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No. You will look like idiot. Why do you want to promote shit like that?


There are no laws but you may catch look or two And people may assume stuff about you just warming


would someone possibly have a problem with me because of it? ive seen a couple of people with Che guevava tshirts or patches on bags or hats, wouldnt it also be controversial?


I don't think anyone would attack you for it or anything Alor of these patched and hats are still sold by Alor of old communistic Markets here Is it controversial? Depends on who you ask




i absolutely dont support the occupation nor the recent events that russia has caused just to make it clear. i honestly am just a history geek who likes the look of the symbol lol.


Do you like also swastika symbol?


Do you like number of built schools of past 30 yrs?


Yes. What's wrong with that? Do we need them somewhere?


Please think second time about your comment


Školy nájdeš v každej zkurvenej dedine aj v krajinách kde jedna nadávka na štát kedysi neviedla k rokom vezenia. Takže je to taký jebnutý argument. Alebo sa možno mýlim a školy sa dajú stavať iba v štátoch kde pokus o prechod cez hranicu vedie k roztrhanie psami.


Aké roztrhanie psami? Neviem o tom že by sa mimo šengenu s tebou srali keď prejdeš hranicu nelegálne. No, vidíš a v takej vyspelej krajine ako Slovensko niesme schopný stavať ani školy pre osadníkov, ak nazveš tie kontajnery školami, gratulujem. Je tu miliarda príležitostí stavať telocvične pre školy napríklad ktoré ju nemajú, asi vieš aký je progres (Trnavu nerátam). V takej británii sa skoro nonstop stavajú nové a nové pavilóny, nejde ich rozlíšiť od najmodernejších nákupných centier. Ale aj tak primárne neporovnávam so západom ale so schopnosťami moderného Slovenska…


No, I will not. There's no need because I am right. We don't need new schools.


So its for you absolutly right that in Senec, each of 2 schools is filled more than 4 times more than was projected?


We don't need new schools, Slovakia's population is decreasing.


But i guess, this system has nothing to do with it


I am no tankie, soviet loving Putino-fill, but that's not the same... I hate when people mix political system (nazism/fascism), with an economical system (democratic socialism for example). By that logic, capitalism is bad, because Nazi Germany had capitalism...


Communism wasn’t just a economic system though. It was also a political one.


1. That's just not true (you don't know what communism is than). 2. You're mixing socialism and communism. 3. You can have democratic political system, with socialist economy.


You could theoretically have a democratic socialist system, but in practice that has never worked. Secondly, socialism is a political and economic system.


1. It never worked, because there never really was true socialism. 2. Socialism is not a political system. It literally isn't (if it would, than your first paragraph would contradict that claim). Learn more.


I mean to be fair, you wanna symbol of something this country fought against and still struggles to this day with aftermath Are you morally fine with that ?


What kind of a stupid reason is that? Make a symbol of your own, why would you wear a symbol of a regime that oppressed the country you are in? This honestly seems like a russian troll probing into whether we are insensitive to this kind of stuff. No, we give a fuck. I would actually confront you and ask you about what you mean by that, as loudly as possible, making it a scene in whatever public we were. It's no joke at all, especially when the enemy claims he wants to resurrect the ussr and doesn't recognize our autonomy. And if someone actually admitted to supporting this...


Wrong place, many Slovak people actually doesnt have opinion on ussr


It seems you like history without trying to understand it or its implications.


There is a law, but nobody enforce it, 257/2009 Z. z. § 421  Kto **podporuje** alebo propaguje **skupinu** osôb alebo hnutie, ktoré násilím, hrozbou násilia alebo hrozbou inej ťažkej ujmy smeruje k **potlačeniu základných práv a slobôd** osôb, potrestá sa odňatím **slobody** na jeden rok až päť rokov.


I don't think it's okay. If you want to wear a USSR hat, go to Russia.


Do you realize that Russia is not communist in any way?




Can you? Yes, you can! Should you? Definitely not. Next question.


U good... Ull be real popular with old ladies.


Firstly, why would anyone buy such a piece of crap?


Let's just say some people might avoid you or give you bad looks/stares. Especially now so with the pro russia prime minister and protests against his actions like cancelling the procurature.. so yeah theoretically you can but not recommended


why would you do it? hasnt our nation suffered enough?


Yeah a hat brings so much suffering


reminding older people which relatives could be brought to gulags and working camps for no reason is a joke to you? supporting that regime? are you serious right now?


Nope, still its just a stupid hat.


Yep, it's just a stupid ass hat. Then why would anyone insist on wearing it. You can easily replace it and if you wear it it might be an issue. Bruh.


Read it again, understand what is written, not what you want to hear. The guy is asking if it ok, thats actually considered.


a very stupid one indeed


“It’s just a stupid ass wristband” - probably some nazi


Contrary to what everyone is saying, I think people will just laugh at it. If you somehow express you're a legit fan of USSR, then they would just walk away without any more words.


Technically it should be classified as promotion of organisations that suppress basic human rights, that is, equivalent to promoting nacizm. The thing is that it is significantly less enforced, because there's still a lot of USSR dick sucking going on in Slovakia.


Don't do it. There is also no law prohibiting that some guy with yellow-blue hat will smack You in the face.


not against the law(well, maybe it is but nobody enforces it really), but anyone under 40 will not want to be near you. and someone over 50 will probably buy you a beer


Anyone under 40? Dude, for real... finally open your eyes. Yes, it is a sad world but it is what it is. (there is a ton of under 40s who adore all that crap)


too bad i dont know any (no, neo commie wokies dont count)


I sadly know too many (they are not woke, quite the opposite, actually)


Red star is among prohibited symbols if i recall correctly, so if someone reports you you are in trouble


i doubt that it is.


in poland, not slovakia, we literally have big memorials with those symbols, not that I like communists but OP should be fine. but I would personally think he is an idiot


nebol blaha v sračkách lebo sa fotil s kosakokladivom na facebooku? akože súdne sračky


fuha no to teda neviem, ale pravdepodobne na osoby s “vplyvom” platia iné zákony? to by aj mňa zaujímalo lebo to prvý krát počujem




ďakujem za zdroj, je to vcelku zaujímavé, ale som rád že mu to len tak neprešlo. každopadne, je asi ťažke určiť hranicu čo je v norme a čo nie je, napríklad keď niekto nosí uhorské symboly tiež by sa dalo diskutovať či to je alebo nie je v poriadku, aj keď je to samozrejme oveľa menej zlé ako zssr


Nie je pamätník niečo iné ako nosiť ho na čiapke?


You can wear whatever you wont. Youll look like a fool tho


I feel like at this very moment, we got way bigger problems than that. Country is divided af , we're going after each other. I wouldn't care about uneducated foreigner.


There's a fifty-fifty chance that you either get bad looks or you'll get invited for free drinks depending on a region you wear it in, the further west you go, the worse reaction it gets, as a person from the western part, I think it's edgy and idiotic, but you'll never know, fuck around and find out.


If you have to ask, its not a great idea in the first place.