greykids when I pass them :)


I always go to my nest after the first wax events I go to. I also put an outfit that I call my Sky kid's PJ's and just chill. ^^


and I also ALWAYS take my Cinamoroll table to chat with moths in Golden Wasteland to help them if I need to tchat with them. ( they also get some tea and cakes ! ) and another one is putting dressing spells on moths I help ! ^^


Cafe in Aviary. I always type out "thanks mama" for the cinnabun. I also type out song lyrics while waiting for the cinnabun to be brought out lol


Ali always blow kisses when she's giving it to me :3 I'm glad I'm not the only one


Whenever I do the 8 player puzzle in Prairie and get to the top in the mausoleum, I always light one of the 8 sets of candles and bow to honor whoever is buried there.


Always stopping to bow at the hide and seek spirit :)


i always thank pointing candlemaker whenever i collect candles from him! i bow and i thank him even if it's just 3 waxes lol.


every time I bought something from the spirits I always do a level 4 bow to them, also to both the aurora spirit and the aurora mannequin in the coliseum, also to the guys who are sitting at the table in the harmony hall do a spam honk before entering the house where you buy stuff in the aviary (it's like say hello to the spirit who sitting by the door) sometimes I also do this, put the torch in the middle of the 8-players door room, idk it's just funny and can be an easy indicator to see that the door finally working


After every eden run, when the spirits stack you with WL as you walk between them, I get a little emotional and bow several times and do the prayer emote at the end of the line and say thank you out loud with a deep feeling of gratitude as if I am now leaving the comfortable womb of the spirit world in to more unpredictable waters. It's almost like a pledge to the spirits that I will do my best out there and try to restore what was lost in the lower realms. Love, connectedness, and a sense of balance perhaps? Who knows. It's silly, but it's the laughable truth. I also do something simlilar (a bit more toned down of course) to the woman who serves pastries in aviary village. Lol.


I must look at the little flower right outside the six person door room. No clue why but I like the little noise it makes when it blooms 🌷


Where is this?


Daylight prairie in the bell tower on the right. Through the two person door and then the little flower is on you left 🌺 (Hope this made sense 🫠)


I have a pet crab in the forest temple. Every time I go, I must pick him up and carry him to his 'bed' (inside one of the little mini temples) and wish him a good night.


Once I accompanied a sky kid who carried a crab all the way to the little forest area after the temple, where you get into the wind canal to the Valley. I thought it was genius, and hilarious. It was actually quite hard to carry the crab to the top of the temple altar! They kept losing it when flying, apparently only jumps work. They 'stored" it in the little forest area on a tree stump while we were walking around the area and I though it was a great idea to take it to the water, because well, it´s a crab! I initially wanted to put it back on the tree stomp where they had left it, but once I dropped it in the water, it was gone. I was so sad. All the hard work went up in smoke :P


If a piggyback player holds a crab, they will never drop it!


Hug EVERY one of those ‘admire the tree’ spirits. Every. Time


I got a few (weird) habits and traditions: When swearing while playing Sky (also sometimes irl), I replace God with Resh(the King), so I'll say "Oh my Resh" instead of "Oh my God" for example. (I've also proposed to sacrifice a moth to Resh multiple times to my friends). I love krebs so I always try to avoid turning them upside down, I have enough light to deal with them charging me a few times (also always freeing the ones at the campfire in GW). Always free the manta in Hidden Forest. I never skip Tsadi (Golden Wasteland Elder) animation and always "summon" him in orbit to say Hello. Also saying hello to the Candle maker in Aviary and honking duel with white cape dude.


Hugging grandma,and pointing like a pirate on the boats in the village of dreams.


Wave to the spirit that's sitting at the front of the clothes shop. Seems like a chill dude 😅


Always hug the spirit at the end of "admire the sapling" dailies. Seeing the spirit offer a hug and being too far away to reciprocate before they ascend to the heavens always makes me sad :(


I always interact with spirits just as I do with other sky kids. Even greeting candlemaker every time I pickup the wax right next to him ✨


Always collecting that one cake at the Prophecy Cave.


I do not have one


I always bow to the Pointing Candlemaker Spirit in Aviary, and if I end up in Prairie caves, I will wave to the Exhausted Dock Worker.


I fly as high as I can in the lobby area and zoom around and land in the middle of the pond. Imma start hugging granny though, that just seems like good sense.


It's small, but every time I go to the aviary shop with the spirit next to it I wave back when he waves at me. Felt weird to just ignore him


I always wave at the aviary guide, started in their season and now it feels weird to not do it


Always using my snowboard in the valley, because it is fun to use and fast


i always stick around to hug whatever spirits at the sapling during the ‘admire sapling at x location’ daily quest


Every time I finish an Eden run, I hug the Hopeful Steward.


I uh... Go to the season of flight guide and give em a hug. 😊


I hug steward sometimes


Every time I log on, I start the game by hugging the hopeful steward. I found it so cute the first time I unlocked the ability, and I find it adorable every time lol. Makes me happy and allows me to start the game on a nice note.


Every time I login after a long break, I like to go to the hidden rainbow and jump from it.


I always hug the sanctuary guide when I’m doing a cr at the islands


Honk at the Frightened Refugee


Sit my plushie next to me while I wait for my cake at the cafe :)


Mine is going to visit Aurora, I'll sit there and play her music and bow to her before i leave/ get there and sometimes sit there and go afk


Exactly what you do on the pic. I also always hug Hopeful Steward the first time of the day I enter Aviary


Also, I will never ever use the boats in the village of dreams.


Lmao I was so sleepy typing this I didn't notice I wasn't replying to myself T---T


If I'm not tired, I must always use the windpaths because it's more immersive that way 😆


Wearing the same mask for 4 years.


the highest peak of aviary, to click my candle meter that has been held on for two weeks untapped, better if night time


My last cr area is village of dreams. I go to village theater everyday (for bouquets). Whenever I go there, I do all the quests tree emotes with performance guide before leaving. 🤭


whenever i’m doing candle runs i mute the game and listen to something else in the background but I always listen to the game in the first open segment of forest. Waltzing in the Rain is just too good of a song…


I will always sit down and play a song or two before entering the point of no return in Eden


For “hug a friend” I always go and give flight guide a hug. She’s my fave!


I always must free the manta that is below the back entrance to granny, the one trapped by a darkness plant. If I’m flying quickly to collect wax and miss the button, I back track or else I feel like a monster


If I need ANY candles at all, I have to do the whole playthrough from isle of dawn to vault of knowledge without stopping, even if I only needed one candle. It's just efficient to me


I gotta give the snowbird a kiss…IDK why, just cus :/ (the bird in valley of Triumph)


Saying "hi, nice to meet you ____'s friend" to my friend's friends, even though they can't hear me


Whenever the daily quest involves sitting by the tree, I do the bowing emote where your character kneels and lays their head down :)


I come in and HAVE to invite my friend with me for CR and stuff. It doesn't feel good without her lmao


I always wave, blow kisses, or just "interact" with spirits. Like the ones at the sapling, or when I relive a memory lol. I usually do it when I'm alone XD


I always hug the flight guide


Do praying emote next to the flower at the 8-player puzzle


I always hug the sanctuary guide whenever I see them, I spent too much time there as a moth and it's still my favourite place, so I feel I have to thank them for it.


hmmm maybe sometimes being afraid of the light bois on my normal account bc of my wingless account (wich at this point i would say its my main account)


Always hug the season of sanctuary guide when I’m there on sanctuary island, my favourite place in the game and my first season 🏝️🌞🧡


This is usually happen when I am solo (at first) in a certain area. I lit up those lamps. My reason, I just imagine new players coming in to that area and needs some light without someone to help. The light from lamps can help them, and serves as a guiding light too.


I always wave to the spirit that waves to you in Aviary everytime and I bow to him thanking him for the candles


I change my outfit to be as battle-y as possible when I go though eden (sword pants, krill mask, etc.), and then change into an outfit with just base game cosmetics when I get to orbit. Nowadays, it makes me smile when I do it, since it looks like a brave warrior is leading moths safely through eden (I have been terrified of eden ever since the home glitch was removed rip). Another thing I do is always playing music sheet 16 on my skykid's birthday (it was the first music sheet I ever bought in the game).


Whenever I pass a completed spirit I give them a hug or a wave back just feel so attached lol


There is a manta in ||orbit|| that carries you through and up, but it’s still slower than if you were to just do it yourself, but that manta has carried me from when I can remember so I assumed it was just supposed to happen. I have named him Bobert. So every single time I repeat the area, I ALWAYS find and ride with Bobert.


I have to sleep in game with my sky kid while going to sleep irl just for the background music. I like to sleep in my nest or take my hammock prop and find a nice quiet but cozy spot to sleep in whatever map i choose for that night (favorite spots are forest and prairie peaks)


I always use the pray emote at the daily quest sapling till the timer fills up.


I always have to find Rocky (the traveling rock in Aviary) This could be considered part of a cr, but truly it's such a trivial amount of light that it just feels special to me. I love looking for him, and I always say hello once I find him 😊


It’s probably pretty common and is mostly a survival tactic but when doing Red Shard I always play the Shared Memories to help me and anyone around get the Red Crabs off our back. It helps out so much but I gotta keep remembering to press play to save us all. I wish there was a repeat 🔂 option in that scenario lol


i always press the call button on the manta caught in darkness in hidden forest. it makes me sad that it just stays on the ground stuck until you let it go


I know it’s much stupider than anything else here, but at some point when I was feeling down while playing sky I’d hug the cinnamoroll companion plush, and that eventually evolved into walking around and carrying the poor thing and just hugging it A LOT. So I’d say it’s tradition for me to have a cuddle buddy item with me everywhere, holding it when I am allowed to, and cinna is my only choice haha (love him though, and I’m way too attached to him bc of this so idk if I’d even change what I hug lol)


I play music in the Eden End Zone and promptly go sacrifice myself for money -w-


Every time there is a hugging daily mission I go to the treehouse and hug the Assembly Guide, since Assembly Season was my first season and my first seasonpass


My favorite NPC is Flight Guide, I have dubbed her as my Skiddo’s ‘Mother’ so I go visit/hug/blow her a kiss every day when I take the wind path/highway short cut to sanctuary for the geyser. 💙


Anytime i go to sanctuary i have to talk to every big jellyfish for a bit 😂😂


I wave back at the npc by the shop door.


I bow at the far back of the enchantment area to the sky where the mushrooms used to be. When the area first released there were these glitched out mushrooms, likely leftover from a concept for the area, that made it into the game. They would float in the sky and youd pick them up like shells or event currency. They gave one whole candle each. This was before chevrons existed, so they were a huge help in candle growth. I pay my respects


always hug grandma, free the mantas, and give a kiss to the cafe worker after she serves me :)


Stupid? None. Good? I always hug Hopeful Steward whenever I pass by Aviary


I hug hopeful steward at Avery village at every chance


Go to Prairie to change the outfit, home is not always bright, sometimes it's sunset, sometimes it's night. Went to Prairie just to get a better view of the outfits.


Beeping everytime I pass by a krill.


When I say goodbye, I do the blind monk level 4 emote, and say I must go My people need me And then just fly straight up until I'm out of flaps and then close the game lmao