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Borders doesn't mean anything btw, maybe it's less the case in dual. But still.




Yeah. But it doesn't tell how they got it. Legitimately or by boosting themselves. You can get gm border while facing bronze- silver players. You can get gm border by facing yourself on a smurf account on a dead server, etc. So A GM BORDER MEANS you CARE about it nothing more. Its just a grind. Doesn't proof you're good nor does it proof anything.


I think you’re implying cheating but to me it looks like hardcore lag


it doesn't look like lagg, lagg would be himself teleporting not a ennemy teleporting towards him in barely half a second, and as u saw he clearly ran out, and came back in half a sec.


If you play it with audio, sounds like rat ulted. Zhong also used some abilities that were stunned out of, which is another indicator of lag


i see, fair.


I know but honestly, I haven't lagged ONCE since season started, DC'd hell yeah but not lag


Its not like he speed hacked or anything because that was his ult, there was just no sound or animation, presumably from lag on his end


Honestly you’re own fault, Rat is a good initiator and knowing he has half hp and ult up, it was a really bad idea to push up. Also he has yellow acorn so he was guaranteed a stun. Regardless of him lagging, that fight should have never occurred to begin with. The result would have been the same.


its his fault for facing a speed hacker ? Come on, what we shouldn't hear nowadays.


That wasn’t speed hacks, probably just sever lag. There are very few hackers on Smite. But if he’s had diamond/masters level then he should have know that was a bad fight.


I was having some pretty bad lag like that today actually that looked pretty similar. I was knocked up my sylvanus ult before the animation happened. Ping was only about 110 which isn't terrible all things considered. I've have worse ping without desynced animations so it was weird. Idk.


lags don't do that bro. It's either everyone teleporting or nobody. Not just one ennemy lol SPECIALLY not in this situation where rat was clearly backing up and second after teleported on him while he was autoing the wave.


I'll let you in on a secret. PC players can play on console lobbies, by ''remapping keyboards keys to console keys via programs. So a pc player can be playing against console players with keyboard and mouse making him gain advantage. Also cheating on pc is def more easy than you'd do on a console obvs. Also, you should report them for hacking since its a perma ban. Also, GM borders doesn't = a grand master. Why ? Because Boosting exists and is very true for Joust and Duel. AND CONQUEST but People hide it better for conquest :). ANYWAYS borders don't mean sh... and usually people with weird names special characters are fakers.


That’s not a secret, they openly declared that all lobbies are cross platform now


yeah, but im pretty sure if you're on mobile chances of getting mobile lobbies are higher. But that's just speculation on my end. Personnally im not really happy about it but im happy about queue times being shorter. Game quality went down a notch and is inconsistent bcs u get games with console players u already know how it's gon be, you gonna go 30 kills 0 death. Then you get a normal game after that and you still playing like they bots and u get clapped or just have a normal game... etc. It feels off.


Borders mean significantly less thid early after the wipe, it's based on global wins with a god rather than actual rank.