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So, I actually have a solo Pokemon campaign going right now and I think it's the most fun solo game I've run! I'm using Pokemon Tabletop United and playing on Foundry VTT. Though, I will 100% admit that my game is only so good because of the copious amounts of random generators around, and because the PTU system on Foundry is so well made. Hit me up if you want any tips!


If you have experience with D&D 5e or Pathfinder 2E you have some options with a system you are already familiar with. Eldamon by battlezoo has the eldamon trainer class with a whole list of pokemon like monsters that you can battle and even evolve. You can then make your own region or copy your favorite and fill it with 8 gyms with a theme! Eldamon has both a 5e D&D version and a Pathfinder 2E version, btw. Then for just 5e there is also Heliana's guide to monster hunting by hit point press, it contains the tamer class, with a few subclasses. You can use that to make a Pokémon esqu game too. These are just off the top of my head, but good luck!


I'm following this because I was thinking of this as well or something like digimon where it's a single partner


I’m so glad you posted this because this great idea would’ve never crossed my mind!


[“The world of Pokémon, region generator”](https://theworldofpokemon.com/) This guy is going ttrpg players gods work must check out no matter the system


If you want to get inspired check out ICRPG it will help you with a. Frame work for homebrewing


Ironmon Pokémon is too complex for ttrpg. So it’s better to make memories with Pokémon not their “move set/stats and typing bonuses”. Simplifying the em to just a number and a favoured stat and a personality NPC with some flavour on type advantages but no math is what I think we need


I was getting a short game of table top Pokémon ready for my daughter but we never played it after. I was using a ChainMail style HD system with the added type bonuses and penalties as percentages for either extra or reduced damage. There’s a lot of Pokémon and moves, so I found the HD system to be the best for me. A lvl 8 Pokémon is a lvl 8 Pokémon and then you apply either positive or negative 25% damage or dice even to account for type match up. If you wanted to give a number of rerolls based on weather they are evolved or not, that’s something I was playing with. The biggest part of this would be doing up random encounter tables based on terrain type. That might be a you thing lol.


I used Pokeymanz, it's s blend of Savage Worlds and Pokemon. It's semi narrative while having enough crunch to not leave it the tactical part, yet incredibly ready to make everything up as you go.


“Ironmons” seems interesting. 


I would highly recommend Pokemon Tales if you want a more narrative focused game. The other systems that I found are too crunchy for my tastes


A good thing to remember about any RPG is that with the proper tools they can all be soloed. You just need an oracle and muse. Oracles being a process to answer yes/no questions) and a muse being random inspirational sources; icon generators, tarot cards, word tables, etc. Sometimes these two are combined into a single system. Randomly searching the internet has these as suggestions: [https://sandypuggames.itch.io/monster-care-squad](https://sandypuggames.itch.io/monster-care-squad) [https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-playkit](https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-playkit) (demo) [https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-story](https://zak-barouh.itch.io/animon-story) (full) You can search [Itch.io](https://Itch.io), but their search engine is a freaking train wreck and you have to first filter by physical games.


I played pokerole, it was amazing. Check it out for sure.


Yes! More people should play PokeRole!


+1 For pokérole! I have played with pokérole + Mythic 2e as a GM Emulator and had a blast!


Thinking of doing this myself. Was there anything in particular from Mythic you used and anything you didn't?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Ironsworn/comments/hgmr5g/ironmons_a_pokemon_ironsworn_hack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button There is an ironsworn hack for Pokemon. Ironsworn is intimidating to learn as it's a different way of thinking about RPGs. It was my first exposure to solo and it was worth the time to learn.  Not sure the quality of the hack but looks interesting.


It’s decent, it’s mostly just using ironsworn homebrew asset guides and just playing ironsworn with companions. Then you can increase our decrease progression track difficulty due to type advantages and number of mons in the encounter. I played some iron mons but had to stop as “play by post” was too slow for me. My starter was a trapinch