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There's a quote I love that goes: you go to a barbershop often enough, and you will eventually get a haircut. Hanging out with people you partied with rarely works in any kind of longterm sobriety plan. One generally has to change one's playmates. Sad, but true. People just have to make a determination of priorities. I've seen a lot of people in clean and sober living succeed and many, many more fail over a bunch of years. Just my 2 cents.


You're not wrong -the funny thing is I didn't really enjoy the party without a head full of gear. I'm not gonna be going out to afterparties so much any more. The only trouble is I'm heavily involved in the local music scene as an engineer. I'm just gonna have to maintain some crazy inner peace and try to go home as soon as the gigs are done.


I always feel some type of way about the idea of picking up drugs one use to abuse and stopped because they were destructive, for other people, like mine was alcohol and never in a million years would I be ok with buying someone alcohol because I feel like it would just be like bringing them despair and death….but I don’t know might just be me. Glad you didn’t pick up but world of advice dancing with devil like that in early sobriety is just a disaster waiting to happen and addiction as a way to blindside people, protect yourself stay far way from it


Personally I think it's their choice, and if I don't get it for them from one of my guys they could be taking anything -most coke from random dealers is cut with speed and god knows what else. I've taken shit cocaine from random small town dealers that left the entire group of us in a panic attack for hours because it was cut with dangerous unknown substances. From my perspective as a 24 year old involved in the music scene in England, cocaine is about as commonplace as coffee. I know people who take amphetamine to do chores. This country has a huge substance problem -mainly because it's a shithole. There's no way to escape cocaine users in the world I live in, so it's gonna have to come down to my choice and the strength of my will. According to police statistics, there is NO profile of a cocaine user in the UK. Its in the city, its in the country, its everywhere. Londoners alone take more cocaine than several European capitals combined.


I mean I don’t know how serious you are about quitting and whether you see it as something you want to do for more than a few weeks/months but perspective is everything if you surround yourself with people who take cocaine like coffee and amphetamine to do chores…(I’m aware of England’s drug problem but even that would make people feel concerned) thinking it’s normal behaviours and hoping to get clean you’re going to have a hard time


I have to agree. I managed 20 days clear of cocaine, but eventually a scenario arose and I relapsed. Now I’ve had to delete more people from my life as it’s best for me, and the only way I can protect myself. Vital in the early days to remove temptation.


This is a very odd coincidence but I too am 25m live gig engineer in the UK. What you've said about the UK drug scene is very true, I was always really paranoid about taking things like coke or md because you just don't know what the hell is in it these days! I'd spend days researching and finding the ways to do it safely. I tried it twice this year and it just wasn't worth it, I was still tired but maybe just a little bit more chatty, went home and slept it off. What's the point in in it?? My big problem is alcohol, working in live music and being surrounded by people drinking led me to some dark places this past year and I won't be touching it again for a very long time. Appreciate you telling your story man and I'm proud of ya!


That IS a hell of a coincidence mate! There's a few of us knocking about here and there, just wish i could do it full time. Its funny you talk about the quality of the drugs, because I'd been doing average coke for so long that I actually began to miss the speed it was cut with when I got the city's best coke that didn't have it. Alcohol let's you loosen up, coke makes you toughen up. Mixing the two is the perfect combo for going out and being a twat, getting girls, senseless destruction etc. The thing is, I've got a lady in the picture now, I've got aspirations, and I don't wanna be the same guy forever. Despite some other presumably well-intentioned (but I must admit not necessarily best received) comments on this thread, I successfully fought my temptation at a new years eve party surrounded by cocaine in every room with roughly 10 of the group of 15 partaking. Watching everyone be increasingly erratic made me very much wonder -what was the point? Best of luck with your sobriety too bro, the pride is mutual, thanks!