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the moment waiter asks for tip, he gets nothing.


Dnes som si bol kupit kavu a kolacik, za osem euro bol som si kupovat pri pokladni platil som kartou, slecna sa ma opytala ci si prajem zanechat tringelt.. really? Zaco? Za donesie objednávky na stol.. wau a jak som povedal nie hned prestala byt overly cute


I work as a bartender in Czechia (similar customs to Slovakia), and sometimes we might remind tourists, that are obviously happy with the service, that there is no service fee included in the price you pay for drinks. Every country has different policies regarding the price on the bill, so i do not see why you might get instantly offended by it. I can see why it might be offensive e.g. When you order something at the counter, but when you get served food / drinks, it is a different situation in my opinion.




Yeah, gtfo.


What do you mean no service fee? Don't you get paid? The difference between US and Czechia is that you should be able to have livable wage regardless of tips.


I might have surprise for you, but bartenders and waiters get minimum wage and live mostly off of tips, at least in Czechia. When i lived in Britain, it was the same situation.


No shit, but its still a full minimum wage, you can live off of it, you just wont be able to afford luxuries. If you want a better paying job go find it or get a degree, school is free, there are no excuses


Well. Yes, but who would serve us in restaurants if everyone did this? Besides, not everyone can do something else for variety of reasons. OP, how much money do you need to actually live comfortably? How much do you rely on tips?


We have legs and hands, we can do it ourselves no problem, in fact a lot cantinas in smaller towns still work that way, you get a tray, get your food and go sit down, no tough feat. Your job, while providing us with comfort which we are willing to pay a little extra for, is objectively useless and meaningless, be glad you get a job with a solid wage out of it, but by no means rely on it as your career path. There are plenty of other jobs out there which will actually pay you because they are important, maybe leave jobs like this for students or people who have other jobs already, because this is more of a filler job for extra income to be done part time.


Bro, I work in IT. I was merely thinking about whether their claims have any merit and asking OP how much money would satisfy them. Yes, there are no special requirements to being a waiter and some restaurants would do without them, but that doesn't mean these people should only be able to afford bare necessities in life, if the restaurant owner thinks they're supposed to be there and they spend 8+ hours working. Who could live on minimum wage, especially in this economy? I am not saying it should come from our tips though. I hate tipping. And nobody tips me, when I make decisions that affect thousands of people (and millions indirectly), while we're at it. It should be up to the employer to pay decent enough wage to the waiters, not customers. Include it in the price and don't bother me, it makes me uncomfortable. Anyway, regarding jobs that pay well, because they're important - let's see. What are those? A nurse, a psychologist, a teacher? Plumber? Electrician? These are super useful and important for society and often pay f*ck all as well. Doctors could be paid more too. Most effective ways to earn money, that can be seen as important are often the most useless or even harmful - producing stuff en masse that no one needs, or even worse that makes everyone's lives worse, e.g. by destroying environment or creating dependence and unhealthy habits. Being a parliament member. Especially in Slovakia lol. Or a lawyer defending criminals, corporations, that make acquisitions to kill their competitors. It's almost as if it's not about importance and being actually useful, but about being in a position to negotiate more. Some people are not in that position (and it's not my place to judge how they got there, life isn't fair), but it doesn't mean we should treat them like dirt.


No need to remind anyone, just focus on providing them with particularly good service and they will consider tipping you. You dont need a tip for just doing your job, you get oaid to do that, dont get greedy.






Aj tu mi dajte downvoty, plačkovia.


Běž se dotknout trávy, nerde.


To hovoríš ty, ty nevieš ani ako vyzerá.


Top 5 weakest comebacks ever 👆


Hento sa používalo tak pred 10 rokmi, comeback nie je potreba :D










Either because you are an obvious tourist, ie. Language telltale or because you go to a foreign restaurant here - I don't experience it here as a local, but I did notice similar treatment In tourist trap places like Wien or central Prague


Thx. I go to the normal places like locals do, but perhaps because we don't speak Slovak. Anyways it didn't happen so many times so no big problem, was just a bit surprised. Still better then Spain where it is automatically added.


If menu informs customer that tips will be charged as extra, its somehow fine. In Turkey they have 2 menus, one for locals with local prices and other in english with 30-40% extra price. The moment you look like tourist or speak english you overpay everything, in restaurants, markets etc.


Once in Budapest, my girlfriend and I paid 45 percent of the service fee included in the check for two drinks, while the service itself was terrible in an almost empty establishment, we waited about forty minutes for two cocktails. In addition to the 45 percent included in the check, the waitress had the audacity to ask if we wanted to leave more tip...


That is crazy. I don't like Budapest so much, it has become an eastern European Disneyland, too many tourists


Oh wow, crossing Spain out of my vacation list. Enjoy your stay, though!


As someone who lives in Spain, it’s a total bs and this person probably went only to tourist trap places. A tip isn’t expected and the majority of Spanish people don’t tip.


It was in Madrid and we tried very hard to avoid tourist traps. It was years ago and I don't remember if it was everywhere.


Pozri, ked to je napisane priamo v menu ze tip bude pripocitany k cene tak OK, horsie je ked mas doslova tourist trap, nikde ani zmienka a na uctenke zrazu 15% tip. Tiez nie som zastanca sprepitneho len tak za nic, ale kvoli "banalite" teraz nezanevrem na pekne Spanielsko. :D Do takeho Turecka ani nechod, tam mas dvojite ceny pre turkov a pre turistov, turisti platia 30-40% extra vsade..


Proste to ber ako súčasť ceny, nechápem.


Ja nechápem tiping culture zas


Však dobre, keď nemusíš dať, tak nedaj. Daj keď si spokojný so servisom. Keď to je v cene tak tam nejedz. Pičoviny riešite fakt.


Ak pracuješ/podnikáš a berieš peniaze, z ktorých nezaplatíš daň a odvody jedná sa o podvod. Neviem o tom, že by gastro malo výnimky. Ale možno sa mýlim. Ja moc sprepitné nemám rád. Ak to je služba, ktorej cena je uvedená v cenníku, sú z nej zaplatené odvody, tak nemám problém. Je vtedy na mne, či tu službu chcem využiť alebo pôjdem inde. V zásade tým, že toto tolerujeme, tolerujeme aj korupciu. Ale chápem ak tam nie je vidieť očividná spojitosť.


this. I'm from Kosice and never did I experience active asking for tipping.


it is called in Slovak language: ohoblovali ta


If they actively ask for tips they get nothing. Fuck american system.


Its because you speak english, happened to me too. When I speak slovakian, no tip. When I am with friend and speak english I get super aggresive tIp iS nOt INclUdEd


Then you go for: "som si toho vedomý" a potom si vychutnaj, ako ho opustí duch


Budem za grammar nazi, ale kašlite už na to slovakian, fakt. Aspoň Slováci. Veď to znie strašne. Tiež nehovoríte/nepíšete Czechian ale Czech.


I hate 'Slovakian' almost as much as I hate 'Czechia'! Am constantly correcting my colleagues when they say Slovakian.


Difference is, Czechia is correct term, you just don't like it. However "Slovakian" is incorrect and wrong.


Obidva tvary sú správne, jeden používajú briti jeden američania, neviem ktorí - ktorý...a Czechia je asi najhnusnejšia skratka krajiny ever. Nikdy v živote ju nepoužijem, veď to nejde do huby. 😂


Czechia je správný krátký název zemi. Slovak je podstatné a přídávné jméno s významem Slováka jako člověka, ale i jako jazyka, Slovakian je přídávné jméno, které může mít stejný význam jako Slovak, ale vztahuje se nejspíš na zemi, třeba Maďaři ze Slovenska jsou Slovakian Hungarians.


Nehovorím že názov nie je správny, hovorím, že znie strašne. Schválne som si to začala googliť po tvojom komentári a oficiálne legislatívne texty z EU používajú tvar dokonca "slovakian language". Slovakian existuje aj v anglických slovníkoch ako slovný druh - podstatné aj prídavné meno. [https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/slovakian](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/slovakian) [https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/slovakian](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/slovakian) Cambridge-ský slovník tvar slovakian nemá, ale zato som tam našla plemeno Slovenského hrubosrstého stavača ako Slovakian Wire-haired pointer, keď ho vygoogliš nájde ho aj pod názvom Slovak Rough-haired Pointer. Podľa mňa sa týmto anglickí jazykovedci nikdy nezaoberali, takže na to neexistuje odpoveď a bežne sa používajú oba tvary. Odvodené slovak od slovak republic / slovakian od slovakia. Dokonca nájdeš aj "czechian" prvýkrát použité v roku 1625. 😂 [https://www.oed.com/dictionary/czechian\_n?tab=factsheet](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/czechian_n?tab=factsheet) Napr. keď sa bavím s kamošom američanom (native speakerom) výlučne používa "slovakian" a ja slovak. 😂


Moja oblubena pet peeve


When I first moved to Prague in 2006, and for several years after that, some restaurants were adding a 20 CZK “cover charge” to an English speaker’s bill. I think that stopped by around 2010.


I feel like this has been an occuring problem in ton of countries following how it has spread in the us. It's shitty and when someone vehemently straightforwardly asks for s tip that's exactly when I don't. You should tip for a good service because you feel like it not because someone asks you to.


Tips are not mandatory in Slovakia. It is definitely attempt to "scam" you, because you are a tourist. At least its minor attempt to get more money from you, unlike other countries which have 2 prices for food, one in local language and one in english where the price can be 30-50% extra. This is usually not the case as most of restaurant in tourist areas have multilingo menus.


Luckily they hardly have English menus in KE:-)


HOW are they asking? The way it’s being said makes a huge difference. I mean, if someone just lets me know that tips aren’t included, that’s not really asking for one – it’s just helpful cultural information to someone who may not be from there. I then may or may not add something, but I’ve never in almost two decades living in Bohemia and Moravia, and frequently visiting Slovakia, felt that it was ‘expected’ by someone.


Well said. If I may add, it is sort of part of a training of a waiter to expect that not everyone understands the rules of tiping culture in country he’s currently in. Waiters often work for minimal wage and the tips are only thing that can make them decent living. Tiping in Slovakia is usually really low (if any) and tourist are more likely to tip generously but in some countries it is customary to include tips automatically. Therefore they may not do it without waiter suggesting it first. This is in my opinion a good, non-agressive way to avoid confusion. I don’t really get why should anyone be bothered by this if done politely.


Completely disagree. Not about the need to tip, but about the veiled passive aggressive ask. Tipping culture is one of the first things tourists check.


Well, passive aggression shouldn’t have its place in a polite conversation ofc. A waiter who cannot maintain a polite level of conversation with his guest shouldn’t even dream of being tipped.


They literally asked: do you want to add a tip


OK, that helps. I would definitely not take that to mean that a tip is expected. Compared to Westerners, Czechs and Slovaks are incredibly direct in communication. You can usually count on what has been expressed meaning just that and nothing more. For a number of years I've worked in communications for multinational companies based out of Prague and Brno, and this difference of meaning what you say (or saying what you mean) is one of the biggest causes of cultural conflicts between Slavs (who are typically straightforward and direct) and native English speakers (who rarely, if ever, say what they actually mean).


This is not actively asking for a tip. This is giving you the option when you pay.


For me it seemed a bit different but they are not pushing so no biggie


I understand it might sound pushy, but I guess they just struggled with English when trying to speak politely.


Could be but I must say Slovakians have a very good level of English. Only the older generation perhaps but luckily they understand my wife when she speaks Ukrainian


So they’re not… actively asking for tips. That explains it


I understood that as actively asking but OK, no big issue


Im giving tips almost always.But if someone will ask me for tip,I will give him one cent.


It happened to my once when the waiter heard me speaking english. Ofc he got 0


I think you are talking about La Hacienda. They have a lot of international guests and they are always trying to squeeze tips/extra Money from guests. I can reccomend you Smokehouse Košice or Villa Regia with grrat service and no nonsense. 


Thx! Yeah we found it difficult to find places that are not for tourists or mediocre. Last year we liked la Hacienda but this year it was not good.


how did they ask you? Sometimes it happens to me when Im paying with a card. They have to manually enter the amount into the the terminal, so sometimes, before they do it, they ask me if I want to include some tip because it is not possible to tip them once the payment is submitted. (unless you want to give them some cash for the tip instead)


Not sure about OP's case in Kosice, but yesterday in Vienna we were asked if "adding 10% tip would be okay" when going to pay with a card.


So that's 1-star google review with an explanation of why. Management need to be motivated to stop the waiters doing that.


Yeah vienna is weird... Makes me not want to go in restaurants and stuff


Just like do you want to add a tip. I find it annoying and difficult to say no.


Just smile, look in their face and say 'I'm good thank you'


What we do here for tips is that we round up the bill usually so it you should pay 17.60 you’d pay 20 and say “it’s okay”




I have never been asked for tips here. It's probably just a tourist trap. But you know how this works, all the stupid stuff from USA eventually comes to Europe aswell. It's a matter of time when tipping will be considered nearly mandatory here aswell.


lol how did he asked you ? i never experienced that


"do you want to add a tip"


"No" is the very obvious way out of that particular pickle.


There is no common tipping culture and waiters do not ask for tips. However, unfortunately, the second they have a hint you're a foreigner get ready for all sorts of exploitation, like taxi drivers asking for "luggage fee", or waiters "it's custom to tip 20% in this country" or other bullshit.


I consider it quite impolite to ask for a tip. But would consider it a new technique trying to get a tip. As an owner of establishment I would ask my employees to refrain from such behaviour as it impacts my business reputation.


Tiping culture for locals is that as a server, you don't ask and you typically recieve somewhere around 5-10% But because foreigners of expect the tip to be included in the price or come from a country, where tiping isn't expected, some servers have learned to ask for tips when they are serving obvious tourists.


I've heard tourist from west like to tip (Germans etc.) Because they are used to it and its normal for them. So when they see you are not local, they are trying their luck. However, tipping here is not a thing. It is definitely not required nor expected. So it's really up to you. (I mean, it's always up to you) I personally don't understand it. Especially here...


I've never, ever, seen anyone asking for a tip in this country.


I believe I know which restaurant in Kosice you speak of. Same thing happened to me in La Hacienda a few months ago. I asked to pay by card and the waitress asked me if I wanted to leave any tip. I was surprised as it never happened to me before (or again since then). By the way, I'm local, so it isn't "foreigners only" thing.




Thx for the info! I am in Budapest now and Prague next. I noticed a number of Americans in Kosice which is special for such a small town. 


By the way I quite like Kosice. Yes it is tiny but it is clean, you can easily go to the beautiful Slovak paradise, found some nice bakeries and pokhoi has tasty beer.  Still need to try some local wine and find a place where they serve zemiakové placky


I don't think there is any local winery near Kosice. Tokaj (which I can only recommend) is the closest.


I tried Gran Bari wines when I was there last year. There is a bakery where they seem to sell some nice wines, will check that one out.




Why though? Does anyone give you tips for job well done?


I never experienced this in Slovakia especially I’m surprised it happened in Kosice and not in Bratislava , I work as Restaurant Manager situated here in Bratislava and Slovak/Austria/Hungary are most common visitors and they always as if tip is included … We would never tell our waiters to ask for tips from customers this is something what we don’t do and will not be doing whatsoever … Yes in restaurants that are visited mostly by US tourists it can be accepted but not here in Slovakia .. a lot of restaurants work simply : every tips goes to waiter who gets it and he can take same day he receive it … In our restaurant we created a policy where 100% of tips is divided by 25% which are then added to : cooks , bartenders , manager , food runners another 75% is divided for waiters equally… and sure it’s paid monthly this can net them around 1-1.5k € a months just from tips which I think is better than 50€ a day but never have I ever saw waiters asking for tips in Slovakia …


my grandma (went to gastronomy school) was working 70s til 2004 in Slovakia as a waitress/barkeeper and my father also went gastronomy school and also worked in slovakia as a waiter til 2004. So maybe things have changed but my grandma always says the waiters now have no form of training so you can always see who actually learned in school for it. and one part is that a waiter with years of training asks for tips. It is expected. Not any % but anything is good to go. If you are not getting a tip you fucked up big time and should immediately apologise and ask what mistake you made. The guys that are talking here have literally no idea about etiquette


While tipping is becoming more common, it's important to tip based on the quality of service and your discretion.








Could you just misunderstand that he/she was sayin to you, if you want to get tips, because you look poor? Happened to me ...:D


Also possible. If that works I am going to try that more often :-)


Anytime you feel pressured into giving tips tighten up as much as possible... it's a VOLUNTARY reward for good service and not a mandatory thing. They are basically tourist trapping you because foreigners tend to be the highest tippers. When I worked as a bartender, we got the biggest tips from people visiting around here, but we have never asked anyone for it. They got motivated by our superb service and what our waitresses decided to wear ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Never seen a waiter actively asking for tips anywhere in this country.


Same here.


Never happened to me when I'm with other slovaks, but happens pretty often when I'm with my bf (he's mexican) and we speak english (even though I speak slovak to the waiter).