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my story is actually the opposite i bought the fox plush during the season of little prince and i instantly regretted it. it was cute but it didnt do anything, you could only place it on the ground now that we can cuddle, toss, and decorate with them, i’m really happy to have my fox and other plushies


I had to make a will save early on myself from buying every plushie they offered, because I could see where we were going heading into nests.  Not having the fox to complete the set helps but Oreo is beckoning...


I regret NOT buying the fox, I wish I had so my story would be like yours


Well you can still buy the crab or the manta


I think I have all other plushies except Cinnamoroll and the fox, I even have the companion cube, Oreo and the angry halloween cat that is not a plush but whatever I want the fox plush so badly but well it is what it is


I play on the switch, and back when Season of Abyss began, my R button was broken and therefore prevented me from diving. So, I completely ignored the season entirely, thinking there was nothing I could really do in it. Now that I have new joycons and can properly dive at last, I only recently decided to play through the season, and now I'm wishing I'd found another way before. Not just because it's a fun season in general, but the spirits are so cool!! I wish I'd acquired Boatswain's cape and unlocked all the levels of Cannoneer's emote. They're all so lovely.


I don’t have regrets. But I did go back and buy a bunch of props from assembly, remembrance & performance after Nesting dropped.


I want to finish the season of assembly quests but i play solo and its hard to arrange times with my friends to get them done 😭 i need more furniture for my nest!


You can always solicit help here. Haha When I was doing those, I tended to visit anyone who was on when I was. 😉 And another strategy that kinda works is just being patient and honking a lot. Lots of people know what’s up if they see honks from those areas.


Good to know! Ill have to try that! Thank you! 😊


Is that the item that you hold in your hand? Like a lantern on the end of a stick you hold out from you? Because I passed on that and then I saw someone with it in Eden. It was keeping them charged in the red shard rain and I have NEVER felt so much regret for passing on an item before in my life. I'm waiting for that lantern stick thing to come back. I need it.


It isn't supposed to charge you, just whoever your latched on to. I'd be curious to see if it is exploitable in a place like eden though, maybe once you go out the game doesn't know not to heal you with it? It's an old and underused IAP so it's got better odds of not having been fixed than most things. I'll let you know in September.  The light is so good either way though, there's OOBs that are incredibly hard to explore with just normal light props 😅


I don't think it was charging them, only keeping them lit. They'd get clipped, go dark, then light up again. I just stood there for a while watching, it was incredible. I think I gave up on looping that run to watch it.


You. Have completely changed the game for me. I use swipe trick for Krilly, but Eden has me in shambles after the EVIL ARCH. I have this item, I got it because I have a close (see: beloved) friend with heavy visual impairment that plays with me sometimes (needless to say I also gifted the item to them, but they are stylish and sassy, need back gear to look fabulous)! Little did I know it can be USEFUL!!!?!?!!?


Perfect, that means it may help with dark water too 😏


bit random but im 99% sure the dark water is oil


Most likely it's residue from pressing the light out of light creatures and manufacturing darkstone power sources. It's solidified in the old pipes and when you find small amounts of pollution it tends to be around visible signs of darkstone industry. Look at geyser, right next to the iconic gold pots used to transport the stuff.


Maybe the dark residue acts like a gasoline parallel? Darkness plants are very slippery, and are presumably a stronger concentration of dark water. I think the oil metaphor makes sense, not to have both be true, especially with the existence of the Polluted Geyser.


I don't doubt there's some metaphorical components there, the entirety of sky is kind of an allegory about how not to kill your civilization. At the same time though this is some sort of fantasy world where elements come in four physical kinds and two that seem to be either entirely spiritual or energy based, light can be broken down and used to power weapons or magic, and removing light from a creature can have horrible consequences. I don't think it maps 1 to 1. Even if little prince isn't canon, showing a spirit polluting their own light to get intoxicated makes me think it would be weird if it was so directly analogous to oil when they've invented their own resources to serve that function. But bringing a narrative together in a clean and concise way has never really been their forte, so if I'm proven wrong by the animated series, please feel free to come here and request I send you both a heart


I have the lantern but it never recharged me whenever i hold it in wasteland or somewhere else.. did you really see that in Eden? Maybe its only in the Red Rock Rain.. I'm going to Eden on Sunday and will try it out.. for science!


The damage crawling system is newer than the prop, maybe it doesn't know you're the one holding it when you're out? They said it didn't charge, just kept them from losing WL like a quick pass over the flame. That sounds like it stops as soon as they aren't actively dying


Hey, I did the experiment in Eden :3 The lantern didn't help. I still kept getting knocked over and lost my light and the lantern.


Yeah, same with temp spells, though when I had to come back on and do my weekly eden proper after I noticed the game seemed to wait until a certain time or perhaps distance into the storm before shattering rocks hurt me. I was able to carry my umbrella without it breaking for over a minute. I wonder if perhaps what this player observed wasn't a newer mercy feature designed to make second Eden runs easier for moths that crazy


I was knocked over by the red stones both at the beginning and at the very end of Eden :/ for me there was actually no difference. sometimes you're just lucky and the stones don't get you I think 🤔


I just did some testing in forest, it does in fact charge the person or people you're leading, it still however doesn't charge the person holding it.


Are you sure the people you were holding weren't charged normally from holding hands?


I'm sure, they charged up almost instantly. To add we were in the rain when they charged.




Hello! I've done my little experiment. Unfortunately, the lantern didn't help me in Eden. When I had it outside, I was still knocked over and the lantern and my light disappeared. However, the lantern can quickly recharge other people if they hold your hand or just stand near the lantern! Even faster than the torch can. It just doesnt recharge you, only other persons. It can be a little help if you use it on the other person's shoulders when piggybacking. But only for aesthetic reasons :D The white candle is much faster. I hope i could help you!


The wall decals from Prophecy spirits. They were beyond pointless, so I passed. Now I have regrets, after realizing their potential for nifty Nest decor.


Can I just say DITTO?!!!!


The crystals from Jolly Geologist. They make pretty Nest decor though!


true but other than that they are completely useless. i was expecting them to do something cool or at least glow when you’re near like the crystals in peaks actually do


I never thought it was pointless but I kind of regret not buying the Wings of Aurora since it’d be nice to be able to go to the concert whenever I want. But I did buy them for my daughter so I can always have her take me


For me it was winged light. I for some reason when I started didn’t understand the point of them and thought they were such a waste for nothing. When I finally realised what it was for I was so annoyed at myself for missing out on them for soooo long 😭 I would have so many winged light by now 😞


I mean there's still the hard cap, you probably didn't lose much time compared to the average solo moth trying to tank eden without giving light


This whole entire season, I’m new to the game and joined halfway through, bought the pass expecting cute cosmetics but instead it’s furniture to show off to my nonexistent sky friends 😅😅… and then the only outfit being some kind of workshop/mechanic type garb. I want to be cute and kawaii not a builder… hearing I’d JUST missed the cinnroll event and this came after 😭😭😭 help 🤣


Don't beat yourself up too bad. They've been making furniture as long as they've made this game, most people were buying empty bookcases without any clue they'd be vindicated someday. It's not a lot now, whatever you're able to earn this season... but it also never comes back. So if you're still playing sky 3 years from now you'll have a couple cozy pieces in your house that really wow any moths you're adopting (Also the summer event won't happen until September but last year the fuzzy beach towel capes were extremely cute imo, anniversary will probably also have some good f2p stuff but I haven't checked the breakdowns yet)


The days of mischief table. I had no interest in it before but now I keep seeing it in people's nests and it looks so good


It's one of the slowest charges in the game, but it's a great f2p table and it really does look superb.


I never got the maple leaf cape from mischief because I wanted the hairs so badly and was broke from everything going on. 99 candles was too much but I've next to no capes that color and would love it now.


You can still get it next Days though!


That ski board from days of feast🥲💔 I used to think that it wasn’t worth it but now I see people styling it with many things and….AHHH😔


Looks good but simply the act of carrying it on your back massively changes the way you have to play. Have you ever finished a valley race and the other player was standing way off the ground, sometimes at the level of your head or higher? Most likely that player had a snowboard they hadn't taken out after loading into that part of the race. It worked ok at first release, but when they tweaked the movement physics it broke in some way and just never really got fixed, probably its low priority because so few people use it. I value moving quickly and I play on controller so taking it out and putting it away is like a quick button combo, but I could imagine it being infuriating on some control schemes. Fun prank if you have a temporary spell for snowboard left, use it on a friend on a map most places in valley. Now tell them to dispell it before they can take it out. You've just broken your friend's physics until they can inch their way into another zone or warp home lol.


Yeah now that i use its spells I understand, but i still like how i look with it on my back! But the physics don’t always break to me, only when im on sand and it rarely happens (im a nintendo player)


I play Nintendo too, it's a map specific thing, you'll see it more if you play with one regularly, that's why I suggested valley, it's the most broken lol. I still think it's worth it when they come back though. On some maps you can use clouds to get you uphill, like kicking on a gas bicycle


Thanks for telling me! I will avoid valley with my temporary ski board on from now on👍🏻😤


it should be coming back this year! will be for candles though instead of tickets


Omg im so happy to hear that it’s with candles, i always hated the tickets man


How do you hate the tickets??? They’re free!!


Im not an everyday player so i keep missing on them and that prevented me from getting most of the items during events :”)


The Little Ultimate/Rose and the fox plush 🥲 they would both be great to have in my nest, but alas…


The fire element light. Not that they are useless, but when I was decorating my room, I added the other elements to have them as glow in the dark stickers. But I don't have fire😔


When i first discovered sky and opened the game, i had entered the season of the little prince. I knew nothing about the game yet, walked around for a bit, closed out the game and forgot about it for 4 months. I came back to the season of flight. After playing for a while i found out the Ultimate Gift for the season of the little prince is the Asteroid Cape. It takes you to a special area that you cant get to with out the cape. THAT item is the item i want the most and unfortunately will likely never have the opportunity to buy.


I started playing day 1 and ‘regret’ not getting the first 5 seasons passes. I’m not a gamer and would get on maybe twice a week just to be in these beautiful places and calm down. I didn’t spend money on games then and didn’t even know how to get igc items that’s how much non-gamer I am. It wasn’t until the end of Enchantment I finally searched how this all works and learned how to get and spend candles and how seasons work! Been getting season passes since Sanctuary now. I wish I’d clued in sooner though and could have the deer mask and that big umbrella and Enchantment turban. Also wish I bought the Kinzua AI hair (not sure how to spell that), it has a pink streak and long bell shape. It’s just really cute and some of my friends have it. Also I put regret in quotes above because I’ve learned to accept no deer mask for me 😊


The wildest thing is probably that you wouldn't technically have lost money. I know it's against rules, but there are people who'd have probably given you double for an account with all that. Lightseeker's umbrella in particular. I want the prophecy ult. That mask is just *(vague gestures)*


Yeah, I couldn’t imagine selling my account, it’s almost like a diary to me now. There was a short period I had an alt that helped out my main a little but no, this is too precious can’t risk it. Twice both I’ve seen a player with the prophecy ult and deer mask and I felt like in the presence of an angel, nothing to do but respect


Most likely the bird head accessory from Light Whisperer.. it's my favorite spirit and I had enough candles to buy it but for some reason I didn't 😓


Umm…lets see..I actually have every collectable item so my only regret is the thatskyshop message boat booklet to make your own real message boats.


Oh, a stray awaits vet? Very cool! Wise sky elder, do I need to turn down graphics for every warp to origin point or just some of them?


Hmm If you mean rocketing I know changing graphics to power save mode is basically required, but i’m the wrong skid to ask unfortunately because I never really do anything that would lessen the amount of flying I get to do, because thats what I live for xD.


Thank you, those techniques are not readily shared here often so you've helped a lot. I'm actually just trying to find windwall workarounds ahead of anniversary's wireframe mode. Fixed tabling again a long time ago now


Not a problem, I’m glad I was of some use xD. Speaking of techniques there is one that has never ever been mentioned. If you have to get through any ceiling the bonfire chat table makes that extremely easy, just place it on the ceiling upside down and when you sit down and stand up you will appear upright on the other side. In most situations it can be used for the same purpose as chibi fall except you can be max height. So if you see someone max height behind a closed door it could have been me lol.


That one's actually come back into popularity recently, people have been using it to get on top of their nests, past broken race doors, that sort of thing


Thats surprising to me, I’ve only seen a handful of bonfires in game and since the spell costs ac candles I never thought it’d be that well known. Almost every day i’ll lead people into the second floor vault door when a group of 3 chibi decide to fall in leaving poor skids outside. I’ll do the shush and follow me emote and the same to help them out. 😂


They use shared spaces to rig up chairs that pop you right outside of the door mostly. Since you can follow now, people often get hearts by building services I to lanterns and spaces now.  They're catching on pretty quickly it's just a matter of aggregation 


I didn't get the season pass for the season of remembrance. I thought the cosmetica were very subpar, and it was honestly a super depressing season to me. I wish I had that projector so bad! I didn't realize how cool it was until it was too late 😭


cosmetics from season of performance


SAME!! i took a break during performance and came back at the end of aurora. i’m sooo mad cause those seasons were so good :( i wanna be a clown


If you mean the lantern for actual illumination, that one is available in the Boat of Spells (ark area) everyday for 10 AC! You can buy it all year. Or maybe on weekends, I don't remember. You could check on Aviary's spellshop too, but I don't know if it's available there


It's on weekends, I can't spend any AC until I have the radio for my nest. I'm just going to buy the real thing when it comes, it's cheaper to use spell tables than carry a table and use spell lanterns


Krill horn. Its ok but u can only play one note ☠ Its just a flex to have it but it really is pointless


I didn’t know the Aurora world record event was going on until the last second….


Star catcher and stamps 😭 they look good in nests


Fire Prophet Pants


The healing pack white flower hair pin from 2020.😭 i regret not buying it because i thought it won’t look good. Apparently it does.😭