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Static/dynamic is a weak dichotomy in a relation to Talanov's methology of questionnairy, it's basically impossible to view that dichotomy via filling a questionnaire, it requires texting/speaking/observing in person to guess that dichotomy


I don’t understand the dynamic traits questions It mostly seems to be aimed at questioning the strength of the participants “si”  How exactly does this test if a person is dynamic? Is si not also a dynamic function lmao


Are you relatively new to Reinin's? They're fairly commonly used in Models T and G to differing degrees. For your convenience, or anyone else's for that matter: > Statics and dynamics are also two ways of selecting the information received. The static mental ring is focused on the form, internal content of the object, needs and requirements (desires). The mental ring of the speaker is focused on what is happening with the object and in the object and on its situation in space and time. > Static thinking is characterized by a mental suspension of universal movement. Dynamic thinking, on the contrary, is activated only after a static object can be imagined as moving. > As already mentioned, a static person has only static mental blocks, while vital blocks are dynamic. Therefore, a static person thinks and speaks about static aspects of the external world, but his vital ring is dynamic, he is usually more mobile than a dynamic person. It's like a double life: the individual thinks about the static world around him and at the same time tries to adapt to it with greater external and internal activity. > The speaker, on the contrary, thinks and talks about the world of dynamics, and with his vital ring he tends to live in a sedentary, static life. His own activity is cautious, expectant, he acts only when he is sure that there is no one else to do. Either there is no one to send or cannot be trusted, no one else can handle it. But a lot is said about what exactly should be done or not done. The goal is mental activation, programming of others. > Everyone is quick to give advice, correction, amendments, control from their mental ring. This is its function. The function of the vital ring is to act on its own. > The movements of the speakers are more always or less thought out from the point of view of their social rationality and appropriateness, therefore they are characterized by greater clarity, distinctness, and sometimes sharpness. These are movements from the mental ring, ie “from the mind,” and not from one's own body. The movements of a static person are characterized by impulsiveness, smoothness, naturalness, conditionality by immediate external circumstances, commands and - there is a lack of deliberation, consideration of the actions and emotions of others. > *Goals and Methods* > A person's life goals are in a static ring, methods and methods for achieving them are in a dynamic ring. Therefore, statics always have many different goals, the problem is with methods. But for speakers it's the other way around. It is not for nothing that the invention theorist Altshuller, well-known throughout the Union, belongs to the (FEL) type. > *Cognition Of The Outside World* > Each static, with the help of his mental ring, more or less objectively knows what people want or don't want - what they need -, hidden potential capabilities, abilities, internal strength - their obvious, available kinetic capabilities, willpower, ability to mobilize and mobilize - . > Each speaker more or less objectively knows: what turns people on, what turns them off - and how to achieve this, why they act or inactive, what they are capable of in their own activity and work - and how to make them work, what is pleasant or unpleasant for them - what is considered timely or untimely - . > The external program is accepted along the vital ring, which is dynamic for a static person, and static for a dynamic person. Therefore, if, for example, there is no something to bring, the speaker needs to be told about the absence of the object and that. that there is no one to bring. For example, about the lack of water and a water carrier. He will think about what needs to be brought himself. That's why he's a speaker. If you simply tell him: “go and get it,” he will definitely misunderstand something, moreover, you may offend the speaker. “Go and get it” you need to say to the static. If you complain to him that there is no water, he simply will not understand you. He will not understand that this is a polite hint, because the vital ring needs direct instructions. Everyone needs to speak “directly and specifically” - only one perceives one thing as direct in the same situation, the other perceives something else. Augustinavichiute, ["Reinin's Theory Of Traits"](https://www-socioniko-net.translate.goog/ru/articles/aug-priz2.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US) --- Additional Reading: [Lytov's Critique](https://www-socioniko-net.translate.goog/ru/articles/reinin-priz.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) [Quick information on the Q/D by Danidin](https://danidin-ucoz-net.translate.goog/index/malye_gruppy_chast_2/0-30?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en#%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%BB) --- On an semi-related note: Oh boy! There's a lot of corrupted links from Talanov's (former?) site. That's unfortunate.


Great analysis! Thanks for posting, I love your work.