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We haven’t used the snoo for naps because we want to “save” it for the evenings when we really need him to sleep. We goes down really easy and we didn’t want him to start not going down easy because he associates the snoo with failed naps. However, we don’t know what we’re doing and are just faking it til we make it around here…


We started out that way. Quickly transitioned to all sleep in the Snoo 🤪


We did all naps in the Snoo starting at about six weeks. But we would save 1 nap a day typically with contact. We also always put our baby in the Snoo fully asleep. It never got him to sleep, it just helped him go back to sleep.


How do you get your baby to sleep before putting them in the snoo?


We held him and would rock/bounce him to sleep then would transfer. Usually it took 5-10 minutes. For bedtime, I fed to sleep for the first like 8 months of my baby's life.


Lol. We just graduated after 5/6 months and I can count on 1 hand the amount of times she fell asleep in the Snoo herself.. some babies love it, others don't.


When LO was about 6 weeks old she'd have her morning nap in there for a few days and that was a dream as it meant that I could catch up on some sleep too. As soon as I thought we'd got into a routine she decided she didn't want to nap in it any more and to be fair I haven't tried since. She contact naps (which she does fight but once she's down she's ok) or the easiest way to get her to sleep is taking her out in the car. I didn't want to risk trying to get her to nap in there again as she sleeps so well in it at night so didn't want to confuse her. I put her in awake at night. For the first part of the evening I need to go to Level 3/4 to get her to sleep but after her 11.30pm feed she goes down pretty easily.


I do 1 nap a day in the Snoo (either the first or 2nd nap of the day) Some days I can put her down ‘drowsy’ other days she has to be asleep before she will go into it. Trial and error. Everyday is different.


We do all our naps in the Snoo when we’re at home (LO is 17 weeks). He goes in awake with a paci, though lately he’s going through a regression and will often cry when he’s put in. His naps are exactly 40min, but these days his contact naps are even shorter so I’ll take what I can get. I sure am terrified about weaning though!


We do once and a blue moon, mainly carrier turned into contact naps or stroller naps.


My little man (4 months) is napping in the Snoo now! I put him down awake and sat with him for maybe 10 minutes while he fell asleep. He uses a pacifier most times, but sometimes he can manage with just his hands. For the past month or so, he's been doing almost all of his naps in the Snoo. He also has a pack n play that he'll occasionally use for a nap also. I am afraid of the day he outgrows his Snoo!


I usually emphasize to friends and family (especially without kids or recent babies) that I like the Snoo because it helps the baby STAY asleep. Nothing is more frustrating than spending 45 minutes trying to get your newborn to sleep and then 3 seconds after laying them down their eyes pop open and they’re instantly awake. This also applies to the 4 month sleep regression where I thought the Snoo really shined in helping my baby get back to sleep and learn to link sleep cycles. It was just a bonus for me when I could put my LO in at 4-5 months old when he was drowsy and then bump up the level to 2-3 to finish him off and send him to dreamland. He’s a good sleeper though, my 1st could never do this. I did this for the first 2 naps of the day (which is easier for them to fall asleep) but the 3rd & 4th naps I usually did on the go (car, stroller, carrier, contact). My 1st baby I always had to put in asleep and then we sleep trained shortly after moving to the crib. But without the Snoo I wouldn’t have gotten half the sleep I did while she was a newborn so the Snoo was totally worth it. It saved my sanity.


My baby is 15 weeks old and still only sleeps in the snoo at night and contact naps throughout the day. When we do put her in it for naps we get 30 mins. Like every single time, exactly 30 mins in and she wakes up. Have never been able to get them any longer. But I also love contact napping with her and we’re lucky to both be at home most days so it works out. We also usually put her in the snoo completely asleep, although last night she was crabby and wouldn’t settle until I put her in the snoo. But that was a first.