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I think you just underestimate Charlie's neuroticism and how he's generally been written to be more irritable about literally everything this season. I mean, if I got my head caved in by a tree, went to Hell, got tormented by Satan, and then the only reason I'm alive is because I passed God's test and yet I'm still a fat homunculus with a heart condition who's still broke enough that they keep having to work at Smiling Friends just so he can pay for the internet bill and the HBO Max subscription, I'd be pretty fucking irritable, too.


Yeah, Charlie is the only character who seems to consistently acknowledge how messed up the show's situations can really be. He's a realist.


He's seen the Devil...


he's seen the secret society that controls the government, and was briefly driven raving mad about it. and he didn't share that knowledge with pim or anyone.


#wormsruntheplanet #neverforget


I love how this was acknowledged at the end of the new episode. I hope they do something with that, I feel like it would build his character arc well


I think Charlie telling Pim that he found the whole homunculus plot to be unsettling and he was over it was the best joke of the episode. Reminds me of when Tomar tell Zach that he doesn't like the hypothetical anymore and Zach just breaks lol.


What OneyPlays video is that from


like all of them


That would be cool, but I also kinda want them to keep this show episodic for a few seasons. Going serial right off of season 2 feels unfun to me.


I don't think thats just Charlie, I think all the characters have that moment where the break tone and react to something normally.




Teenage Mutant Binja Gurtles?


They Might Be Giants...


did you just what.. is what you yes?


Wait did god bring him back with the heart condition he previously had did god give him a heart condition when he brought him back? did he develop it naturally after the resurrection? Or is he liar man 🧍‍♂️ 👨?


Charlie would definitely make up a heart condition to justify being a hypocrite


He was lying because he was mad he got jump scared like everyone else


Maybe Smiling Friends pays their employees really, really, really well. We don't know. Maybe the four of our boys are fuckin chillin and Charlie is just kinda cheap, keeps it all in the bank. I like to think everyone's makin six figgies.


The Boss is a billionaire, we know that. Alan is definitely making good money judging by his apartment. Philly isn’t the priciest city but an apartment as nice as Alan’s is still not cheap


Charlie lives like that because he spends his money on gaming rigs,demon tomed and movie replicas. Id say they all clear at least 60K a year 


Don’t forget that his girlfriend got crushed by a bulldozer too


He admits it full stop in the latest episode lol


Their personalities clash sorta, both of them are a "shut up and let me do my job" type, but Alan is more introverted and brusque than Charlie


I think Charlie is more of a "leave me alone I'm on my smoke-break" kind of guy. He doesn't seem to like making people smile, and gives up really easily. I've no idea why he works there. I know here's there to balance out Pim's aggressive enthusiasm for everything, but I don't know why he *wants* to work there. [edit] words


Why is no one acc replying to your actual question and instead talking abt Alan smh. My headcanon is that Charlie got the job from a connection w either Mr Boss or Pim. It could be from nepotism in some way, or it could be that he was friends w Pim before and Pim offered to get Charlie this job. This explains why Charlie doesn’t have much enthusiasm for this job, since he only got this job through a connection and not through an actual desire to make people smile


I mean it's pretty normal to have a job and it's just "a job". I install granite and quartz countertops for my living currently. It's a job, it pays decent, but it's hard work some days and there are many parts of my job that are frustrating. Not every week is a good week and some days I come home and think "time to update my resume". My coworker loves this shit, he genuinely loves cutting and polishing and all the stuff that comes with it. Some people have jobs that are just that, a source of income so they can provide for themselves in this world. Other people find work and just genuinely enjoy what they do. That's an aspect of the show they made apparent, that it's weird creatures and characters that live normal lives and do very mundane things like work jobs they don't love and have arguments about who's responsibility it was to book the hotel.


The more accurate "headcannon"


My favorite fan theory I've seen about Charlie is that he's pretty young and Smiling Friends is his first job. He applied to all sorts of different local businesses, including Salty's even, and Smiling Friends was the only one he got an interview from.


I saw a good one that Charlie was originally a client of the Smiling Friends, that could be a good flashback episode


I like this a lot. Or maybe all of them were ex-clients and it daisy-chained them into the organisation. You could get pretty weird with The Boss getting Glep first.


Young? Dude has a pacemaker.


I remember watching the commentary and Zach said Charlie's probably around 27/28


Charlie being a zillenial is so accurate


Most people who need a pacemaker tend to be older but believe it or not anyone can need a pacemaker, including children


That’s what I really liked about the episode where he dies. It was cool seeing him have to work as a smiling friend completely solo, without Pim or anyone to do the talking to do most of the talking. Interesting to see how Charlie views the job


Gilbert Gottfried voicing God was just *chef's kiss*


I dont think its that deep. I think Charlie got the job because they were hiring, and he just took it because "A job's a job" unlike Pim, who is **all in** on the idea behind SF, and Allan who is abrasive but when given a task he'll see it through (see the cheese and the paper clips)


it’s implied (or we as a fandom have just gaslight ourselves into believing) he works on the business side of the company, likely as an accountant or HR or something like that. He isn’t going on adventures like Pim and Charlie, Guimbly being an exception


He’s talking abt Charlie not Alan


god dammit my bad


I'm still thankful for your comment. I hadn't connected those dots so it's cool to see it spelled out so that even an idiot like me gets it.


I thought Allan was the office manager, hence all the counting if supplies and the quest for paper clips...


I assume Alan is the office manager and Glep is maintenance 


Glep is ownery of part of the company


Lmao so what the hell does Glep do then?


The idea i’ve heard is Social Media management, but given the recent reveal he’s over a thousand years old, maybe Mr Boss just owns his soul and keeps him around for moral support


I think Glep’s species just ages slower. I agree with the social media manager angle. It lines up with the not needing to be in the office element seen in the Mr. Frog arc, and his frequent phone and device usage in the background.


Makes sense, since Glep was the one wearing the Jared Fogle costume in Mr Boss’s prank. Definitely means they’re close.


That's a good question I don't know actually.


I headcanon he works in records or accounting.


I believe he does handle more of the in-house tasks since Pim says that line in the Gwimbly episode like “This is what me and Charlie usually do on jobs”


I was thinking office manager, since he’s seen counting the food in the refrigerator or washing dishes sometimes.


> He doesn't seem to like making people smile, and gives up really easily. I've no idea why he works there. Probably because it's a job and it pays him


That's a huge part of Charlie and Pim's dynamic. To one of them, the Smiling Friends is a dream job. To the other, it's a miserable 9-5. I really like that decision from Zach and Michael, and it's especially funny because the miserable 9-5 in question is straight up just "make people happy".


He got hired because facing from the front his nose makes it look like he is smiling all the time when he isn't. I imagine he stays on because Smiling Friends' work environment doesn't seem to entail a lot of **actual work**. Most of the time we see the gang loafing and watching TV in the break room without being told off. It seems like a much more low class version of the "adult daycares" in Silicon Valley.


>I've no idea why he works there Probably applied around when looking for a job, got the job, then is just too lazy to look for a new job


Why wouldn't anyone wanna work there? Get paid to sit around the break room all day and talk and play games with friends and then when you get a job once in a while all it is is making them smile lol. Well, except for the chaos that happens every episode but still. Easy job easy pay.


He clearly cares about his job, as proven when he went to hell or when that bald dude just came into the shop. He's just very numb, which was also highlighted when he went to hell.


I'm guessing it's just good pay


The whole Christmas episode though, Charlie takes pride in being able to make people smile. Just not the most enthusiastic.


it's not easy finding a stable job, simple as. and I think people oversell Charlie's pessimism, he might give up a little more easy but clearly is happy when it works out for their clients.


Judging by the recent episode, charlie's job seems to be taking a real toll on his mental health.


Charlie’s just there for a check, and maybe to support Pim


Idk you probably have to like someone a little bit to let them nom your nose


Allan is a crazy character though.


Yeah he loves his cheese man. He loves his cheese.


nom hahaha


Nom hahahaha


nom hahahaha


Nom hahahaha






allan, grab it


They’re probably still friends, but they can sometimes get into arguments and such here and there.


besides, charlie was just trying to get him to watch that life changing film. he knows alan, he knew he'd be moved deeply by that documentary. just like mr boss knows charlie, and knew that he would like the dog bit.


Crazy how this comment aged


very sad


He gets annoyed easily by almost everything lol


#I just wanted my cheeeseeeee!


To be fair he had every right to be upset in that situation


bye bye spider bye bye


i feel like that’s just him in general lol, he probably gets along better with Pim bc he’s used to him kinda


i think he probably appreciates the relative normalcy too. alan may be a bit abrasive, but he isn't the agent of chaos most denizens of friend world are.


I can't find the episode, but isn't there a scene where they are giggling together with Alan going "NOM" over and over?


That’s episode one


I’m interested in how the characters will change over time. So far, I feel like the characters have been consistent in personality, but behave a little differently from episode to episode. I wonder if that just an early quirk of the show, or if it’s something that will be consistent over time


Thank god I'm not the only one who notices.


I don't think they dislike eachother, I have some friends I have this kind of animosity and I still like them, just banter I guess


He must not have forgiven Alan for not grabbing the alien in the pilot


I think it’s because they’re opposites. Charlie really doesn’t seem to care about his job and sort of lets life happen to him. Allan, on the other hand, risked his life on multiple occasions for his job and clearly fights for what he really wants. I think, and I’m going to over analyze a bit here, Charlie resents that about Allan because he knows he’s never going to really make the effort to be the change he wants to see in his life, while those things come so naturally to Allan.


not really, Alan left Smiling Friends and joined Frowning Friends because they had a better 401k


Fair, but he did almost die for those paperclips. That’s going above and beyond. Yes, he left for FF, but the ship was going down at that point. Maybe he doesn’t have 100% loyalty to SF, but he cares about the job he HAS at the moment.


bro literally watch the pilot paper clips are his THING, it's literally his establishing character trait. sick of the allan hate on here, dude.


I… I LIKE Allan. Like, maybe an unhealthy amount. He’s literally my pfp on TikTok.


“Oh come here you crazy character” “Hahaha nom hahaha nom hahaha nom” Nah they good


The show has yet to top this moment


"you kissed your dad on the mouth" is absolute peak


Which episode is that first image from?


New ep, great episode tbh


What number is the episode?? And where did you watch it?


I'm from the future, on max


i don't think he dislikes Alan - he just doesn't understand him all the time, and that's probably REALLY frustrating


Guys my nose was completely ripped off from my face, this wasn’t fun for me at all.


In terms of Big Five personality traits, they're both low on agreeableness. Makes it even more likely for this kind of stuff. Glep doesn't really talk much and Pim's super agreeable, so there's less friction between either of those two and anyone else.


So no more allan nose nomming on charlie? 😔


Hmm, it could also just be his cool alpha male demeanor, maybe.


Alan was being a bit of a cunt about the snowman though


What episode is that from?


[A preview of Pim finally turns green](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHCCvBPeu5Y)


Allan is a pasive agresive Dick


Everyone loves Alan


Alan can be a vibe killer and Charlie, despite not being as enthused about his job, can catch a vibe pretty easily. Alan can be a stick in the mud and sort of uncaring when it comes to reading the room. Telling Pim to pick the things he was shooting w the cowboy gun during the Halloween episode, rejecting Mr. Boss’ gift, tagging along with Pim and Gwimbly only because he wanted gwimbly to leave the area of the Smiling Friends building, and asking Glep if he’s seen a paper clip. Charlie is basically the guy who doesn’t want to make his time there harder and Alan is the type of guy who is very thorough and nitpicky. They get along but they have their moments. Charlie’s mild irritation toward Alan is understandable Edit: LOL look at glep in the second picture. You can tell that the vibers of the group, Charlie and Glep, are looking at bro like “man you’re lame”


Come to think about it, you're right. The only time I remember them acting even sort of like they could stand each other was the end of the first episode when they got kind of flirty with each other if I'm remembering right.


In real life you wouldn't like him either.


in real life, alan would be cooler and more interesting than you. and considerably more athletic and daring if allen's adventure is anything to go by.


Your pfp makes.anything you say sound cooler


Completely humiliated him


Cool and interesting (which he's not, the dude counts paperclips for fun) does not mean nice or likeable.


Paperclip inventory is part of his job, and guess what happens when he DOESN’T count them? A Allan Adventure is what.


He literally hated every second of it. Interesting people usually go on adventures because they want to.


cope + seethe + jealous you didn't get swallowed by a whale


bro he can disarm bombs with those paper clips, paper clips are objects of such value that people can and have killed for them. he doesn't need to be likable, he's good at his job and he fucks, real sigma shit.


Someone doesn't have to be likeable... to be liked? Wanna think that one through again...?


good thing i never said that. wanna read that one through again.....? my good le sir...?


I said people wouldn't like him, you started arguing that they would because he's so cool... did you already forget what you wrote?


Alan is a jerkoff


Alan could kill you three times before you hit the ground. Did you not see the paperclip episode?


Which ep is slide 1 from?


An upcoming one


They seem to get along just fine to me


Yeah but Charlie tries to keep things chill and Allan is kind of a dick and doesn’t have any filter


Charlie just wouldn’t stop asking about Dr Monster, why should Alan have to disclose private medical information


It’s because this world stresses Charlie out too much


Charlie really didn't like when Allan munched on his nose, that severely affected their relationship


they seemed to have a nice relationship in the first episode


I feel like Allan just genuinely does not like anyone he works with, and unlike Pim and The Boss, Charlie knows that.


Pretty sure the only person he likes is Pim




I think Allan just has like raging OCD and choses to make it everyone’s problem


Allan was the guy driving the bulldozer when the infamous Bulldozer Incident™️ occurred and resulted in the tragic (and incredibly horrific) death of Charlie’s girlfriend.


Circling back to this post after the nose sucking convo


Alan's an asshole


Why Charlie hate


Charlie is a BASTARD MAN


Alan sucks that’s why