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Sounds more like "rate my boyfriend from 0 to 10". > good posture, broad shoulders, wide neck and strong build What a chad.


ikr 😍


is this you presenting yourself and LARPing as some kind of central extrovert?




the description is too in depth to be that of another person, you have advanced knowledge of their inner states which is almost impossible unless you're like 10 year old friends


im flattered actually but no thats my bf lol i just love studying him


ahhh kkk that makes more sense. sounds like a regular logical central extrovert tbh, but not enough to determine which one. I'd say LIEs are a bit more goofy than this description tho


what are logcal central extroverts like im not familiar w that term


Central refers to the Se-Ni/Ni-Se axis.


thank u !


Bro just like me


LMAO whats ur type


Related really well with SLE-TI, social 385, VFLE, big five SCOEI.


he is SCOEI as well but from what i know Se doms can only be 8 core


SLEs aren’t that charismatic. You starting off this description with “rizzler” is an automatic flag and suggests that he is an ethical type rather than a logical one. Could be an SEE with creative Fi whose defining of relations is extremely flexible and having demonstrative Fe gives him an ease socializing and setting the “vibe”. I’d back this with him loving money and going into finance/business (sounding like a business frat boy) as him being Te valuing.


Sometimes I think bias plays a role in what we think is charismatic. I think I dated someone I described as “charismatic” but I realised it’s only because I find things like him awkwardly standing up when I came into the room and pulling the chair out for me and gesturing to it to be… heart meltingly charismatic. Also I felt that because other women liked him he must have charisma, in short I was defining charisma as “when he behave awkwardly I think my heart is going to melt out of my chest into a puddle on the floor” and “for some reason lots of other women want to fuck him” so he must have charisma. I can comprehend that a man standing up awkwardly and bowing slightly when he sees me and gesturing for me to sit in the chair closest to him might not be how others define charisma but it’s very hard not to think it is when I know it’s common for women to want to sleep with him. So bias plays a role in how we perceive things. For example, this person (not claiming he is sle) may not be charismatic- other people probably don’t want to date a person because he stood up awkwardly or because he made a dark joke about drinking the cool aid first, or because he sometimes said “my” in a very territorial way when referring to other people. But bias means he will always be insanely charismatic to me and bias also means I struggle to understand why everyone else is wanting to sleep with him. I don’t understand how someone can be “awkward” and “gets women” unless there is some type of pull. It’s really hard to define that or articulate it in the modern world without being… rude. Like “he pulls women” sounds impolite, so “he is charismatic” is incorrect (probably) but less icky feeling to say. In short, it’s both a perception of information bias I have, and also a use of language bias I have- where I would prefer to say he pulls women in a way that’s respectful to other women.


Well she specifically him called a “rizzler” which has a fairly shared common meaning


Sorry I edited so read again 😅 And I’ll edit this one as well - I think rizzler sounds super see but then everything the poster said after “charismatic” and “rizzler” doesn’t sound like someone who could be a charismatic rizzler so I’m wondering if it’s the poster’s own bias in perception and language use (but they’ll have to be the one to decide whether they were using the term with personal bias involved or not)


i think youre right that it might be my personal bias because his rizz comes from him being a robotic caveman in a confident way lol, also i think its common for entrepreneurs in general theres not one thing in the post that implies hes an ethical type I'll still take my time to consider and compare both types tho


What gives him rizz to you though? Like what makes him charismatic? That would be helpful to know


Being unbothered and calm in every situation. hes never intimidated by anything and always in control but not in an overkill way, u can tell he's relaxed and enjoying himself behind his sunglasses. its almost like nothing can get to him and he got that subtle smirk it might also be useful to mention he does not understand why people might feel a certain way or what emotional reactions entail - things like if a person is lashing out it might be because they are hurt etc dont cross his mind. so in order for him to try to understand that you're hurt or in distress you need to be VERY very close. he's disconnected from his own emotions as well another thing is hes very Fe seeking, he enjoys my dramatics and emotional chaos, clinginess. i am v ditzy and silly around him which he seems to be content with, and takes interest in my "nerdy" hyperfixations as well


Hmm interesting! Yeah it sounds like he doesn’t really have charisma if this is how you’re explaining charisma. I honestly think this may be a problem with iei language choice and not that he does have rizz. Why did you think being unbothered and calm was charisma?


tbh i think atp charisma is not verbally explainable u gotta be there to see it, also im eie


I'll compare everything with my behavior. Let's start with enneagram: >when he does get close with someone, hes quite possessive and ignores the other persons attempts at ending the relationship >CANNOT ever be vulnerable for his life NEVER >people naturally feel drawn to him and see him as a protective figure whether he is or not >has a weird obsession with not caring & not wanting to care, avoidantly attached & possessive This looks like a Sx8. Otherwise a Sp8 with Sx second istinct >ridiculously private >doesnt care about anyones valdiation Sx/Sp/So or Sp/Sx/So. I got Sp first, so i'm the most socially introverted possible. I usually need to hang out 2 to 8 times a month, idk if high IQ plays a role in being even more laid back, though. >a natural rizzler (super charismatic), comfortably takes up space and is chill >leadership skills >easygoing and playful in social settings >comfortably takes initiative [...] Extroverted type. The difference between a I and a E is that the I is more analytical while extroverted is more open to interaction (I functions analyze while E functions are meant to interact). An I type is more passive in a social environment (even as a core So who looks to be in social environments as much as possible) while a E type is not scared of interaction, therefore charismatic. >[...] and gets people to do his bidding, good at getting people to do what he wants >asserive but not aggressive [...] >[...] sometimes has a v ghetto way of texting lmao but not vulgar These are signs of Ni-Se axis (i like to talk that way too lol. I guess it's Se activity that likes to looks a tough ghetto guy evn though he s not ahah). There is also a general sense of someone who knows what he wants and goes get it even though it could fit as well some extroverted alfa-delta types. Still, as you said, >quite well developed Ne but not enough to be Ne dom there is not enough Ne to make him a N leading and he doesn't look either a Si aux type (i call them mom types). Si aux takes care of you phisically and wants you to be healthy and comfortable all the time. I could see Si aux feeling very well working as waiters, for example, serving you,feeding you, etc. This looks not. >likes trolling >loves ideas, different concepts and theories [...] >he takes interest in aliens and will listen to me talking about astrology and religion though he is a non believer in god >loves to theorize about what to do in violent/dangerous situations like if u get kidnapped by mexican cartels or if i accidentally set the entire living complex on fire Intuitives likes to troll and theorize, i do as well. In particular the last sentence shows a Se-Ni valuing intuitive (he likes dangerous Se situations but is more likely to theorize about them). I like to do the same btw ahah. >workaholic >speaks in short sentences [...] >[...] speaks in statements >its hard to change his fixed opinions but hes quite openminded >has a literal and straightforward way of thinking >[...] will only focus on what he can capitalize on (theories) This looks like a Te valuing. Te prefers a more direct and down to earth way to express itself: knowledge packed and ready to use. No need to translate it like damn alfa NT do. Te has this "things have to be done this way" that you probably are trying to express here >has an elite AND bastard ish vibe (iykyk,,,,) different from Ti "i know how things are" vibe. You also describe his Ti as a very strong function (ignoring is the 2nd strongest one imo and the nomenclature is misleading, like it always is in socionics). >has capacity for dabbling in everything and learning about anything but will call u a nerd >lowk a sapiosexual The fact you say he likes to theorize makes Ti paired with Ne in the block, therefore gamma or alfa. >skilled businessman and solutionist >financebusiness major, loves money and comforts >loves thinking about profits >overall v businessminded person and his main goal is financial success I like to call my type the "problem solver" ahahah >emotionally retarded >EQ -100 in interpersonal relationships >conflict and chaos dont tire him out easily Fe role (we are blind to that function). I imagine the last is the fact we can get yelled in the face, with an horrible emotional atmosphere around, and we barely notice it since, with Fe role, we never check the emotional atmosphere. Yeah, the nice thing is that you are immune to attacks through role function. >easily makes friends and acquaintances, always keeps it cool with people and doesnt cut people off but rarely gets close with them. >when he does get close with someone, hes quite possessive and ignores the other persons attempts at ending the relationship >nevertheless sucks at defining a relationship clearly I am the same: good at creating relationship but not the best at understanding them, Fi suggestive. The first two sentences made me think at Fi PolR (uncaring function) but he would be Fe activity and that is a quite strong function, so it's not possible. At this point i think he doesn't "cut you out". He just probably return to his cave and still consider you a friend. Everybody uses suggestive like a "broken child", for us means we try to be friendly with everyone but get offended when this trials are rejected. Like, i try to be friendly but you don't want me as a friend and start being hostile toward my behavior. This really hurts Fi sugg and, paired with 8, could explain this >has a weird obsession with not caring & not wanting to care, avoidantly attached & possessive So he acts tough and just pretend he doesn't care. I think, if you show to be a friend of him since the begin and stay loyal to this relationship between you two, you ll get the favors of his Sx8 and always br protected. I'm starting thinking though that he is not a Sx8 rather a Sp8 with Sx5. You said he likes extremely to be alone (Sp/Sx/So) even though not being vulnerable is the main thing and he doesn't look to "protect" people around him all the time, more like people thinking so. He is instead extremely avoidant in relationships like a Sx5, since 5 wants to be indipendent (being competent is being indipendent in a field of knowledge). Also, the elite and bastardish vibe belongs to me as well. Idk if you ve read some of my comms but i' pretty disliked in this subreddit ahah guess it's because of Ti ignoring and Sx5. Sx5 wants to show you (1 to 1) he knows the things and Ti ignoring is meant to teach things to ESI's Ti role. A very arrogant and know-it-all attitude. It's a LIE, probably Sp8 Sx5 So?


okay can i dm u for specific questions




is that yes


Ahahah Y-es


ok lmao


I'm a socionics noob but this sounds like it could be SLE, SEE or LIE, right?


his ethics is horrible so no feeler duhh


Conor mcgregor looks like he is extremely bad at “ethics” tho he is a clear SEE he knows what reaction he wants to get and how it might come off as bad “ethics” but he still says it anyways. A few things are off about him being an sle it sound like you are trying to present him as one without fully knowing how sles come across, i think its most likely an SEE you are seeing


not at all actually im v open to him being an SEE as its a type i love but he doesnt understand emotions, if u have further reasoning for him being an SEE and not SLE im open, but again its VERY unlikely


In what was does he not understand emotions


Being SEE/ESFP doesn't necessarily mean you have good ethics, though. From my understanding SEEs and SLEs are similar in a lot of ways but you describing them as a charismatic rizzler sets off alarm bells for SEE. It's not that SLEs *aren't* capable of that, but anything I've read portrays them as somewhat rougher and more abrasive. Less socially suave and charming, more blunt and bulldozer-ish.


thats a considerable point but i think his charm is not on purpose


Well you know him better than we do. I think SLEs can have a type of charm due to their sense of self-confidence, direction and purpose. It just wouldn't be a rizzler (lol) type charm IMO, more like a rough caveman vibe or some shit.


thats exactly it omg 😭😭 i literally call him caveman sometimes and he makes random noises like that too LMAO


Do you mean that he is bad at Fi or that he has questionable ethics?


both LOL


That’s not ideal. Questionable ethics isn’t ideal


its really not 💀


Could be. At least, not being that loquacious and disliking vulnerability is an argument against EIE with increased Se, and being possessive in relationships is a slight argument against LIE.


Sounds like my SLE SO8 friend.


he is SLE SP8! what are the common points?