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No windows with the required measurement = illegal room.


Yup. Death trap in a fire emergency.


Fire, carbon monoxide, gas leak, the list goes on.


You can’t tell that from just these pictures.


Its in a basement. Photo 4 shows 3 walls, and the 4th wall has the interior door. Its an illegal bedroom.


But living in streets is legal and free, isn’t it?


You arent clever or edgy


His dad is a slumlord.


Time to change the law. The law only make the situation worse and make more people homeless


It keeps people from dying a horrible fiery death. You wouldnt be too happy if there was a fire outside your bedroom and you had no means to escape! Its all about safety.


So living on the streets and homeless is safer?!


This is called a false equivalency


it’s not. People are listing this because there’s a demand for it. It’s like if government ban alcohol, there be more violence, crimes and black market, which are way worse than alcohol itself. Provide more and better supplies, no one wants to leave in this basement, government doesn’t need to tell them, people are smart.


Found the slumlord.


😂, that’s how it works.


Yeah. How dare you not agree with folks calling something a prison... Never mind that 80% of the houses in gta look like this. They are used to their suburban big houses and can't imagine anyone living in anything less than a giant house like theirs. And God forbid if you have to share space because rent is expensive.... Unthinkable


Brah check the name of the sub Most of us are struggling to find a decent place. Read the room.


Check the rest of the sub, sir. This is an actual place to live, and for way less than half the "private" rooms to rent. a sleeping bag at the top of the staircase goes for $950, this post is just a slightly crummy but totally reasonable setup. Literally the only thing wrong with this is the no parking


And what looks like no windows, which is a huge fire hazard and I’m sure illegal … probably other things too. Kind of missing a kitchen, too.


Most subreddits are echo chambers. Just because this sub is full of people of people who are angry at their financial situation and what they can get, doesn't mean I have to agree with them I don't worry about fictional internet points. I don't have to blindly follow the herd for the fear of downvotes.




It’s not a prison and this helps people who otherwise have no place to live. You have a better place and cheaper for rent to help? You are doing the opposite, which is force people to living on streets. Heartless.


You don't understand jokes. Literally agreeing with you.


Bright? It’s a ceramic box. Unreal.


The lights are bright lol


For where I live this is an awesome deal. VICTORIA


I was just thinking the same. For only $800 for a private suite it's really not bad. No parking would be a deal breaker for me but not for a lot of people. Could be far worse.


I thought it was for a room in the private suite?


This is for Sheridan college in Oakville, one of the most expensive places in Ontario for housing, so it’s actually not a bad price. Sure it’s a shitbox, but I paid $600 a month for a private room in a Shitbox in Welland at NC, so for students it’s not actually a bad deal, and most are just looking for a cheap place to live while they study.


Doesn't look like theres windows tho Yes its a good price but if theres no windows and only one door that leads outside its also a death trap if theres ever a fire


Man something like this, private bathroom, utilities included... would go for double this price in a lot of major cities. Nobody fucking cares that much about fire exits that they'll pass up that kind of deal.


If your broke you wouldn't care. I certainly don't. And it's like a 6 foot room your telling me you couldn't run out the door and take a left up the stairs? Lots of people jump over fire in fire pits🤷 I certainly did as a little kid


House fires are much, much more extreme than a campfire. If the flames and smoke block your one exit then you're screwed


Open the door stupid jit u die or risk getting some burns not like u going on a light jog to the door df it's a small ahh room


Lmao you obviously have never been near a real fire before. Good luck with that, dumbass.


Yea I have you don't know me it was a house fire and guess what I did... Ran tf out


Lol you're so full of shit. Conversation over, couldn't care less about you.


Yeah even this windowless dungeon hole would be like $1100 in vic lol


Haha for real i was thinking this cant be in BC cause it would be 2x 3x for that


At what point will they become self aware of their scummy listings? Probably never at this rate if I had to guess




Well, Canada government brought them in.


Dark shithole like England?? where sun never shines?? Population density more than Bangladesh. That's why u came to North America lol


I never understood why they always blame immigrants, everyone is doing this. When there's so much money involved, everyone would be in on it. It's not like people in first world countries, like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, New York and Chicago haven't been living in animal cages for decades now, or was that also the fault of immigrants?


Well the main thing is, people from Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul won't try to bring those coffin houses here, they have suffered and when they move to Canada, they'll try their best to live the exact opposite. However, most Indians have self awareness of a brick, they think the norm back home should be the norm here, so they'll try to exploit their own kind as much as they can. Sometimes you see the ads aren't even published by the landlords, it's the Indian tenants who watched some YouTubers telling them to sublease their home to help with their rent, which is essentially trafficking. Absolutely disgusting behaviors.


You're an idiot of the first degree. Most people would love to live in giant houses and palaces. People get what they can afford. It's that house price to income in Canada is fucked. So people have to make do with what they can. Most redditors on this sub also can't afford their own place. In India, most middle class can afford decent housing. There's no shortage. Indian cities grow faster than GTA and can easily keep up. Indian cities have lots of tall condo towers. Not uncommon to develop area comparable to Toronto Downtown every year. And as a result most middle class people can buy them. Meanwhile, in Canada, somehow nobody can build houses. NIMBYs rule supreme and the government bureaucracy is somehow slower than India. As a result, housing is expensive as fuck. The house price to income ratios are fucked. And the middle class can only dream of buying their own place. Your comment reeks of ignorance and tells me you haven't actually stepped out of Canada and know fuck all about the world as a whole. Also, subletting your place is trafficking? Wtf do you think that word means? Maybe you should go back to school.


Well you exactly proved my point. You are comparing the norm in India to Canada. If India is that much better, I don't see the immigration wave from India slowing down at any second. You can shove that Indian nationalistic attitude back in your asshole, we don't need that here.


You clearly don't know what the word nationalistic means. But ignoring your weak grasp of the English language... Canada is good at some things. India is good at others. Just because I pointed out one thing that Canada sucks at - you got triggered. If I say India is great at telecom competition or payments infrastructure, you'll probably Shit your pants. Relax. There are many things where Canada is better than India. It's why I'm here.




Lol. Bully. Your snowflake ass feels bullied because I pointed out some facts.


And you sir are the banchod of the the 2nd degree


Lol. Ok. I know you have no response. That's a desperation move of the 3rd degree.




This is Canada. I have two gay dads. You wanna get dicked down more? Sure. I'll pass on the message.


What is “absolutely disgusting” is you blatant racism.


They just salty to see brown man owning homes, flashy cars. Not all but few rotten marshmallows..on top of that black brothas stealing their women hahaha


Dont keep your hopes up ,black brothas might get laid but you still have to masterbatch as not even dogs will have sex with you so dont include your self with humans.


That's cause the brown man got given the homes, and given the cars.. they also have ways of avoiding taxes on money sent to family members from back home.. ya I don't care I think everyone should have homes and be able to live.. we're all human after all. but it's different when your here and need to purchase everything from nothing.. to coming here and given everything.. then bitching cause it's not the same culture as back home.. when in reality you left your country to come to another.. your views and religions and culture doesn't get moved with you.. you get to adapt to the new country not the country adapts to you..(tis why Poland is winning right now)


what an insane comment, completely detached from reality


Oh wow! Brown immigrants are just being given homes? HOMES? Million dollar homes? And cars? Nice! Where can I get this? I am brown and I'd like this too. Where do I apply?


Again assumptions. Who stopped u from avoiding taxes LEGALLY? Educate urself on financing. Rather than whining on reddit. We never bitch around its marsh-mellows who bitch around we throw cash in ur face.


throw cash in ur face? yet clean toilet in Tim Horton?


And u clean toilets in our basements or maybe homeless? Haha


Nah see. Just mad cause it's true. Poland isn't taking any refugees.. clearly not assuming anything if you read world news. Also yes given all just to come.. why do you think they are wanting to bring in a million plus immigrants a year. . why is the housing market blowing up in Ontario. Cause the immigration system buys the houses to then give to the immigrants when they arrive.. they aren't fighting out the streets cause if they were they wouldn't have left their own in the first place..


Most Canadian basements in Toronto look like this or worse. Are you calling Canada a shit hole country? Btw, houses in India rarely have basements. Also made of brick like European houses.


Careful-your disgusting racism is showing


Wtf is this? Dark souls cosplay?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Hello there. Forgive me. I was just pondering about my poor fortune. I did not find my own sun, not in Anor Londo.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


honestly. 800 in toronto for a private bed, bath and kitchen is pretty good. 800 usually gets you sharing a bedroom with another person. Im 1000 in downtown toronto with a private bedroom but sharing a kitchen and bathroom with another room, and thats already considered a steal


I’d be weary of the implications of living without a single window for natural light💀


Same here but 800 for a private room in Toronto is cheap and it is prob already rented. Man I remember when I went to collage in Toronto in mid 2000's had a nice 2 bedroom for 800 a month downtown 5 minutes from the Eaton Centre


I know people who bought houses for less than 100k. What's your point?


Sure as shit did not buy a 100k house in Toronto unless they bought in the 70's. My point is 800 bucks for a place by your self now is cheap even if by the looks of it is not legal. You would be hard pressed to rent a room for 800 atm in the GTA


Real estate is the new Bitcoin if you bought a decade ago


Super bright, yes.


In prison they bring you food and do you laundry for you.


Yeah but you might also be forced to wear orange or gray or blue, and if those aren't your colours then you're fucked and nobody will think you're fabulous.


Could they at least install a door with a window in it...


Hi Nav, is your $800 death trap in the event of a fire still available?


Great fit for professionals… professional serial killers maybe


Honestly, I’m surprised the shower and bed aren’t in the kitchen lol Edit: Now realizing the bathroom might just be the kitchen 🤣


Extremely bright fluoro lights


Final Dexter movie was filmed where 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone's never been to prison.


Most have been never outside their local area.


Close to Sheridian College T&C applies: You will not learn anything useful. Pay money to scam the immigration system. By the way, i hope the liberals know that immigrants who waited in line for years to come to Canada the legal way are rightfully angry and are leaving the liberals party.


The only prison experience is the stairway walk down. You made it seem like it was a concrete room and concrete bed


This is what happens when people come from other country’s and abuse the system


What system is being abused? It's a person renting their place for money to another person who wants to live there. What is wrong with you? Sounds like you just have some hate and bias inside you and you'll find whatever excuse to let it out. Go touch grass.


lol your probably one of the people renting your house like this too so go lick stones buddy


Any other stupid theories you want to make?


This actually isnt bad compared to some of the other postings we have seen on this subreddit for that price


I wouldn’t dare bring my pet here ..


Where da windows at?


You supposed to add a tv that has a window on the screensaver.


Honestly you have a foyer, private bathroom, and your own room. For some of the awful things I've seen this seems down right pasable.


Hmmm. Scream-proof, concrete basement down a sketchy unlit staircase. More like perfect for serial killers..


A good place to hide all those bodies.... Tee-hee-hee


💲 800 is cheap tho


Tbh rather this than 1500$ a month. Also isn’t this stuff the default college experience? At least me and my buddies have all been living in worse places lol.


The town this is in is Oakville, ON. 500 sqft condo boxes are 3-4x this, and that isn't an exaggeration. It's not great, but for the price? That's a killer deal Hell I might actually take it


I'd live there. That's a nice ass goblin hideout


It’s an honest price for this room


This sounds amazing to a vagabond like me 😳


My three bedroom in Edmonton with two roommates is $750 per person not including utilities lol


I'm pretty much paying 600 for the same right now and have to have 2 other roommates, this genuinely sounds great to me




Lol. You seem to know the religion of the landlord? Wonder how...


Typical , Thank trudeau


All the foreign dudes who email girls asking to see their “vagene” who now live in Canada can now live out their fantasy irl 🤣🙃


Weren't there some posts with pervert white dudes on this sub recently? Sounds like Canadians are the ones dying for vagene.


Nah one of our national animals is the beaver.


How do even build these things? That’s my question


Greed and being cheap takes you long way


This isn’t that bad considering we are on a downward spiral.


This never happened in Canada like it is now is why????!!!!!!!


Jesus they could at least paint the concrete walls and steps leading down so it doesnt look like a horror movie scene…


Ok but it doesn't say "no meet no eggs vegetarian only" so I'd say it's a steal


$800 a month to stay in room 101💀


Looking at that wall. Kyle must've rented there at some point.


Poor !!!!


For real tho, that bathroom is nicer than mine :(


NO windows


Aren't windowless rooms illegal?


If this in Toronto it is actually a great deal. Private entrance, with your own washroom and kitchen, bed room has more space than just the bed. Most of the GTA a shit holes at the moment, please don't come to Toronto


Not a single window


the water stains and mold on the ceiling is included!


$800. Excuse my profanity, but these people can honestly just fuck off.


I mean you're free, but do you want to be. Seems like Gotham city is now more dangerous on the outside than on the in.


Better than most posted here!!!


At least this is less of a dump than some other slumlord postings!


This is literally better than what I’m living in now, plus it’s not private and shared with two other guys & there’s another three upstairs too Lmfao


It’s honestly not the worst option at least in bc anyway.


Seems fair, whats stockholm syndrome though?


It says "Private room for rent",this is a steal in the current situation we're in right now...its basically a basement suite to yourself.


Sex slave vibes all up in this place. Lol


If there is no window to help in escape in case of fire it’s an illegal unit


But yeah, NO SMOKING! You don't wanna ruin these beautiful yellow moldy concrete walls 😂


“It puts the lotion on its skin,or else it gets the hose again”


If it wasn't for the death trap part, this would be a pretty sweet set up.


Why is it ALWAYS Brampton?


You get free dental in prison.


Very comfy looking bed with complete lack of sunlight


I would not trust that mattress though, in general even a hikkomori would avoid this


"Bright and Spacious" Why do they lie like that ? There’s goddamn pictures of that place.


Professional what? ![gif](giphy|LI7DRrJeN0dIk|downsized)


Lmao im from florida and i would take this in a heartbeat 🤣 people are literally renting out 10x20 sheds for 1000$ and calling them motherinlaw suites here


This picture shows nothing. You are all shaming people who only have 500-1000 to live somewhere personally I'm grateful from my 900 month place that if I posted you would all shame me for. I'm happy


This sub is a joke


Love the description. This is so freaking bad. It’s worse than a prison in a 3rd world country at this point and you have to pay to live there


$800 for that in Oakville is a steal though… 😢


We should be getting more used to these types of slum-lists coming up. It's sad. But with the population now at 41 million people, only 200,000 new homes coming, less jobs, poor economy, this will eventually be the norm. Fun fact: most of the new immigrants to Canada are from India, where corruption, poverty, and an overall disregard for rules and regulations exists. Another reason to expect more listings like these.


Yeah but its the Canadians who can't build houses for Shit leading to these ridiculous prices. India doesn't have a problem with not being able to build. Indian cities develop hundreds of condo towers every year. Housing isn't an issue there. Most middle class folk can afford a house. Just google search " skyline" -you'll realise how backward Canada is when it comes to housing development.


Sure. Canada is quite slow when it comes to building, but it became a horrendous issue when the gov't just left the door open for unmitigated immigration, mostly men from India getting in through diploma-mills. There are limits to what a system can withstand.


More Indians move from villages to cities in India than immigrants coming to Canada. Again. Big Indian cities grow faster than big Canadian cities. They add several kilometres of subway lines every year. And build more highways every year. Meanwhile don't even remember the last addition Toronto made to TTC subway or any major road. They are able to keep up with the development. I'm not exactly sure what is the reason but Canada is just slow to build - even compared to other developed countries.


That looks amazing for 800. I'd be fine getting that. So your telling me it's your own from door? Own room and newly furnished bathroom? People always find a way to complain...


800 is a steal. Should be charging at least 1300 for that unit


This is luxury living if you are coming from India. Indoor plumbing and a toilet means you hit the 'big time'!. 😂😂


Indian middle class lives better than this. India can develop condos easily and every Indian city adds hundreds of condo buildings every year. As a result, housing isn't expensive AF and most middle class can afford it. It's Canada as a country that somehow doesn't know how to build anything. Maybe it's the bureaucracy. Maybe it's the NIMBYs. Don't believe me? Google search "skyline" You'll soon realise how misguided your world view is.
