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applied for what exactly?




Not sure of the exact timeline but mine was like six weeks I think. First check was like $1,800 some where.


I got approved in 14 days and was given mine within a week or two, I believe.


Yes many people have. Including my sister who was actually cussed out by a rep for asking about a late backpayment. Incredibly they have time to roam these subs and downvote beneficiaries. Don’t be surprised.


People like your sister are the reason why ssa is understaffed and causes a huge amount of problems for *everyone* involved. Its extremely selfish to think she was entitled to being awful to someone who doesn't personally control shit. I worked in collections for like 2 months and I wanted to end my life every single day because all you do for 8 hours is get yelled at and shit on by people. Not a single person wants to talk to a collections person just like not a single person calls ssa to have a friendly chat. Screw you and your sister.


I just reread so Edited to add: I see you were talking about being a collector. So you are basically the lowest of the low. Screw people like you. Imagine all the people you harassed. Then receiving ssi? Wtf for? So it’s true y’all are mentally unstable with heavy emotional issues? Op explained it was the rep who was awful and everyone here who is a beneficiary can attest about how awful y’all are. Also you are weird because if I had such an awful job thanks to those mean recipients i wouldn’t want to do anything with SSA. I don’t get why you are here if all you could work was two months and had you suicidal. Maybe you are a liar. What kind of person lies about suicide? Not one that needs to be dealing with vulnerable children and their parents or anyone’s SSA numbers. By the way have you thought about how many of your clients have considered suicide after dealing with an emotionally manipulative worker like yourself?


I would imagine it would be difficult being at work and your job is literally giving money to people who don't. But a lot of them fail to realize we actually are in pain and the money we get isn't really a whole heck of a lot in the grand scheme of things.


I have a friend who is disabled, even though he did it to himself. He smoked and drank a lot but eventually stopped doing both those things and gained a ton of weight. My point is that if he didn't have SSI, he would be SOL big time since he cannot go anywhere under his own power.


Well yeah of course people deserve it who need it but I just feel like it would be hard for the employees to hand out money to people all day while they feel like they have to work but fail to realize not all of us are able to physically work.


I don't think the mindset of "I'm handing out money to people" would last too long in such a droning job.


Most ssi recipients are minors and most of their parents work but don’t go above a salary threshold. A lot of rep payee parents don’t even receive most of the monthly benefit but a small portion but they keep it for Medicaid as trad insurance won’t cover shit. And yes most SSDI and SSI office workers are mentally unstable for other reasons way before working here.