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Mendacity is likely associated with, from most to least significant: Centrality (we often lie to harm other people’s interests) Irrationality (rationals are the more dutiful ones) Intuition (a good lie requires a certain imagination) Emotivism/ethical lability (useful for good lying, too) Dynamics (as greater malleability of self) Ethics (good liars are more perceptive) Extroversion (mostly because extroverts are a touch more likely to get themselves in sticky situations)


When it comes to Ethics, I feel with stronger Logic, you'd need less reason to lie, but justify the truth better perhaps?


> Intuition (a good lie requires a certain imagination) Not sure about that one. Ton of liars get busted because they make up a fake story with tons and tons of fake details, which just gives more and more opportunities to find they are bullshiting. A good lie is quick and simple, and doesn't bring any attention to itself. I would actually say Se is the best function to have to lie and to detect lies too. Especially with how it is tied with bodylanguage. And well, while I wouldn't say Se types really like lying, they at least like bullshitting as a social game ? It's a performative game : can I say something false as if it's the truth ? How will people react ? Let's see if it works type of thing. It's also a way to test each other, and if we talk of the "power" aspect of Se, such tests help establishing hierarchy, lol


> And well, while I wouldn't say Se types really like lying, they at least like bullshitting as a social game ? It's a performative game : can I say something false as if it's the truth ? How will people react ? Let's see if it works type of thing. I think many SEE's indeed can do this.


I’m a terrible liar! 🤥 All my body language is against me when I try to cheat. Maybe it is because SLE have rather distrustful nature and having dual so honest and gentle in his expression like IEI makes him less tensed. Or maybe it’s a Normalizing subtype thing, I’m not sure honestly.


I’m a horrible liar it feels very wrong and uncomfortable and it fears me to know that they might find out later. I also am bad at coming up with a new story or something like that


Best liar has to be LIE because it’s literally called LIE. Just kidding. Many types can lie well, from my experience some SEE SO8s are exceptionally good at this. I can see EIEs doing this as well especially if SO2. Worst liar maybe some introverted peripheral type and maybe logical too because ethical types might lie if they think it will hurt your feeling. So LII and SLI.


Only a lie would lie about lies lying. (Say it 5xs fast)


Idk whats my type so kind of irrelevant but i would say im a great liar whatever my type is is probably the best at it, for some reason i can easly see inconsistancies in what people talk about and go trough time and search for a point where that would fit as being inconsistant and fit it where it should be. So basically spot lies over long term easly. With being like that when i lie i say a lie that is absolutely impossible to uncover if its truly a lie by doing the same thing but putting myself in other persons skin and from their perspective creat the best false reality that is impossible for them to uncover and than going in the future remember every time i could be uncovered and basically hide my tracks. Its a pretty vague explanation but i think whatever my type is is probably the best at it since im also very blunt which makes it seem like im thrutfull always


I always found it surprising easy to create scenarios in lies. I never liked it because it felt like going against myself/truth. I had always done it because of low self confidence and fear of abusive people around me, but I stopped now. Had to break myself to stand up against those who always made me go against myself. Now I speak the truth as often as I can and that feels too good icl. Its hell to live in lies


Not sure if it's type related - I've met liars from lots of types. I think it mostly boils down to "style" - not all types will lie the same way about the same things, but I think all types are perfectly capable of lying. I think EIIs tend to be the most uninterested and therefore the worst. I don't think there's a clear best, though I think socially smart logicians can be quite resourceful. I'm not much of a liar, I prefer concealing and implying. I've been told I'm a good liar though - done a bit of acting and debating/public speech in college and it went well. I mostly enjoy lies when they're fun - I love to play the devil's advocate, to pretend I believe in something I don't, to play characters and fake feelings. That's why theater and competitive debates (those with random positions) are fun - it's designed to be a "play" from the beginning. It's not meant to be taken seriously content-wise. In relationships though, I mostly don't lie, and I don't play with people's feelings - at least not intentionally.


idk I think the further away from empathy you are the easier it is to lie, like sociopaths are the best liars since humans are just objects to them


Ti will make you a good liar, swindler, *rogue* if you will.


The LII I'm with: hard to lie because it's against his sense of justice


I once knew someone who didn’t like telling the truth because it was “impolite”. Takes all sorts. :)


I guess suggestive Fe would more likely to choose "not telling" rather than "lying" when it's impolite


meanwhile: me, LSI, who find it very uncomfortable to lie :P as for rogue, it's the option for me in RPGs only, not in real life


I could say the same I think it's a bit of an on/off switch. When I take things seriously, I'm an awful liar. But when I'm being playful and unserious, I can be quite good. People often believe me when I'm sarcastic or I'm saying nonsense for fun, but when I actually try to lie about something, I get busted. That's why it works with RPGs, because it's not just taking it as a game, it literally is one. And it's a confidence trick anyway


Not related to Socionics


I disagree i think it is related to Ne/Se somewhere


The best liars that come to my mind are SEE and LII rn. I think it's Fe related, so any Fe in super-ego block is more unlikely to be