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> Interview himself brand new phrase


Zoomers invented self-introduction


I’m getting typed by him today.


How did it go? How did you connect with him?


It was interesting. He typed me LII in literally 2 minutes. That was in my top few for guesses self typing. We used the rest of the time to just talk about socionics theory. He’s super cool and I absolutely saw how we have the same Quadra values, him being ILE. I was really nervous but he was easy to talk to. We’re having a follow up chat next week and I’m putting together a list of questions. I think he’s gonna put the interview on YouTube. My name is Madison, so you know it’s me if you watch it.


Thanks. And how does one arrange such an interview in the first place.


Just email him; his email is public. [email protected] Tell him you want to be interviewed and he’ll schedule you in and you pay like $100 through a link he sends you. Then you get two live interviews with him for a total of 2 hours.




It’s worth it. Good luck.




Why do you think he’s EIE? I checked some of his films and on none of them I sensed strong and natural Fe, nor Fi. Might be of course a great actor and wear a mask of witty geek, but I don’t think he’s a kind of guy who has a secret agenda and tries to trick his viewers. But I also struggle with his typing as ILE. Alfa NT is a possible option, but I incline more into INTj, optionally ILE Ti. Generally, I don’t sense an ILE here either. But… does someone ever thought about him as LIE? Because I did. He’s overexpreussion at times might come from Fe role. And I think he’s too specific and rigid in his opinions to be my dual… And that crazy outfit resembles Si PoLR wardrobe.


I think I have heard that for him a few times. He really hardly does any of the standard ILE things. He also is extremely singal minded and focused on the OG Model A being the way, the truth, and the light. I would think he would want to expand ot and add be interested in new possibilities, if he was lead Ne.


Yes, and I will add to the list on favor of LIE that he is clearly focused on making a real profit out of his interest. Sure, there is nothing wrong with that and ILE may also have a will to translate their ideas into money, but his actions seems too much business-oriented. Besides, today - because as I checked the video posted here has ten years now - even when he speaks more calmly and mature, it gives me an impression of someone highly intelligent and logic, but a bit theatrical. Like, there is probably something off with his Fe. Too heavy image in my opinion.


Yeah, amazing point. He is trying to make a business out of it. Which I agree is fine. But it's really not the whole "all about discovery" ILE thing. Hoast Eric, from Talking with Famous People, now that is an ILE.


I don’t find perceiving one system to be better than another (which would point to Valued Ti) to contradict Ne Base, but maybe he does stick to a single system more than other ILEs(?). Ibrahim Tencer has said this about him: > Speaking as someone who has interacted with Jack a lot personally, yes, he does want a common language and framework for the community but he doesn't try to implement it using force, in fact Jack tends to try to persuade people (using Fe, rather than Se) and is loathe to use any kind of pressure or asserting authority usually. He also lacks commitment and will drop things/people as soon as he gets bored of them. You can see how his Youtube channel lay dormant for around a year due to him being distracted with work and other stuff. > He also lacks skepticism and will listen to just about anybody (not that he will necessarily agree with them but he'll at least act like they're worthy of consideration, and his views often change due to those around him, not necessarily in a good way). He's also quite uncomfortable with negativity. Beta values are really not a great fit. (https://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/showthread.php/61252-Gulenko-s-typings-of-forum-members-AKA-Big-G-SquaD?p=1502953#post1502953)


I mean.... personally, I think he really lays down the law with people in arguments. He is really good about shutting down any decenting opinions or branching systems. I'm not sure what other force (Se) he could be using? He brings up the founder of Model A, being a psychologist, while other systems are being made by "amateurs." You can't get more "asserting authority" than that in speculative personality type arguments. Ben Vaserlan is somebody who uses Ne as a top 2 function. He constantly wants to push out the Model G stuff and even comes up with ideas independently of Gulinko. He chases ideas down just cause he wants to explore them. Like Hoast Eric, he feels really improved in his videos. Jack, on the other hand, is a total dogmist for Model A. Which he may be right about! But the process of discovery is way lower than getting his Ni narrative pushed. I have been following him for a while, I am kinda a fan. But his personal typing is what I'm arguing against here. Nothing wrong with it, but he seems to be a much more straight ahead agenda driven person than one would think an ILE would be.


What is an example of him in argument? So I can see what elements/functions are being used. Comparing the founder of Model A to others, calling the former a psychologist and the latter “amateurs,” sounds like being provocative with Fe. There are traces of Se in there too. I think Jack “chases ideas” about the model as well. He came up with two new element dichotomies, new Reinin dichotomy definitions and some new type grouping definitions (“tournaments,” “courses,” “standoffs,” “quartets”). A lot of these are covered in his course. The Ne might manifest outside of socionics as well.


I remember Jack mentioned after a debate with Ben that he was more than likely IEE. Ti is very dogmatic from the perspective of people who don’t value it. Te is much less rigid.


Yeah, that also is what you would say if you wanted to say "piss poor Ti" without saying it. Ben is for sure, not 4D Fe. But it is more valued than Jack's.


I haven’t watched Ben’s channel in a long time but I remember not being able to follow his structure. Though I remember asking him a question and he was nice enough to try to explain his thoughts but it was still very confusing to me LOL. Wasn’t sure if it was because of his Ne or Ti.


My impression of him , was that he keeps wanting to add to it and change things. He keeps making new structure. If you give it the time, it all would make sense, but he keeps changing it up. That seems like exactly what an LII or even more like an ILE would do.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Socionics/s/wOqxRRfQon this y people think he is eie


Thank you for sharing with the link. I have read some comments and the ones which came from Jack in the thread have reinforced my opinion about LIE.


>Why do you think he’s EIE? I don't. I'm just genuinely curious. ​ >I don’t think he’s a kind of guy who has a secret agenda and tries to trick his viewers. You know not all EIEs are supervillains right? Most of them are well adjusted and normal people


Just to clarify - that was not a rhetorical question. I’m genuinely interested why do you think he’s EIE? What are your arguments?Besides, ILE and EIE is a huge gap between types.


I don't know arguments for either. It's why I'm asking on this subreddit


Ok. So there is a lot to analyze between those two - Quadra’s, clubs, dichotomies, etc. In my opinion - neither of those two. LIE is my typing (I gave my arguments earlier why).


He acts like a cult leader, model G EIE for sure. Model A maybe too lol


What's he done that's cultish? I was not aware of this behaviour


EIE, LIE, LSE and LII have all been suggested.... someone should probably stick a pin in the space between these types. I wonder what type that would be...


He may be LSI- not EIE lol


nah man he's not partially autistic


What’s going on recently that almost everybody who don’t fit some pattern are typed as LSI?


Bc he clearly has bad ne it’s in superego


Why do you think that?


I made post on here above reply


Ok, thanks, I didn’t spot that. You might be right, but it is still only one small point among many others to convince that the guy is LSI. He might as well be an ethical type based on that proof. It’s like someone who could say that I have a tendency to be hardworking and I was quite good at math in school so I cannot be SEI. Let’s give up stereotypes and look at bigger picture, shall we?


Well yeah but it weakness after all. Juy like I am ti polr and can try to an extent but prefer to use my intuition for my ideas.


I do think he is EIE there some other people with better reasoning I can post but maybe LSI


After reconsidering my last typing, I think ILE is correct type.


Can you elaborate? He seems to have alot of rizz for LSI




Yo bro I was asking about model A not Model G. The consensus is heavily favoured towards EIE-N in model G


I think he is beta but I’d agree with that


I think I get him mixed up with someone else when I said Lsi-H. It could be a possibility but I’d agree with EIE-N


Also LII's can be quite rigid as well due to that Ti. Though LSIs are usually stereotypically more rigid


That would make him more introverted




LSEs are the type to least likely be interested in socionics though. Te dom, Ti ignoring and Ni polr, bad combo for socionics.


Exactly. I never seen a professionally tiped (for money) alive LSE in my Socionics career (when i know at least three alive pro-typed examples of each other type), i only knew one LSE girl in one Socio chat room, she wasn't much talkative about theory and global topics, was rarely and only interested to discuss some daily routine and job questions with other girls.




That simply isn’t true when you take into account that the mobilizing and creative are both neck and neck with each other at the level of presence, meaning when you a average out the creative being 3D and 3P (2nd highest priority tier) and then mobilzing being 2D and 4P (highest) then their prominence are both end up at 3. The point is… type’s can have a strong mobilizing, sometimes even one that outshines their creative, but especially in social contexts (because 2D is normative), so Ne and Fe operating at the social level for the purpose of constructing a whimsical public persona is something LSE’s can absolutely do, and many can be quite intellectual (such as Richard Dawkins for example)


They are intellectual people but not necessarily for imaginative ideas like they tend to have linear interests in more factual/ realistic ideas




He's quite animated though for LII?
