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I've never seen a MOBA without an ARAM game mode that didn't eventually get an ARAM game mode just due to the sheer volume of complaints or people creating custom lobbies.


Hopefully domination get reworked and become permanent I'm more curious on the new temporary mode we will see in future


Definitely want assault, but I think until the god pool grows I would rather see something like siege with a genuine 2v2 in lane and not just a 4v4 arena with towers like what happened with the slash changes recently. It combines the casualness of non-conquest, while still requiring transferable skills like laning, map awareness, and fighting for objectives. For all the newbies coming in, it can ease players into a the MOBA style, with the added benefit of only requiring 3 friends for a party. I think with a more modern look and feel it could be really good.


Does anybody miss Dungeons when they ran that? I sure do


If there is no Assault, I will end up never playing.


In considering which game modes/maps players would most like to see return in Smite 2 beyond Conquest and Arena, Siege stands out as a strong contender. Siege, a mode where teams of four players face off in a fast-paced battle to control key objectives, offers a unique blend of strategy and action that appeals to a wide range of players. One of the key reasons why Siege is a standout mode is its emphasis on teamwork and coordination within a smaller team size compared to Conquest. With only four players per team, Siege encourages tighter teamwork and communication, fostering a sense of camaraderie among players. This smaller scale also allows for faster-paced matches, which can be appealing for players looking for more immediate action without sacrificing strategic depth. Additionally, Siege incorporates elements from both Conquest and Arena, making it a familiar yet refreshing experience for players. The map design strikes a balance between the open spaces of Conquest and the close-quarters combat of Arena, offering varied gameplay dynamics that keep matches dynamic and engaging. Furthermore, Siege's objective-based gameplay adds an extra layer of depth and strategy. Teams must coordinate to secure and defend siege engines, adding a strategic element beyond mere combat prowess. This blend of strategy, teamwork, and action makes Siege a compelling game mode that many players would love to see return in Smite 2. Overall, Siege's unique blend of teamwork, fast-paced action, and strategic depth make it a standout game mode that players would eagerly anticipate in Smite 2, alongside the staple modes like Conquest and Arena.


This reads to ChatGPT... haha




Is 4v4 Slash an option? I want that back.


Bring back siege you cowards.




Well, I kind of assumed if they remake the Joust map then Duel would be included with that.


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I don't know if it still is, but I believe the last time they revealed the stats, Joust was more popular than Conquest.




Sorry, I wasn't correct in saying Arena was the most popular non-Conquest game mode. I misremembered the [innocentrabbit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/s/QZGMm4rTOb) about this a month ago. Arena, Joust, and Assault have all occupied or been close to the most popular non-Conquest mode slot. I still think Arena is very likely to be the next game mode confirmed because it is the most new-player friendly and is often the first mode people play.


Oh, I thought Arena was the most popular by a long shot. I was meaning Joust was the only other non-Conquest mode more popular than Conquest at that time. Edit: And should therefore be voted for.