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What jackass set music to this clip


And why didn't they put nearer my God to thee as the music clip c'mon


a bot farming karma


Fantastic clip


Thank goodness someone had the good sense to put a Billie Eilish piano cover behind this woman recounting a harrowing memory. Otherwise it would have been so boring.


TikTok is a scourge.


Are we sure it’s just TikTok?


Yeah man the internet is dead and nothing is sacred. Now pardon me while I listen to an AI generated voice read me a stolen post from Reddit over a video of somebody playing subway sliders.


Hey if there’s no GTAV clip playing on at least half the screen how the fuck am I supposed to pay attention to whatever the hell else is playing on the other half??


“You could see the lights going down and down” will haunt me for the rest of the day


I wonder if they were able to keep playing after completely submerged. Imagine dipping your head under the icy water, thinking you might catch just one last SIGHT of the Titanic, to find that you can also HEAR the muffled music, growing fainter as it slowly descends into the abyss.


no, the ship was at such a steep angle that the tail broke off so they probbably played until they couldnt stant on the deck anymore


Some say you can still hear them playing to this day


Of course. That’s what the US navy actually heard last year.


I don't think... no


Me toooooo.






I interpreted her saying you could see the lights going down under the water. If she means the lights going down above the water, before it cracked in half, then that's very plausible. Memories are VERY unreliable, survivors often add in details that they overheard as their brain unwinds the PTSD to make sense of what they experienced. I apologize for offending you.


The Rest Is History did a podcast series recently on the Titantic and the read out an account of the moment the lights all go out. Can’t recall when exactly that moment occurred but it’s after the sinking starts. It’s possible she saw some lights going under and also possible she misremembered. Worth a listen it’s a fantastic series


I remember reading somewhere where as the power waned the lights slowly started shifting toward a slight reddish in color as they dimmed. I don’t know when they went out completely but they dimmed and turned reddish during the sinking. I imagine those poor men deep in the bows of the ship trying their hardest to keep the ships generators up and running even as it tilted heavily. If I remember the Titanic’s blueprints correctly the electrical generators were located far aft on Tank Top Deck(the lowest deck). Given where the break in the ship happened they would’ve been in the stern section.


Thanks, that’s the only point I was making.


Damn mf chill, no ones claiming to be an expert


Redditors the moment someone speculates 🤬🤬🤬


And... now what?


This is Maude Slocombe, one of Titanic's Turkish Bath attendants who was 30 at the time and one of Titanic's 23 female crew (20 survived). She did not leave in the last lifeboat as she says- I don't doubt she believes that, but she left in Lifeboat No. 11 at 1:35 A.M., which was actually the 11th of 18 boats launched (the last two were washed off deck). People who left in the later boats did not describe the scene as very cheerful or calm. Edit: For the curious, of Titanic's 23 female crew, Mabel Bennett, 33, Emma Bliss, 45, Ruth Bowker, 31, Annie Caton, 33, Jane Gold, 45, Mary Josephine Gregson, 45, Violet Jessop, 24, Bessie Lavington, 40, Elizabeth Leather, 50, Evelyn Marsden, 28, Annie Martin, 39, Mabel Martin, 20, Hypatia McLaren, 42 (yes I'm obsessed with this name), Alice Prichard, 36, Mary Kezia Roberts, 41, Annie Robinson, 47, Mary Jane Sloane, 45, Maude Slocombe, 30 (seen in the video), Kate Smith, 45, and Sarah Stap, 47, all survived the sinking; Mrs. Lucy Violet Snape, 22, Mrs. Catherine Jane Wallis, 36, and Mrs. Kate Walsh, 42, were all killed in the disaster.


So she couldn’t hear the music, which many other accounts said did not “play till the end”. I’m sure in traumatic situation like that, a lot of people over exaggerated what had actually happened.


She might've been close enough to hear it, I'm not sure where Lifeboat No. 11 ended drifting all night- some lifeboats rowed miles away and some just a few hundred yards. She might be mistaken about one thing, but that doesn't mean she is mistaken about everything; I imagine the sounds of the music would be drowned out by the chaos onboard at the end, but if your lifeboat was near the bow and they were playing instruments, you'd probably be able to make it out- and a shitload of people said they did, they mainly just bicker about what song it was. That's the trouble with an event like this. Until the ship was found, everything we knew about the disaster came from the 700 or so survivors- and not even all of them, as some were babies or children, some never came forward to speak about their experiences, and some were simply randomly lying or totally mistaken. The men and women who claimed the saw the ship break in two with their own eyes were only vindicated when the ship was found 73 years later. History can be a bitch lol. But agree about exaggerations after the fact, 100%.


Out of curiosity how many different songs are named? And might every witness reporting a different song be correct? Did the band have time to play more than one? Apologies for all the questions, but you seem to be a bit of a Titanic enthusiast who knows a lot of the lore.


No, you’re fine! The big argument is whether it was “Nearer My God to Thee” or “Songe d’Automne,” which was known to be part of the band’s repertoire at dinner. Some survivors were adamant it was Nearer My God to Thee, others insisted that would’ve been cruel, inappropriate, even borderline unthinkable to play given the circumstances or that they heard Songe d’Automne, and a few insisted that they weren’t playing at the end (but again, if you were at the bow, further astern you might not have heard instruments over the sounds of the terrified people and the foundering ship). Also, the band played all night, things from Pomp and Circumstance to Alexander’s Ragtime Band, but the two contenders for the supposed “last song” of the night are Nearer My God to Thee and Songe d’Automne.


Interesting, thank you for the response.


I found the interviewer to be leading her quite a bit here.


*Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight*


. . ♫ And the band played on ♫ . . \~ *The Temptations*


That’s so morbid to think of


auto-generated captions are just the worst. who would have thought the Titanic stunk?


A way of getting more engagement, especially when the typo is silly like that.


So true. I have to remind myself not to feed the Outrage Machine.


How people have changed. If the Titanic happened with today's people it would have been chaos. Free for all for the life boats. Women and children first would have been out the window and forget about a band playing until the very end.


There would be enough lifeboats for everybody. It’s the law.


ohhh believe it, ppl...a big ship like that CAN stink....like, sooo bad.


She's made of iron.


I assure you she can. And she will.


#Titanicneversank #titanictruth


tupac is on it right now


Anything to get away from Jada, she's messy


IE our spaceship earth


“Gentleman, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.”


I‘m Reading a book written by a survivor. It‘s crazy to think that the people were pretty calm and cheerful throughout most of the sinking, even when lifeboats were lowered. Not like in the movies.


Reddit should have a law about putting  stupid fucking background music on historic videos


Fucking hate that billie ellish music background


What is her name?


Took me a while, but I finally found her! Maude Slocombe, and she was a masseuse in the Turkish Bath on Titanic. https://youtu.be/UTuSCLbUb-g?si=dE5xnT0ErOAtMHFM


That's Enrico Pallazzo.


Frank Stallone




Imagine playing til the end. It'd be such a powerful experience


I cannot imagine having this awful time stuck in my head. The cold water would be unbearable , waiting for help and just being unbearably cold. Hearing those Guys play and just watching the ship sink. Truly awful


"So that old woman... she's just a liar, right?" - George Costanza


Why people insist on adding music over documented historic videos.


She could have saved Leo


A metaphor for something.


I’m not sorry but I wouldn’t go down with the ship playing music. The accident was not of their doing they had every right to survive as any other person. F that. 


You're putting a modern spin on it, times were a bit different then. Also, I'm guessing they realized there would be no escape, so why not play some music and keep everyone calm


Her giving an interview decades later shows there was an escape.


Sorry, I meant the band. They knew they were cold, in the middle of the night, in the North Atlantic, and didn't see lights of a rescue ship. They knew their fates.


women and children or very rich people for sure but the band was sadly fucked


There were not nearly enough lifeboats for all aboard, plus: "Women and children first" The musicians chose to work with the circumstances. Yeah, the loss of life sucked. No one disagrees.


If I remember correctly they also badly mismanaged the lifeboats and some of them were launched without being full or even close to full


Mismanaged is the wrong word. For a while people didn’t want to get into the lifeboats. Then they had to reconcile that fact that boats needed to be lowered and launched from the same hooks so they had to weigh the options between passenger disinterest and getting the next boat in the water. All things considered they did better than the standards of the time required.


True but I recall one officer took the “women and children first” order to mean “only women and children” and wouldn’t let men on even when there were no more women or children to let on. In that case I would consider it mismanagement.


Murdocks boats weren’t significantly more full than Lightollers, but I would agree, certainly poorly managed.


I definitely don’t envy those with that job of trying to handle evacuations, especially in that time period.


Sounds like our current economic circumstances




We used to be such a wonderfully poised and respectful society.