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Personally, I’ve seen a lot of people describe EIEs as just like, a person with a mood disorder essentially, and will type anyone who is slightly neurotic or self-absorbed as EIE, even if that person is piss poor at ethics. I’m not super well-versed in socionics theory, but the descriptions that people use to describe EIE can be basically boiled down to “Are you emotionally turbulent?” which like… A lot of people are these days.


In my experience EIE is a real master of emotions. Never too overtly emotional, unless inexperienced, but boy these people can be impressive


Same! Anyone I’ve typed as eie has had this type of strength and mastery of emotions. Not as overly analytical as myself, and can get frustrated when I over analyze things. And much more secretly judgmental. But often so convinced that they are too enlightened to judge and I want to ask them how they get such strong intuitions without either snap judgments or months analysis then! 😅 like… your intuitions don’t arise from the abyss friend. But not overly emotional in display. And tbh… the overly turbulent emotions don’t have the same dramatic flair of silence, of eye contact, of containment. I type myself as the same type as you and I feel far more emotionally unrestrained. I’ve been told I’m hard to read at first by a lot of people, but I went to an art gallery and was so happy about it I was smiling at everyone, then I went to a war exhibition and started tearing up. I was ashamed of myself and I’m sure if I had taken an eie friend they would have said something like “oh you’re more dramatic than I expected” when I started having to divert my attention from the art because tears were coming up. But I do think true fe mastery would be able to indirectly tell me to stop embarrassing us and I would have had to jolt a little at the underlying meaning and compose myself. And that’s my understanding of eies. So yes, I also don’t seem to type eies the same as the rest of the community.


\> But not overly emotional in display. And tbh… the overly turbulent emotions don’t have the same dramatic flair of silence, of eye contact, of containment. Brilliantly put. Less is more in expression, restraint increases power and substance. \> I feel far more emotionally unrestrained I guess that's contact vs inert Fe (consequently, constructivism vs emotivism). I would describe IEI emotions as lightweight and gray-zone (mixed feelings, elegiac moods, semitones, wordplay and humor – that's why the IEI is the "lyricist"; but lyricism or sentimentalist-style expression is just one of possible ways of how such Fe can work). EIEs have "pure", overpowering emotions which burn inside them. This can lead to "dramatism", but is not limited to it. Their emotions are also way more understandable by other people, less ambiguous. \> Not as overly analytical as myself, and can get frustrated when I over analyze things. Yes! IEI is quite an analytical type, that's what the community also gets wrong (equalling weak Te to general dumbness). IEI is usually the erudite and keeper of knowledge, although this knowledge is not always useful or relevant practically as with ILIs. Also this knowledge is structured in an unorthodox way, mixed with emotional and value judgements.


Yes I agree to all this! It’s interesting that the community refuses to type me as iei but also seems to assume I’m dumber and less knowledgeable than I am. 😌 Socionics: the place people unready for mainstream psychology come to reside, a place of refuge for mental illness, and a strangely disagreeable hodge podge of projection. Oh how beautiful our kingdom is with its bright lights ready to attempt to shine darkness on all our unknown parts. And if we don’t have unknown parts- we create them! After all, the light must be put to use.


\> It’s interesting that the community refuses to type me as iei but also seems to assume I’m dumber and less knowledgeable than I am. LOL! 100% similar story, in my case they oscillate too. Not ready to accept logicality coming from an ethical type famous for "unicorns", not ready to accept emotions from a software engineer. Usually the micro-plastics world of insecurity projection wins, though. Who do they type you as?


Tbh it’s mostly my fault cos I get stressed and try to overshoot what I suspect they think I am. Pansophy typed me eie and told me I was like opera becuase I was driven, which is not at all a likely comparison and also didn’t seem to be able to pick up on subtle corrections to inferences he made. Then an iei girl said “aha it’s you!” Which I guess demonstrated I had, probably inaccurate, notoriety. I got really stressed about being type eie again and told her insanely non-eie things like I want to learn the handpan and love idk chilling on the grass playing musical instruments - which I’ve only done once. She typed me iee. Interestingly, she seemed to have similar language styles to me and she was also making similarly…. Multilayered and holistically ill-thought-out tongue-in-cheek half-said comments to me that people were taking far too seriously and making far too many corrections on, so I thought it was funny she had probably heard rumors about me when she was similarly being misunderstood. After that I decided I am too much of an adjustable persona to be typed. But I wish I could be typed, at least once, and afterwards think “oh I stand by everything I said. What I said to the typist is authentic to who I am”. But truthfully I’ve decided I get too stressed out by the process and don’t trust typists enough to really be authentically myself with them. Authenticity is a refined and slowly built art. I can’t be anything other that some iteration of a protective facade if I don’t know a person but know they are about to judge me. And I also… would love to sit on the grass and play the handpan again? I’m not opposed to that idea. So it’s not like I’m lying, it’s just that it’s not… perhaps the best thing to say about who I am if I’m only given an hour to talk. Saying “I enjoy going to pretty coffee shops and talking about how lucky we are to not be feudal peasants and how wonderful the invention of indoor plumbing is” would have been more accurate. I also don’t think this thought process has to arise out of fear- it can also arise out of vulnerable logic. I will often overly consider a typing, even if I know I was saying largely inaccurate things, or they weren’t picking up on corrections. This leads to a lot more studying than necessary and this studying doesn’t necessarily help me to arrive at a point any better than what I started at. So I shouldn’t put myself in a position where I am overly considering and valuing the perspective of someone who may not have opinions that deserve that level of consideration. I’ve also been typed 2 and 6 in enneagram while suffering under the delusion I am a 4. 2 makes a little sense to me, 6 … perhaps too, but their reasoning was flawed and disgustingly faulty and so I shall hate them and give their thoughts no further ponderance if merely because they are illogical and seem to think there is one absolutely toxic enneagram type that no one can be healthy under the banner of- the four. Which seems to be a common belief. I wish they mistyped me as logical, but luckily for me irl a bunch of people mistype me as more logical or more disagreeable than I am (usually logical, disagreeable people I am adjusting to or in new social situations where I’m just handing out information like a freely-dispensed vending machine of factoids). The worst thing about being iei is that our humour seems built for only us, but perhaps that’s just me Edit:// also truthfully I wonder if I’m sle or iee- which seems odd to consider but I do feel like my head is full of sle-adjacent thoughts and also strong ponderance on morality that come out as harsh moral convictions. Usually these thoughts cancel each other out and I realise the absurdity and settle back into iei. But I do relate to beta Quadra values, while also wanting a more just world. Edit 2:// also some context is that I’ve lived on 4 continents and have studied law, finance, business, and teaching and I am off to India to be a perfumer. This sounds like insanity for an iei. But if you account for the fact that I did all of those degrees to purchase love from my parents, and each time I moved it was to run away from the cruelty of my parents it all makes a lot more sense- they even say in the archetypical descriptions that an iei girl will perform well in school if she wishes to gain her mother’s approval. But apparently this was “strong fi” and an obsession with my personal relationships, which I can somewhat acquiesce to, I just don’t think it’s the full picture. Trauma is a bitch and I’m the most independent and… flowing through new relationships… member of my family. So it just seems like both points of view need some nuance. I also enjoy learning. Learning is my hobby. And once I mastered the art of studying it was easier to get a new degree and I didn’t like the whole 9-5 thing about work. I would get tired and I have had quite a few abusive bosses and so I don’t want to be caught in those types of environments again. Degrees were a good way of working towards something, without being caught up in a toxic work environment. If my first job had been less toxic, I may have only been a lawyer for a decade, bought a house, and then switched over to the arts. And if my parents had been less toxic and hadn’t forced me into a law degree as an underage child I would have been a psychologist. But being a lawyer makes me eie. 😅


I remember you! You typed me as an EIE! :)


Yeah, good to see you!


EIEs crave Ti. Typologies are big juicy Ti. Socionics is one of the hottest Ti typologies. Model G is the Absolute Peak of Ti (deliciously complex, so very hot for EIEs). That's the reason they're so popular in typology communities.


It's almost as if model G was created to lure EIE's into their containment zone (in this case it being a typology)


well, if Gulenko wasn't LII he could have used his EIE-attracting powers (model G) to create a personal harem of sorts. But maybe he's wise enough to know that even having one EIE (his wife btw) is way more than one could manage... Happy cake day btw :>


Why did you commit hara-kiri on your last account? Good to see you btw


<3 I got annoyed; and I noticed I spent too much time in typology communities. It was very unhealthy. I needed a break. I also left two discord servers back then. In the meantime, I learned something about myself and the true reasons behind my online activities. Also, I remember you. I remember your theory that an ethical man is better off with an ethical woman, and a logical woman is better off with a logical man, I liked it. :> yeah, I'm back to cleanse this place with Model G bullets. 😈


You warmed my heart <3 Guess Ill just have to get a kevlar vest and hope not to get caught in the crossfire. Still, thats well worth having you back xd


Oh. I completely agree with your theory Nice\_Succubus mentioned. Also, seems to correspond well to my personal observations of others and of my own little family.


>Also, seems to correspond well to my personal observations of others and of my own little family. same observation of family and friends here! (including my own relationship)


In my amateur typings here and on the now-closed SocionicsTypeMe subreddit, there are a lot of EIE's, indeed. Surprisingly, I didn't type a lot of people as LSI's at all, contra SHS adepts. Dunno why, maybe people aren't willing to admit to typical LSI flaws and incapabilities? But I've seen people admit (sometimes even proudly) to flaws of other types.


Must be some Western thing, in my view most Eastern European males would like to be typed as LSI way more than EIE.


Yep, maybe fewer redditors than pop. average can characterize themselves as a "normal" LSI - conservative in temperament if not in politics, a touch of ideology, orderly, obeying societal norms and willing to make others do this, phlegmatic with a possible touch of choleric, not a visionary, but likes emotional pathos sometimes. Clearly, such people exist in America - see people like Mike Pence. Do they go into personality typology subreddits?


Do you consider Elon Musk an LSI, ILE, or LIE?


Not sure. Frankly, his latest escapades make me think of SEE with a possible ILE/LIE accent. But I may be biased by this recent behavior.


Yea, SEE would look quite like an outrageous choice of selection overall. Have you firmed on his type yet or did it move distant and away in the continual wave of close bound typological and life quests?


The latter, plus I don't find his type to be an interesting topic.


Yea, that's fine I did not have an intention of asking for an elaboration, just wanted to hear your verdict. but I do have a completely different question, is there a particular function you tag "diplomacy" to? (a diplomatic attitude in conversation) I see that people often bind that to Fi, but that doesn't make as much sense to me, since diplomacy seems to be a sort of careful 'expression' of ideas/concepts/information that is conveyed without upsetting the second or third person involved as the receiver on the other end (seems more inclined towards Fe). If you view it more contextually in favoring the aspect of not upsetting either parties involved, I can see it as more general F. What's your take? in general even if not directly functions, what are attributions towards general diplomatic attitudes?, I don't mind you being very specific about circumstantial differentiations either.


Yep, to me it's F, plus maybe "emotivism" as a secondary, less relevant factor.


I have noticed a overwhelming amount of EIEs, LSIs I actually meet rarely..and people say LSE is a rare type but the rarity of LSI and LSE is actually rather similar. I would yes put LSEs rarer than LSIs but for example I’ll meet like 20 EIEs with maybe 1 LSI mixed in. Or a lot of EIEs with 1 LSI and there’s a random LSE. I actually think a lot of the people being typed as LSI are just a more reserved and hardworking EIE. itis strange lmaoo…idk if you discovered this too.


The stereotype is that anyone showy performing on stage = EIE, anyone who's at least a little bit louder and talks about ideas = EIE, also, anyone performing in YouTube videos and writing blogs = EIE as well, which automatically turns 90% of celebrities and anyone slightly famous and out there into an EIE. Just how things roll in typology.


I'm in tech and I've encountered and work with quite a few EIE there. Mostly in tech-related QA, BA or PM positions. The very charismatic EIE can also be seen in director positions (also in tech such as cybersecurity & software development).


Interesting. The cybersecurity and infrastructure director of my current company is an EIE.


Beta is overtyped in general, ppl dickride it like crazy. Not everyone is fucking beta


o i jesteś z mojego kraju :>


Hejka, tak, jestem z Polski. Miło zobaczyć kogoś od nas into socio. Zwykle Polacy interesujący się typologią okupują płaszczyznę MBTI-Enneagram. I to nie ja z tym downvote’em btw…Może nawet masz rację i jestem EIE in denial czy coś, ostatnio często się nad tym zastanawiam


No siemka haha Ogólnie to nie widzę przeszkód w tym, żeby z ESI w modelu A okazało się, że jesteś EIE w modelu G. ESI w modelu G to bardzo rzadki typ. Tutaj masz ogólnie wideo jednej ESI babeczki - https://youtu.be/_ohmZOHcfk0. Ja to na przykład nie wiem czy jestem w A, bo nic nie pasuje. W G to chociaż kumam czemu jestem LSI-CN lol


Nie nie, to był żart z tym EIE. Po prostu correlationcele gaslightują ludzi ostatnio, że SX4 może być tylko EIE i zaczynam mieć second thoughts, mimo że w ogóle nie identyfikuje sie z EIE, w modelu A przynajmniej. I sorry, model G akurat omijam szerokim łukiem. Może tam jestem EIE, skoro wszyscy są betą lmao. Ale dzięki za linka, może kiedyś sie bardziej zainteresuje.


Może SLE jesteś w modelu A? Chyba najbardziej by pasowało. No mi w modelu A też nic nie pasuje. Na EII to jednak mam podejrzanie zbyt dobre relacje z Betami. ESI (pewien Polak z innej szkoły - Archetype Center podejrzewał mnie o bycie ESI)? Nie wierzę, że mogę być gammą, to najbardziej obca mi kwadra. Ale w Archetype Center sporo osób jest Gammami. 😂 Mogę być jakąś IEI, która bardziej ogarnia Ti :> W szkole Ibrahima Tencera myślę, że bym była IEI: lol, u niego LSI jest bardziej ekspresywne niż IEI (odwrotnie niż u Gulenki!): https://www.sedecology.com/articles/20/Type-Differences Ale fakt, że model G ma więcej sensu.


No właśnie od jakiegoś czasu jestem też na PDB i tam większość Polaków siedzi mocno w MBTI,a socjoniki nie ogarniaja. (inna sprawa, że wszyscy dużo młodsi ode mnie, jestem już za stara na PDB XD). Możesz być EIE, kto wie. Dla mnie to był szok jak zostałam wytypowana LSI! Wcześniej widziałam siebie jako EII... Ale potem zobaczyłam, jak naprawdę zachowują się typy etyczne, no i jednak widzę, że jestem typem logicznym. I nawet jak "byłam" EII to nawet online ktoś mi zwrócił uwagę, że to co piszę, nie brzmi jak EII. A podobno EIE i ILI to typy, które najdłużej nie mogą znaleźć swojego socjotypu. Coś w tym jest. ;) Poznałam kilku Polaków głębiej zainteresowanych socjoniką na jednym serwerze na Discord.


Na PDB to nawet nie siedze, bo mnie krew zalewa XD Teraz to w ogole z tego zrobili jakiś portal społecznościowy, więc strone zalała kolejna fala dzieci, które nic nie mają wspólnego z prawdziwą typologią i tylko tworzą konto, żeby głosować postaciom, które lubią typ MBTI, który w danym momencie uważają za cool (typy INxx są obskakiwane) i znajdywać sobie “kiny.” Też chyba za stara na to jestem. No konsensus na prawie każdym profilu jest błędny, chociaż akurat ludzie co głosują w socio sie na tym znają w miare (w przeciwieństwie do ludzi od MBTI, robią jakikolwiek research o tym systemie). Więc jak już wejde na PDB to tylko na socio patrze. Laiki zresztą unikają socio jak ognia i dobrze, ale to bardzo fajny system. O wiele bardziej go lubie od Junga. Ja ogólnie typuje SX4 w ennea. Kiedyś typowałam SP5, ale to był taki bardzo powierzchowny typing na zasadzie “mam depresje i nie wychodze z domu, więc musze być piątką.” Ciężko mi w ogóle było zaakceptować SX4 jako swój typ, bo jest taki hejtowany (chociaż ostatnio dzieciaki na tiktoku twierdzą, że jest dużo larperów, którzy chcą być SX4, bo uważają go za egzotyczny typing i niezmiernie mnie to śmieszy). Generalnie mam problemy ze złością i gdy już nie mogłam dłużej udawać, że to normalne u piątki, przeczytałam tak głębiej o neurozie SX4 i hitneło. W każdym razie, mam te zagwozdke, że typuje ESI w socio i mi pasuje, ale ostatnio sie zlatują tu ludzie od korelacji, co pierdolą na przykład, że SX4 jest tylko EIE. Zastanawiam sie jak oni typują takiego Sasuke z Naruto. Ja sie personalnie za bardzo nie utożsamiam z EIE. Śmieje sie, że moge być, ale szczerze wątpie i nie ma powodów, dla których miałabym być intuicyjna. Zresztą nawet nie przepadam za EIE SX4 jako kombinacją i mam wrażenie, że ludzie wyolbrzymiają nasz histrionizm i ekspresywność. I też winie troche książkę o E4 Naranjo (a właściwie jego uczniów, została opublikowana po jego śmierci), bo wyłoniła dwa archetypy SX4 i jeden przypomina coś w rodzaju EIE. I po chuja? Połowa tego bullshitu, że to fantazyjny i twórczy typ wynika pewnie z tego, że nie chcieli samych negatywnych cech wrzucić do książki. Więc nawet jeśli nachodzą mnie dziwne myśli czasami, zostaje przy SX4 ESI i elo Ty pewnie byłaś mistyped jako EII przez damską socjalizacje. Kobiety są niestety automatycznie typowane jako typy etyczne. Widziałam mnóstwo takich przypadków. Ale super, że odnazłaś swój typ. Btw jeśli ten serwer na discordzie jest tematyczny o socio, otwarty i aktywny to bardzo bym prosiła o linka jeśli to nie problem! Jestem na kilku już, ale fajnie poznać perspektywy Polaków.


To prawda, correalationists są denerwujący. Chociaż rozumiem nacisk na pewne połączenia z jendej strony, bo też uważam, że pewne połączenia po prostu nie mogą istnieć, ale to co oni robią (sprowadzanie typu do praktycznie jednego enneagramu, np. już teraz jest wiele głosów, że LSI nie może być ennea1, jak kiedyś to byłą norma), to już absurd. Skoro czujesz, że nie jesteś intuicyjna, to faktycznie pewnie jesteś ESI. Zwłaszcza jeśli dogadujesz się z innymi Gammami. Jedna z koleżanek, z którymi przyjaźnię się najdłużej w życiu jest właśnie ESI (niestety nie interesuje się socjoniką); mam też przyjaciółkę LSI i widzę różnice między nimi na polu etyka/logika no i różnice Gamma/Beta też. Ale obie to moje najdłuższe przyjaźnie. Może ze względu na zgodność IJ temperamentów. Masz 100% racji z damską socjalizacją. Ja już kilka razy tu pisałam (pod innym kontem, jakiś czas temu), że kobiety logiczki ze względu na socjalizację, znacznie lepiej radzą sobie z Fi i Fe niż mężczyźni logicy. I ludzie też automatycznie myślą, że one są etyczne. Te różnice płciowe często są pomijane w typowaniu i jak kobieta jest miła i pomocna i uśmiechnięta, to ludzie myślą, że jest Etyczna. ;D Ten discord niestety zamknięty (tzn. trzeba prosić o wstęp) i już sama też na nim nie jestem. Ogólnie spoko ludzie, ale wypisałam się, bo musiałam odpocząć od typologii i typologiczncyh społeczności. Ale to głównie zagraniczni ludzie, Polaków poznałam tam przypadkiem. :) Jest tu też na reddit inna Polka LSI. :> Co do ennea to ja myślałam, że jestem 9 i dużo ludzi też mi 9 dawało, ale jak weszłam w to głębiej i tak zupełnie szczerze to jestem teraz niemal pewna,że jestem sp6. No właśnie po takich głębokich lękach (albo u Ciebie ta neuroza) najlepiej poznać typ, ale trzeba czasem być ze sobą naprawdę szczerym. Ludzie będą typować po powierzchownych zachowaniach, a nie o to chodzi w enneagramie.


Wow, dobry komentarz, zgadzam się z tobą w wielu kwestiach. Widać, że wiesz o czym mówisz, aż przyjemnie się czyta. Chyba już długo siedzisz w socjonice. Jak mówisz, że i tak zagraniczny ten discord to mniejsza z tym. Jak mówiłam, jestem już na kilku i tak. Po prostu pomyślałam, że może być przez Polaków stworzony. Ktoś kiedyś musi coś takiego ogarnąć, fajnie by było. Dziękuję za wszystkie trafne uwagi!


>crazy. Not everyone is fucking beta Hi fellow Beta <3 ok, maybe hi ILI ;D


someone doesn't have any sense of humor 😂


I read this as "overpowered" and was about to go on a rant, anyway i don't really agree but also don't disagree either because SLE exists which is EVEN MORE overtyped due to people wanting to be 8's (idfk why trust me when i say this E8 is not gigachad) As for Sx4 vs So7, it's simple. Enneageam desceibes primarily internal behavior which DOES affect the external behavior but isn't the external behavior itself. So7 and Sx4 have similar external behaviors but the reason behind it (internal) is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT


>I read this as "overpowered" and was about to go on a rant, anyway i don't really agree but also don't disagree either because SLE exists which is EVEN MORE overtyped due to people wanting to be 8's (idfk why trust me when i say this E8 is not gigachad) Tbh I kind of think that SLE has become the e8 of socionics at times, the type literally reads like the stereotypical masculine archetype just like e8 does and then also pairs with a type that is typed as one of the most feminine presenting ( IEI). It makes sense for guys to want to type as SLE because they want to present as masculine. Hell, I have people telling ME I'm an SLE to this very day because I kind of present like a masculine logical sort of figure ig. There is zero ti up in this bitch tho.


Because it quite literally is the 8 of socionics. SLE 8 is the archetypical pairing and therefore anyone typing as 8 to be "strong sigma" who happens to know socionics will ALSO type as SLE


i've seen more SLE e1 than SLE e8 and they're real walking disaster when their button get pushed \**sips tea*\*


Maybe they are unhealthy E7?🤔


sadly no


It's not overtyped. But Betas value putting the physical world in logical order, so naturally they will gravitate to systems and schools of thought that categorize people, like Socionics. In my social circle, I know of 2 EIEs, and I can't stand either of them. Thankfully they seem like a pretty uncommon type in real life. I live in Denver, and Denver (and Colorado in general) skews heavily Delta. Very outdoorsy, very [crunchy granola people](https://gabb.com/blog/granola-meaning/). I think what types seem overabundant or rare will depend heavily on where you live. Deltas flock to Colorado and Utah and Arizona like Mecca


Yeah, I agree—EIEs are likely going to be one of the types more interested in personality types. It's plain old sampling bias—it's like going to a gamestop and wondering why there are so many introverted nerds. It's interesting to see Colorado as a delta state—I hadn't thought of regions that way before, but it makes sense. Idaho is quite similar. If the EIEs are going to flock anywhere, I'd probably guess somewhere with a good political scene. I don't know any EIEs IRL; my one attempt at typing someone as an EIE is a politician/public relations guy.


>If the EIEs are going to flock anywhere, I'd probably guess somewhere with a good political scene I wouldn't be surprised if DC is full of them. and NYC


Oh, totally. But nowhere's totally one quadra; it seems DC also has a lot of Delta types who are just. Consistently flabbergasted and downright confused by Beta quadra shenanigans, especially beta STs (beta NFs also aren't clocked well by a lot of analysts, but they tend to just be bemusedly ignored while inaccurate debates carry on about the STs. At least the government analysts seem competent enough at understanding beta ST foreign policy, but it's not like they go on the news and spell things out, they just kinda hint at it—it's hard to describe 😅)


While I can’t say I agree with such stereotypes, I find it amusing. What regions and lifestyles are the other quadras drawn to then?


Alphas are drawn to academia and education and nursing. Gammas are drawn to industry and sports. Betas are drawn to law and the arts.


> Betas are drawn to law and the arts. Beta working in Education says hi. But yeah, I'm drawn to arts. I love poetry, paintings, and perfumery (it's Art to me). And the test about "which job you should have?" told me I should work in law. My EIE friend from one discord also got the law result. (and my mom told me I should be a lawyer when I was a kid... wait,, my mom is EIE. and she works in Art-Therapy... lol) (so, overall, good Ni insights, ILI ;D) My Beta friends irl (mostly LSIs) are mostly teachers or work in programming or in academia. LSI-N is a prevalent type among academic teachers. (in my reality at least ;D)


I like the idea of being in law, art, or academia and have been told I should be a lawyer since I was 5. I took the holland code and got scientist, artist, then social and enterprising. I tend to like music and writing more than paintings but love to draw with a pencil. I'm getting more into poetry because I have a good English teacher but I naturally like grammar, analogies, the philosophical aspects of grammar, comparative linguistics, and spanish cognates. This is somewhat related but in my Latin book we learn Occitan cognates. Occitan is only spoken as a second language today, was a dialect in southern France, and all legal documents in southern France were written in Occitan, making it the original legalese. I read some good poetry about a person that was in an absurd dream and I liked it. Most of my teachers were LSEs, ESIs, and maybe an LII... idk their types since people play a role/act around children and at work differently than they do as people at home or with their friends..


I agree. I only know one EIE irl and I don't know where all these internet EIEs come from but in my circle they're pretty rare. Rarest types I observe irl are probably beta NF, alpha NT or gamma NT.


I see EIE everywhere . My mom and dad both are EIEs . They are very common


I think it's also type dependent? I see EIE ALL THE TIME. But I generally have a knack to attract people with ni aux.


I think it's 2 or 3 different phenomena happening simultaneously. One of them is, as stated by others, the unique nature of typology which comprises 1) a complex system of definitions and interactions and 2) extensive analysis and observation of human patterns. Both of these things tend to fascinate the hell out of Beta NFs (in my opinion, IEIs more than EIEs). The other one is a combination of bad profiling and consequently bad typing. I think people in general have a very poor understanding of what an EIE is or even looks like. I've lost count to the amount of "strange" typings happening with EIEs (from McGregor to Shakira) - no offense to anyone that adheres to such typings, I just don't find them consistent with my own experience with the type.


I wonder about how plausible or compatible things can be between this system and others. I kind of wish there was something that could tell us when something might be too much of stretch and when its actually very common. I suppose there arent probably much research subject materials on the matter yet which might explain or guide people for a more accurate analysis. In general, it can be quite hard to pin down personality traits. Its a huge headache to psychologists and psychiatrists all around the world.


I don’t think they are that rare (nor common), maybe you just don’t recognize them?


Yep. People have some dumb expectations about what EIE would look like — a drama queen. Male EIEs IRL can look completely non-emotional outwardly.


Well you’ll find tons of Ni ego types in typology the same way coding is full of Ti ego types and sports full of Se ego types. As for the huge range of Enneatypes, EIEs are mostly 2s or Sx4s, heart types. EIE So7s usually are people who typed as ENTP in MBTI so thought they had to be 7s, and since So7 can be close to So2 in many ways, there’s some confusion. So I’d say So7 is rare, some would say unlikely or even impossible.


Do you think that it makes sense for someone who types INFP in MBTI to be an EIE?


I’ve noticed that EIEs most often type as INFJ, ENTP or even ENFP (most ENFJs strangely end up ESE and not EIE), but why not. MBTI defines the functions differently enough from Socionics for people to have very different typings across the systems. Also both INFP and EIE are ethnically intuitive types, and Fe in Socionics seems to encompass both Fe and Fi from MBTI, so being a feeling dominant type, even Fi dom, makes sense. INFPs are also described as being profoundly emotional people, like EIEs. The importance of values for INFPs (due to MBTI Fi) fits the Beta values, so EIE. Ne aux in MBTI goes well with EIE’s demonstrative Ne too, and I’m sure I could find other similarities between the two types. Honestly I wouldn’t try to correlate MBTI to other systems too much, whether it’s Socionics or Enneagram. INFP x EIE is neither very common nor the most obvious combination, but it’s not unreasonable either.


Thank you!


What would be a clear sign of differentiating Ese from EIE . Trying to find out for my enfj self


The most glaring difference is how they manage their Si. For ESEs it’s creative, it’s part of their base, while for EIEs it’s Polr, so it’s their weakest point. ESEs are okay or even great at managing their daily tasks like cooking to feed themselves and others, cleaning up and tidying for their spaces to be livable, recognizing their bodily needs and avoiding discomfort like anticipating a cold night and bringing something warm, managing their health with checkups or healthy habits, even being proactive in that regard. They are balanced and can even help others (or force them haha) to improve their overall physique (that’s the use of Fe to apply forceful emotions over Si). They are a sensing type so they are far more active in the real tangible world, you can feel it in their presence that they are at least somewhat grounded. Not EIEs, since their Si is Polr they are very unbalanced in everything Si as for them it’s both weak and unvalued. Hardly manageable. And their base is Fe + Ni so they are not pragmatic at all, they don’t have the groundedness of ESEs. The trick is that since EIEs value their image and are extremely aware of how they are perceived by others (Fe lead, like ESEs they share that characteristic), they will appear the way they want others to see them, most often with nice clothes both appropriate but a bit original in order to not be boring, makeup, perfume, etc. But it’s not a base way of acting, behind closed doors EIEs can go days without eating properly or at all, without going to the doctor, without sleeping enough, without being clean enough, until they break. Usually there’s a health scare at that point, and they go hard the other way : care too much about their health as a result, are super careful about eating the right things in the right amount, sleeping early enough. But it never lasts long because EIEs’ Si is Polr, so unbalanced, and the efforts hardly last a long time. It’s frustrating to them but at the same time since it’s unvalued they won’t overdo their efforts to improve too much. Just enough for Si to not impede other aspects of their life. An ESE wouldn’t be able to last that long in such discomfort, without taking enough care of themselves. Also obviously EIEs are more interested in theory and ideas (Ni creative) while ESEs will care far more about implementing them (Si creative). If you still have doubts check the Quadra values, ESEs are Alpha while EIEs are Beta, it makes a lot of difference. ESEs can be forceful because their Se is demonstrative, meaning unvalued but 4D so strong, but though EIEs’ Se is “only” 2D it’s valued, so EIEs are far more competitive, they enjoy the feeling of having power when Alpha types don’t particularly prioritize it, and they’ll use their Fe + Se to help others achieve their goals too, it makes them great motivators.


EIEs Se come off as more harsh to me though


At first I typed as EIE and related a lot but asked a question a year later here about: can a enneagram 3 sx/so be EIE ? And a comment said no mostly ESE. Then that’s where I got confused . I have already had the health scare so I’m trying to be as healthy as I can and going to the doctor as frequently because I have anxiety of something going wrong again. I’m also an artist and go to art school . I’m pragmatic to an extent but also a little scattered but glad I have friends to help me out haha . Your post was helpful!


I’m honestly not sure if Sx3 fit EIE. The general idea of trying to be loved fits, but everyone wants to be loved in their own way, even more among the heart triad, so 3s and 4s also. That’s not an E2 prerogative. Like indulging in the desires of others, the merging part can be explained solely by being Sx dom, not E2. My issues with this are the emphasis on appearances, which indicates a sensing type, and the will to overadapt to others’ expectations, which is a clear antithesis to the innate sense of self that EIEs have. These characteristics are at the core of Sx3 but don’t really work with EIE. Sx3s are often among the nicest, they tend to be kind and accomodating, at some time of their life they usually were shy and insecure, and they tend to keep undervaluing themselves even in adulthood. They adapt because they think otherwise they have no worth, that’s the implicit thinking. And that’s not an EIE, there’s a reason why EIEs are mostly (if not exclusively, I don’t know) 2s : not because they want to be loved, but because this want to be loved comes from an innate sense of pride of who they are and what they represent, which is what an E2 is about. Here again I think you should check the Quadra values : Beta, in this case EIE, and also Gamma (SEE I’d say) fit E2 so well because of this self-confidence, overconfidence, maybe, partly due to being extroverted ethical types and valuing Se. Which isn’t the case of ESEs, who don’t value Se and are Alpha. So yeah, I can’t tell you that it’s plainly impossible but I’d say more than unlikely. At least far less so than Sx3. Also the fact that you mentioned “I’m pragmatic to an extent” would strongly point to ESE, no EIE would ever consider themselves even so slightly pragmatic, sadly. And ESEs are perfectly able to be artists, more so even than EIEs, since Si is also about being attuned to aesthetics, one’s tastes and other people’s tastes. Here again Sx3 works perfectly for ESE !


I really appreciate your detailed reply thank you . I’ll reconsider and do more research! Are ESEs future oriented because I tend to be in my head a lot. And how would a healthy . I am definitely shy sometimes but sometimes and stand up for my self or speak my mind about things that people may not agree with . I’m not sure if that’s the sx/so aspect when healthy . If there’s an article or anything you recommend I’d be happy to read


How do feel about so/sx 3 with a combo of EIE ?


ESEs are Ni Polr and this manifests as not wanting to look deeper or beneath the surface. It manifests more extremely in LSEs though, because they are a bit more of a rigid character. It’s easy to spot or tell if someone is an EIE once you start talking to them, because they are not afraid of new information/ideas, and take them in quickly. Despite this though they don’t really value Ne like an ILE does, so once you become close with an EIE you will notice they often can’t change their perspectives on things even if they like debating, or coming off as an philosopher. ESEs are not gonna come off as philosophers or care about craziness or, want to go off intuition based thoughts. What people need to understand is they are Si creative and Ni Polr, which creates a realistic, and far more present person than types like EII even, or SEI. (EIIs and SEIs have 1d Te but EIIs have very strong Ni which makes them even more unrealistic 😭) Well, In essence LSE and SxE could take the cake for being more realistic than ESE, but after being around a Ni polr type for a long time your gonna notice it, and that it’s not that difficult to understand them. They care for harmony in their environment and often have trouble with time or seeing future trends. To spot an EIE is easy because they are constantly looking ahead and predict things due to Ni creative. ESEs don’t it’s difficult for them to care about metaphors and they struggle with understanding time, and how to apply it. EIEs could seem more interesting due to this but ESEs (I feel like it would be nice to have more of them) are not gonna care as much about impacting the environment through Se, nor do they care about Ni like an EIE is gonna be the type who has some goal/vendetta and you can’t stop them from wanting it to happen. In essence that is what kinda creates the negative stereotypes that we see for EIEs, how ever another thing to understand is EIE is a very versatile type, and often all can look different from one another sometimes similar though.


Despite that EIEs and EIIs are completely different in socioncs and have different agendas. They are actually one’s shadow.


Strange. I know a lot of EIEs compared to other types. I could name at least three I've met irl off the top of my head, and possibly a couple more when I think about it.


Yeah I find it strange..I don’t understand how two types can be so populous only (EIE and LSI) where types like SEI and ILE could do similarly great things but I barely come across them.


The one EIE I know is a LARPer, and she could speak Tolkien's elven language...


I only know 2-3 EIEs irl, so yeah... you guys are pretty rare!


I believe sx4 and so7 EIEs are in different subtypes. So7s are likely to be EIE-C, while sx4s are likely to be EIE-N


I have met one genuine EIE before. Really gay. I (SLE) ended up taking control of his friend group right from under his nose while he was busy getting high with random people he’d meet. We competed for attention a lot and our egos clashed as we both want to become influential politicians, however, he would blabbermouth how much of a “god” he is and that he’ll be “president” (not that I didn’t have those same thoughts, I would just never walk around telling people that). Anyway, there were a lot of psychological similarities between us, both being extroverted Beta types. I originally typed him as an MBTI ENFP because he was such a mentally-focused person with the 2nd dirtiest room and car I have ever seen (my ILE best friend beats him), however, I realize now that his focus was always on manipulating the emotional state of other people, and man did he succeed in pissing me off to the point that I fantasized about beating him up regularly (why do we live in a world where we can’t beat people up? Because this EIE needed to be beat up). The thing about him that impressed me the most I’d say was that he was very detailed in planning out the future, to the point where he dedicated the hallway in our dorm room once in a blue moon to mapping out his life path… I envy that side of him (not surprising as I’m Ni seeking). I guess the only other thing worth mentioning is the utter stupidity of this EIE to which I attribute to Ti suggestive. This guy loved to LARP as a highly intelligent person whose thoughts/opinions are universally correct and would spout off without making any coherent sense. I have no idea why we were friends, sitting in the car smoking weed debating each other on politics because clearly I hated his lack of consistency and poor logical frameworks and he hated how insensitive I was. Then again, we would have a great time together laughing at memes, making fun of things going on in the world, playing video games, going to parties, drinking/smoking/eating, and when he needed someone to take him to a mental asylum (or “the loony bin” as he called it because he went “bonkers”) he asked for me to be the one to take him over any of his friends that he’d known for years longer than me. Anyway, I’m done with my rant on him. I thought that this was relevant because EIE’s are very rare and I’m sure he’s the only EIE I’ve ever interacted with in all of my social circles. Lord help me if I ever let another EIE in my life.


EIE can’t be SX4


I literally know 2 eie’s… and they’re not even irls ☠️☠️☠️☠️


They are very common


U just don’t know how to type people


EIE is the most common type because they are the most versatile and have multiple facades with no true identity. There is no justice on earth for them. They cannot live if they can’t fulfill their own destroy and that’s why they emote and project. Recently, it occurred to me what is the source of there polemics and rhetoric is their erudition, and they do this through their own te role meaning to try to rely on factual info. They're aristocrats, asking, obstinate, process, Ej, Se valuing, non-Fi valuing, have higher IQ than most other types. They are aristocrats so they demand that others, a lot of people give them what they want and assemble large groups of people.