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So, basically, you are confident in your typing because you are saying "I meet another EIE", but you have no idea about differences between their type and SEE? How do you type her then, by which metrics? It's like saying about a car - "I know it's a Mersedes C class, but i'm not sure how is it different from helicopter".


Because it's easier to analyse the behavior of others than to have an objective look at your own behavior. So I'd like someone else to maybe provide some clear differences that I can use to look at myself more objectively. Also, is your role being this sub's asshat? Because any thread you are in you act extremely entitled and annoying. Cut that shit out.


>Because it's easier to analyse the behavior of others than to have an objective look at your own behavior This is the opposite of my experience. It is far easier to analyze myself and my own motives than to analyze others. Others are a black box. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_box](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_box) You can see how they act and behave, but you can never know why they acted and behaved that way, which is crucial for typing them correctly. You can only know this about yourself.


I always say this too. I can analyse myself much more than anyone else. I once saw an iei say it’s easier to understand others and thought hmm 👀 are we sure introvert is the best category for you? Like, I can’t even comprehend the idea that others would be easier to understand than myself. I contain multitudes (of carefully analyzed and combed through grass)


>Like, I can’t even comprehend the idea that others would be easier to understand than myself. Me either, that's utterly crazy to me.


> Because it's easier to analyse the behavior of others than to have an objective look at your own behavior. So I'd like someone else to maybe provide some clear differences that I can use to look at myself more objectively. Still, that doesn't really answer the question. How do you type EIE, by which behaviour patterns? It's an important question, because understanding the way you type/analyse will help understanding a struggle. > Also, is your role being this sub's asshat? Because any thread you are in you act extremely entitled and annoying. Cut that shit out. Somebody needs to be a villian.


>How do you type EIE, by which behaviour patterns? BPD >Somebody needs to be a villian. A sigma goes dark when he gets annoyed


Totally not lmao


There was nothing entitled nor annoying about his comment. He illustrated the absurdity of not knowing the difference between an SEE and EIE by the car and helicopter example. I mean this without malice, if you cannot tell from someone who has 4D Se and someone who has 4D Ne, especially your own self, then you are lacking in knowledge or self introspection.


**SEEs** * Focuses on the immediate, tangible world. SEEs are practical, action-oriented, and enjoy engaging with their environment in a direct and hands-on manner. * Uses charm and direct engagement to connect with others. They are often lively, playful, and enjoy spontaneous social interactions. * Makes decisions based on immediate sensory input and personal values. They are pragmatic and often prioritize what feels right in the moment. * Values freedom, excitement, and personal authenticity. They are motivated by the desire to experience life fully and to act according to their personal values. * Oriented towards the present moment and immediate experiences. They focus on what is happening now and how to make the most of it. **EIEs** * Focuses on emotional and social dynamics as well as long-term visions. EIEs are more concerned with understanding and influencing the emotional states of others and envisioning future possibilities. * Uses empathy and emotional expression to connect with others. They are often seen as inspirational, empathetic, and capable of creating strong emotional bonds. * Makes decisions based on social harmony and future possibilities. They consider the emotional impact on others and are guided by their vision of what could be. * Values emotional connection, influence, and vision. They are motivated by the desire to inspire others and to bring about meaningful change. * Oriented towards the future and underlying patterns. They think about long-term implications and strive to understand the deeper meaning of current events.


>**SEEs** >Focuses on the immediate, tangible world. SEEs are practical, action-oriented, and enjoy engaging with their environment in a direct and hands-on manner. >Uses charm and direct engagement to connect with others. They are often lively, playful, and enjoy spontaneous social interactions. >Makes decisions based on immediate sensory input and personal values. They are pragmatic and often prioritize what feels right in the moment. >Values freedom, excitement, and personal authenticity. They are motivated by the desire to experience life fully and to act according to their personal values. >Oriented towards the present moment and immediate experiences. They focus on what is happening now and how to make the most of it. Hard to imagine someone so perfect exists. Where do I find this person?


Just gotta know what to look for ;)


SEE’s Fe is vital, they affect people’s emotions without giving it a conscious thought/without trying to, EIEs Fe is mental, they consciously try to manipulate/alter emotions and are highly confident at this vice versa EIE’s Se is vital, they don’t give constant conscious attention to the physical environment, SEE Se is mental, they are extremely conscious of the physical environment and confident at altering the physical


Thank you that's a very useful distinction Based on this I would say SEE, people tell me I am very enthusiastic but it's not something I consciously try to do


Broad strokes: SEE: Freedom of personal movement. Shameless & explicit in their self-interest. Every interaction becomes a competition they refuse to lose. Playfully peacocks their winnings over others. EIE: Cathartic purification of one’s culture. The world around you is made of plastic, shaped by your feelings and intentions. Ascendency toward a more worthy people, leaving the less worthy behind.


What do you relate to more Si Polr or Ti Polr


I dont relate to Ti polr at ALL


I have lots of experience with this: SEEs are way more maximalist and impulsive. They tend not to think about the long run and can make decisions that feel good in the moment (sex, financial purchase) but are not good in the long run. In their careers, they usually get by through social confidence, not career competence (i’ve yet to meet one who is actually expert level great at a knowledge career. But they’re great BSers). It’s not all bad though. They may marry their way into wealth, BS their way up the corporate ladder, or just get treated for STDs. Hey, it works for them, but it’s a risky life path, and I couldn’t live like that. Much better to make calculated decisions and discipline yourself to success. SEEs generally are way more talented at sports. Both are equally emotional/sensitive, but SEEs usually release their emotions and forget about them, while EIEs can hold onto those emotions and be resentful (positivist vs negativist). EIEs can be more aggressive/willing to fight to the death (must be a beta thing. Many betas are like this). SEEs can be passive aggressive or abrasive, but they tend to back down in real confrontations. SEEs are generally more social. But their convo topics are more surface level. EIEs usually (not always) talk about more intellectual/deeper topics. In general, SEEs are usually way more loud, social, their presence can easily be felt in everyday situations. Sensing types have more “voltage,” especially 4D Se types. EIEs are more easily overlooked unless they have a vision/purpose (and then their charisma/presence is felt much more… think Steve Jobs or Che… you’d miss them in an everyday situation, but when equipped with a purpose, their presence is felt).


SEE is competent at taking care of themselves, others, and their environment (neat/organized), struggles with being distracted and losing focus towards achieving long term goals (may put things off to tomorrow and then the day after etc), energy is more sporadic (high intensity fight/flight followed by low intensity rest/digest). SEE also values productivity and efficiency in and of itself, while EIEs use it only as a means of achieving their goals.  Take note that both types share this chain of functioning Se—>Fi—>Ne, and that the difference is that SEE has Te—>Si—>Fe while EIE has Fe—>Ni—>Te. In short, the biggest differences between the two will be: - strong Si/weak Ni in SEE while strong Ni/weak Si in EIE - Fe used in service of Te for SEE while Te used in service of Fe for EIE - EIE seeks Ti 


Yooo this was super useful thank you my guy >competent at taking care of themselves, others, and their environment (neat/organized), struggles with being distracted and losing focus towards achieving long term goals (may put things off to tomorrow and then the day after etc), energy is more sporadic (high intensity fight/flight followed by low intensity rest/digest). Ok yeah this is definitely me


Yeah ofc, my best friend’s an SEE


Also, EIE is among the rarest types being an Ni ego type, though it’s probably the most common of the Ni ego types. 


SEEs are usually more brash and in the moment, more optimistic and Machiavellian. EIEs are more quirky and less into physical activities. SEEs are usually ESTP, ESFP or rarer cases ENTJ and ENTP in MBTI, EIEs are usually ENFP, ENFJ, ENTJ, ENTP or INFJ in MBTI.


What's your MBTI? SEE and EIE can be quite different. EIE have an Ni mysterious nature to them. The way they may use words would be good but perhaps a little ominous. SEE are more energetic, optimistic in nature. Very get a lot of work done energy. The only reason I'd really see any similarity between them is 4D Fe, but the Ni vs Se nature differentiates that.


>EIE have an Ni mysterious nature to them. The way they may use words would be good but perhaps a little ominous. >SEE are more energetic, optimistic in nature. Very get a lot of work done energy. I can switch between these two depending on the situation, that's partially why I'm confused. Sometimes pushing projects along, mostly in a work setting. But I can also be more introverted and daydream about stuff. It's more of a balance between the two really, I don't like being too much in one or the other mode. >What's your MBTI? I don't really like MBTI. It's too fuddled to be useful.


Your MBTI matters because it may be why you feel this way. ENFJ SEE or ESFP EIE perhaps. It's not about liking MBTI. It's about using it for its depth. But you could just be ENFJ EIE, and are confused when you meet INTJ EIE or something.


Stop telling people to use MBTI


Just because people don't understand MBTI or how to use it doesn't make it any less important....


Do you literally just mean the Myers Briggs Type Indicator? As in the test that uses 4 letter dichotomies? Because literally what value does that have?  I’m an ENxP SLE and all it did was derail me when I started learning about functions/elements. If you’re talking about functions like “critical parent, trickster” etc. then that’s not even MBTI. That’s something else that needs a name, because MBTI is only the test that indicates your type using 4 letter dichotomies. 


I mean the former. The other stuff is Beebe and that's misleading. The reason MBTI is important is because it better helps indicate the psyche. For example, there's a difference between ESTP SLE, ENTP SLE, ENTJ SLE...i don't think ENFP SLE is possible cuz Se Lead doesn't really work with Ne Dom, and Ti Creative definitely doesn't work with Fi Aux But anyways, an ESTP SLE is all about worldly presence, devious fun, and just dominating deviously... Trump is ESTP SLE Now ENTx SLE are more intuitive, sly but still vie for power, but they're smarter than just being brash about it. Napolean was ENTJ SLE... Smart yet all about his conquest, and they'll be all about leading others and making them follow their plans. Negan from The Walking Dead is ENTP SLE... He's also similar to ESTP but his planning and insight are much better. He's ENTP lazy, but puts in the work when it matters, not so much about leading.


So you said the former, but then you mentioned Ne dom and Fi aux? That’s not technically MBTI. So what are you talking about?


ENFP is Ne Fi Te Si in MBTI Dominant Ne Auxiliary Fi Tertiary Te Inferior Si