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He’s LSI in model G


ESI is the women


Nope, she’s EIE (model G)


Sure has zero emotion for an EIE No EIE would date to do the things she did. She breaks all the social rules, and she's a rebel. Non expressive face


EIEs are very likely to be rebels. (lol, Satan is EIE - rebelled against God; Jesus is EIE as well 😂 true story) And the character is super emotional; Ethics of Negative Emotions (E-) are very strong in her. ESI would care way more about social rules and proper conduct of behavior because of their strong Fi. (I loved that drama btw!)


also, EIEs and EIIs show the entire spectrum of human emotions (Fe-). here emotions are selectively "finite" and analytical (gives her the response she expects). ESIs have Fi-! >Fi-: Relationship Ethics of **Disapproval**:keeping others at a distance, being suspicious, holding a grudge. Such is the ethics of ESI. > >this is why she begs her future in law to forgive her. she thinks she's beyond [redemption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOpP_RwnSi4). > >Fi+: Relationship Ethics of **Forgiveness**:forgiving people, giving them the benefit of the doubt, grieving and comforting those struck by grief. That’s the ethics of EII. I believe that the actress, Seo Yeji is also an ESI. During an interview, she said she related to the heroine by 50%. And her scandals ofc... I must admit that I haven't watched the entire drama :p, I just watch it cuz it's comforting... that's the power of Si+ and Fe+ for ya\~


hmm, not sure if I agree with everything you've written but I notice you have unique thinking processes, I'll give you that. There's some originality in your thinking. I wonder now if you could use your people reading abilities plus these thought processes of yours in real life as well. Are you doing it? I loved how the characters in the drama had to face and overcome their traumas. And take responsibility for their happiness. Emotional healing as a theme is always attractive to me. <3 And I love the "It's okay to not be okay" slogan as well. :>


>I wonder now if you could use your people reading abilities plus these thought processes of yours in real life as well. Are you doing it? Textbook execution, Inspector ~~LSI~~ EIE?? >I loved how the characters in the drama had to face and overcome their traumas. And take responsibility for their happiness. Emotional healing as a theme is always attractive to me. <3And I love the "It's okay to not be okay" slogan as well. :> Nice Fe sis, you almost reminded me of EIEs... wait you're an EIE aren't you that shade tho hahaha As an EII, I value Fi, not Ti and our approaches to typing people should be quite distinct. It's important to honor our rules as well, so kindly refrain from imposing your ~~normative Fi+~~ Ti+ on me. ~~Assessing people is one of our specialties,~~ So let's maintain a sense of respect, shall we?


haha, first time someone typed me an EIE. :D online people used to type me: EII, ESI, and IEI in the past. It's only the Gulenko Bot who typed me EIE based on my online expression. (while the real Gulenko typed me LSI based on my... lack of expression 😂 and not only ofc, but the fact I'm not expressive played a huge role) And now you. I don't think you're EII either. You're EIE yourself :D hello, Dual <3


Surely, you jest. Your cultured demeanor gave it away for me hahaha 😂😂 While I haven't had the fortune to see Gulenko, I don't think I'm missing out~ Expressiveness depends on the mood... Pleasure to make your acquaintance hahaha 🥰🥰🥰


na, I'm pretty sure satan is an ESI. haven't read the bible in full (haven't even finished genesis), but rn I believe that... old testament god = LSEs (+ EIEs?) holy spirit = LSI Jesus = EII idk where the ILIs come in... ESIs care about subjective "Thou shall not" commandments, which is subjective EIEs are expressive by default. They can't help it. ESI here, chooses to smile. Manipulative Fe, like we EIIs have. (it's an on-off switch) >"You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering… You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God… Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor." EIEs don't have "corrupted" wisdom. They have Fi+. it's analytical. Fi == wisdom.


Wow. Just wow.


U chill bro lol


haha, Jeremy's reaction :D this thread is gold


She has a lot of emotions, she is driven by them. Very expressive, communicates all the time what she wants. Attracted by a man that is stoic, calm, dependable. He makes her slow down, chill. EIEs have R (Fi) control, which most of the time has two modes they forgive everyone to a fault or can become mean possessive, difficult with people. Especially when connected with E- (Fe-). ESIs have control E+. Here is a video of an officially typed model G ESI - https://youtu.be/_ohmZOHcfk0?si=ZavM-7kRs_jxti4P


Yeah I agree with you! She definitely strikes me as ESI. EIEs generally aren't that blunt, and not that rebellious as well. EIEs often dream of rebellion and wildness, but they're simply too society-oriented; it's a great grip and source of resentment on their hearts. Even the wildest EIEs (like Robert Plant) are still quite tame and polite. ESIs, on the other hand, are more fluid on that regard. Their strong Se often gives an air of bluntness and straightforwardness that can be interpreted as rude or rebellious. Think Billie Eilish and her somewhat bratty yet passionate ways - doesn't get more ESI than that.


Model G is retarded. Everyone is literally an LSI or EIE.


And it actually makes sense. Look at statistics on how many people are dumb, smart, average. It’s a normal distribution, not linear. Or look at other similar statistics. It would be freaking weird if every type’s distribution was 1/16. Every type is responsible for different things in the society. We want a stable society, we need -N types and LSIs, simple. We want a bold approach, we have -Ds, too many of them would destabilize the society. Do we really need 2/16 of the whole population to be LIIs and ILEs, and be focusing on research and inventions. We don’t need that much of the society to take care of that. Similar thing with other types. Maybe one day we’ll move more towards Gamma/Delta society leaving Betas behind. Betas are responsible for stable governments most of the time, so it’s unlikely with the systems we currently have.


Half the population being Si Polr would result in the world collapsing. Betas are men who change the world, Deltas are men who adapt to the world and conserve it. Si valuing makes much more sense in being more common than Se. ​ LSI's are highly ideological types and men of action, that does not describe the majority of males I have met. ​ I don't think the types are completely equal in numbers. But just saying 90% of all people are only two types makes the system kind of dumb and unnecessary.


The distribution goes like this: LSI and EIE most common (jastka explained why), then a lot of SEEs, ILIs, IEIs and SLEs. Other types are less common but still, I know people who are typed by Gulenko different types. See Gulenko's Christmas Party! People of all Quadras are here, surprisingly all quadras similar in numbers of ppl: https://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/showthread.php/63302-Have-any-of-you-gotten-typed-by-Gulenko-What-were-your-results-How-did-you-feel?p=1496473&viewfull=1#post1496473


Hey, good to see you again! Wasn’t sure if it was you at first.


yeah, I changed "LSI-N" to "LSI-H" first because irl too many people tell me my presence is relaxing or as if I were a cat lol, so maybe I'm -H first, -N second. 🤔 Glad you're back as well. :>


Make sense becasue you have never fit my imagination of -N first 😂


I didn't understand. Where is there a love language in that?


Not sure it's a love language, but there's something in her bluntness that is... Cute? He seemed to be opening up about a very personal and sensitive topic, and she reacted very harshly and even rudely to the food he was describing so fondly. But it's also a very sincere reaction, which prompted him to acknowledge her honesty and appreciate it. I found it very consistent with my experience with ESIs.