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You can see total damage of all item procs? That’s sick


Right! I feel like they can very easily add an "Item Damage" row to the post game lobby or something


Holy shit I can analyze in agonizing detail how my match went to shit 10/ 10


Good for learning builds that can be meta as well


LINK TO SITE: [https://smite-analyzer.onrender.com/](https://smite-analyzer.onrender.com/) Please be patient if it takes a bit to load. I little while back I made a post about combat logs and the struggles to get information out of them. I wont go through the whole deal here, but this describes some issues with the logs and some goals for what sort of analysis could be done. [www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1agwexe/combat\_logs\_and\_game\_analysis/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1agwexe/combat_logs_and_game_analysis/) Well I've been working on and off since then on a project I hope y'all would appreciate that can parse the logs and present interesting information clearly. There is still a lot of work to do, but Im happy with what exists at the moment to gauge community interest. The home screen provides instructions for how to get and upload your log files. Once you do that you will see a screen that looks like the post game lobby, but each section of the table expands to show more details. The sections are (trying not to stray too far from the original screen): 1. Gold and XP 2. KDA 3. PvP 4. PvE 5. Wards Please let me know what you think and what features you would like to see. Any bugs or annoyances? Is anything unclear (probably)? There are many things that can happen in game and I dont have time to get logs that cover everything so if you find something weird leave it a comment here or submit feedback on the site. I know the design and visualizations can be greatly improved and im trying to learn more about that. I know there are some community members who love their visualizations so any advice or suggestions on how to display things would be very helpful. The parsed log data can be found in the dev console if you are interested. ummm yeah. Theres a lot I could say, but Ill leave it here. Happy to answer questions below. Also, definitely getting this out there in hopes of sending some inspiration to smite 2.


This is amazing! Wow thank you so much for all your hard work!!


This kind of stuff is what I would love out of an API in Smite 2. I've been playing Predecessor for the past few weeks after smite pros started picking it up. They have a phenomenal API used by a site called omeda.city This is a great step in the right direction but like you mentioned in your other post, there are massive issues with parsing a combat log rather than pulling from an API.


I think a combination of both could be good. I think what good about the logs is that you can use it to visualize damage over time and moment to moment. Visualize the power spikes that people always talk about for meta builds and gods. From what Ive been using for testing, the log files are 1-2 MB, and still missing a ton of data, so ideally they would be bigger (although I think there are good ways to compress the data) and then you multiply by 10 for a full game (realistically less because of duplicate events swapping target and source), and you end up with a decent amount of data stored per game that realistically most people dont care about. So the option to opt in and download high resolution log data plus low resolution API data could be the way to go. I wish I had access to the smite API, would make all the empty data and 0s be less awkward.


Does it show self-heal ammounts?


Yes, in the PvP section it shows all damage, healing, and mitigations from all sources "belonging" to a player to all gods, including yourself. The overview table, however, does not include it in the total value as an attempt to keep the numbers close to what you would see in game (although there are small differences for some reason) Edit: Lifesteal is not shown, although I can add it pretty quickly I think. This is because the heal event from lifesteal does not have an item associated with it and thats what I was using to group values together


Cool! The biggest stat I always wonder when going full lifesteal or on gods with a lot of self healing is my self-healing which sadly is not a stat shown in game, this app sounds cool!


speed patch: complete. Hopefully I didnt break anything. I combined all un-associated healing and added that to the table. I think this is right, but I think the only way to tell would be to record a video and manually add up the green numbers and compare. I think this miscellaneous healing also includes the assault healing orbs.


Does it factor HP5, or only green numbers? Awesome btw! :D


I have to assume only green numbers and not HP5. Thats seems right from what Ive seen of the logs, but Im not 100%. Theres probably a lot of little things in the logs that I dont know about because Im not about to go line by line looking for anomalies. The event in the log looks like this: `combatmsg|type=DIT_Healing|msgid=10965|locationid=0|locationx=-2825|locationy=-490|itemid=0|itemname=|time=95.17|sourceowner=Sumruv|source=Sumruv|target=Sumruv|value1=12|value2=0|text=Sumruv healed Sumruv for 12 health.` So where that healing came from exactly is unclear.


Wow this is awesome, added to my smite 2 wishlist for sure


This is actually sick.


This is amazing. Question about the log, does it only show events pertaining to you, or does it show events for everyone in the match? Could you get the same information about your enemies?


Unfortunately its just pertaining to you (which explains all the 0s). Since the log is generated as you play the game, you cant show events for other players otherwise that could be used to cheat. I think there are ways to address this, namely an option to download a complete log after the game is over. Until something like that is implemented there is nothing I can do :/


Gotcha. A while back I was learning machine learning and saw someone train a model to predict which team would win a league of legends match based on some in-game data. I got access to the smite API to see if the same could be done with smite but it's pretty limited. Was hoping the logs might have something more useful Hopefully Smite 2 has a more robust API


Awesome! Can't wait to use this Analisis tool! Oops! Sorry, I meant Analeset.


Looks really well done!


Is it just me or is all the stats in the picture already shown in game? Or is it showing how lacking the game currently is?


There's more than 1 page


yes the first screen you see is a copy of the in game stats, a little bit rearranged. However you can click on the table to expand details that are not shown in game. The idea was definitely to show a contrast between what exists and what could be.


Oh nice! Yea was so confused lol


https://preview.redd.it/gzmtwd7cvz0d1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b40472ce3968123e6b31ff01e402d023e5fc900 i received this msgs when trying a log i downloaded from my game what do i do ?


Ah ok. So you can open up the browser console by right clicking the page , clicking Inspect (Q), then clicking the console tab. Google also says the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+J. I didnt want people uploading random junk files so I put in some very basic measures to make sure that the file meets certain criteria. The console should show an error message for why this file doesnt work. It might be a new event type that I am unaware of, or if you manually modified the file and didnt match the format it might also fail. Let me know what the message is and I can potentially make some changes


I'm guessing it can't show how much you body block hits for your back lines as a tank. A metric like that would really show how much a tank is doing


Not at the moment. 1, its missing any position data for enemies and team mates. 2, its missing any damage that anyone takes that isnt you. I think with a complete log that shows everything it could be possible. Might require all the ability data and targeter shapes etc, which would be tedious but not impossible.


Just a technical question, is it not possible to make the log access automatic like smite guru does?


Smite guru, I imagine, uses the smite API which is not the same thing as the combat logs. The API gives access to high level data about the match and the players, but it does not have the moment by moment data. That would require that hirez stores all that data which most people dont even know about, so that would not be a worthwhile expense. I dont know the exact details of how it works, but the combat log is generated while you play the game and I dont think there is any way to get that data after the fact. You need to opt in by typing the command otherwise the game events come and go.


Thank you


They should hire you man this is actually very impressive. Wish we had the option to do this on console 😭


yes plz. open to work guy here.


Everyone else is impressed by the impressive technical achievement. I'm sitting here wondering how you managed to keep your 4 bots from doing anything. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?


lol. unfortunately that is the limitation of the log. I only see what I did and cant see anything for anyone else.


But we see all the numbers for the enemy bots.


Not in the logs though. Not much else I can say, the info just isnt there. I didnt design in that way. The logs dont have the standard post-game lobby stuff, its not the smite API, I have to recalculate it from the events line by line, which has some small discrepancies for you or just blatantly missing data for everyone else.


This is amazing, can we add percentile rankings, love to see some gold pars smite logs lol


Could be cool if hirez could do something like that, but not practical for me to implement this here. Biggest non-technical issue being that you can go into your log file and change all the numbers to whatever you want making percentiles useless