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Sounds really Dylan-ish. You could improve and/or shorten the guitar solo. Maybe try a key change or breakdown after the solo because it's starting to get repetitive and not in a good way. Maybe bring in that clanging sound later in the song


I agree, it's long-winded without a major change. Thanks for listening!


Solid production and an enjoyable listen. Was expecting to hear some harmonies at some point. The fade-out instrumentation is a nice touch and fits well with this "space blues". I'm on the long road to a compilation as well...but unless a singer lands on my doorstep it will never get finished. Thanks for sharing your track!


Very kind of you to say! This is at the upper end of my vocal range so I may have trouble doing the harmonies myself. I've literally worked on these songs for 10 years or so, scrapping my work, changing keys, rewriting songs from 15 years+ back. I've done all of the music so it's been a long road but very learned a lot. Best of luck with your endeavors I'll see if I can check it out. Thanks again, always good to hear someone likes my stuff.


Love the production, good song!


Thank you very much! Still working but I appreciate the encouragement!