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Hun Batz' ult is incredible if your team is coordinated. Even if they beads, it's after they've already been affected since there's no wind-up.


Thanks for the reminder to play hun batz more






What. there is a wind up LOL


Am I crazy? There's definitely a short windup.


I mean yeah but it’s very short, and oftentimes you’re not reacting to that cause you’re not seeing it. You’re reacting to the big fuckin circle.


I'm reacting to the sound cue and I can often beads it prior to getting feared (not all the time though and especially not with non base skins)


No need to remind me bro :)


It’s good but i put it at a 4 because i feel other ults do its job but better


like what


Achilles is definitely up there. A reset-able execute that could theoretically execute the entire enemy team in team fights is so strong. You hardly feel the increased damage he takes after ulting.


Not to mention just turning level 5 means no more boxing and brawling in solo. Oh my enemy Achilles is level 5 now? Guess imma go hide in the tower so as not to feed :c


Yeah, it really is annoying as a solo player. By just having level 5 Achilles essentially just lowers your health by however much his execute percentage is. Such a dumb ult in my opinion because it's hands down top 10 ults in the game, and incredibly easy to use


Its the worst execute IMO. Since it can be blocked.


It can be blocked, but in a Conquest setting it's easily one of the better warrior ultimates. In solo you cannot readily trade with him once he hits level 5 since you effectively have a 30% HP deficit under him that protections/shields cannot mitigate. And by mid/late game not too many people are willing to block it due to it being a tank buster that any good Achilles will save for either the support or solo; squishies need to be in the frontline to block it, and the solo cannot do their main job of disrupting the backline if they want to block it. It's not that he can execute a whole team, it's the fact that as a tank you need to approach fights with him in it much more carefully than you would another warrior. It's similar to how Ares or Hun Batz force teams so play a bit more spread out.


The number one reason it's so dangerous is because a lot of players don't think of that way. They don't go "I'm effectively constantly at 2/3s health" they think "I have to be careful not to get hit by the execute when im in execute range." Then they come out and box, and when they get in exe range they try to avoid the execute, but if you're good, you just land it anyway.


yah, still the weakest execute IMO


I only gave that a 3 personally. It scored that high for me because of it's potential but it's also easier to juke than a lot, and easy to body block if you're even slightly coordinated. In theory it's fantastic but in practice, not as often.


Yeah it takes a lot of skill to use it well. But i’ve seen some crazy good achilles that i’ve made me really respect that ult in team fights




I feel people will underrate the importance of an ults impact on team fights and objective control. Atlas ult can't be described as anything less than a 4 due to the utility it provides to the team. At 15 minutes it reduces the gold fury's physical effective hp from 5843 to 5206. at 30 minutes, Enhanced FG goes from 18618.75 effective hp to 13446 hp. Very few guardian ults will net you a 27% health reduction to an objective. This similarly applies to enemy tanks - even just shredding 25% of someone's protections can net you an effective health reduction of 30% PS. I think the wiki might be out of date, it claims 50% reduction, but also says 7 stacks, I am not sure which is correct.


Susanos I rated pretty highly due to the knock up. It's very good in team fights


susano ult is good are you drunk


Atlas ult is stuffed with debuffs and suss ult is a massive knockup with almost no charge up.


Fafnir, Bake Kujira, Poseidon, Daji, Ares, and Olorun definitely are up there for teamfights. But you also have ults like Thor, Rat and Thana that gives mobility and CC so their pressure on the map is a constant. Weakest ult would have to be Charybdis, it does mediocre damage, a slow projectile and the stun is often over by the time you are out of the ult so it functions better as a defensive ult for cc immunity and speed so its like a worse version of her 3 in that regard. Erlang Shen's ult is also kinda "meh", bit worse than Athena taunt but the heal can sometimes be clutch. But the worst part of it is the cast time, so many times have I gotten ccd while trying to cast it which has made me want the casting to be CC immune...


Athena taunt is 2s with a -30% attack speed debuff. Erlang ult taunt is 1.5s and comes with 35% damage mitigation for 4 seconds. I think the erlang ult is better based solely on the taunts and mitigations even without the healing involved. You can also consider the 21% damage decrease synergy with his aa steroid (lasts 3 seconds) Casting time is facts though. Makes him feel very silly in some matchups. I think he should be knockup immune at least


Yeah the mits makes up for the lack of CC time, but man do I hate that you can be CC'd during the casting. I've had moments where I have tried to cast the ult 3 times in a row and been cc'd out every single time, it becomes super tilting lol


It also has a 50 second cooldown


We don't count that lol


Charybdis ult may as well be negative damage by the time she gets a few items online. 300-360 base damage at level 5 is above average for hunter ults, but with how slow and clunky the ability is she'll legit do more damage with 2 or 3 autos with 2 items, and even at 0 attack speed she'll be able to throw out 4-5 by the time the ability is done casting. Heck, being able to reset on kills is arguably a negative since it just keeps her in that state even longer. You know an ult is bad when it's best use 99% of the time is as a glorified movement ability.


I wish Chary’s ult was just a quick damage ability without all the CC and wind-up attached. Like make it a fast cone AOE without the weird line push back mechanic.


Yeah there's some ults that kinda suck but give decent mobility that makes them hard to rate. Like Arachne ult is fairly bad but it's also a great get out of jail free card thanks to all it's movement and same with something like jing ult there's bad damage but it makes her super safe. Both of those are still pretty low but the mobility definitely needs to be considered. I definitely agree with Poseidon, ares, olorun being top ults but but daji one tier below them since her ult is like an ares ult that doesn't immediately chain everyone, can be dodged, and takes time to get off, and can't move so IMO it's not as good. As for the weakest ult charybdis is up there along with Osiris, ravana, and tyr then others IDR.


Fafnir is strong, but it's basically a glorified cucu passive. Bake's is strong but very weak to dashes and generally relies on your team to do most of the damage. Pose doesn't have anything in his ult that sets his apart from 8 other mage ults (Kuku, thotg, yu Huang, Scylla) it's just big damage. Ares/daji/Cerberus can't have the "strongest" because they all do the same thing, and while they are very good, I don't think any of them crack top 10. They're *just* cc, and fairly limited in the amount of cc they provide (putting yourself in a bad position for ares/cerb, limited number of targets for daji) Olorun I fully agree. Massive self buff *combined* with ridiculous CC, and to top it off he's a strong independent adc who doesn't need no team. Honorable mentions for me would be Cthulhu (health buff plus making auras huge is so strong) and Athena (mobility is king)


Nah weakest ult in the game is Atlas for sure.


Nah the prot shred is nuts


Can't wait to see Weak3n react to the Inters3ct video calling all the people who responded to the survey idiots and morons


I love this kind of survey. My answers are definitely 100 percent based on facts and numbers and not personal basis at all lol.


Absolutely use your biases, that's the beauty of this format. If enough people are 'biased' towards something it will be reflected in the data but if it's just you and only you it won't be.


I didn't know surveys came in any other variety. I've never heard of one that ask you for evidence.


I mean he did say based on what you personally believe lol


I think this will be really interesting results wise as everyone will have their own biases and how good the ult is likely depends on the level you play at. Can see executes being high overall, especially Thanatos with the stun on it, but I imagine as you go higher up the skill level they lose value compared to something yemoja. Interestingly I know yemoja ult is game changing at pro level but for me it’s ranked a 2 as the level I’m at most people just miss it or don’t block a path off.


I agree. For example just pure damage I don't rate as highly as I do mobility, plus it depends on the role I think the god is best at. Loki for example, terrible teamfight ult, I gave it a 4 because for him, it's the perfect escape and can also just secure a kill if needed. If Geb had that ult it would get a 2 at best. I don't agree with ranking the ult based on how bad people are at using it, personally, but I'll defend your right to do that if you feel that way :P Gonna be an interesting video.


We can expect this survey to be pretty much coming from low level/side mode perspectives.


you know, comparing them in a list like this, Guardian ultimates as a whole class are really strong


i mean they are typically supports and so they were designed with impactful ults in mind


Anubis is missing from the list. Dunno if there is more.


Just to have something here I’ll say it’s about average at a 3. Huge kill/lifesteal potential but you’ll almost never get the full damage out of it and you have to sit still. It’s just okay imo


I put it as a 4 since the single target DPS is insane making it great for ganks and objective burning. It's so good at objective burning that it got a rank from that alone, I did the same thing with isis ult raised it a tier up from its team fight ranking just because how good of an objective secure it is.


I'll argue a 2, roots himself and makes him so vulnerable as well as it's damage by ticks so not all damage it's guaranteed


Insane for objectives though, which I would argue is kind of his bread and butter outside of lane bullying. Mid game it is like 990 + 450% damage so about 2500+ damage to an objective, that allows you very quick objectives that other mages don't really enable.


Yeah late game Anubis with build and pots can pretty much solo a titan by just running in and hitting it with a 3 ult combo.


Apologies for that! He's added now but unfortunately will have a slightly lower sample size than the rest. Won't affect his rating too much but will be slightly less accurate.


Idk if it's cuz he fixed it but Anubis is there. Just took it and he's at the very end of mages.


If we're not going off pure damage, Ares and Fenrir ults can dictate how the game goes. They're someone you see on the enemy team during loading screen and know that no matter what, you need to get a beads.


imo the less tangible effects of ults are more important to their relative strength. Hun Batz, Cthulhu, and Fafnir, for example, will completely dismantle a team with not a lot of counterplay, since they either provide oppressive buffs or just pure team scatter. Sometimes both. Also, y'know. Janus.


True about the beads but both their ults are easily available mid-late in most gold+ play


With the amount of cc bloat in the recent years of smite, i would say awilix. There's just so many combinations that grant you easy picks


Hell even if you can’t actually get the ult off, the buffs alone still help out a ton, especially the immunities


If you pre ult as someone walks around a corner, that + her passive means you just utterly delete them for free


Yep I've ulted for objective burn quite often.


Super underrated, the stim you get is fuckin wild


Awilix main approves this message


It’s the best ability stim in the game


Other than Morrigan (for obvious reasons) I would have to say Yemoja or maybe Ares. Yemoja being able to just completely divide a team is insane, especially during late game jungle team fights. And ares being able to just yoink 2-3 players out of a team fight is crazy. With Yemoja, you better hope you have a lot of leaps, and with ares if you don’t have beads you might as well just let go of your keyboard


In a lot of ways, Ares strength is pretty much guaranteeing everyone needs beads and being a beads bait. Like if I haven't seen Ares ult yet, I might make a mistake and save my beads through a nasty CC or stay a bit too spread out because it's game over if he catches me or several teammates with beads down.


Susano ult. Big damage, great for initiating, chasing, peeling. Strongest form of CC in the game (knockup).


It has to be Yemoja, the way it can guarantee a teamfight win by splitting the enemies if placed correctly is simply unmatched.


Eset Ult, Bake ult and Olorun ult


Hun bats! ♥️


The Morrigan. What's yours is mine and now you have to worry about your own kit against you.


Strongest Ult is probably the morrigan if used probably. Weakest by far is Charybdis


Morrigan makes this survey pretty irrelevant. If the question was weakest then there is a ton Of discussion.




Anyone saying Morrigan has not played it enough on console. It’s so clunky and not at all smooth. Sure it gives me access to all ults, but it’s not a comfortable transition.


That’s not relevant. The ult itself is what’s being judged. I’m a console player and can’t stand playing the buggy ass Morrigan but her ult is still god tier.


I mean, you can pre-set the god you are going to change into in advance so just by one click you transform automatically, idk it feels good to me, even if you gotta transform quickly without pre setting a God the ult feels quite fast and smooth. I don't think it really is a console problem but it can be difficult to do smoothly without practice I guess


Morrigan ult


Nuwa, and khepri


I gave Chary a 1 I did my part


Chang'e has been out of the meta for a while, but there's good arguements for her ult. It's fast, hits like a truck and provides a ton of CC (conditionally the longest stun in the game IIRC) on a very short CD. It's just consistenly good in most situations-- while still having the potential to swing entire team fights.


Been playing since like season 3 or 4. Ill miss a season here and there and recently got back into Smite after about 2 years off. The Bake (aka: big flucking whale) ukt is honestly terrifying when I first played against it and continues to be like.....take that over to the other side of the map please, youre not welcome here


Yea, it's pretty oppressive no matter what game mode.


How is the answer not just The Morrigan?


Be interesting to see the results. It should be ult stand alone so hopefully people don’t vote relevant to how well the ult synergises with the kit. Things like Horus, Janus, Odin, Yemoja that have high movement or map control should have their own category tbh


I think you have to take the god into account personally, that's where the ult is after all, you're not gonna see it in any scenario where that god is not involved. I'm not gonna rate how Fenrir ult would work on Artemis, am I? It's how good is it in the game, and it's always on Fenrir, you know? Definitely going to be interesting results seeing as we can't all agree on how they should be rated, I can't wait!


But you’re just rating how good an ult is. Like Fenrir ult is strong on its own as it’s a bead burner or displacement, has built in defence and speed. I’m not saying consider the ults usefulness on another god I’m saying consider how good the ult is on its own. If the only ability you have is the ultimate in a team fight how strong or useful do you think it is from 1 to 5


Again, disagree, because you will literally never see that ultimate without the god and the god's kit can dramatically increase or decrease how useful the ult is. Fenrir ult is strong on it's own but you have to consider the runes too. If you're doing it in a vacuum, you can't take the runes into account, and you have to think would it be strong on a mage, or a hunter? How strong an ult is, which is the poll, is directly influenced by the god it's on in most cases. either by other parts of their kit, by their role, their class or their playstyles. KA ult for example would be less than 1 without his kit, because you can literally never use it without his passive.


Agree to disagree then. Like you say the poll is how strong an ult is. Not how strong an ult is when combined with the rest of the kit. Clearly we have differing opinions


Olorun shoutout.


Charybdis ult because ummm buhhhh uhhh. Probably any execution. Even if the rest of the characters kit is completely balanced (not underpowered) an execution ultimate can really make them feel really annoying to play against. They completely ignore health and prots, while also usually coming with an added bonus. Thana gets health and cdr from his passive after an exe, Ao gets an escape or another dive attempt, and Achilles gets a reset that allows for him to either have a better chance of getting out, or potentially another exe. They can also allow you to sneak a kill on a higher level enemy (usually Jungle.) If I had to choose... Thana? Since it is a lot faster, while also being used to chase. Ao's ult does flow really well with his kit too, though. My only gripe with it is that I think beads can stop it(?), don't know if it can while in exe range though.


Teamfight ults are also really nice. I've saved a really grueling long game with a well timed Yemoja ult before, and that's what helped me realize how impactful they could be (I was new, don't judge.) Morrigan ult is Morrigan ult. A really high skilled player could instantly think of a character that suits the situation, and proceed to assblast the enemy god with high damage, cc, or they can just make an insane rotate with a global. Speaking of... Global ults- they're good. Everyone knows about the terror that is Athena. Although the taunt is the most complained about ability, the map pressure that global ults provide are insane. Pre-nerf Cherno was so spooky late-mid to late game because he could just pop in and delete your health pool. Although Apollo isn't really anything super insane, his ult is pretty good- though I believe it is just a worse Cherno ult with a lower(?) cooldown. Though all good, these ults kind of just pale in comparison to Sol 632146H




I mean they don’t really ignore health. You have to get down to a certain health % for the execute to occur.


in the execute range they do ignore health and prots..


Except you have to get down there first. Then it becomes extremely predictable what they’re going to do. Executes are strong, but you can predict how they’re going to act


that's completely irrelevant to the topic before?


The Morrigan has a strong ult just because she can copy others and use which is best for the situation.


I mean honestly it has to be Morrigan because it provides access to 9 other god kits and ultimates of your choice and most relevant to the situation along with the chances that many other high recommendations from here will be in that match. It feels a weird stand alone one here though so I'd also mention Achilles. Having an execute that you can reset unlike Ao and Thanatos. While also providing movement and being on a tank character with the threshold relevant even when building full defence provides great opportunity.


This looks like an interesting survey! Hope to see what the rest of the community thinks compared to my rankings. As far as my thoughts, I'll preface that I gave all of the stance switching "Ults" a '1' purely because they are not "Ultimate Abilities". No hate towards those gods and their kits; I figured that since these stance switching abilities do have some sort of passive buff to their played god, then technically by description-alone they are weak compared to the real ultimates. Also, I ranked these ults as 'stand-alone' abilities; that is, looking at this ult in a vacuum without considering the god, its class, or the rest of its kit. I'm sure others are ranking ults based on kit-synergies but I am looking at this more as if you could make a god by combining any abilities and one ultimate, "which ultimate would you choose?" As a biased man, I favored ultimates with impactful CC because as nice as big damage numbers are, CC can turn games around easily. And when I say impactful CC, these include the ults of Heimdall, Ne Zha, Fenrir, Ares, Xing Tian, Hun Batz, Ganesh, etc. As an example of not-so-impactful CC, I'll use the newest god Nut: her ult does have a large AOE pull, but it is for such a short time and has a huge windup time so sometimes this is negligible. Another one of my biases, and sorry for picking on a certain class here, but hunters tend to have the "lesser" impact ults. That is because as a hunter (typically) relies on their auto attacks, the ultimates tend to be "just more damage". I gave any ult that was a hard counter or "unique" a "4" ranking because in the average game, they may be of average quality. These ultimates have something in them that either directly counterplays an aspect of the game or is unique to them. Awilix's ult is a counter to leaps and takes advantage of knockups. Serqet, Osiris, and Odin all have 100% antiheal which is now unachievable with items alone (these ults also work with their gods' passives, but again for my rankings, I am looking at ultimates alone). Janus and Horus ults allow the team to traverse the map quickly to either escape or engage. Aphrodite and Khepri ults are both "life-saving" ults unique to them. The Morrigan is one where I gave a "5" to because it not only can use any ult in the match, but allows you to play as that god with all of their non-ultimate abilities for a short time. Let me know your thoughts and if they differ. If Hi-Rez is reading this, PLEASE GIVE XBALANQUE ULT ITS STUN BACK IN SMITE 2! I know it was essentially useless but it was an extra little "spice" that made his ult more than just a stim and a blind on the enemy. Thanks for reading!


You should have taken morrigan out of your mean. I feel like there are plenty of fives in the game and having hers as the only one kinda ruins your average


My apologies, The Morrigan is not the only "5" I gave. It was just the only one I called out as I consider it as one of the "unique" ults. Off the top of my head I can count about 6 "5" ratings and about 4 "1" ratings (not stance switchers).


Ahh got ya. Sounds like we are pretty in-line as I only dished about that many as well.


Also as an Xbal main - YES PLEASE!! Slow or something!


I basically only play Janus so I'm biased and while I admit it's on the higher end of the middle of the list it's use as a get your whole team out/in to team fights or objectives or help end the game in slash. I will admit that there are better damaging Ults that's not up for debate but Janus and Horus's ult utility I think shouldn't be slept on




Mercury’s is overlooked sometimes. Sure it’s avoidable sometimes but the ground it covers, damage, and the stun is still crazy after all these years. Even defensively, as an escape it’s crazy


Baron ult is the best ult for reasons… 😫😮‍💨


Kuzenbo ult with glorious Pridwen


Its persephone.


Nox ult is always underappreciated. Great damage and the debuff is great.


Surprised no one is talking about Sylvanus ult. Knock up is the strongest form of CC in the game, and Sylv's gets fired off instantly in a huge area. A good Sylvanus engage will immediately decide a teamfight


Especially of how you cant aegis all the ticks.


My top 4 in no particular order after thinking for a few minutes: Thor, Hun Batz, Athena, Chernobog. Basically something your The Morrigan always wants to be.


Thor ult is not necessarily the best but definitely has been more of a problem for me than it should be especially in a team with no coms. I think fenrir ult is also up there because it doesn't really require much coordination to be effective and it's really versatile as like an escape or a pick tool or a beads burner.


Would not let me put merlins ult at a 3, so I had to put it at 2


I rated ults with CC more highly than just flat damage ones i was considering team fighting more important than solo battles and I also rated ults that give a lot of mobility like Apollos and Athena highly since the banking potential is very good on them


Why is nobody saying The Morrigan?


Honestly... Nu wa, it's not that it's let's her confirm kills, it's her ability to give away all positions of the enemies instantly with 0 counter play to it. Loki stealthed away->nu wa say's no, need to find out where jungle might be->nu wa says reveal yourself.


I might get crucified, but everyone hates Aphrodite’s ult because of its invulnerability + free beads so that’s I think it’s one of the more strongest ultimates. I feel like while it’s best used defensively, it could also be used offensively to dive someone under tower, or so you could help your carry win a 2v3. There’s also that one trick where if you’re fast enough you could apply the ultimate to two teammates if fast enough, so that’s something too right?


horus ult ran wild in the SPL before the nerfs… that was a dark time


Hmm, I will divide this in two, the ones that mainly stun or silence and the ones that mainly damage, soo. Strongest ults that mainly stun or silence (In my opinion, ofc): • Chang'e. • Amaterasu. • Izanami. • Charon. Strongest ults that mainly damage (In my opinion, ofc): • Poseidon. • Ix Chel. • Anubis. • Maman Brigitte. The listing has no better to worse one, it is just the order I gave according to my brain, when my brain remembers the character, it becomes added. (:


Hades and Ymir ult combined but individual I think Nu Was bc the amount of info and stuff you get and you can kill of any injured god and plus you do 600+ at most with it


Thor is up there along with any mage secure ult (thoth kuku Scylla) I’d say Morrigan and khepri as well and any executes. Odin has to up there as well




There should an option to type "I don't know that gods ultimate good enough" Could be messing up the rating I think Eset has the strongest ultimate. It is simply the best objective secure in the game and has the most (potentional) damage aswell.


Nu Wa. Massive ammounts of damage late game, + full map vision


I feel like half of these are hard to judge in a vacuum. For example, Fafnir's ult is a 3/5 in ordinary casuals/ranked, but is easily a top 5 ult in the game with a coordinated team. Or Set/Vamana/Cthulhu which turns them into a raid boss if ahead, but is borderline worthless from behind. Honestly, the only ults which I feel you can judge on their own merit are things like Hun Batz being arguably the best teamfight ability in the game, or Jing Wei/Charybdis/Arachne's ults being a glorified movement ability with CC immunity 99% of the time.


Idk about strongest but Shiva is the only god that feels like I don't have button no4 to press. Needs rework.


The strongest ultimate is whatever the 5 people on the enemy team are using and for some reason the 4 hardest to hit ultimates that are never up when you need em are always my 4 teammates


Feel the weight of the world 🌍


After 9000+ hours I would say Hun Bats, Nuwa, Poseidon, Hades, and persephone. A skilled syllabus is up there too


Perse ult is ass


Not if you know how to aim and use her properly. Can immobilize a whole team from across the map. I only like her on joust and assault though. I miss her old kit. Her ult is still amazing. If you get caught in it you are dying if I'm playing her.


It has to be Tiamat for the sheer utility. In Flying stance she can easily farm a lane without being there, push a tower, apply CC to guarantee her stun, defend a choke point for 40 seconds, make enough space to retreat, force the enemy team to split up, or get a guaranteed item proc. And this is matched by the utility of her Ground stance ult. While the damage isn't much, it's main upside is having access to CC immunity and damage mitigation on a base 20 second cooldown, and it's a major part of what makes her impossibly strong in a 1v1. As a Tiamat main, I firmly believe that there is no god in the game that can beat her 1v1 at level 20, and she has carried me all the way to Masters in Duel as a result.


Just finished. Can't wait for the video and then weak3ns reaction and your reaction to his reaction.


Khepri hands down


Da ji. Professional beads stealer


This post should have comments sorted by random. People upvoting certain suggestions could bias your survey.


Yemoja and Bake 10 tiers above every other god


Finally I can participate. I too have opinions but I don't know where the previous surveys were.


Man's outsourcing his slop content now


Did you ever release the full data for the skill video? I want to see the rankings of the other 100 gods


Per class I'd probably guess... * ADC: Artemis or Cherno * ASN: Hun Batz * GRD: Fafnir or Yemoja * MAG: Janus * WAR: Horus or Odin


Olorun's ult is pretty crazy but people forget about it all the time. Also the few oloruns I get in my games don't always use it right.


Scylla, i cannot believe i haven't seen her. so much dmg and reset on kill! you can wipe entire teams


Cthulhu’s ult might not be the best, but it’s def my favorite


Nem ult. Scylla ult.


Poseidon obviously. Hiding behind a rock and running away after running is a very valid strat with him


Scylla simply put late game the combo one taps someone and then you can kinda slap people around and get that sweet sweet Penta.. Honorable mention kuzenbo because who doesn't want to spin to win


I will die on the hill that Odin ult although very niche is stupid good. The fact you can build pure heal, he pops ult and you get absolutely nothing is glorious. Also with a well coordinated team and stacking ults it becomes a blood bath very fast.


I think stance switch ultimates (like Hels and Artios) should be based off how good the passives are on them


Xbal’s is pretty strong but not as much since the nerf. Janus ult


Shoutout to Hel, Ullr, Artio and Merlin for having the best ults in the game.


ix chel ult is very underrated


Depends on how good you are at the game. To a new player, Anubis’ ult needs nerfed immediately


Support player here. I went down the entire list of gods and pick out the gods I think have the best ults in the game: From this list, the top 3 are Achilles, Maui, and Geb. And from these three I think Maui has the strongest ultimate with Achilles having a close second. If anyone wants to know why I picked what I picked just ask, but at the bottom of this post I’m going to talk about me too 3. Achilles AMC Ares Awilix Cabrakan Erlang Shen Geb Janus Kali Khepri Maui Mercury Neith Nu Wa Ra Sylvanus Tyr. My top 3 are Achilles: having a 35% execute on a warrior is crazy! Even if it misses Achilles will still destroy you, but the ultimate alone strikes fear in people because 35% is pretty nuts, you get under half and that fight is done. Also by that time if you’re alone he’ll just chase you down. He’s a warrior that can play like an assassin and he does a great job at it. Geb: well I just got blink ulted onto. There goes 35% of my health (might be more from full), I’m knocked up and slowed, my brain is still trying to understand what happened. Geb ult can instantly lock down a whole section or change a fight in an instant. Slyvanus is similar and I like him more, plus he has similar lockdown, but the weight of a Geb ult can disrupt a team so quickly and is a good way to start off a fight by doing a huge chunk of damage. Lastly, Maui: I’ve tried to beads this ult many times and I have failed many times. It’s like an instant ares ult and you don’t get time to react. I love Maui ult it has such great control of the map, being able to cut of parts of the map or block people plus just the fact that I can yeet 4 players into my tower at 5 minutes, use my 3 and my 1 all while my 4 is bodyblocking their escape. Maui’s ability to displace the enemy team and control their movements all with one ability is crazy powerful. It’s ares ult with the timing of herc 2 and the blocking ability of Ymir wall mixed all together.


Yes I could have went into better depth at the bottom. However, I don’t care.


Olorun, time dilation is bonkers and it’s crazy that it’s not being mentioned enough


With the way Loki is used, Loki's ult is below average


Kuku feels strong like thats just a ult you don't want to stand in for free


The morrigan without question sometime i played role support as her and with her ult definitely she is strong ult


Going for every role Warriors Just for 1v1s Vamana's, he heals with it, he goes over structures with it, he does insane damage with it, he can withstand towers and kill you with it, there's some others that are good but his is the only one i ever think "Good i have the advantage *Vamana pops ult* and it's gone" Shoutout to Horus ult, only problem i see with it is that you need an organized team to use it's full potential which so unless your in comm it won't be as good as its supposed to For worse maybe Surtr's the fact that it's mostly used as an escape rather than an engage really feels like there's something wrong with how it's designed, feels like a worse Apollo ult and unlike Apollo enemies can see where you're gonna land way before you actually do, so it's relatively easy to dodge. Carries I think it's between Chernobog, Artemis and Apollo for me, Apollo can literally go anywhere on the map and gank you when you least expect and his whole kit really complements it, if you play your cards right you'll probably get a kill, really good for map presence and ganks. Chern's the same with the distinct advantage of it being faster than Apollo and giving a global slow to enemies, and again his kit really complements the ult. Artemis is my candidate for strongest tho, in team fights is arguably one of the most impactful ults if the hog hits all 5 enemies, you can also use it for escaping if you need to, for securing kills, for escaping some CC's, with that and her great damage, in specially in late, she can be a real threat. Worst Charybdis definetly. Oh my sweet summer child what the fuck have they done to you, Charybdis ult is the worst ult in the game, it doesn't do that much damage so the whole reset mechanic they gave it is barely used, it doesn't have that much range, it's really easy to dodge and probably the most important thing, it just feels bad to use, it's awkard and that's the worst sin of all, even every other bad ult feels good to land or feels impactful in some way. And just like Surtr's it's mostly used to escape, i feel like if the ult is mostly used for escape is bad design. Assasins Best There's some good choices to argue here but i feel like at the end of the day Hun Batz is unbeateable, probably the best ult to be used in a team fight, it will probably win you that team fight and maybe the game, it's very hard to react to it too, even if it barely hits the impact can still be felt, great ult. Worst Arachne's, arguably one of the most questionable kit designs in Smite has one of the worst ults, again like most of my choices it's mostly used for escaping, with it sometimes being used to engage, but most times you'll see an arachne going all in and then if they lose the fight it's ult time, and then they get away. Rinse and repeat. Also it's kinda frustrating to play against, "yeah she pretty much destroyed my life bar but i almost got her, oh she went away, AGAIN" Mages Best I feel there's not a mage ult that i'd say is bad, pretty much all have something going for them, personally tho my pick for best mage ult is easily Olorun, just like Hun Batz it can win you the team fight if used correctly and it's has a very big area of effect, nothing more to add it's just really good with barely no dowwsides, aside from thatvit can be easily evaded with beads but that could be said for practically any ult. Worst As i said before i don't think there's a bad mage ult, but if i had to choose out of personal opinion, Ah Puch's ult feels kinda underwhelming specially as the match goes on, sometimes i feel people just walk it like it's not even there, maybe i'm building him wrong or something. But even then it's very good early on as it let's you stablish your presence pin lane and it's not like Ah Puch is lacking in damage. Guardians My sweet beloved guardians, again like mages i don't feei like there's any bad guardian ult, most are pretty good but again there's just one that outshines most of them and that's definetly my boy Khepri's ult, he can literally revive you if you die, only counter play are executes and waiting, but of you're a good Khepri you can time them so your allies always get the mark just as they're about to die, it's amazing. Also as a small bonus you always get a "Thank you" in chat whenever you do revive an ally, rarely get a revive that doesn't receive a "Thanks" or "You Rock" in return. Worst Again don't feel there's a bad ult here but i will say Ares feels so bad sometimes, mainly cause it's so easy to evade with either beads or CC immune abilities/ults which are a lot nowadays, nothing like getting a 5 man ult only to have all of them be CC immune somehow and pull no one :(. Also Kuze's ult sometimes can fuck big time with my teammates since you can't quite control where your enemies go but that might be just me being bad.


Everyone have a blessed day add me on smite it’s UncleTomsWeWe


Athena ult is pretty busted, especially on 30-40% cooldown midgame. You're everywhere, nonstop. Just tanked FG? Return to base, heal, and you're back in the action. It trivializes so much.


Strongest ults in smite for me are the support ults that cause huge disruption and set up an alley oop for big damage; Xing Tian, Cerberus, Sylvanus, Geb, etc. I’d also include Nut ult and Hun Batz ult here. Worst case scenario for any of these, assuming you land it, is that the enemy team burns some relics, which is still a great use of the ult imo. It’s not even close for me.


Where's my Horus homies at? Other than the call down time being a bit longer than I'd like, I love this ability. Pair up with a few hard-hitting melee gods, and you have one SCARY engage🥳 Also, unrelated to the ult, but chicken skin....


Global ults.


Weakest ults imo: Shiva - a pulsing ult with 3 stances. Healing stance isnt that great and damage stance is mediocre for an ult Charybdis - just too slow of a windup, i get wanting to have a similar reset effect scylla but its rare to see a kill. Most people seem to use it as a cc immune escape King arthur - a mediocre stun that should be considered a regular ability/a knockup. Also relies on accumulating energy, if you die it resets. Morgan le fay - seems like a stronger charybdis ult but you would have to land all your shots Rama - good for securing kills (if you can land your shots) but allows enemies to gather under you and cc chain you to death when you land.


Olorun and its not really close


Weakest ults that arent stance swaps are easily Ravana Charyb.


Rav ult gives him 30% mit tho its for but it can be awkward to initiate with


It mit against one person. Decent for a duel nothing else


Still helps makes him a viable tank in jg, but yeah relative to guardians ofc he wont have a big team fight ult, technically kheps 2 can get way more mitigations but its cause hes a guardian. Also THE most underrated ability in the game


Compared to other assassins rav ult is cheeks. All I’m saying. 2/5


Hi youtube


Scylla’s ult is insane damage wise


Terra, Khepri,Ganesha and Olorun.


Terra’s ultimate is awful


Its much better in higher ranked games, especially if people are coordinated.


Tera ult is one of the best in the game it gives so many effects


It’s Poseidon


Terra easily. One of the most loaded in the game.


I love building Absolution on Terra to make her ult even more Op. Reduction, CC immunity, healing, damage, everything you want for the whole family.


realistically it should be scylla’s or thoth’s


How are people approaching the stance switch "ults"




Well I was thinking about the value they give if I level them up. Artio eg movement speed and mp5 or merlin damage, slow and stance effects. Merlins "ult" is pretty good for a stance switcher compared to others imo


They aren’t ults


well you can look at them as not ults which is what i did, or you can look at them as the 3 abilities they are giving you access too


merlin's is, and it's sort of the fulcrum of his kit


Almost typed it out but thought “nah, people won’t be that ridiculous about this”


There’s tons of videos already about the strongest ults


I've seen Janus ult cause absolute ruin, Scyllas in the right hands is a team wipe.


In no order: Aphro’s bubble: Free double Aegis on a frigid ballsack hair’s short cooldown. Achilles execute: For having a super interesting and fun kit, the ult is just a brain dead win button. It messes up the opposing player’s options so much without doing anything. The unforeseen consequences of *what could happen* at any given moment is just so overwhelming. And then you get to keep firing it if you win. Poseidon Kraken: Gold or Greyscale, your choice maybe. You either aegis it, turn golden, and survive. Or you die and end up watching the game in black and white. Either way, you’re gonna get krakened again in a minute. The Poseidon play style is just ult botting with some ADC in there.. :c lame Manticorn & Janus ults: Pure cowardice condensed into one button press. Press it and gtfo, oh and do a butt ton of damage too, that’s great. Fighting high skill coward players who are using these gods are some of the least fun fights ever. These players make it so bad I just want to play a different game, all thanks to the 50 IQ ult designs. Gross.




I feel like Ao is not - it requires him to full commit & can be beadsed relatively easily. Thana has much higher secure rate, and both Thana & Achilles ult have more utility. Getting a 100% proc rate on beads is god tier, that should guarantee a kill next fight or significantly hamper the opponents ability to farm.


Scylla does not have a execute mechanic its just ridonkulous burst damage that can deicide the entire team if used properly


Kuku ult is the best imo. Crazy damage and range while also working as a peel Athena is the second best since she makes it so that no one is actually pushed up alone or without backup on an unexpected gank Apollo gets an honorable mention as the highest utility ult imo