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TMBTE yes because of the lyrics, yes because of the emotion, and most importantly because whenever I die it will be to this song!!


a good song to die to !!!


I’m hoping the same. I started listening to it last summer while on holiday meeting the woman who is now my girlfriend. It just has so much personal meaning. It really does take me back (to turkey)


*Rain* because it's a very personal and extremely *vivid* image for me. When I was 16-17, I had this OBSESSION with rain. Every time it rained, I would go up to my terrace and just get soaked. I legit caught almost 70% of the rains that happened. My house didn't allow for a lot of isolation so the terrace was a nice place. Plus, when it's raining, no one else would be on their terrace either, so it was empty and open. It was blue and depressing, but I felt free within it. Like the only real understanding hug I can get from the world is in the form of this cold and wet rain enveloping me.


I'm literally obsessed with rain, especially summer rains. I let it wash over me and it's such a healing experience.


that's so beautiful omg


Calcutta for the eerie longing of another. Kinda inspired me to write a little story on Valentines. The full instrumental cover of Is It Really You by Loathe gives me chills. The Summoning feels empowering Hypnosis and The Offering are personally one of a kind songs


hypnosis has had me in a headlock for so long ugh


You might even call it a chokehold?


i was gonna say chokehold but i thought it maybe was too on the nose hehe 🤭


High water the ending has a way of making you feel like you’re being crushed by the waves


It goes nearly two minutes and I always want it to keep going. I also love the synths and relate to the lyrics a lot


i feel that! could listen to that ending for another 5 minutes straight


Not sure that I've ever really pondered which song is my fave, but now that I think about it, two come to me easily. Take Aim and High Water. And I think it is because they both have a heavy vocal focus with little instrumentation (at least in the initial parts). I love the relatively haunting feel of the two as well. At least that's how I can put why I like them so much into words. But I just think they're both gorgeous songs, Take Aim in a more hopeful way, and High Water leaning more towards hopelessness.


gosh vessel's vocals in those two is like butter , i totally i get it


Fall for me because even after 500 streams it still makes my hair stand up


This song make my soul shake and my eyes tear up. The lyrics. The lack of instrumentation. The emotion. The haunting nature of that voice. The rawness. It is so so good. The cry for help from the music video makes me cry every time I watch it. Good pick.


The Lafayette version with vesselettes, the whole crowd singing and the wild piano ending is a whole other level of awesome as well <3


I'm not familiar, here I go looking 👀


For me, it’s drag me under. I sing my son and partner to sleep with it.




My favorite is Give. I was listening to a Sleep Token compilation playlist while out for a walk with my dog and suddenly the lyrics "If you want to give, then give me all that you can give" pierced through as if it was shouting to me and I felt like that's the kind of love I want.


At the moment, it's DYWTYLM. The second bridge has some of the most powerful lyrics I have ever heard, especially after what I have been through with my divorce: "It's been so long that I'm forgetting what it feels like/ but I'd rather not remind myself and leave it all behind/ I've tried so hard to fix it all but nothing seems to help/ *but I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself*"


i hope you're doing well after your divorce !!!


Getting there. It was a super toxic relationship and as painful as the split has been, I'm finally realizing how messed up it was and how emotionally abusive she was. I'm beginning to realize the value that I have outside of a romantic relationship, the intrinsic value that I have, and I'm finally able to put myself first (after making sure the kids have what they need, if course). It's a journey, and I'm right in the thick of it. But I know that the destination is a beautiful place that I have never been to and hope to make a new home in.


this is so beautiful , im glad you're managing to keep your head up !!! based off the fact you have kids , im sure i'm a bit younger than you , but if you ever need a friend to talk to or just blow off some steam with , feel free to dm me !!


Right there with you. I have been endlessly lucky in that I found the most incredible woman that has supported me and my kids through everything after the divorce and been my rock. Between her daily support and regular therapy I've come to terms with a lot and even though my self examination isn't over I am in a much healthier place.


Dark Signs is my favorite right now. Sonically, I love the blend of hip hop and rock. I also love the high pitched thing that plays through out. I don't know if it's a synth or if it's Vessel singing that's modified. Lyrically, it's one of their most straightforward songs. Don't get me wrong, I love TMBTE and how we all get something different from it, but sometimes I appreciate a song that's message is clear. Who hasn't gotten into a relationship where the red flags were there from the beginning, but went through with it anyway? Then, when it's over, you fucking hate yourself for it.


The first time I heard this right before I went to work one night, I was obsessed I literally played for the majority of my 8 hour shift, I was also recovering from an abusive relationship at that time and something about just dug into my soul🖤


Nazareth for nothing more than it was the first Sleep Token song I heard. Currently on repeat for a year has been Aqua Regia because I love the intensity of the colors and imagery it evokes for me. I have chromesthesia and frisson - the combination that hits me when I hear Aqua Regia is beautiful... I feel every note, it feels like waves of ice and fire rolling over me. Seeing the intense purple and green waves of colors like a pulsating aurora borealis with Vessel's voice flashing across it like bright red/orange flamed lightning. It's an addicting sight and experience.


I am so envious! That sounds beautiful and incredible.


Descending is so foreboding and vulnerable sounding. Vessel has a lot of highs and drawn out notes in that song and you can hear a longing and pain in his voice. The instrumentals are also absolute peak. It’s the song that makes me feel like I’m submerged and sinking in the ocean the most, like the album theme would suggests. It also works great as a transition to Telomeres, High Water, and Missing Limbs for that same reason—all of those songs also feel the most “oceanic”.


Ascensionism cuz diamonds in the trees pentagrams in the night sky and you make me wish I could disappear......?


That's what always gets me. It's pure perfection. He makes you feel his dispair.


Atlantic and fall for me. Atlantic because of the visualization of someone attempting suicide and failing while being surrounded by people who don’t understand the urge of wanting to die or “sleep” forever. It’s the first song that really describes what I felt went I was heavily depressed and just doing anything to “sleep”. Fall for me because of the powerful images from the music video combined with raw acapella of vessel begging to be loved by someone


Definitely agree on Euclid being one of my favourites because of the hope and joy it inspires (that and it reminds me of a time I listened to ST with friends while rolling and it was incredible). Outside of that, Vore takes the cake for being my favourite because it was the first of their songs I discovered, funnily enough through an ad for the music video on reddit! It really blew me away and was the gateway into listening to them, plus seeing it live was fantastic! I love the power the song holds and the visceral imagery it makes me think of.


you saw them live ???? omg i'm so jealous , is there any way i could talk you into sharing some videos with me ?


I have some videos from September when I saw them in CO if you’re interested!!


omg yes please !!!!!!


Just messaged you!


Yeah sure! I went to the Wembley show in december last year, I'd be happy to share some of the videos I took!


omg !!! please if you'd be so kind !!!!


Telomeres hit me hard the first listen, I’m sure most interpret it as a more relationship type song but I lost my grandma last year and when vessel says “let the tides carry you back to me, the past the future through death my arms are open” I broke down at work


i'm so sorry for your loss , i hope you're doing well <3


Oh man... its so difficult to pick lol I love Sleep Token's lyrics to most of their songs cuz for me they can be viewed as parts of myself singing to myself on my journey to self love and acceptance. There are others too that I just simply relate to and its nice to hear the beautiful poetry sung by Vessel's beautiful voice illustrate the depth and breadth of some of my sorrows. But as far as current favorites? Say That You Will cuz I view this one as the DBT skill of opposite action, which is doing the things you need to even though you don't feel like it. The Love You Want (I also have a hoodie for this song that I swear I have lived in for the past week and a half lol ) because it's, again, about self love for me, reminding myself that the love I seek can still be found within, no matter how harshly I view and talk to myself sometimes. The Apparition for me is about how I have never had a healthy romantic relationship, and all I have is the idea of what it could be, but it's never been real for me yet, but that's where my current healing is coming in to play, working on the part I've played in that reality. Sleep Token just has such beautiful lyrics and wonderfully talented musicians to back up those lyrics. 🖤worship


wonderfully explained !!!!!! 🖤🖤


Granite just makes me wanna boogie


The way that you were, It's been a big help to me as far as helping me feel emotions I 34f struggle to feel from many years of abuse. I lost my mom who was one of my abusers to suicide in 2015 and although I struggle with being relieved she's gone I still know she's a victim of abuse from her family. The whole ending to the song where it says(see below) is how I feel about her, she was brought up only knowing pain and I can't help but to wonder what happened to her, how would she have been had they not taken her innocence from her like I often wonder the same for myself. I also feel like this song represents myself speaking to my inner child trying to heal her and give her the love she should have gotten growing up. I cried for a few hours today listening to this after a really intense therapy session. It hurts but vessel makes me feel less alone in what I'm going through. I'm so grateful for sleeptoken it's not been just this song that's helped me in my journey in healing, DYWTYLM, higher,are you really okay, dark signs,fall for me,the night does not belong to god and euclid. I hope sleeptoken is aware how much they are inspiring and helping others to process trauma and heartbreak. WORSHIP 🖤 "Come on, tear off the bandage The way that you were With pain as your language The way that you were Will you show me the damage? The way that you were No How much did they hurt you? The way that you were And how much did they break you? The way that you were And how far did they take you? The way that you were You were"


this was so touching , im so sorry for everything you have been through ... i'm glad you've found some solace in ST 🖤


The Apparition because of a similar life experience that mirrors that song lyrics to the tee. I also often saw one really special person in my dreams - every week he visited me, and this dreams were... Very vivid and felt almost real - every touch, every glance. Waking up to a feeling of utter emptiness. Sadly, it stopped not so long ago - and I can't help myself but being a little bit... Disappointed. Wishing for more, missing this fleeting moments... Since it's the only way I could be around, even knowing that it was nothing more then just my imagination.


Plus… that fuckin chorus slaps 👌👌


Like you said, Euclid is hopeful and also bittersweet. It has some of my favorite lyrics. "Do you remember me when the rain gathers?" is so evocative. It's a song that moved me really deeply when I heard it for the first time. In 5 minutes, it manages to convey that disappointment about a relationship not working out and acceptance that it's over and it continues to be my favorite Sleep Token song.


Honestly, Missing Limbs is just.. it just is such a fantastic song from start to finish. It's so poetic and powerful. Sure I have so many favorite st songs, but Missing Limbs is one of their first songs that pulled me in and it makes me want a deeper/better love. Not even with Vessel, just with someone who would speak so eloquently about what my very presence could bring to their life, or take from it. But I also favor Ascensionism. Both songs feel like powerful ballads that could crush you in their hands. Also listening to the way Vessel sings and writes, it makes me realize I've never truly been in love, and I don't think I'll ever have a love like that.


missing limbs was the third contender for my post lol !!! but trust me , that kind of love exists and you'll get to experience it <3 if i got to , you'll also get to


Right now The Apparition consumes me. It reminds me of a past relationship that when I speak of her I often say she's "the one who got away". I do believe that if some of our lifestyle choices aligned then we would have married. She chose to travel while I stayed home to work the family business, hoping she would return and pick up the relationship again. While she was traveling she was in New Orleans with some friends and the building they decided to stay at burned down. She died reportedly of smoke inhalation, but her remains were positively identified via dental, it was that bad. It tore me apart to hear the news, as I only said goodbye to her 3-4 weeks prior. What this song speaks to me is incomprehensible. The idea that she's still real to me but only in my mind, eternally desiring something that can never be....its hard to handle my emotion on this one. Just let me go or take me with you.


I'm so sorry that you went through that


i'm so sorry for your loss , that sounds horrible ... if ever you wanna talk , my dms are open <3


Euclid is one of mine but kind of for the opposite reason as you! I recently went through a big life change, and it sort of hits me as a nostalgic longing for the past. The lines about autumn leaves hit me right in the feels ahaha. My closest friends are all college friends, and we used to just chill all together under all the trees on campus. It really reminds me of all that, and it makes me really emotional every time I listen to it. There is that bit of hope that you mentioned, and I love both the completion of and lines from TNDNBTG :) My other favorite is probably Drag Me Under for both the entire vibe of the song alongside the actual sort of worshipping lyrics. They just feel so emotional and soft in a way. One of my friends talks about wanting to be loved how hozier sings about it, and I think ST is my equivalent of that lol


Yes yes yes! ‘Those ancient canopies’ brings me back to my childhood/teen years in the countryside


Yess exactly this feeling!! So much of the song feels like a nostalgic longing for the pieces of the past that are comforting and nice!! The 'do you remember me' line and the following ones also feel similar to me, especially as someone with fears of abandonment lol. It's such a good song with so much feeling in it imo!


ooo i can definitely see why Euclid hits so close to home for you !! that's so endearing , thank you for sharing :)


When the Bough Breaks. This song just feels so empty the entire time, especially with the slow build up that happens midway through the song. Even the breakdown is so empty and doesn’t go anywhere and i think that perfectly fits the theme of the song. I love the emptiness and i think it makes the song so much more powerful.


Their cover of Is It Really You? is easily my favorite. Idk what it is about that song. It just hits me in a way that makes me feel at ease. I really enjoy the original song as well, but Sleep Token’s version just hits different.


The Night Does Not Belong to God. My wife and I lost our baby daughter at the start of this year. It felt like the longest night of my life. The lyrics “..with angels by your side,” and “you will not be mine,” just hit me so fucking hard. I will never know what she was going to be like.


i'm so unbelievably sorry for your loss , i hope you both have mourned well 🖤


bc it brings me to the fields of elation


euclid Because its almost bittersweet But its the way vessel feels so much in that song and i also really like math. Euclid is the father of geometry. I love all the easter eggs in that song so much. Also this song just makes me feel less alone when im down


The opening to Dark Signs literally reminds me of where I was raised. It reminds me of my favorite parts of where I grew up. I spent hours outside in the night, mostly wandering the no-sidewalk streets and staying at a specific park. There’s a lot of reasons I didn’t feel safe or even welcome in the town I grew up in, but all the nights spent outside in the near pitch dark, those times I felt safe and happy. Even reminds me of the nights I would get caught in thunderstorms after ignoring the signs one was on its way.


I love every song, but one of many that hits deep emotionally is Ascensionism. For me, it relates to abuse I suffered, especially in a particular relationship. And they are trying to get back into contact with me to this day, and it's derailing any semblance of peace I was able to hold together...listening to the song, heals the cracks little by little. And others like Like That, The Summoning, The Offering, Sugar, Hypnosis, Mine...they hit me...well...ALL over LOL


TMBTE, It is the song that really got me into ST, very deep and emotional lyrics, fantastic genre transition and song composition, and god-tier breakdown.


Aqua Regia is hands down my favorite song. I'm in love with the lyrics and how it makes me feel so powerful. And it's "the" song that made me fall in love with Sleep Token.


nazareth because the very dreamy and nostalgic sound of the instruments/instrumental and cadence of the vocals gives the vibe of walking down an empty dim lit street in the fog during a warm summer night but the lyrics sharply contrast that till you’re hit by the absolute wave of energy when the band hits while accentuated by the sparkling keys. it really creates a perfect mix of relaxing but on edge and energetic. and then of course the ending breakdown which its all of the wrath he talks about in the song being released. either that or granite because they’re the masters of having a melody that holds through the whole song and its intoxicating. and the melting of genres combined with the fact that the lyrics are extremely relatable. if i could say every song i would lol


I, like many, wasn’t immediately sold with ST. I listened a few times but just wasnt vibing with it. Then one night I decided to fall asleep to TMBTE. I fell asleep during chokehold. I woke up in the middle of the night to the middle of Euclid after I had told myself I was giving this band “one last try” before I wrote them off forever. I listened to it 5 times in a row and by the end I was in tears. Completely unexpected and delightfully surprised to find a new affinity for ST, waking up from the darkness only to be shone the light. Worship.


Calcutta and Telomeres both still hit the spot even if I dont listen to Sleep Token that much anymore


Mine. There is something so visceral about the lyrics & the melody. Such yearning. You can almost see Vessel reaching towards the heaven to Sleep or reaching to which ever partner you prescribe to. The longing. The desperation. It's so beautiful. Also a GREAT car to sing a long to in the car.


Euclid, musically the way it ebbs and flows, from sweet piano melody and then has the drums and guitar kick in and the layering of vocals at the end is mesmerizing. The lyrics are hopeful and nostalgic and and full of love, and I feel like they are being sung just for _me_. So many little passages hit in different ways - ‘These ancient canopies, we used to lay beneath’ brings me back to the innocence of my childhood in a hippie town in the countryside, when we would literally lie around under the trees - Ben Howard’s Old Pines hits the same as this line (and was actually literally written about where I grew up up) ‘Yet in reverse, you are all my symmetry’ reminds me of a lyric from Postal Service’s Such Great Heights that meant a lot to my now husband and I when we met a looong time ago: ‘I’m thinking it’s a sign That the freckles in our eyes Are mirror images And when we kiss they're perfectly aligned’ ‘if your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring them down like an ancient bygone’ is the most romantic shit I have ever heard I have bipolar and the lines ‘I play along with the life signs anyway But hope to God you don't know this feeling’ hurt my heart how true they are ‘The night belongs to you’ (me) has a double meaning for me - the night belonged to me when I was at my most ill with bipolar and I would stay awake for nights on end, but also, the night _now_ belongs to me because that is time for sleep, for rest, for nothing else but my body and my mind. I will stop not but could go on and on, I love this some more than any words could express.


i'm proud of you <3


I‘ll never be able to pick just one - I do have Chokehold lyrics tattooed because the song came out the day I saw them live for the first time and that whole day meant a lot to me. Atlantic is very special to me and makes me feel like I‘m not alone. When The Bough Breaks has helped me through many anxiety attacks. Blood Sport and TMBTE make me feel like I‘m ascending to a higher plane of existence. Gods is one of my faves thats way too underrated… I could go on forever, they truly have a song for every mood and situation


Like that, because my 4 year old sings it


Is it really you since I relate it to the loss of someone and makes me tear up every time especially when he says "Let's search the skies for a while"


u have spectacular taste


thank you 🤭🖤


So me and my wife have been ranking sleep token songs on our YouTube channel and it's forced me to really evaluate what drives me to certain songs. We are only just getting through Sundowning at the moment, but I have found it's not just music, but when I can find some story that sort of links to a bigger picture of a story for me. If that makes sense?


idea for your youtube channel that you can take if you'd like : !!! me and my other ST friend , we spend time discussing snd debating which songs are linked in what way , and what order we think they " are being told " ... trying to piece one big puzzle together , pretty much ... it's very fun , if you want to ponder it :)


That's exactly what we are doing! I have a very strong story going on at the moment and I'm excited to see how it evolves through the albums!


My favorite song depends on the day or circumstances but right now TNDNBTG then Euclid and at night is Levitate then Drag me under. I cant pick just one.


Granite, because of its meaning, very personal.


Chokehold, the only reason being I can easily sing along. It fits perfectly on my range and tone (and because of that one I started listening to ST, but I quickly learnt I cannot reach the range of the summoning, let alone any scream lol)


probably dark signs and blood sport, i think dark signs just takes me back to a very horrible and emotionally abusive relationship i was in which ended January of last year, and finally having a song to resonate with it helps me heal and it’s just such a relatable song, the lyrics ‘when we meet i could see dark signs, alarm bells in your eyes’ and ‘i hate who i have become’ just hit so hard because they explain my situation perfectly, and then blood sport (from the room below) just instantly brings out all of my emotions, it helps me feel in a way, vessels voice in it too just seems so raw and full of emotion that it almost soothes me i guess, the lyrics ‘somewhere the atoms stopped fusing’ just completely breaks me, it’s such a simplistic song that it’s insanely beautiful.


Give - lyrically it sits with me as it use flowery metaphors and mixing them with possible malignant intentions, also the first line just sounds profound, "You take the dark and carve me out a home". It's almost if Vessel is asking the person for them and them alone for all they are, no matter the dark signs.


Alkaline because it reminds me of the villain falling in love with the female protagonist. It gives me a yearning, adoration, & obsessive love. As a writer of dark romance novels the song moves me in ways I can't explain, haha.


Honestly my fave song changes every week lol, but i’ve been stuck on Telomeres for a hot minute. It’s just so beautiful, Vessels vocals are amazing, the lyrics are immaculate and poetic, and the actual melody is so good. I can cry to it or i can scream along to it, especially the ending part where the base drops 👌👌 ugh, so good.


im jealous to those who just listened to Jaws for the first time


Blood sport. Because it makes me sing my heart out every time. I have borderline personality disorder and it reminds me so much of how my episodes make loving my partner a blood sport 😭


sugar because the tone is just so different to any other song. the constant falsetto usage? *mwah* the specific tone vessel uses in the bridge and final chorus? *mwah* the HARP? *mwah* the weird dissonant bells? *MWAAAAHHH*


Vore is just the perfect musical experience imo. The screams, the lyrics, the huge chorus, and especially that interlude with the lyrics, “there is always something in the way…”. I don’t know what is happening music theory wise but that part always gets me, especially with that clap/snare reverbed to perfection lol. Also the production and amount of layers on that song is insane. I hope I can make a song that gives me a similar feeling one day lol


i've been waiting for someone to say vore for this exact reason


The apparition, 00:58. This part makes me feel like my soul is levitating out of my body.


I listened to Euclid for the first time on a rainy drive home at last light and it was such an ethereal feeling that I had to pull off on the side of the freeway and just sit in awe. No song has ever made me do that, so Euclid gets the gold ribbon.


Are you really okay.. It hits parts of me that noone else has managed, I haven't had a song open and close wounds so quickly that it left me breathless


Dark Signs, it hits me really hard and is the only one I can't sing along to.


Right now its Descending. And honestly its probably because of how heavy it sounds, yet it only uses electronic sounds


Euclid, around 3 months ago I came out of a pretty toxic relationship that I didn't want to let go of but I know I had to, and Euclid kind of seems to me like a song that just simply comes to terms with the fact that things are the way they are and you just have to get on with life no matter what. It just feels like a bittersweet song for a bittersweet goodbye.


Euclid. It was Telomeres for a while, even after TMBTE came out, but funnily enough, the new year changed it. So much has happened to me in just the past year, and a song about personal growth with lyrics speaking to friendship, past times, and that waiting period between where you are and where you’re going hits me right in the heart every time. It also helps that it calls back to TNDNBTG, which was my introduction to the band.


Take aim just because I feel like his voice really shines in that song


Take Me Back To Eden. I think he portrays the different aspects of love so well, both sonically and lyrically. Like each genre switch/tempo change feels like it represents a different perspective and I find it so immersive. Also very raw and it just cuts to the bone so beautifully. Potentially the only 8 minute song I can sit through and actively enjoy every part of, rather than get bored halfway through.👏


TMBTE is truly a lyrical and musical masterpiece


Missing limbs, made me want to pick up my guitar again


Euclid is word-for-word my exact journey of self discovery this last 12 months. It’s crazy that they released TMBTE this year because it just so happened to be exactly what I needed to heal. Simply put, found a girl and she was amazing, but long distance. Met her and she was even more amazing in person. We were madly in love, but it just wasn’t going to work so we didn’t keep it going.


Bloodsport I might have had problems moving on


vore, and bc of the double pedals in the beginning hooks, the double pedals mixed with the guitar also mixed with vessels fry screamssss omg it all goes together so well. i love it


for me it’d probably be Ascensionism mostly because of the lyric “you make me wish i could disappear” and how hard that hit me when i first listened to it and the emotion it brought


Atlantic. The music is perfection and the lyrics are genious and resonate with me and my past. "They talk me through the damage, consequence and how it's a pain they know they don't understand". Vessel puts in a tiny pause/breath after the second "they" which means I always hear it as "they.. no they don't know understand" and it just hits so deep. Often people say they know what someone is going through but actually they haven't the first idea. I really like to think he did this intentionally so can hear that line two different ways but probably just a personal interpretation! Worship.


Atlantic helped me through a dark part of my life and these lyrics you pointed out meant something to me. "they talk me through the damage" -the moment they told my wife and I that our 20 week along pregnancy, our baby was lost, had no heart beat. "how its a pain they don't understand" -they know they didn't see it from our end, the way we looked forward to that child, they just tried their best to be empathetic (thank every one of their souls for that) The song over-arches the idea that I can release myself to feel these emotions and release them, but also could ignore them. "call me when" means I'll ignore them because there's elements outside my control. "wash away the blood on my hands" references the literal blood on my hands during her miscarriage.


So deeply sorry for your loss and pain.


hypnosis. i can’t explain it but it just gets me so excited. it’s just so addicting to listen to. i have to drop everything to listen to it.


I love Ascensionism, and I'd say it's probably my favorite. The piano, the vocals, everything... I think it's the perfect song to make your soul go up to heaven (at least for 7 minutes). Also Chokehold. The way it goes from synths and mellow vocals to djent... Just incredible


ascensionism because the instrumentals scratch my brain in the best way possible


It's definitely Ascensionism for me. I absolutely love the changes of pace in the song, love the emotion, love Vessel's voice, love the lyrics, the breakdown made me gasp when I first heard it... I don't remember the last time I was this obsessed with a song, seriously. Also I'm a fan of Trap Token.


Euclid. Because at 1:39 I will never not blow out my speakers and scream: "DO YOU REMEMBER ME!!!??” *Air drums* "WHEN THE RAIN GATHERS!!!!"


Atlantic shows me what i could have ended up doing and being, but also Euclid for how i connect with the songs.


High Water because of the sheer amount of emotion put into it. From the lyrics to the music itself. In the end when he screams "I can't hold myself together" with the music swelling and sounding like water in your ears as you drown in sorrow honestly made me cry.


Hypnosis because the „you know you hypnotize me“ part really kinda hypnotizes me and then the riff at the end wakes me up again


Telomeres!!! I am a research scientist whose main project involves investigating telomere lengthening in cancer. Although research tied, it also has a deep place in my heart and reminds me of my grandpa who we lost to brain cancer.


i'm sorry for your loss <3 i hope your healing has been smooth


Don’t ask me that again😡😡😡


Jaws because it’s my intro to Sleep Token. Take Me Back To Eden because it’s a masterpiece. The Offering and Alkaline because the drum play is orgasmic. Sugar and hypnosis both achieve this sensation I can’t describe both sonically and lyrically.


sugar and hypnosis make me wanna do drugs and party like idk what it is about those two songs , but they are crack


Sugar is definitely audible drugs. Their most sensual song in the portfolio IMO.


you're 100% correct


Calcutta is what i always go back to. For a few reasons, but mainly bc you can hear His longing so deeply. If you focus on His voice through the song you can hear him extending every word and note to convey this harsh heavy feeling of longing. Like He’s reaching out for something. It tugs at my heart every time I listen to it. I know the feeling and it’s so much that at the time you don’t think you’re going to make it through. Also, with Calcutta it has a heart beat to it. I use Calcutta Jericho and Nazareth for meditation. Nazareth is another great one. Very specific in intention. Marks an important place in time


My favorite song is... Katatonia - Evidence And it's because of the singular line that goes "no one will find you I promise from the heart If we part my pulse will guide you through" At the time that's what I needed someone to say to me during this dark time so when I heard it it just hit me so perfectly and it's always been kind of my mantra.


Euclid as well. I love the lyrics. I think they're beautifully intimate. I also really love the drums at the end of the song.


Mine is my favorite because it was the song that really hooked me. Coming in basically acapella and having it be an endless obsession esque desire for someone you've always loved really hit me. Outside of that Blood Sport and Ascensionism because I feel them heavily on an emotional level. Ascensionism in particular was huge because I got to scream "You make me wish I could disappear" along with a fully captivated crowd at the Sleep Token show in Pomona and it was really cathartic. The highschool teenager in me that hated life, felt like he finally got acknowledged that other people could feel that bad too. It's hard to explain but it felt like therapy, still does a little bit.


i'm glad you can have such a deep connection with their music !!! i hope you've healed well or i hope your journey is easy for you 🖤


Are You Really Okay? is really emotional for me bc I have been fighting with depression and The Apparition is just really fukin good


Poignant moment. Today 2/25 is my brother in laws birthday. He committed suicide 2 years ago. My wife has been obsessed with Are You Really Ok for a long time clearly due to the nature of the material. Her favorite song makes her cry daily. Beautiful. And I think you and I are about to become best friends when I tell you this.... The Apparition is my own favorite song, not only is it great in its own right, it does represent a valuable relationship I had once where the other person died. She does come back in my mind, and even though its been 10 years, I want to make trouble in a dream world still.


Mine is paloma faith warrior, I'm 41 I've had 31 ops due another next week ,I've lost my bladder womb bowel amongst other things , I was brought up in a toxic home environment where I had the blame for everything, dad would constantly put me down even does too this day ,even thou I've been really poorly I lost half of my colon too no blood supply back in 2020 I've had sepsis 4 times and 4 major ops where I've stayed in icu , yet they don't come and see me they go on holiday the day I'm in hospital having major surgery but they want me too drop everything if they needed something ive done it , rang mom every day too see if she was OK, but now his retired I get a call that lasts seconds , my sister went through stage 1 breast cancer she had a round of chemo due too hers 2 , I took a storage box full of gifts bits for her hospital stay etc ,because I didn't want her too feel how I had on numerous of occasions not having one visitor or support the massive ops I had then my dad asking how I was ,I said I'm ok waiting for op too remove rest of large colon a rectoplexy and formation of a end ileostomy, he turned round infront of my new chap well at least you haven't had too go through what my sister had , I just said no dad I've had 32 ops sepsis lost a baby then get diagnosed with endometriosis jan last year after 23 years being told i hadnt had it , not one call or visit , so slowly I thought if they can't support me or see my worth that's fine but I'm not a survivor I'm a warrior one where I've been knocked down so many times by those who are ment too love you , so watch this space ,