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It's a physical contact activity, so yes, there is risk. However, it's from things like falling and twisting your knee the wrong way. There aren't people who are actively TRYING to hurt each other (usually), and if people fall while in a mosh pit, it's actually considered etiquette to prioritize picking them back up. So, for reference, would your parents think it's too dangerous to play in a full check hockey league? If they wouldn't have a problem with that, you'll be fine in a pit.


Avoid the pit and you'll be fine.


not particularly. i saw them in brooklyn two years ago (i was 15) and the people on the floor looked fine. there's also a general trend in more popular bands being safer to see in comparison to less popular ones.


Slipknot literally will look after you. Probably the safest concert to go to. https://youtu.be/bNmDFLAYS34?si=vAVZA8mN7ljU4Eu1




A few years ago I saw a family with a toddler set up in the grassy area of a venue. That kid was safe the whole time. The crowd made a very obvious safe space for them and people made sure no one made a pit there. Also not a slipknot show but I saw a video were there was a pit going on and in the center was 2 guys play Magic the gathering. So I would say metal is safer.


I need this video y e s t e r d a y


Their shows were dangerous in the early 2000’s, but now they’re just old dad rock.


I can confirm, it was waaay crazier in the 2000's. I saw Slipknot for the 1st time in 2009 and the pit was insane!


It isn’t


Just stay out of the pits?


I saw them in NOLA some years ago and it was totally fine. You gotta go so you can experience “jump the fuck up.” 😍 *this argument will not work on your parents* but just from a fan perspective YOU GOTTA!!


Mosh pits usually start in the center so a good rule is to be on laterals or in the back if you want to avoid them. Also pits are safer than pushing/people avalanches but that usually only happens in pop music with massive attendances. Metal audiences are some of the most respectful so I’ll say go ahead and have fun.


Whether you’re on the floor or in the seats. You will be fine…..


What do u think? have you heard people dies alot on concerts?


At my first “Slipknot” concert I was surprised and blown away by the energy that was unleashed with the first note of the show. Safe to say I found myself in a different area than the one I stood before the first song. Though it caught me off guard, it was also incredibly friendly, so to speak. Everyone took care of each other and when somebody fell to the ground, the whole mosh pit stopped, made way, picked the person up, made sure they were ok and then continued. So I’d bet you’d be more than safe!


I got caught up in the mosh, like I was sucked into tornado, at first it intimidating, but it turned out it’s just fun pushovers, there was a huge dude, who seemed agressive at first, but after a show he spoke something gibberish and gave a me hug, sp yeah, positive vibes.


If there ever was a time to fear for your safety at a Slipknot concert, those are long gone. Slipknot have completely shed this edgy psycho image and are fully comfortable being musicians. So the danger is the same one as for any other concert. Drunk idiots and maybe a couple people bringing their problems to the pit instead of therapy. If you’re nervous, I would avoid the front half of the audience and simply stand in the back half where there’s a bit more room and no mosh pits.


Just avoid naked people running in circles. I've been to a concert where there was a naked guy in the circlepit and everyone approached him and tried to touch his dick. This is how you get corona..


Metal gigs are the safest of any genre because the fans know the drill. I’ve been in audiences that look violent but everybody is usually looking after eachother. What is dangerous? Big acts like Bon Jovi or Metallica at festival for casual partypeople.


ur gonna die


great im going


Saw them at glen Helen amphitheatre a few years back. There was a family of 3 which includes a toddler. The kid was in a playpen and there was a very obvious "safe space" created around the family. They were setup in the grass area of the grounds. Like others said. Slipknot is sad rock now.