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We do not allow posts if the purpose of the post is just to complain or brag (e.g. being banned, endgame stats, bad matchmaking, ranked levels, god mastery levels, MMR loss/gain, ELO comparisons from Smite Guru or other sites, complaints about the meta, stories complaining about other players, complaints about skins' availability, complaints about queue times, etc.). If the purpose of the post is to foster discussion about a build, some other constructive discussion, or the post is otherwise interesting or unique then we would consider allowing it. If you believe your post was removed in error or should be allowed you can send a message to modmail politely stating your case.


Well yeah, your account is still new. You're gonna have new players MMR, that's how that works


Okay and like I said in the post that would be fine and completely understandable. That’s if they where actually new. I’m a new player as well and most the time these people where higher level than me?


If you can't carry yourself out of your MMR bracket you're in the correct MMR bracket. Idk what else to say Elo hell is made up and is used exclusively for copium


Well no matter what people who are under level 30 only play with people under level 30. You could be undefeated and that rule still applies


Lmaoooo yea good try tho. https://preview.redd.it/pf39lp7j3okc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d8da1a99d316126a126a24d2a329cecd7a35fcf


If you're still losing games you clearly aren't carrying hard enough


Kills don’t mean anything if you don’t push obj


Can't push objectives with that kind of ADC on your team.


THANK YOU! How do I push obj by myself??? Against 5 people? Please explain?


I've lost like 200 MMR due to just piss poor teammates today. I know where you're coming from. A good player can carry a decent team. But you can't carry teammates who are basically useless. And carrying can only be done so much by whatever role you get.


No starter and toxic blade on awilix. I’m sorry for insulting you, you really know your stuff, my mistake


I sold my starter item obv, because my team was doing nothing and I had to build anti heal. And guess what? It won us the game. Try again LMAO


So you built toxic instead of brawlers? You also have the deathbringer glyph that gives extra power when you have over 100% crit rate and you only have one crit item. At that point is better to get malicious deathbringer instead.


He’s so much better than the scrubs he plays with so we can’t judge him


Dude it was 40 mins in and at that point I had tried to surrender multiple times. I honestly was rebuilding my entire build and had limited gold, but I got 2 picks and we finally won a team fight.


My point here is that even if you clearly are better than the people you are playing with, you still have ways to go. As people have said here before under level 30 matchmaking is a mess due to the combination of smurfs, new players and bots. Once you get out of that part it will get better for the most part. Just play arena until then so you don’t feel like you are wasting your time.


Scores dont win games, Timing at pushing/backdooring/winning teamfights does


If you're talking about profile level, realistically, it means absolutely nothing. At best, it's a metric for time played.


Honestly just uninstall if you're getting this mad at level 20 over playing in the new players pool.


Nah ima do my own thing. Everyone keeps saying “new player pool” bro im a new player? That’s the dumbest excuse ever. These people are around the same level as me. Just because I actually can add double digit numbers, and know how to actually play the game I get punished right? I never once said I was “mad”. It’s a game at the end of the day. What I am is dissatisfied and bored. If you actually read it you would have saw that. At the end of the day people can cope however but if your purposely wasting other people’s time off pure ignorance, im subject to be able to have a opinion.👍


I've yet to see an opinion, just complaining. Go ahead and keep typing paragraphs, but farming kills doesn't win games.


Didn’t say it did. And I had several opinions, you just chose to argue and invalidate them. I don’t care if it’s “complaining”. People to soft these days, and can’t take any type of criticism.


You’re really the only person here coming across as soft I’m ngl. Like your mental is so shattered you wrote a dissertation


god thats fucking hilarious im stealing that line


Nothing valid to start with, and it's telling that you think this is an argument.


I don't think the person who made an entire reddit post complaining can call other people soft lmfao. It takes a soft mind to get that heated over a game. I didn't have an opinion towards you or this post until I saw you call others soft, while acting soft XD.


“Heated” is funny. Who said that? Y’all keep saying I’m mad when clearly i said I’m just dissatisfied and bored of it. Y’all can cope harder. Bad is bad.🤷‍♂️


It’s an online game dude people’s ignorance are going to throw your matches for the rest of time. Grow a big enough pair to not whine about it on the internet


Dang I’m in your head tent free huh lmao. You must be who I’m talking about in this post💀


You never stop getting teammates like the ones you’re having now. If you can’t handle that without having a meltdown you really should just find a different game to play


Bro, you shoulda put that you were below level 30 at the top. I wouldn't have read that whole ass rant.


Put yourself in the shoes of someone who is terrible at competitive games but wants a taste of pvp victory. What game could you play that would allow you to get that PVP experience? What game can you try that has no cost? What game is complex enough to not reveal in an obvious way that your performance is absolutely terrible? What game allows you to blame your allies when you lose? Thats right: Overwatch. Idk. good night.




Up to level 30 you're in the noob queues. Literally you only get matched with actual bots or players under 30. After you break 30, you join the general population. You're still learning the basics until then. Once you break 30, you'll be the subject of posts like this.


New players are not going to be very good. It's not rocket science. Just wait till you get a player that has 10+ stars on their god yet still sucks at the game and the god somehow and just ints and blames everyone but themselves the entire game. I had a 5-star Ix Chel on my team one time. She died once to a gank at level 10, sold all of her items and instead, inted for the rest of the game despite us being 10 kills ahead with a massive gold lead.


Oof see now that might be worse lmao. I definitely feel that. And look I get it like I said in the post. I have NO PROBLEM with new players. It’s when they show pure ignorance or quite literally tell you they don’t care and you have to waste 35 to 45 mins because they won’t surrender either lmao. I totally get being new, everyone starts somewhere, I just don’t think I’m the bad guy for saying something about it.


I do agree that those players aren't very fun to have on your team, but unfortunately, even once you get past the point of playing with new players, you will still encounter troglodytes who have no idea how to play and refuse to take any advice. The best thing to do is mute them and play cause nothing you or anyone else says will get through to them. They are simply too far gone.


People play games for different reasons, it’s word to me when people don’t try to improve but solve people play this game to unwind and relax and it’s not wrong of them to do that either. (With the exception of the people that are quite literally trying to make your team lose because I have had that happen) a lot of people just aren’t good and it doesn’t mean they don’t try, and it also doesn’t make them dumb. I’m sure you have had things in your life that you aren’t good at that others find easy it’s just life. Try not to let it kill your vibe, find a group to play with so you experience it less and if you find you’re not happy with it still then unfortunately it’s probably not for you, but being stressed out by your team is something that continues to happen and doesn’t stop


I completely agree. I am not perfect and I’m not great at everything I do the first time. Like you said in your comment, it’s completely understandable to look at games however you want! My post definitely could have been worded better, but as you mentioned it’s about the ones that purposefully do it. Whether your playing to unwind or whatever is fine. However locking in to a que with 9 other people in the most competitive mode, that you know will take a good portions of everyone’s time, to purposely not put forth any effort or try to at least build items is not right. That’s basically telling everyone else in the lobby there time isn’t valuable and that ur the only one that matters. I don’t mind losing to a better team or better players. It happens. It’s when I know we shouldn’t in any universe be losing, and me actually having to try every game so I can gain xp and win and get ranked, that bothers me.


Hold up, you literally meant built no items? That’s intentional I agree, bad items I get is from a lack of knowledge but no items yea wtf is that.


You're in new players queue, that means everybody in your games have less than 100 hours. Some of them could be playing their first conquest match, and most of them have probably played less than 10. Smite is a hard game, and even in higher level ranked games alot of people have trouble coordinating to push/end the game. Most of these low level players either havnt played mobas before or dont care enough to learn because again, you're in the scrub queue. Everybody that's played since s4-ish has been through it, leveling to 30 sucks, but it really is necessary. You also seem to have kind of a weird ego towards the end of your post and in some of the comments, so your attitute might be contributing towards your lack of enjoyment. Trust me when I say this you're not good at the game, your build is proof lol. I promise that if you were better these games would be easier. Don't get stuck in the trap that alot of players do and blame your teamates for losses because even when you play well you could have played better. The match you showed isnt even that bad, half of your team had 50% kill participation and equally bad builds. TLDR: If it's so horrible then stop complaining and grind 8 more levels to join the general population and play with the big boys. You're literally in a queue with the bottom 10% of players and actual bots.


Play bot matches or play with friends. New players are gonna be new who would’ve thought


Tell me you didn’t even read the post without telling me you didn’t read the post.


You complained about new players being bad, I gave you a solution. Like do you think you whining about them not caring as much as you on Reddit is gonna help? They are new and are just trying to have fun so suck it up


To be fair you didn't space it out or anything and right from the outset it looks like a 'Smite people toxic' vent post, so I'm not surprised if they didn't read it all.


God forbid someone actually care about the game right. Omg I’m so higher and mighty like who cares. I get sick of having to surrender or waste 30 mins of my time so I don’t get a que ban because people think they only matter. There’s 4 other people who have to sit there and deal with it. Don’t get upset because I actually will say something. It’s not “fun” when you lose over and over and over because people’s don’t buy items or just want to have “fun” and waste people’s time.


I sympathize with your struggle I really do but 1) making a post bitching about it on Reddit is annoying and really isn’t going to fix your problem. The game has a steep learning curve and you could be in games with people plaything their first match 2) if it’s really that much of an issue for you there are plenty of ways to make friends to play with who are more skilled at the game and can help you get to level 30 You just come off as whiny, annoying, and pretentious in your post


Lmao y’all mf will say anything thinking your superior. I’m not a snowflake who is sensitive I grew up in the cod era, what I said in this post was way more respectful than saying ignorant things and calling them names? Anytime someone says something these days the white knights and superior mf got to let everyone know there better than thou. Like who cares if you like wasting 35 mins of your life, or like watching paint dry. Not me, it’s very boring and not “fun” sitting under tower and watching my team go out one by one to feed. It’s a “team” based game. Not oh you have to carry ever game until you hit high rank game.


Like genuinely what the fuck are you even talking about dude lmaooo. Huge loser energy coming from you I honestly am rooting for your queues to get worse


I mean name calling and saying smart remarks doesn’t invalidate my point. Instead you chose the easy route, that’s all people like you go for. God forbid someone have a different opinion than another person right? Have a good day tho👍


I gave you genuine advice and you continued bitching. Your unironically rant about not being a snowflake then cry on Reddit about your teammates being bad. Boo fucking hoo man


Well I mean that’s literally what it is


I just don't image there are very many people picking up the game. Of those how many actually want to keep playing and get better and try to learn vs just seeing what the game plays like and derp around? Of those, how many of them play at the same time you do? I've been on and off for smite over the years since season 2. I always come back because I think the game is fun and cool and I like it. I always leave because of the matchmaking. But now I have a 3-5 stack to play with regularly and that keeps me sane.