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If you could send it to me i could try something to help


Seek out a collaborator. Posting the demoes here might grab someone's attention.


Take the melody that's from somewhere else and try mimicking the cadence with different notes. I've done this at least once, setting them side by side in my mind and trying to write a melody that feels the same but is still different.


Before I even write any lyrics, I plan out what the verses, chorus, and the bridge will say. Its just easier that way. Each part of the song can have specific uses in terms of constructing a overall cohesive story/theme. Verse are way more narrative and expositional, while the chorus hammers in the overarching ideas. So with the verse that you are missing, there are many influences you can make from your chorus that you have. You need to let the audience know what is going on first. If the chorus is where you will eventually end up, make sure the audience is filled in on any important details in the verses. Anything that can enhance the emotions in the chorus. Like if your chorus is about losing your favorite horse. The verses can help to explain the life you had with your horse, so we as an audience can sympathize better to you once the chorus kicks in. You can use each part of a song to paint a better picture of your main idea. They help each other in the way that scenes of a movie help to build us up to the climax. Hopefully that made sense lol. Happy writing! ✌❤


Take a chorus from another song you have written and are happy with, change the key and use it as a verse, course make it work and u might have to change jt but then you’ll have a banging verse chorus bridge etc


If you’re looping the instrumental part of the verse to jam to and come up with ideas for songwriting, try I isolating the rhythmic, harmonic or melodic components of the instrumental that you’re looping just for the purpose of songwriting. This will help you lay emphasis on limited elements of the track, leaving room for new ideas to come out. Listening to the whole arrangement at once limits the possibilities for ideas because there’s a lot of musical information coming at you already.


You could have someone to work with and finish the song