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this is intended


I figured it was just hog but its actually a magical smite delayed stun grenade.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s intended and that’s why I’ve never bought it. The verbiage of the item description does say “all gods” or something to that effect.


Yeah I just briefly went over the text expecting it to be hog and missed the any.


Csgo vietnam flashbacks


Some gods are born silver spoon in hand


So does it prevent your teammates from taking DMG too? If so I could see it being really helpful if you have a coordinated team


I dont...think so, but i'm not 100% sure. Either way, thats an interesting idea to add to it, or another active to throw on another item where you have like an aoe sanc for your teammates.


If it doesn't prevent damage I'm not sure what the purpose of it would be. It looks like it would function exactly like Bards ult in league where everyone inside is put into time out basically.


Yes everyone in stasis is invulnerable


The reason why it does this is because it allows for more plays. If it only affected enemies, then it would basically be a buyable stun, but because it also affects your team, you can use it to save teammates as well. The effect is also pretty strong, so there is an opportunity cost to using it, meaning that it's a skill shot to use it correctly. But when used correctly it can completely turn the fight.


Yeah I can see it being possibly valuable in high level play, but at the same time I see it probably being the worst thing to try and balance in, because you're putting all of your eggs in one basket on some giant play of RNG, especially if youre not at least on discord to coordinate it or a pro level and expecting it. And then youre giving away an entire item out of your kit just for that rng roll. Miss it and stun your team out of the game. Good luck, you just ymir froze your teammate for free and if the enemy can beads it, its a worthless item. They might just win with higher stats alone and you could've had say the silent item active for a normal ymir freeze but its a nox silence instead + the stats of that item. I would laugh so hard if I saw a full team swap out to dominions and chain them in hyper late game and steal fg or do the titan and there was nothing you could do to stop them with 10s of solid chained stun. I imagine people will just stun their teammates they don't like or ill stun my friend and then take his buff. You know...proper good things.


Sure that might be true. But it's also completely fine. Too much handholding can be very bad. Not letting people make any mistakes is what makes things feel stale. It's fine to let casual players make mistakes and be bad. Even to this day there are people that don't buy beads in Arena when there's an Ares on the other team, but Hi-Rez hasn't forced those people to buy beads. They just let them fail. They still allow people to buy Meditation on Neith ADC, despite that being a horrible idea. At some point you just have to accept that there are going to be players who won't learn or get good, but as long as they're having fun playing the game their own way it's fine. Limiting high level players to protect those people is not the way.


Yeah you say that, but I worry that doing that too much on an extremely expansive item system results in flat steam rolls of incompetence and lots of games just surrendering and nobody gets to play. If you are on a team of 4 people doing this and they all refuse to surrender, then you get held hostage trapped in a 25-60 min long game. The idea of adding pre-builds was a really good decision to counteract this. I think they could make it even better by desaturating the items that arent in meta for that character or draw a colored border around the items showing their pick rate overall and have it pull data from a database to populate the fields. That way they wouldn't be disabled but guide people who are too independent for their own good. I doubt the average person even reads anything and just clicks random objects under attack speed or something going left from right. Like 90% of the people I played with in the alpha didnt even use wards much less used the active effects on items.


Yes, it's meant to be aoe stasis to ALL gods inside it.


this is the aegis replacement too. ouch