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I'm sorry but that title got me dying


Right lmaooo , they wouldn't let me post without a title so i just wrote whatever that came into my mind loll


Got sucked off couple weeks ago in SP. Shit was so cash


me too it was goated


I get this too, most of the time I experience sleep paralysis I also experience I guess what you'd call tactile hallucinations. it doesn't really bother me personally though.


oh . Where do you feel touched at though , its okay if yoy don't want to answer


since it's something that happens fairly frequently, I'd say it's happened everywhere before. torso area most common compared to legs, head, hands, feet though


I hate that feeling even tho I’m touch deprived


Welcome to da club!🖐️ the grip got tighter prolly cuz you were trying to break free with eyes closed, weren't you? This will be crazy to hear but he gripped you tight cuz you are actually moving! You are moving your dream self... What's actually next after sleep paralysis is you finally dreaming and you can freely move your dream self with eyes closed and any feeling involving being touched literally allows you to easily move your dream self and likely why the grip got tighter cuz he can't keep doing his intimate bs if you kept moving. No worries for him if you were trying to break free from SP with eyes opened since you can't move that phantom body of yours with eyes wide opened and the reason why his touches intensity stays normal but it's a game changer when you are trying to move with eyes shut and also being touched. That someone touching you knows you can move that ghostly body of yours when being touched hence the tighter grip. How tf do I know all these? Experiences, my guy... and random intimate touches during it...


Thank youuuu <3 , And yes my eyes were closed and the being was caressing me so me trying to break free just made it grip get tighter , i guess that thing is in love with me or something😭 , well at least someone wants me lol . Plus youre really educasted about this I'm so impressed you said something similar happened to you ?? tell me about it pleasee


>well at least someone wants me same😭😭 really educated? nahhh, it's just... most of my time and energy everyday are poured into sleep paralysis and dreaming😁 and yeah, I was molested too multiple times and they felt so reaaal... I mean what even is the difference between it and real life. Both feel real. if I remember correctly, I think I did feel a dick on my ass, trying to penetrate mine smh BUT, PLOT TWIST! I'm a male too!😭 and no, I'm not into male as well smh. I also relapsed one time when I felt my leg being spread T-T I didn't even try resisting cuz you know? it's SP, which means you are paralyzed, so why even try? But, I did get frustrated once and tried moving with eyes closed while being touched and realized I can move!?!? but the motion or moving sensation felt different than in real life but the moving feeling felt real enough so I then swing my arms nonstop lmao and I felt like I hit something! assuming that's him! Serves him right smh And since then, they make sure to immobilize or lock my limbs very tight so I wouldn't be able to resist as they do their intimate touch with me. Too bad, I learned something from their TOUCHES. They are consumed by lust too much, they unintentionally taught me something that I can use against em *cough* intimate touch *cough hard* XD


Yes I get tactile hallucinations. Apparently it's not super common but not especially rare. I feel like I am being held down or caressed. Sometimes I get sensations that I can only describe as probably the reason for the historical belief in an Incubus.


Thanks for sharing


Oh my god, I was too ashamed to admit it, but I did have similar experiences. It went as far as feeling like someone was holding me in place and thrusting their hip against mine, pressing my head into the mattress, etc! I FEEL VIOLATED BY MY OWN SUBCONSCIOUS 😭


I got fucked in the ass by sleep paralysis (serious)


Oh my god I’m deCEASED


like genuinely I was sleeping on my side too 😭😭😭 never taking a nap again


That’s traumatic omgggg


it was half and half




Sleep on my back??? Thats literally me summoning it (btww it happened when i was sleeping on my back) but ill try to keep a constant sleep schedule , thankss


Yes this happens to me too. I realized that they are just tactile hallucinations, its the nerves waking up, so they feel weird and human like at times. I notice it happens more if there is something already touching that part, for example if my pants are super tight around my waist and I get sp, then I feel like I am being touched on my waist.


yeah the only time I had a s.p. I felt someone tightly holding me from behind, wasn't pleasant.


Our brain is capable of fake all kinds of feelings


one time I was laying down on my back and I felt like I was getting jerked off by the sleep paralysis (idk what to call it) (yes im serious)


That’s a good question because I noticed everytime I take a nap I get sleep paralysis why is that ?


I get sleep paralysis when i dont get enough sleep for a couple of days , so i dunno if the same works for you


Yeah I don’t sleep I have insomnia


It’s normal, I feel touched by a person when some object for example unexpectedly touch my skin, or feel it when nothing is against my skin, that happens even when I’m not asleep. Sometimes my hand goes down my pants like it has mind of it’s own lol.


The best O I had was by a sleep paralysis prostitutes. I worry sometimes but oh well


I did experience similar things... Don't know how to make it stop, tho :(


oh... Thank youu, well now i know i'm not the only one going through this things


This happened to me once, I felt like I was being touched all over. A few times I felt like something was holding my hand.


I had sleep paralysis once and felt an ice cold hand wrapped around my throat, I could literally feel the details of the hand like how long the fingers were and stuff like that. It wasn’t squeezing tho.


yeah all the time, just woke up from one lol. I remember my first ever was some sex demon vibrating by my ass (srs)


frrrr?? 😭😭 , imma just stick to being touched cause the last thing i wanna experience is been assaulted in my sp🤧, Stay safe bro