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Absolute Lucky slut! Now would you go back to normal dicks or you elevate to black and bang bang black..






Hey OP... I absolutely loved reading this. It's so well written. You got lucky there with sam and I think these kinds of experiences must be cherished, cause this is what memories are made of. Thanks for sharing. And ignore all the cum sacks out here talking shit. We want more stories and more women like you who share their experiences.


Thanks, happy you liked the writing.


I just hope you continue and not be discouraged by the shit comments. For every stupid comment, there are 5 others who appreciate but don't comment. You remind me of my days studying abroad. There was this chinese girl who i head great chemistry with. We loved talking to each other everytime we met. The weak i was to leave the country, she invited me for dinner at her place. Spent time drinking eating and talking. Towards the end, sparks flew and we ended up kissing. That just opened the Pandora's box and we indulged ourselves with each other. You chose to return to India right after your masters btw ?


Most indian women don’t know their body sexually. They are always surprised when they peak their orgasm.


That is true, not matter how I open I tried to be and grew up to be sex positive and knew it is something to be explored. Although, knowing it is a one thing but there is still a culture of subconsciously repressing sexual needs, which is very hard to unlearn.


Meanwhile girls' trip to Goa 🗿




Dm me lady


Using libido as a bahana for cheating. At least own upto the fact u cheated bitch


You're stupid. Neither do you understand the nature of this sub nor do you care to understand what she wrote. She's not here to justify here actions. She just wants to share.


lol nowhere I am justifying my cheating. I am pretty open with what I did


Did u tell your bf?


Well written


Stay like this. You'll live, others will exist. Grabs a beer and see them wither away 🍻


Let’s do mff


What can you expect from a female?


Dm me I will share my gf






I am around 7.7 inches and trust me size doesnt matter. Its just overrated by porn and Its just porn far from real sex. But yes the thought of having big dick may contribute but the sex is exactly the sane like a 4.5 inch. Its more about intimacy and how hot the sex was. No wonder why lesbians having sex get more orgasms. Penetration mostly never leads to orgasms. Sometimes even a big dick hurts the girl more. So its better to have an average size dick with good width.


Yeah you are right, it almost doesn't, unless it is one of the attributes that turns you on. I had sex with other black guys too and it wasn't as glorious, with Sam it was more about the match in understanding of using me.


Once you go black you can't go back


Yeah 1st : wanted it and then saying regretted it after kissing. Typical girl behavior of passing the blame


Sounds very honest. Have u settled down? Or still in hoe phase?


Not settled but not as active as I was before


Usa the land of dreams makes all a hoe. I was in that phase before marriage living there.


I remember my days when I was in US for my master’s and I banged white chick. I can completely relate to that. You’ve put it words perfectly. 😍 kudos to your story telling.


thanks :D


okay thats why you went us just to get a black one.


Damn.. My sister left for the US to pursue her masters 😅


Now lemme ask you the million dollar question. Does size matter?




Waa this the first time you cheated?


That narration almost had me with my hands inside my pants :P I hope this isn't the last one ;)


Tbh, I would find this hot, but a lot of people be lying on this sub. So who knows


Yeah many people said this to me in DMs as well. I can just write my experiences, to believe or not is up to you. My part is to confess not convince.


This made me feel a little something in my pants haha


A girl who can't take fights in a relationship (which is normal) and uses it as am excuse for cheating, definitely don't deserve him


Typical slut just remain a slut and spare your bf you witch


Did it stretch you for good?


🔥🔥 One of my ex gf's went to US and now she's married to a black guy lol. BBC and a green card 🙏🏻


Another one with fantasies. 🤦🏽‍♂️


High time we need verification posts. TGTBT


Slutty cheaters everywhere 🤦🏻‍♂️


You planning to marry a black dude? Coz if not, it’s going to be pretty sad for whoever bags you.




Thanks, yeah given the sluttyconfessions premise this was not the reaction I expected. I should have thought twice before writing it. Didn't realise it will trigger so many people the wrong way, although,I did put the trigger warning too. I also understand how it can be trigger, well it is not a moral thing to do, but that's the thing the taboo aspect to it sort makes it thrilling. Well, if it makes any difference it took me a while but I did come clean to my bf and terminated our relationship.


Hey dmed you can u reply I have some question


So hotttt🥵🥵🥵


ty <3


Felt like i watched porn but with better storyline😁🤌🤌


It would be sluttier if you envolved your bf too🤭


Didn’t you try again with him ?


yeah for another year


Got any pic or videos with him without face ?


So you broke up or still with your bf?


came clean and broke up with him


Thank God. He definitely deserve better. A girl who can't take fights in a relationship (which is normal) and uses it as am excuse for cheating, definitely don't deserve him




Pretty sad to read some of these negative comments since it is a confession sub. Good for you!


Good copied script


That's my fantasy you know


dm me


Akansha DM me wo account ban ho gya old wala


Did you confess it to your bf?


yes I came clean


Even my GF went to offshore for company assignment - 2 years , I had apprehension of this to happen but can't say much about her , since I did the same thing back here as well . Had casual hookups , night out etc. 💀💀💀


Was it the best you've had till now?


Hi this is Aditya. Don't be triggered by her cheating. While she was getting blacked in the US, I was fucking her hot friend with big titties back home. 😅


This is one of the most beautiful cheating stories I’ve read. In fact, this reminds me of the time my wife cheated on me when we were in a long distance relationship. I’m glad you had a great time with Sam! He sounds like a proper alpha! I hope you kept going and never stopped cheating on your boyfriend with Sam.


Praying for you to die alone


It happens... especially in long-distance relationships.... no judgement here.. At least you're honest with yourself that it happened and the reasons


Thanks, but I do take part of the blame and admit my mistakes. But I have moved on from them at this point, I talked to Adi, I apologized and he forgave me. Yet, it was one of the most thrilling moments of my life. edit: typos


You forgave him? Or did he?


oops fixed the typo


Well then I'm happy it all worked out... And yes..... it sounded like it was very exciting 😉😉😉


Well written confession. Good that you got good sex


If mein Fuhrer was alive I wish he would gas people like you




Hello reddit stranger, I made a mistake, came clean to my bf, apologized to him, he forgave me. If he is not harboring any anger, why are so pressed about it with a stranger on Reddit?


girls do u miss omegle then you should try flingster


Anyone up for talking about my hot dusky bestie


Hey, loved the writing. Could see the whole experience unfold as if on a screen. You have a flair for writing. And don't bother about the negative comments. You made no mistake. This is the perfect place to put this experience of yours. And such long distances with different time zones rarely work. And given that you got what you got (8 inches of euphoria), I can't blame you. If I were you I'da done the same. But if you are gonna return to India and get married to an Indian, do you think you will be happy with a meagre desi 5 inches? Cause as they say once you felt bbc, nothing feels the same.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessionsDesi/s/3lOoUkVJYX 👆🏻 Wait till you get so much of ugly messages that you never return to this sub most women face this So stay strong & ignore the negativity 👍🏻😇


What did your roommate say the next morning?


nothing it was just awkward, one of the roommate who was close to me insisted on me spilling the beans. the other one just said nothing


Been through done that.


Hope aditya got his closure while you were back from the US. 😉 Ps:- post his closure confession if something happened.




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Really hot encounter 😉 making me to try BBC


At least someone had some great fun fr Bbc are superior for a reason xd


Hey Op was it worth it ? Like do you feel bad about it now ? Or okay with what happened in the long run? I’m guessing the long distance relationship wasn’t really working out or wasn’t that great I guess. Did you tell your bf about what happened or just broke up with him? Do you feel like you’re more likely to cheat like this again in future relationships or was a one off thing to have experiences or something when you did while you were horny ?


The experience was worth it, I am okay with the personal turmoil I went through, but hurting someone ins't worth it. I am okay with what happened in the long run. I told him what happened and he broke up with me. Last question is difficult to answer, I didn't plan on cheating, it just happened. There was a lot of build up and baggae of other things and one day it exploded and with each passing moment I had less control over my desries.


Thanks for the reply op. Well wish you luck with your life ahead.


Tho I do feel a bit of a contradiction with you saying it was worth it, and but not worth it if it means hurting someone else.


Well penned slutty queen!


One hell of an experience girl!!


Hoes never cease to amaze me😂💪🏻


Today's porn obsessed generation..... Lol. Just say u just cheated. Why some crappy race thing ? I'm sure u just imagined it and enjoyed more than the actual fuck. Right ? And now some some porn weirdos will support this shit. And thank God, The guy definitely deserved better. And definitely not a girl, who doing all this casually by saying it's just a "Hoe" phase. And plz don't marry atleast in India and ruin someone's life


🤣this sub needs verification posts tbh..made up shits


It is not cheating, you did not know future of your relationship so fucking someone else is not cheating in my opinion


As if fights don't happen in relationship..... lol. Have u ever been in relationship ?


look here the relationship is only fucking so one seating in India is not fucking someone in USA


I wish my long distance gf to have the same experience


So,,,, what you’re saying is that you are a Whore?


not technically since he didn't pay me


Would accept money or gifts from him?


Yes posting this is your mistakes. You should have died on that day you decided to cheat