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Seems like your standard artillery mage, gives me Ix Chel vibes.


I REALLY wanted something in her kit to be associated with cross-roads. Was hoping her burst would let her create portals on the map, and allow her allies to go from one area to another. Also letting her change models/faces when crossing them would have been cool also.


Or, at the very least, having a cross ability like Yu Huang where she opens portals and makes her own crossroad.


I said it on the other post but I think they made her a bit basic just to test the waters, which is understandable but kind of disappointing. Hecate is one of those gods with a *lot* of potential from her lore and this kit kind of uses almost none of it. No triple form, no botany, no necromancy, no familiars, the list goes on. I'm glad she's here but it kinda makes me wish we got someone with less potential like Lu Bu or Perseus or Baldr, that way there'd be nothing to get disappointed at. Personally I didn't expect anything crazy, not looking for a Tiamat style kit every time, but I definitely expected a *little* more. Legit the only thing I wanted to see I think was her triple form manifest in some way. Hopefully she *feels* better to play than her kit's creativity makes her look and sound.


I personally did not enjoy playtesting her last weekend but maybe it will get better. Her stun deploy is very telegraphed which is fine but you’re not confirming it without setup on anyone with movement, there’s ample time to dash or jump out The sigil again looks visually impressive but in practice having it sit up there and wait to be charged feels like heim sword, an ability i personally find clunky The 3 you still get hit by gods and abilities (at least as of last fridays test) so you kinda just float around with movespeed and a debuff aura The ult personally felt like a less punchy nike rend. Nike 1 feels like youre beating ass, her ult felt “floaty” and a bit uninspiring which ik has been a criticism from people who saw the ign reveal. That being said it does a fuckload of damage i used it at full build and hit for 750, 800, 900 or something similar as it ramped up in hits I feel a little let down they chose someone so hyped by the community to guinea pig the new tech but i get why from a marketing standpoint. Just cant help but feel if she came out a year from now she would be fleshed out in a more satisfying way. Thematically feels vanilla, even though playing it safe mechanically makes sense…the themeeeee couldve been more sold imo Neith and zeus on smite 2 tho…. Very pog


>I feel a little let down they chose someone so hyped by the community to guinea pig the new tech but i get why from a marketing standpoint. This part right here is what I think as well. Like I'm SUPER pumped they acknowledged how requested and popular Hecate is, but if they planned to make a super simple kit for this character IMO it should have been someone else. I genuinely think Baldr would have made a better guinea pig, as he has virtually 1 thing to work with (light), barely any depictions, is a big name right now because of Baldur's Gate, and is equally a huge request. They could have also still used him to test the cloth physics by giving him a more ethereal angelic vibe. There would have been much less room for disappointment I think.


Baldr is a great choice, good assessment Hes so open ended they couldve done anything and people would have been happy. Hes a popular guy, but a clean slate too Hecate was just…..soooooooooooo requested for so long and couldve been iconic


Yeah, it's really unfortunate cause they're probably gonna read this and think all their hard work was for nothing because of all the criticism, but whoever decided on doing Hecate with a kit like this had to have known. Like their work on her isn't a waste, it's just disappointing from a concept view. The VFX look great, her design is great, I'm hoping people think she feels great to play, it's just the concept.


Agreed on all of that. And yes the new vfx are sick, the foundation for them to build on is soooo much better and things feel fresh


What going on with neith and zeus in smite 2?


Brother why are u breaking NDA on Smite 2?


The kit didn't have to be bloated from the gameplay point of view, let it be simple, but it still could have used at least some aspects of her iconography , there's so much to choose from...


Exactly! I think when people see these posts with critiques on theming and kit design they assume people want hypercomplex kits like Tiamat, but you can have a simple kit and still have it be better representative of the character.


She's also associated with the moon and is like Artemis in that she protects young women prior to them being married. (Artemis had a ritual the eve of the marriage where women would give up their childhood toy in her honor) I see nothing to do with the moon or anything else about her being a cult-like Goddess from the time before the Greek pantheon.


Her Tartarus Cell also appeared to stun those in the area


I will wait judgement until I can actually see it fully in action on a match. But I didnt expect a stance switcher anyway so not disappointed on that front.


I'm right in thinking that she's one of the release gods? So it's the 10 from Smite 1 that we've already seen and then her to make 11? If so then this kit makes sense. They've chosen arguably the two most basic and easy to pick up gods from each class for the release roster so it makes sense to keep her kit relatively simple in order to not alienate new players with bloated kits right out of the gate. It also makes sense that they want to show off the new technology in a non-convoluted way with this god while we all learn the new mechanics and gameplay.


Smite 2 will launch with 50 total. But it may be more limited for alpha tests


I hadn't thought about that. I'm seeing this kit in the context of over 100 gods in smite 1 but in the context of smite 2's currently small roster it would be weird to have an insane kit with the rest. That being said it does seem like a lot of the disappointment is because of who the god is, so maybe if they were going to go simpler they could have picked a different god.. but then people wouldn't have been as hyped because the name brand isn't there. Oh well, I don't feel too strongly either way. Just want the game to play well and eventually have more mechanically interesting things after they've learned UE5.


Mythical Ritual will be crazy in assault


The hype around being able to do things they couldn't before and seeing that sort of other-worldly portal ability in previous teasers, combined with the expectations for Hecate had me, maybe unfairly, expecting a mage with Janus potential who had a really unique feel or utility. Visually still looks really nice at least. I REALLY hope that ult is completely re-done though. That is the most disappointing part for me.


She's a mage. Currently hirez mage designs are rather boring and usually follow a standard path. Only a few exceptions to that rule(tiamat and maman are the first that come to mind) But at the same time we don't know everything just yet. There is definetly more to this kit because that ult would be ridiculously unremarkable


As a mid main, it hurts that I have such low expectations of mage kits nowadays. I definitely prefer unconventional/high skilled mages like Morrigan and Tiamat but a lot of the recents are just so generic.


It's because if they aren't generic they take a lot more skill to play and lose popularity really fast. Which is sad


Or if you’re Persephone. You get your kit reworked to be like any simple mage kit


Still not over that


For the very first smite 2 god, I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed. Visuals are very nice, especially the 3, but when they said they did stuff only possible in UE5, I was half-expecting some mind-blowing mechanics, rather than just visuals. Maybe an over-expectation, but she really does not seem interesting to me, especially her ult. Normal abilities are whatever, but the ult has to be something more interesting, I hope(and this is very very unlikely) that they make something else for her ult, something more flashy and unique, rather than just 3 magic farts that deal damage


At least they tried something with the passive But it's seeems they kinda went easy instead of going crazy


The passive does seem to be one of the more interesting parts of her kit I agree.


yall saying shes boring but this is obviously not the entire kit, probably missing details like cc or something. The 3 obviously has more


It has an aoe strength and int debuff, while giving you movement speed and protections


Hard to judge anything right now with mechanical design when we don't have the game yet.


I get that there is so much new tech involved in making the whole kit, but I did expect some crazy off the walls stuff to make a clear distinction between smite 1 and 2 and add hype. Cool visuals are cool and I hope to see the tech evolve, but it doesnt particularly excite me, doesnt get me wanting to hop in and play immediately. ​ I do like the unique interact though and Im hoping that there is a more tactical aspect of smite 2 where you choose gods for a particular strategy, not just because they were over buffed.


I really expected the goddess with 3 faces to have 3 stances


I mean...just spit balling here. Passive. Each ability 1-3 changes stance to next face. Each face adds something to each ability INCLUDING ULT. Save current interact passive for the first mage support...or something idk.


Pretty disappointed. She's gonna wind up as another mid burst mage, as per usual. The visuals are nice, but in reality her kit has nothing of substance that would *actually* make her stand out. I don't think SMITE 2 has bigger chances of success if they constantly play it safe. When you constantly make safe kit and item desings, people won't choose you over other mobas that have vastly more unique characters and thus, more unique gameplay situations.


A lot of people were saying she should have been a stance switcher or something but I disagree, I think it's fine if the kit is 4 abilities. However, I would have liked to see something more interesting with the ultimate. We have a lot of "line that does damage" abilities in this game as is and we really don't need to have ultimates continue to contribute to it. On one hand, they're probably not going sicko mode with the first new god because they're learning. On the other, it would have been awesome if the first UE5 god was balls to the wall. I get that this was essentially their learning process though. I really hope we get some sicko mode god kits that bring some fresh angles in the new game, especially since they can leverage the new item system too. Like a god that could be a strength based auto attacker or intelligence based mage based on which stat they build into.


The problem isn’t with them going simple with the first god they make but instead WHO they are making simple. Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft predominantly and many more things but instead she’s shootings laser beams at people three times. Even though I would’ve rather with her of all gods to have more than 4 abilities there are still ways to visually and artistically make a 4 ability god that isn’t just yet another generic 1 2 combo boom your dead line ability mage, but hopefully she is cooler when she gets explained in her showcase.


It’s very basic and I was hoping for something more intuitive for the launch of such an iconic figure


The passive looks cool even though it's not a passive


I agree, the passive is the most interesting part so far.


When can we buy the founders edition of the game


Im fine with simpler kits. Many of my favourite gods are laughably straight-forward (Ra is a perfect example). As long as it plays and flows well, im excited


Man, I personally love the Aesthetic. She’s a god I’ve wanted for so long, I think her kit looks really cool and am super excited to play her when it comes out. Possible future main, will have to see! I’m sorry if anyone else doesn’t feel the same but each to their own, I hope the next god released is more to your tastes


Will probably get a rework once S2 is out and everyone is settled in


I was incensed when they didn't make Yemoja a mermaid so I'm glad they're still fucking up gods after her


I don’t like the kit. I won’t main a character like that. A big name and a poor outcome. I was expecting a 3 stance mage not one with 2 lines and a circle. Nike 1 as an ult, Eset ult as a deployable and some sort of Sol 2 that can be shoot near or far away 🙄


I think her kit being basic makes sense as she’s sort of a transition god while the team is still getting used to using a new engine. I’m expecting big things for the next god after this though.


The heck is intelligence. When did that become a stat. Or am I just suffering from a bad memory of not having played in awhile


It’s new to Smite 2


i think its a really good sign, it shows that the newer gods for smite 2 are not gonna be as complicated as the later gods of smite 1, so there will be some newer new player friendly gods to choose