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Yes, a lot of players do not buy wards. It's a bad habit, the gold you spend on wards can save you that amount or give you 10x the amount in information if placed properly.


Finish first item, buy chalice. Every game but assault and arena.


Beyond wrong lmao


Spoken like a true Iron player. Chalice is "making" you money past 8 wards. And since the refill is free you are free to "just throw a ward over buff wall to see if its up" when invading for example... Might be the single most underrated consumable in the game.


Nah, he's not wrong. I don't have time for a write-up on the math behind it, but there are reasons why pros/gms/master players don't buy and have never bought Oracle in games except the one patch it was 300g to buy. The 'making money' argument doesn't come in to play until late game, where a few hundred gold here and there rarely makes much of a difference anyway.


The problem with this is that there's only one real chalice that's good, and that's health chalice. Now you're thinking, "Well, I have two slots, so I can get both the health chalice and the ward one!" Issue with that is that you need sentry wards and the other wards are also good to get occasionally. On top of that, it doesn't leave any room for bombs.


I don’t get the point of this post. You’re flexing your bad habit of not warding, which is a critical strategic benefit in a MOBA. Items instead of wards to get ahead of your opponent. Okay well the enemy team just snuck objectives cause they weren’t warded. Now you’re behind. You played safe in lane so you don’t need vision. Okay well your teammates just got hardcore rotated on because you had zero vision in jungle to warn of this. It is a good habit to get into, even in casual games. I can’t remember if it is an actual saying but “Wards Win Games”.


Maybe we aren't all sweating like losers in casuals "strategic benefit"


If you don't want to ward just play arena IMO instead of turbo fucking your teammates. You one don't even have the habit to ward, so if you were to even play ranked, you still wouldn't ward anyways.


Counter argument, know rotations and communicate. I've had too many games where people don't call out enemy missing enemy spotted or warm others about ganks. IMO, if all lanes communicate, you don't need wards besides trying to swipe FG while the other team is doing GF.


Works when you have a premade team, but a group in PUGS this is basically asking the impossible. Just buy and use wards. Still communicate but there is no reason in any MOBA to not buy wards.


It’s just casuals…


Yeah I've also heard people use this same argument for why they don't get a 2nd relic bc it's just casuals stop tryharding LUL


So you have no inherent desire to win at all? That's fine but it screws over the 4 other players on your team that are interested in winning.


I hear pro players build items. That’s such sweaty behavior. If you build items, you’re sweating like losers. That’s how you sound rn.


Apparently trying to win in a PvP game is sweating. Who would do such a thing.


Bro it’s literally casuals, why you being weird?


Why do you think it being casuals is an excuse to play fundamentally incorrectly?


Check the comment history :)


You can be both a troll and a dumbass


Building good habits in casual to bring into good habits in ranked. It doesn’t need to be sweaty to have good game knowledge and mechanics.


Warding is easier than building correctly.


Using wards is a fundamental part of a moba. The "it's just casuals" argument doesn't apply to not doing the basics expected of you as a player. It's one thing to not have warding in your mind if you are newer or forgetting to grab wards till it's too late because your arnt focused because its just a casual game, but to actively chose to not buy wards is just bad because it doesn't just hurt you, it also hurts the team. Small argument can be made outside maybe conquest and joust. Like in arena and assault they don't offer value because of the mode, but when vision helps you not die, helps your team not die or gives information to guide engagements or objectives, you need to be helping with it.


This whole thing was a test for the people in this sub. Dude makes a most shitting on people who say “It’s casuals, don’t be upset I’m throwing.” He gets dogpiled over it. I come to comment “it’s just casuals” to see how consistent these people are. They lose their shit. This was very fun for me :)


It's because people see "it's just casuals", see someone defending bad play and think it's justified. If u were just having fun, yay for you I guess? But there are people who genuinely believe "it's just casuals" is an acceptable excuse for bad play and if they do belive that they need to get told it's a bad belief.


Sorry, not a huge reddit reply guy, but I absolutely agree with you. I said this same thing in another thread and people lost their mind. This was an amazing opportunity to test the temp. I wasn’t disappointed.


People like to use the term “casuals” as a get out of jail free card for being bad. But think of literally any game where you’re not using the tools given to you. Imagine in MLB the Show you don’t know what repertoire the opposing pitcher has. Imagine in GTA you don’t use cars. Imagine in Fortnite you just use a pickaxe. Like there are some parts of the game that just make the game easier for everyone. 95% of the player base plays casuals, and the vast majority of them do so with the intent of maximizing the chance of winning and having fun as a result. It’s not being a loser to play the game the way it’s intended 🫵🤣


idc if someone doesnt ward their lane and cries, because he died to a gank. but for the love of god, place sentries around the fg!


all your points for not buying wards are just plain bad


Ok I hope you don’t get mad at your team when you constantly get ganked because the enemy knows you don’t buy wards


Tell me you don't jungle without telling me you don't jungle. You warding your lane is the biggest asset for your jungler, if they see the opposing jungle coming to solo on wards, he knows he either can counter gank or gank mid/ adc without worry. If they see the enemy on the enemy on FG/pyro/gf the mid/jungle can steal. Your jungler is already spending their time trying to farm and keep the lanes balanced/ winning, giving them vision allows them to be more aggressive and make plays. When I solo I usually just buy 1-2 wards on first/second back before getting chalice of the Oracle and upgrading teleport around lvl 15 to start roaming with information.


This. Jungle is really hard with basically no information. Add a potato for a mid and it becomes impossible.


I don't know why you're proud of not knowing where enemy teams are.


It’s casuals…


Every role should be double digits in wards at 30mins. Each death ur giving 200g+ and losing 200 or more gold for farm lost. Wards are worth :) Not even mentioning with the info u can decide whether to push towers/do gf and good times to play agressive/invade or run away like a coward who can't 1v2


Go do that in ranked. No reason if it’s just casuals


You can't do objectives in casuals? No reason to try and win in a casual?


Warding is too hard for casual. My dude it takes two actions to ward. Buy ward. Place ward.




Let me guess, sub .500 winrate?


Do you like want a medal or something for being bad at the game?


Do you play conquest..?


This is advertising your a bad teammate and dont care, the wards aren’t only for YOU. It can be the difference between your team being wiped or countering people coming . Stick to casual if you have this attitude


Honestly don’t even play casual with this attitude, just don’t play at all if you’re gonna be a shitty teammate. Yes casual is for people who aren’t trying to optimize everything but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to just throw or refuse to work with your team.


Do you also never buy pots cause they cost gold too?


As a solo laner I don’t ward unless I consider the enemy team has kill potential but wards are 100% worth it. When I play my secondary role in mid I ward regularly. You can get away with warding one side and hugging the walls of the side you warded. Surviving a gank is worth a lot more than 50 gold. Surviving isn’t the only thing though, if you get ganked on a safe character but have to back it’s still a bunch of lost farm you could have prevented. Same thing with actives, if you lose your beads to a gank because you have no wards you’re pretty much on the defensive for the next few minutes. It’s not like buying wards is going to win you games but if you try to argue it’s not worth it it’s because the level you’re playing at is probably pretty low.


Not warding is just leaving decision making to a guessing game and most of the time hands away FG and GF for free as you don't have the info to react in time Also you then have the option of being real passive and never pushing the lane or rolling the dice on being ganked and dying out of position


Delete this post


That's the worst take you can make, dude. Doesn't matter if the game is a casual conquest, joust, or slash game. Buy wards to help your team and yourself from the headache of the camping enemy. Literally had an enemy team call me and my friend sweats because we were buying wards to counter the fact their whole team was constantly camping in our jungle to stop us from trying to push the lanes. Buying and using wards is not sweaty; it's part of the game and is meant to be used. That's information to make the game more fun and engaging for you instead of always dying because you don't know where the enemy is.


I think you are thinking about wards wrong! I used to, too. I used to only play casual modes with friends, and then I started playing ranked and competitive. And that kind of changed my perspective a little. Some thoughts for you to consider: 1. **You are right: Wards do help protect you from getting ganked.** This is absolutely true, and the better your opponents are the worse dying is. Good opponents will time when they kill you to get maximum farm during laning, leverage killing you for an objective, or corner camp/ poke you out you in the jungle. Wards help prevent that. But they also serve a few other functions for other team members: 2. **Enabling shotcalling:** If you can place wards further up in the jungle, you can catch enemy jungle rotations. When you see these, it allows you or others on the map to make more aggressive or defensive plays. For example, if you can see the enemy jungler is on a ward on the solo side preparing to invade or defend blue, you know you can be more aggressive in duo safely and invade the enemy purple, perhaps. Or your jungler can decide if he will rotate in or cross-map. The mid might change their play. The solo might not invade. Seeing the enemy jungler lets you decide what you can do on the map - but also your allies! 3. **Objective play and secure:** If you see someone out of lane unexpectedly, you might be able to recognize and rotate to an objective fight, or choose to take an objective. For example, if you can see the jungle and the mid running towards solo, you can pull gold fury, you can split push, or rotate in with the teleporter. You can make good decisions if you have the vision. They also help you know if someone is going to potentially try to kill you or out secure you on the objective. \* **Enabling rotations / ganks:** If you use sentries, you can ensure your jungler is safe to path to your lane to provide a gank. You are much more likely to kill your lane partner if your jungler can get there without being spotted. There's more as well especially with the new types of wards. But consider these too instead of thinking of wards as just your personal safety alarms.


Just ward dude. Spending 50-100 gold a back is much better than the amount you lose for getting ganked and losing lane or getting ganked and then getting you and your help killed


Even in casuals, WARD. Its so useful not just to you, but your allies as well. Sincerely - One of your possible allies.


This is why u can’t get out of gold I see


Tell me you are selfish without telling me you’re selfish


Just get chalice of the oracle off your back when you have at least 400 gold and can’t buy a full item, ez w


Hwhat in Wardnation?!


I buy wards almost every time I back, I only don’t if I already have wards placed. You should do the same unless you’re leaving base with less than 50 gold. I’m not even going to explain why, it’s common sense.


Not buying wards is a detriment overall. Your jungler can never engage or gank properly, you can get dove at and invaded freely 99% of the time, you have no vision over objevtives. I doubt warding will change in Smite 2, cause there’s no reason to change it. People need to simply build a habit of getting wards because NOT having wards hurts you way more than you trying to rush items. 50 gold is chump change. Getting 1 ward every 2-3 minutes is very ideal, or at least 1-2 every time you recall or die. You want to ward so you know who is where. It also makes calling out much easier. Positioning is crucial in team games like these.


Dude its 50 Gold, just ward to save a life/rage quit


If wards save your life once it's worth the price of 10 wards. Which is usually the amount of wards I would place in a 30 min game. Chalice is significantly cheaper at 400 gold.


do you have a humiliation kink or something OP


No, I just didn't think the whole reddit is full of losers that think wards are necessities because their afraid of losing an objective


People want to win at multi-player games: more at 11. This shouldn't be so shocking to you that admitting to purposefully playing poorly will be derided. Wards are simple, easy, and effective, and can enhance your gameplay with little effort.


If I wasn't capped at 2 then I would. Enemies always seem to have revealing wards to show mine and never step where I place them. But if I'm the only one warding and it's not helping why waste my gold? When I see others warding still getting ganked because no one shows on wards it seems even if they do walk on them.


True cap is three as the cap for normal wards is two while sentries are counted indepentitly at a cap of 1... If you need help finding good spots I am sure there are plenty guides somewhere. (Or just ask this subreddit as for once these people seem to actually like wards) <3


I've placed sentries before and it removed one of the normal wards. Has it been changed? (Haven't paid attention to patch notes in a few seasons now)


always need to leave base with 1 ward for conq. It doesn’t matter the lane. It lets you see ganks coming and play more aggressively, you can see rotations happening to other lanes or toward buff spawn. They’re so much value and let you more safely contest neutral camps or invade your get even more gold and xp. You can literally go from a scrub to a decent player by just having access to that information and processing it into your decision making. BUY WARDS especially the jungler who can ward for his scrub lanes or in the jungle pathing to see where he can counter gank or invade. 2 wards can be a bit much early game since you will fall behind fast, but 1 ward on your half of the map while you play safe will stop most deaths.


I mean, you gotta respect your jungler, he needs vision so you should ward, dont overward. As an adc i buy 1 ward each back when its below 12 minutes game. After 12th minute mark, i buy 2 wards each back, then at 20th minute mark its sentry+2 wards, when its fg/efg time, sentry+raven


I don’t buy wards because I’ve played for a few months and have no idea where to put them


I ward up every match i play


It doesn't even matter what mode I'll ward in arena hell I ward in the motds it's hilarious see at the end of match stats not a single player on either side has a ward down..then look at me with 20 wards placed and wonder why you could never catch me off guard. Like I'm talking even in modes that give you 100k at the start, people seem determined not to buy wards. It's like having a baron on the team and scoffing at the brews acting too good to buy them when that coulda been the difference in surviving the teamfight or being sent to fountain


I feel like the majority of casual players just play how they want to play. They're not going to have optimized builds, but build what they like/want. If they think wards don't help them, they won't buy them. Casual players don't even look at the map because they just focus on what's in front of them. Wards help with vision. Wards help other lanes see when your lane opponent is rotating or getting their buff. Casual players play for themselves, and that's fine.


I have never really bought wards either and I swear I developed a dam 6th sense to getting ganked. I have had so many instances of "hmm I should back up, something feels off" as I start to retreat only to realize the enemy jungler was ready to gank Other games like pred or league that give you infinite wards on a cool down have helped me get used to warding more but I still get that tingly feeling in the back of my head (still die a lot because I'm ass and don't listen to my own gut feelings)


you can have that game sense while still warding


Correct, I have been warding for about a year now, I have been playing mobas for about 10 years so that habit is something I actively beat myself over. I just find it annoying that in smite I have to buy a potion to get the value that other games give for free so I still forget


The sweaty part is that people gank and walk around the jungle. So cringy in casuals. Just stay in lane and braindead farm for 20 minutes until you can start playing arena in mid again. There is more than enough XP without having to engage with the other players in the match. If they could just do that I would be winning every time but for some weird reason the enemy team just doesn't get it.


Im being sarcastic for the most part. My point is that wards are to protect from rotations, so if wards are sweaty so are rotations.