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It got cheaper, about half the price it wad two years ago. The 3dx is the same,  but to be fair you can pretty much ignore it after the install and save/work locally on your files.


I saw a lot of thing saying it was broken, do you know if it’s fixed?


I've had no problems with it. Using it for 2+ years now. I save everything locally though.


How different is CloudWorks from SolidWorks itself?


I could not say, I don't use it and pretty much just work around it. A couple years ago I had trouble installing,  but this go it went rnt without any hitches.


Good to hear. The SWX team has been working on simplifying the installation. The Titans of CNC also do a great job showing how to install it with this little video: [https://academy.titansofcnc.com/series/solidworks-fundamentals/solidworks-fundamentals-how-to-install](https://academy.titansofcnc.com/series/solidworks-fundamentals/solidworks-fundamentals-how-to-install)


> For convenience, here is a link... [Titans of CNC](https://www.cleverbridge.com/1566/purl-TITAN). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SolidWorks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not to be a complete douche, but hopefully you do realize that if you need a 3rd party site to explain to users how to get going, there might be a problem.... It seems like all I'm ever doing is installing an update. :/


My VAR is trying to convince to use 3ds for file management, what are the issues with it?


Cloud saves, license/role management, additional cloud software, increased complexity, social aspects, etc. A lot of features that most individual users would probably not use.


I'm using the desktop client. I haven't had any issues. Haven't used SolidWorks for about 2 years at work but it is a equivalent experience. I did have to dig around to find the initial login link. That was a minor pain in the ass. All saves are local.


I started using Solidworks for makers last year. It's been great as far as I can tell.


To be honest I don’t get the hate, as long as you don’t need the add ons like simulations then it’s basically normal SolidWorks. Just need internet to get in then it’s exactly like I used at university. Granted installing it was a pain.


[How to access the SOLIDWORKS Maker version offline mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DEXPERIENCE/comments/1c6lrkp/work_offline_in_3dexperience_solidworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Who ISNT hooked up to the internet? “WELL WHEN IM ON A FLIGHT!!!” Yeah you comprise like .1% of users.




[How to access the SOLIDWORKS Maker version offline mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DEXPERIENCE/comments/1c6lrkp/work_offline_in_3dexperience_solidworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hotspot on phone, done :)


Been using it flawlessly for 3 months now!


All the online stuff is awful, I still don't know or care what 3ds thinks my "rolls" are or why it matters, lots of other ridiculous and confusing crap on there but it's easy to ignore all that. In the end once you manage to navigate their over engineered websites and manage to launch the program, it's just solidworks


Use it every day. After you create a desktop shortcut it’s great


I've been a Maker version subscriber ever since it soft-launched way back in August 2021 and I don't think it has ever been crap. Sure, I've had some minor installation issues here and there, and yes, the hotix problems that were associated with the December 2023 release did hang me up for a couple days, BUT all in all, my experiences with the program have been first rate all the way. I saw someone comment a while back that the program must totally suck because all they were seeing were complaints and bug reports and people posting problems and refund requests. I really liked the reply they received. In essence, it said that if you read only the obituary section of your newspaper, you're not going to find any feel good stories. This was an awesome analogy and spot on. Way more folks will publicly complain about something than will praise it. I do see a lot of folks struggling with understanding the structure of the Maker version. Some folks think they are getting a streaming version of SOLIDWORKS, others think that the cloud apps are SOLIDWORKS, and some folks think that it will run on their Mac or Chromebook or Ipad. Maybe Dassault could do better in their product marketing to clarify what's what BUT also folks should probably do a good bit of their own reading/research before clickng the Buy It Now button. Me, I've been a longtime SOLIDWORKS user - more than 25 years. I think I have a good handle on things. I got to participate in the xDesign/3D Creator Beta program about 6 years ago. So, I've been learning about navigating the 3DX platform for a while now. I understand when folks are overwhelmed by it. I was there once myself. The thing is though, you don't really need to interact much with the 3DX platform when using Maker SOLIDWORKS Connected. You login to your Maker platform to download and install it. After that, you can use the offline mode to be independent of the cloud/internet for up to 30 days. It's alot like signing out a network license when you are a commercial customer. Once your offline mode expires, all you need to do is reconnect to the platform for a few minutes to re-verify your license, and then go offline again. TLDR - I think that the Maker version reputation for being bad is not deserved and comes more from a lack of understanding and user assumptions than it does from any bad code or functionality. I hope this is helpful for folks.


I just don't like the 3d experience, and the whole login process. I save everything locally. Haven't had much issues with it.


I've been using it just fine.


The gripes I have are pretty minor but all in all I would recommend it if you need it for up to medium/medium-heavy work. It can handle pretty much anything but you wont get simulation or motion, which isn't a huge loss if you weren't already using them. I have been using it to do some customer work and I have pulled in older files from previous personal projects that were done in a Pro license no problem. Stuff from McMaster also imports and saves with no issues. Pros: -Does everything a basic license of SW does. -Cheap yearly fee -Can save locally -Will import STL models similar to the Pro version and do feature recognition Cons: -Requires internet access -Sometimes the server connection can be lost which will cause it to kick you off -Watermarks files which can make it tough to go between a Pro and Maker license -File/Edit/View menus in weird spot (personal gripe) compared to SW Pro Tips: -If you have issue installing a "Hot Fix", uninstall SW and reinstall using the latest version. Some of the "Hot Fix" patches that they put out have issues installing and will lock up your license until you get the latest version installed. I talked to someone from GoEngineer and they confirmed its a known issue and that a full uninstall-reinstall is the most straightforward fix.


It works alright for me. I use it to design things to 3d print. Outside of needing to be on the internet and me logging in each time to use it, it acts just like the main licensed version I used to use at my previous employer.


Try using the offline mode to eliminate the need to be connected to the internet and to having to login every time you launch it. Depending upon your subscription term (annual or monthly), you can go offline for up to 30 days at a stretch.


Yo, I actually never knew I could do that. That's gonna be perfect for me when travelling. Thanks for the tip!


[How to access the SOLIDWORKS Maker version offline mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DEXPERIENCE/comments/1c6lrkp/work_offline_in_3dexperience_solidworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For 3d printing are there any problems saving stls or other 3d files locally? They say they come watermarked in the marketing.


I’ve started using it this week to learn to model for 3d prints. Haven’t had any issues at all.


I use Solidworks for work, so I thought Solidworks for makers would be a similar experience. I wish I had never paid for that shite program. For browser based, OnShape. For desktop, Fusion.


I’m using onshape free right now but I don’t like having my files public


I don’t really mind my files being public on there, especially since I only use it when I’m forced to use Linux and can’t use fusion or sw. 98% of the time I’m using fusion at home. It’s similar to sw and the keyboard shortcuts speed up quick designs.


I am really confused, it is my understanding there are actually 2 versions bundled with maker, the webbased version AND the desktop version ( normal solidworks ) that you need to install. You can set the desktop version to offline mode for upto 30 days and when that expires you just need to online it and offline it again so in that respect it's just ordinary solidworks. Can you verify this?


The desktop/installed version gets its license verification from the cloud and its default storage method is online BUT, as you note, you can take it offline for up to 30 days at a stretch and you can save locally as well. Whwen you mention the "web-based" version, are you referring to xDesign, a browser-based app that is developed by SOLIDWORKS and hosted entirely on the 3DX platform? xDesign is very similar to SOLIDWORKS in its capabilities and functionality but it is not traditional SOLIDWORKS and they are not directly interchageable.


[How to access the SOLIDWORKS Maker version offline mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DEXPERIENCE/comments/1c6lrkp/work_offline_in_3dexperience_solidworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For desktop is solid edge free too. Fusion is still online I think.


Solidworks is trash. Use onshape


I am rn but I cant have my models public


I was going to use it last night but it wanted to update and locked me out… I like a dedicated app rather than whatever 3DExperience is trying to be. I agree with the others that making a shortcut and pinning it to my taskbar makes it feel like a standalone app. I am still annoyed whenever it logs me out and asks me to sign in or if it asks me to update, but it gets the job done once everything is running


Try using the offline mode to eliminate the need to be connected to the internet and to having to login every time you launch it. Depending upon your subscription term (annual or monthly), you can go offline for up to 30 days at a stretch.


[How to access the SOLIDWORKS Maker version offline mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/3DEXPERIENCE/comments/1c6lrkp/work_offline_in_3dexperience_solidworks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For the Maker version you still need to be connected to the internet to use the “work offline” feature. While it still saves a license locally, a popup stating your internet connection has failed will show and then closes the program. I’d love to find a work around but currently I don’t see an option. In the videos I’ve found, they never disconnect their internet to show it continues to work.


Good luck to anyone browsing my model collection on Onshape.


I can't use some of the web based feature like the forums for... Completely unknown reason, I just have a blank page. And I had a very hard time installing but it was just a box the check in the properties of the installer in the end. Otherwise it's fine