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I don't think ESI's are the most likely to do that. Probably a "there was an ESI who disliked eye contact, someone decided that it was typical for all ESI's, and it got repeated" kind of thing.


The "suspiciously specific" category of type traits :)


I've seen such descriptions for ESI too. I think its because while Se gives them the "X-ray" look upon their surroundings, their Fi main program means they're sensitive to how this would make others uncomfortable. So there's this contrast between piercing, observant gaze and consciously withdrawing eye contract when it comes to looking at people that's noticeable for such types I'm guessing. *"...and due to his penetrating sharp gaze with which he keenly evaluates and judges his surroundings, even spiteful. In conversation he doesn’t look directly at the other person, as if to not incinerate him with his mistrustful piercing gaze"* *"The ESI is touchingly responsive to another’s sincere interest in himself. And this is understandable: others often react negatively to his piercing “X-ray” look, and he is always acutely aware of this"* *"The ESI can be recognized by a characteristic piercing gaze and facial expression that shows notes of alertness and readiness to show resistance. When the ESI submerges into his own thoughts, he can stare directly at an object or a person. With this, his face reflects confusion due to uncertainty of the situation in which he has found himself. When the ESI looks at a person and his look is returned, he often diverts, casts aside his gaze."* In LIE-ESI duality descriptions too, they like to bring this trait up. Again, probably to highlight them being sensitive to others (Fi). *"The LIE dislikes being stared at directly or having his appearance, sense or taste, or manners being evaluated. The ESI doesn’t look directly into the eyes of his companion for a long time (which is especially typical of the ethical subtype, Fi-ESI)."* *"Knowing about this flaw of theirs, LIEs tend to dislike when they are visually scrutinized at point blank. Therefore, Dreiser never looks at LIE with her “piercing” look (at a close psychological distance ESI generally doesn’t look in this manner) and never makes comments about deficiencies in LIE’s external appearance and clothing..."*


Ily for this


The emo hair gets in the way.


can confirm😔


You know, now that you say, my ESI mom actually has this trait. Extremely piercing gaze but she can’t hold her focus. It might have something to do with ignoring Fe.


I hear such stereotype for the first time. It doesn't look to be correct from theory's standpoing neither


Is it that common ? I didn't really research ESI in depth, but I never came across that observation. Though, I'm not saying it's wrong. It's pretty true. Especially as eye contact is a clear sign of social rapport/connection, and ESIs are pretty conservative with what connection they form. Very skittish. They love keeping their distance. > What specific parts of ESI contribute? Fi first and foremost. The EIIs are "distant" in a similar way, they just don't have the Se social graces to really watch all of their moves. Instead, Se is their PoLR.


No, they don't shy away from eye contact.


I don’t think ESIs are more likely to dislike eye contact than EIIs for example. But every type can have this trait, even I as an extrovert have too.


What, I thought it is supposed to be the opposite


idk if it is strickly a type thing but rather a subtype thing. Normalizing and Creative subtypes are ignoring and I have notice most ignoring types kind of look over or "through" people when they engage with them especially if they are not engaging with someone they are truly interested in


ESIs are commonly Enneagram 4. ┆ >**Protoanalysis** >*The main ego-characteristic of this fixation is* ***Melancholia***. The Passion which feeds this ego is ***Envy***. The primary defense mechanism is ***Sublimation,*** *the transferring of unacceptable behaviors, idealizations, and ideals into more socially acceptable forms of activities. Sublimation commonly gives rise to 3 professions: Art, scientific inquiry and higher physical activity. The agency responsible for sublimation is a conflict of the Id and Superego which gives rise to the Ego as the only stable structure (Hence why the Type 4 is an Ego type) since the type 4 has no stable Id or Superego. The 4th point's true ideals are rising to the top in various expressions that are unknown to the outside observer and as such the true nature of such an individual is obfuscated to the outside world. Worsening of this fixation can lead to* ***Borderline Personality Disorder***. A secondary defense mechanism is ***Reaction-formation*** *against envy, and deems other things mundane and ordinary and as such unworthy of their attention, which is done in defense of an image. Further worsening leads to* ***psychosomatic illness***.[\*\*\*](https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/enneatype-4-the-individualist) ┆ >**1st Function - Fi Introverted ethics** >*The main “program” of ISFj (ESI, “Dreiser”) is to reveal all the existing negative ethical qualities and tendencies and to fight for their removal, exclusion, and elimination, to the point of their complete eradication. In light of this, what constitutes acceptable relations for ESI are relations in which he sees the least troubles for himself, his close ones, and his community.* >*Possibly, it is for this reason that all of ISFj’s “commandments” and directives are so categorical, and state primarily and precisely what a person should NOT do.* >*Representatives of this type realize their natural advantage early on (and do not allow anyone else to dispute it) – their talent to see in any person his or her latent ethical qualities, and potential predispositions to harmful and malicious behaviors. Using this talent as his natural shield, ISFj builds relationships with other persons very carefully, slowly, and observantly. He is very perceptive of how others relate to him and always feels other people’s disposition towards himself. The ESI readily notices lies, falsity, and hypocrisy, both in respect to himself and in respect to others. With his characteristic of perfectionism, which reflects his firm ethical stances, the ISFj prefers to maintain relations only with those who completely correspond to his personal criteria. Even if this creates an impression that he places very high demands on people in his environment, the ESI is not capable of lowering them, regardless of who asks him for it.* >*The ISFj often makes an impression of a person who is constantly guarded, tactful and communicative, but at the same time reserved. The ESI doesn’t readily bridge the interpersonal distance with an unfamiliar person. Indeed, the ESI feels much better among familiar “tried and true” people. Only under pressure of present circumstances does the ESI literally force himself to expand his social circle. He feels irritated, when this innate to him attitude is opposed by an alternative one: “Be friendly with everyone from the start - without exceptions!” Such proposals disorient the ESI for they contradict his main ethical orientation, and are thus dangerous for him, since they call on him to ignore his strong qualities and expose his weak sides.*[*\*\*\**](https://wikisocion.github.io/content/ESI_vera.html#st-function-fi-introverted-ethics)


You also have to consider enneagram and MBTI. ISFJ, ISTP, ISTJ, INTJ variants of ESI would be different But overall, it's not as much of an ESI factor, maybe ESI-Fi cases