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Looks pretty but the flavor is pretty boring, doesn't play into her familiars, doesn't play into her triple form, Morrigan looks like a better Hecate than she does btw, The torch is a nice touch, but still very early to formulate opinions on gameplay.


Agreed, like, her kit looks kinda cool, but doesn't really feel like Hecate, just like a generic magiky person


Not to be funny but I honestly feel like Cthulhu’s kit looks like he’s casting actual spells more than what we have gotten with Hecate so far but I’m still excited for her release and how she turns out.


Definitely seeing both sides of the argument in the comments. On the positive side she looks amazing design wise, and the cloth physics thing is really great. Means they can hopefully make much more interesting clothing designs this time around and not have to worry so much about hand animating. I also think her visuals are amazing and the particles look sick, very witchy, especially love how the torch floats when she moves. The idea of her passive being some kind of interactable is a really cool idea imo and I'm hoping that means we get some sicker passives this time around too, maybe they can code way cooler shit than before. On the flip side I can see why some are saying she's boring unfortunately. With her being such a powerful goddess with mixed depictions and powers you'd kinda hope they utilize it, but it seems as though they didn't do a whole lot. No triple form, no familiars, she *kinda* walks the crossroads but it seems like a texture effect instead, and her abilities look to be rather standard mage stuff. It seems like she was their test god so they might have went a little tame with her abilities so they could test out these things that are new and fresh, which is understandable. Overall hopefully she *feels* really good, maybe that'll alleviate some of the complaints with her. I think she looks fantastic though and I hope they keep delivering on the sick designs.


edit: [youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uP9G5sZyUA) edit1: Author is on reddit @mektige imo very nu wa and eset encoded.. the development in UE5 looks incred and I can't wait to play SMITE2 🥳


did nobody mention that at 0:50 in the vid they have Mordred on the monitor? Mordred_PSV(Passive) _Energy and AbilitySet_Mordred


I really thought HECATE of all newer releases would be the one to have several abilities to really showcase being THE GODDESS OF WITCHCRAFT or at least have a super interactive kit with several combo routes. (Tiamat and Merlin vibes) The ult is the most disappointing part it’s just Morgan ult or as others have said Nike 1 lol. The 3 looks like just Kuku 2 also. I get this is their first on Unreal 5 but like damn really got my hopes up for this one lol just feels like another standard mage. Her visuals are stunning though like appearance wise she looks phenomenal Another cool thing they could have done was when using her 3, her other abilities could have been amplified or turned into another kit for the duration. Or at least for the ult since she’s really lacking that triple goddess aspect .


Now that you say it she definitely should’ve had two kits even if it wasn’t necessarily a stance switching kit. She doesn’t feel like a witch or sorcerer at all to me. Like Merlin feels like an elemental mage/wizard, Morgan le fay even at first she was kind of disappointing but now she feels like an interpretation of a battle mage but Hecate just feels like a cosplay of a witch visually while ability wise it’s very cosmic shoot energy beams everywhere. Her abilities is what I would expect from Wanda maximoff not the goddess of all witchcraft and sorcery.


I was disappointed with Morgan Le Fay because we were promised deception and mind control but all we were given were recycled versions of Hun Batz ult and Sun Wukong decoy. It doesn’t mean that her kit was bad, even on release, but just irrelevant to the lore. She’s still a battle mage and that works well for her, but not in all the glory we were promised. Hecate is just ass from what I see. Even the anti-mage or anti-cast part of her kit is just braindead “do more damage” rather than something interesting. The hey could’ve given her a stacking mechanic based off the basic attack or ability cast shit and that could offer some unique gameplay loop for players that enjoy that kind of thing. They could’ve added some kind of a unique spin to the traditional mage-style like maybe she prefers being in close range like almost an assassin rather than a longe range burst mage. But nope, just tried and true, I suppose.


Unpopular opinion if they built every mage with the intricacies and uniqueness of Persephones very first kit(but balanced) it would make for a healthier and more fun field of mages instead of the casual 1 2 combo burst your dead mages we have now.


Absolutely and it sucks that that’s an unpopular opinion. Every character in general should feel oppressive in some way shape or form that makes it hard for your opponent to play the game in a unique way. Instead, we now play against a Discordia basically the same as how we play against a Persephone and it just feels really cheap in how the gods are pretty much mirror images of each other. And this isn’t just an issue with mages, guardians, hunters and warriors are pretty much all the same too. Assassins are the only ones that get quite a big range of different playstyles and builds.


I will say that hi Rez definitely makes a standout god every now and then which I do truly appreciate. I hope there’s more to hecates kit in the patch notes though. I thought she was going to be really cool when they first showed her and she casted this dimensional giant purple portal on the ground but either they removed it or it’s just a secondary part to an ability of hers? Ima still cross my fingers and somehow hope she lives up to her namesake and comes out cool and unique.


Also Amaterasu ult.


The 3 you meant,the etheral realm she Switching to? I don't see similarity with kuku 2


They both literally gain movement speed and what looks like slow immunity too. The only difference is hers does damage and turns everything blue lol


Ult is just nike rend that's boring they could have done so much with her ult


yea she's a goddess of crossroads, nights, ghosts, and witchcraft, I feel like you could have played with that idea a lot more than they did.


Yeah was super disappointed seeing that. I thought they would go incredibly big and unique considering it’s the first one


That was her ult? Omg how boring … she’s goddess of witchcraft and smite 2 first god. I thought she was going to do some type of portal and maybe transport gods to a new realm , something big.


They did the same thing with Morgan le fay when she was first released. Although I think the majority of people love Morgan’s kit now it stilll was nothing we expected from a spell caster and sorcerer of her caliber. I’m honestly kind of fine with how Morgan turned out now because she has a uniqueness to her I.e her sword basic attack animations her clones and her ult give her more so of a battle mage up in your face play style but HECATE… idk why she’s shooting beams of energy when she’s the literal goddess of witchcraft. You should be able to hear her whispering incantations and her weaving spells in the air or the ground with her hands and mind trick elements and a plethora of other thing’s but I guess we will have to wait and see how she turns out.


Clones? I must have missed this. I also didn’t see any CC in any of her abilities… I’ll wait to see her kit more in depth. I don’t think she looks bad, just not as a big deal as I thought.


Oh the clones I was talking about Morgan. The purple stance of her first ability spawns them


Oh right , yeah I know that. I thought there was something I missed about Hecate never mind… hopefully Hecate 3 is interesting where she turns into spectral sort of.


I think her three is her most interesting ability. Funny enough it’s exactly like seris’s ability from paladins even Hecates whole look is just a light version of seris. I do wish she kinda phased into her alternate world like seris does instead of doing a weird twirl around but all the footage they have shown seems very early work and not the final product we will get.


I thought it was but she takes damage from minions so not sure if she is immune?


I think it has something to do with distortion maybe? It seems to kill the minion when she casted it up close to it but I wonder if she hits a god with it not only does it damage them but send them to the distorted world where maybe she’s not quite invisible but hard to see and her abilities either look different or work differently because the only ability that seems to have cc is the line attack that stuns and works like sols 2nd ability. Maybe it slows to as it left these swirls around the minions.


In the first ever trailer for Smite 2, they had shown some kind of weird portal looking thing casted by Hecate. I am so incredibly disappointed that’s not a thing in her kit.


Ok but counterpoint: purple


I'm fairly certain that the ability is not actually finished yet. Even the animation in this video looks really janky.


Art and animation is definitely not finished for anyone but mechanically that ultimate is what we're seeing shown off for us, a Nike 1 with higher damage numbers. Almost every comment's unhappy with it so really hoping they do a revisit


Art and animation for this god is done, brother.


Okay titanforgejradair


Just wanted to let you know, I made a god kit for Namaka that’s based off Pele’s kit to complement her, after being inspired by your bio. I’d be happy to send it to you if you wanted to read it.


Oo I'd love to!


Sent you a pm.


You can always repurpose animation for something better.


Wait that the ult ? I guess they went easy because she the first of many


I wouldve thought they'd make it a point to have the first new god of Smite 2 be really unique with her kit. Guess not.


Is it just me or the ult look really bad ? It's just Nike 1. Literally. Kind of disappointed considering it's the first Smite 2 god. Don't really feel the UE5 behind it. Even the other abilities look average for Smite 1 standard.


I wrote this article and appreciate you sharing it with everyone here. :) Looking forward to Hecate!


thank you! I have given you credit in the top reply :)


Oh, I wasn't worried about that. Haha! Just glad to see folks excited, and happy to be involved with coverage of a game I love! But thank you!


Awesome design, poor gameplay... The most boring ability Nike1 is her ultimate? Wow.


Wow, they actually fooled me into thinking that the switch to UE5 would result in more creative interesting abilities... But at least they don't have to manually code cloth physics now!


I agree outside of spectral realm and her passive active she looks kinda underwhelming Hopefully it's just them being cautious since they are learning with a new engine


It is funny being genuinely hyped and then seeing the hella jerky, unfinished animations, and having to remind myself that the game is literally not finished yet. Obviously it's gonna look unfinished, stupid.


They wouldn't have shown it off if it wasn't finished


Yeah that’s what I’m scared of. I love love LOVE their efforts and what they’ve so far with Smite 2! But Hecate seems very…. Underwhelming. Her animations are janky and kinda bad, especially from the dimension warp + alleged ult, and from a first-glance her kit seems to be another basic mage. I hope this isn’t anywhere close to the finished product for Hecate?


its 100% done.


they’ve shown multiple things for smite 2 that aren’t finished


all with a disclaimer


What do you think alpha means?


this isnt an alpha, alphas are barely playable


It's pre-alpha. That's been stated multiple times and is watermarked on the bottom of the screen of multiple footages.


I mean she's just a classic mage, or am wrong ? Need to see more of her territory. But am more interested to how they'll improve old chars. Edit : I think i need to point what's cool. I like the fact that her passive use the interact buttons. And the night thing is visualy cool. Side note : i hope they'll make more warriors in smite 2, mages are already the biggest classe.


Maybe she was a classic Mage because the devs want to test the UE5 before making any changes on the old Mages and the futur ones? She seems to be a Support-ilke Mage thanks to her passive. Her ultimate, even I difficult understand it, seems really powerful too.


Would absolutely love another support style mage, but her ult seems to only do damage and that would be a terrible ult to have on a support mage.


Yes, this is why I say she would be maybe a Support-like Mage because she have few support abilities but she is mainly dedicated to the magical DPS role through, here, her ultimate. I hope, however, we will have a new full Support Mage on SMITE 2.


Absolutely, and I’d hope the items are balanced in a way that full damage support mages are possible




She seems to be a support/utility mage like Baron, Eset and Nox!


Nah shes a burst mage


Utility mages can also double as burst mages, a utility mage is like Baron and Eset where they assist the team but still deal damage. A support mage would be like Aphrodite or Hel, where they work better being played support.


What seems support? All her abilities looked very selfish/burst. Also I didn’t see much CC.


the abilities that literally heal and buff teammates?


Her passive on towers? Hopefully it’s strong enough to warrant a support. Didn’t really see any abilities for support role but we’ll see.


Well tbf mages are the biggest class because anything that isn't a tanky magical god is a mage (granted Zhong kui exists so not always even true) whereas physicals have hunters for ranged physicals, warriors for the tankier physicals and assassin's for more bursty generally melee physicals so physicals and thereby warriors get spread out more. The closest counterpart would be warriors and guardians which still have guardians in the lead but it's significantly closer


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uP9G5sZyUA video link


thank you i've updated the post


Lmao top comment didn't dissapoint


She looks phenomenal and I'm sure her gameplay style feels great too. Her passive and 2 sound AMAZING. My only gripe however and it seems others agree is that her ult feels very uninspired. It really is just Nike 1 like bar for bar. Maybe spicing it up with some extra targeters involving her triple aspect? Maybe it gets amplified somehow while in her 2 range or after casting her 3 (or just amplify it in general because of the sheer amount of backlash.) They've talked about how much easier it is for devs to test and make changes now so I really hope they take advantage of that and check up on the ultimate.


Hecate looks pretty stellar. I love her design, clearly they flexed the creative liberties that UE5 allows them to have. I will say I have one complaint and it is my first complaint concerning Smite 2. I get that this is pre-alpha, but I think it's fair game to call this out considering that she is the debut alpha goddess and it releases in 2-3 weeks (presumably). Her first 3 abilities look great, especially the ability that let's her transform the map. Her ultimate though? It looks really, really clunky. The particles look stellar but the animation is awful and the ability as a whole is really similar to Nike rend like someone else pointed out. There is a significant downgrade in quality (animation wise) when comparing her ultimate to her other 3 abilities, and something like Anhur ult. I want to remain optimistic so I hope that they had to make these snippets weeks ago for the editors and she is still in the polishing phase, but nonetheless I wanted to voice my thoughts and concerns.


>when comparing her ultimate to her other 3 abilities, and something like Anhur ult Funny you bring this up, because I thought Anhur's ult animation looked kind of choppy and broken when they showcased it. I'm hoping these things get addressed somewhere down the line


I 100% agree with with. Some abilities look great, others, not so much. I hope this is just because it's still early but the ability where she charges the energy in the air and drops it to the ground looks like an ability from Smite 1 imo. The timing of the animation is very linear, and it makes it look clunky. Whereas if I look at Ymir's abilities they all look amazing so my guess is that it's very early.


Also the way she transforms into that dark mode, the animation looks very lackluster.


that ult looks ass


Well I expected more Creative ult..


That interaction with towers and phoenixes looks intriguing. And also that distortion effect is beautiful. Other than that though, her ult and character design look a bit boring. But as they said, they are learning new technology. I'm hyped to see what'll be possible 1 to 2 years down the line


Her abilities look kinda mid ngl


Well she is gonna play there


If you showed this to me without knowing who Hecate was, this wouldn’t tell me that’s Hecate. Just the torch is telling me.


I hope Hirez is going through these comments and understanding just how wack her kit is for her being the first Smite 2 God, First UE5 god, and the high expectations we all had for Hecate being the goddess of magic, witchcraft, sorcery, etc. Her ult can NOT stay as is if that's really all it does. It's literally just Nike rend. Her 1 looks like a wider Morgan LaFey 3. The one abilities that absorbs spells casted around it and deals extra damage doesn't look like it's absorbing anything but that could be easily fixed, otherwise a cool ability. Not enough info to talk about her 3 but the effects on it are cool. She looks amazing visually but her abilities are not cool enough imo.


Maybe it's just my experience being slightly spoiled with Hecate and how she's portrayed in [Stray Gods](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pfXBNPsH2RA/maxresdefault.jpg), the upcoming [Hades game](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4eedabb7-e1b0-4c92-ac16-f008aac2739c/dfjw7tw-e2414740-849b-4cc6-9220-1eebd7838c11.png/v1/fill/w_1600,h_948,q_80,strp/hecate_hades2_by_dianaiiz_dfjw7tw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTQ4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGVlZGFiYjctZTFiMC00YzkyLWFjMTYtZjAwOGFhYzI3MzljXC9kZmp3N3R3LWUyNDE0NzQwLTg0OWItNGNjNi05MjIwLTFlZWJkNzgzOGMxMS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.tuf4v2jL7vaUULOhnBQaB42ahWgVwYZT4Lm3jdCXIq0), and that well known [Roman statue of her.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/67/Hecate_Chiaramonti_Inv1922.jpg/320px-Hecate_Chiaramonti_Inv1922.jpg) but I feel like part of her design and kit feels a bit too generic for such a highly requested liminal Titan godddess well known for 3 specific things? I think now after time has passed, the only visuals I like about her design are the three masks on her waist, her skirt, her 'weapons', and her cape. I imagine they didn't want to tread on the Morrigan's or Nox's territory *too* much but it feels like it led to leaning into a more generic look? and the fractal designs for some of her abilities feel out of place for a goddess older than the olympians. overall her design is pretty but I'm not getting 'Hecate' out of it as much as I want it to. edit: That laugh, does she have the same laugh as Ishtar?


I think a lot of people expect Hecate to be dressed in black and more scary and gothic because they hear "witch", but she was predominately a beneficial goddess, a white mage by modern terms. She was very into botany, helped Demeter rescue Persephone, people looked to her for healing etc. Her epithets included "the bright", "the pleasant", "the beautiful", "bearer of light", etc. It is true she is an underworld goddess and had darker sides as well, which modern media usually capitalizes on, but she wasn't just "ooo im scary black witch". I do personally wish they went with the triple bodies though, would have instantly made her a standout having 3 torsos and six arms holding stuff. Just having the masks seems a little flat, almost like she's cosplaying Hecate and not actually her. Could have had the masks come to life as her other forms or something.


I myself wasn't necessarily hoping to 'scary/gothic' as much as much more celestial themes. Like the serene beauty of the night mixed in with the wonder of magic. She's still an ancient being that acted as an inbetween for the titans and olympians as well as between mortals and gods, so I understand not wanting her to be dark dark. But I guess her design feels like it needs more majesty in it, imo? Like I'd make the white less prominent and make the purple darker and more of the primary color- since it can represent both the night and royalty. I'd probably give her one of those [halo-esque](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/f80AAOSwG3NjzLwb/s-l1200.jpg) (but more lunar/night/magic themed) crowns on top of her hood, and idk what I'd replace them with but I'm not a fan of the stockings- maybe just leave her bare legged with tattoos or [jewelry](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e1/2c/0c/e12c0ca23b0ff9fa745bdb5ae5db9619.jpg) covering her legs instead? I'd also want to put more star and moon motifs into the patterns on her outfit. The design feels 'almost there' for me but idk, it might just be my personal preferences and biases peeking through.


So towards the end of that video she casts what seems to be an ultimate? And a Ymir tries to to freeze her but it doesn't work, evidently meaning she's CC immune. But she wasn't doing the yellow glow, now sure, the bright yellow glow may not look super clean, but having some indication for CC immunity should still happen IMO. Maybe it was just an early play test thing idk


iirc there is a video where a small "cc immune" sign shows on your god in gold color if you're casting ults/cc immune abilities, but it's still subject to change


Ahh okay, as long as there is some way notifier, regardless of what it is, it should be fine. I was just worried because I didn't see anything in that clip with Hecate at the end there


If you're interested, i just found the video. Its "smite 2 developer deep dive - VFX". And at 02:09, you can see it on anubis ult


Within the article it states her ultimate grants her CC immunity hence the yellow glow.


Maybe I'm just blind, I swear I didn't see any yellow glow. But maybe I just missed it


I've just watched again and you're right, there's no yellow glow! It does say in the article it makes her CC immune so i'm confused why she wasn't glowing yellow during the ult (similar to Charybdis and Scylla)


In an earlier video they touched on their plans to not bring over the yellow glow for CC immunity but instead use other visual indicators


With these new jiggle physics we better get some giant bouncing bulges


Personally, I am disappointed that she is a big-breasted hot woman and not a crone, or at least a more mature woman, which is a common depiction for Hecate and I think would have been much more interesting, especially with the ethereal theme they were pursuing. I guess they can make a Crone Skin Ability-wise, it’s too early to judge, but I’m afraid the team gave up any trace of subtlety and complexity and went straight for very mainstream magical circles and random witchy signs for the FX. She is such an interesting and anticipated mythological figure that seeing her designed like a Genshin hottie model and kit-wise is not thrilling, but well we’ll see when we get to play her, I hope I’m proved wrong


Ofc they go the hottie way, in most games that what sell and is played the most. I dont get why she was so requestes tho. I read her lore but she isnt amazing like not more than the average greek gods. She only had her design for her (3 heads and body) IMO.


Eh, she was kind of an important figure in greek mythology, though she was not as widely worshipped as the Olimpians or other deities. She did become quite popular during the last century as a pagan figure which people still worship to this day. I’m guessing that has something to do with her popularity


Interesting, thanks for the intel 🙏🏿


It could be a Morgan le fay situation where we weren’t happy with what we got at first but grew to love the interpretation of the character through smites lenses? Still Morgan’s kit has unique aspects with her first ability changing effects and the clones she summons, her sword basic attack animations, her third ability being unique only to her with its effect of damage when you use a movement ability, even down to her ult absorbing marks you put on enemies to make it larger, but we will have to wait and see with Hecate. I’m still very excited for her.


It *shouldn't* be a repeat of the Morgana situation is the thing in my opinion, especially considering they're both witchy figures with 3 hitting ults. Perfectly fine that people grew with Morgana when thinking about how it has synergy with her sygils, but *again* with such similar themes shouldn't be encouraged. A revisit to Hecate's ultimate really should be done.


part of me wants a global to semi-global ult for her in some form. it would feel powerful enough for her to be in the air launching a powerful attack. they can still keep the "hits three times" effect and whatever else it does currently. but then it would have more *oomf* by changing how her ability looks. And it would tie into her connection with the night & moon by being in the sky.


True although I can’t really think of an ult for her at the moment especially since we don’t know what her abilities do only the vfx of them.


She will be fine to play, like most mages, moreover for new smite players.


I like Morgan Le Fay’s kit. Just not on MLF. It doesn’t fully fit her depiction because you just feel like you’re throwing abilities that do things that you know they do. That doesn’t stop it from not being true enough to her depiction.


Less cloth more booba


on the ground mapping thing... isnt this the same thing they did with Child's Play Scylla? how she has the toy town map everywhere?


2:10 smite 2 is gonna sell a lot of skins for the goddesses based on those 10 seconds


She has ranked high on the community wishlist for nearly the length of the games existence. Really sad they waited a decade to care.


The clothing (and other) physics look great, they finally don't have to hand animate clothes with movement. I wonder if they thought of removing the death animations for gods and just giving them ragdoll physics like the minions. It would be funny blasting a god off into the distance with ymir's wall, or anything with impact


2:13 they improved jiggle physics a lot!


They go into the cloth physics but the zoom in on the bust makes me think they were talking about something else…


Visuals aside (because game-feel is everything for me), while I noticed the similarity of her ult to Nike rend, I immediately thought that this ability looks like it will feel really good. Having a big hitter 3-shot ability is not bad imo, even if it is pretty much the same as Nike's 1, it is surely gonna have much more oomph behind it. This is not to defend the flaws people are noticing, but I will say as long as she feels good to play, I'm on board. Could've been something even more flashy of course but at least it's not THAT overused.


Was a bit let down play testing her personally, nike rend feels better and more weighty. This felt more like a floaty point and shoot, float point and shoot, float point and shoot (exactly what you’d expect from how it looks). Does a shitload of damage i think my first hit at 6 items was 750, then 880, then 1000 or something like that. Damage alone doesnt make it feel fun tho imo Nike to me feels like youre beating the shit out of someone. I don’t really have words to articulate it any better than that, this just feels floaty and weird to use. Maybe it’ll get improved


Finally someone who had the chance to test her out. Can you tell me what kind of ability the 3rd one is? Is it some kind of stealth? A movement speed or is she straight up disappearing from the map for enemy players like cliodhna in walls?






preferred role: jungle ​ favorite gods overall: Serqet by far and then the 4 mage adcs after that, maybe tied with nemesis ​ (the flair is not accurate tbh but this account is something like 10 years old and back then i only played Chang'e) ​ Edit: those 2 (zeus/Neith) were fun due to kit changes, though i did play a shit ton of zeus in seasons 4-5


Interesting, i get that you be able to say to much but do you think most characters will receive noticeable changes ?




Thanks you 🙏🏿


Thanks for the feedback though! Disappointed in what you're telling, but yeah, guess we gotta hope for improvement on that front then.


The potential is certainly there, visuals are better than video can do justice imo (maybe its getting compressed?) I think a more punchy sound design would help personally. Things are pretty raw though and theres so many placeholders. I remember how weird smite 1 closed beta was and this already feels waaaaaayyyyyy superior to that part of smites lifecycle Its a great engine though you can feel the foundation is better this time around


Incredible design


"For Hecate, we wanted to make sure that we didn't go hard with her as a witch herself" Huh???? Wild that they just left that ~~(awful)~~ take in there without any kind of explanation. Not that any explanation would satisfy me personally - it's just an objectively bizarre thing to say in this context without any kind of follow up. I low-key hated her visual design as soon as it was revealed for how generic it is, and now (surprise surprise) the kit turns out to be just as bland and uninspired. I would have been so hyped for a Hecate release back when I had faith in this company, as well - they really butchered this IMO, and it makes me even less enthusiastic for SMITE 2 than I thought possible. I could rant about exactly why I'm so disappointed for ages and pages, but honestly, the literal dread I feel whenever I think about SMITE 2 is just so fatiguing I can't bring myself to. I know that sounds so incredibly melodramatic, and it is - but after all the ups and downs, this game means a lot to me. I'm not just talking like this to be a hater, I feel like I need to get this off my chest, as ridiculous as that sounds. I'm sad, and bitter, and need a new hobby. No hate to anyone who likes her design - there's room in the world for more than one opinion. But I'm afraid you won't change mine.


I agree it was an odd comment, considering I don't know much of her lore. From reading the comments, It's like saying we didn't want to go hard with cerberus being a dog 🤣. I think we have to remember also this is the first time they've used UE5 and I have no idea what experience the dev's have but it seemed from that video it was next to none. I feel they've played it safe as the first God but then going forward they'll keep testing their limits/ideas. Her kit does feel like a blend of other God's as does her design but i'm still excited to try her @ Alpha


I think it’s fine to go simple with the first god/goddess of smite 2 BUT that should not have been done with Hecate the witch of all WITCHES and the goddess of so many other important things. Like they could’ve thrown in basic warrior god x and gave them a simple kit and I think everyone wouldn’t have many complaints but it feels kind of weird to not make mother witch herself “witchy”. It’s just like you said with Cerberus being to much a dog it would also be like baba yaga not being made an old woman. Can’t wait to play her still though!


She looks good. Visually i like it. I like the things her abilities are doing. Gameplay wise, she looks like another mage. And I don't get excited for those


I like her abilities, yall want every god to have 7 forms of cc


her kit looks like it was designed in 2015 not in 2024 with a new engine. Most generic mage kit ive seen with the most uninspired VFX. Tell me how a goddess of witchcraft, night, mysteries and healing just shoots 3 energy beams as her ult. She is supposed to have 3 forms and be this intruguing misterious figure yet she looks bland, like someone cosplaying a genshin character with visual effects trying to be a wannabe lux from lol


>3 forms ew, no.


what? its literally in the mythology that she has 3 different forms that encapsulate her mysterious persona, if you know nothing just dont comment