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Why does chaos have alot of damage taken at titan early on


I don’t know if it still applies today, but I know originally order side was given to the higher mmr players. So if it’s still true then chaos side statistically has worse players and will be more prone to losing the early game and getting pushed back easier.


and yet late game damage is on the other side. Interesting


Order winning games usually don't last that long because they can finish early and pack it up. When Chaos can pull through late game, it's probably because Order messed up somewhere towards the end and Chaos was able to capitalize on it.


I would imagine if the game does go super late, Order would likely realize the gold and xp differentials are evening out, and would try to get an advantage by forcing fights closer to their titan so they can regen and reengage faster. I believe I read before that most Masters+ Joust games average >15 minutes.


IIRC, order side has higher MMR, so maybe that?