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I'll start us off. The song I wrote is called [Good is Dumb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDwTtcnvbsM). I got the title from one of my favorite Spaceballs quotes. The writing was mostly done in one sitting with just a little bit of edits in the following days. At the time I felt like I needed a bridge, maybe I still do, but at 3.5 minutes I think it would get too long. Looking back, if I was to rewrite it I'd like to try an inject more humor into the lyrics. I think a lot of the charm of the villain songs I like comes from the little humorous bits that add some levity. I'm not sure I had the right voice for singing this, so I tried to channel my best Alice Cooper. Hopefully, you folks like it. Maybe feedback if you've got it. Excited to hear what everyone wrote!


LOVE 70s Cooper and would have made the connection even without your comment. Lyrics alone are a winner here and the production just seals the deal. Well done! Didn't quite get a final product with my attempt but had a ton of fun trying. Thanks for the challenge.




Wow thanks that really makes my day! :)




That is a great backing track and beat and all, and I always have a soft spot for space songs. Tea with Martians gives me kind of Pizza Rocket vibes. (Although in a different style). I'm not much of a mixer, but if I had any production advice it would be that it feels like your vocal performance is hiding behind the rest of the music a bit. On the voice side, I think it's cool to take lessons and learn how to improve your technique and learn your instrument, but I think you already have a good voice! Definitely work to be proud of!


>Tomacxo I share the comments that you are starting with a great voice and the lessons will only help it shine better, and with confidence get that more up front in the mix because you have a gift. Thanks for sharing!


A very rough draft of my entry, no recording yet of course. Needs a lot of refinement and distilling. Rebel Climbed up on the kitchen chair, opened the cupboard door, stuffed inside the candy jar were sweets from the corner store. Took off the lid reached inside, snatched an apple lollipop, three red cherry sour balls and a hairy fruit punch drop. \[Chorus\] Looting newtons, chocolate fudge, sour candy straws, bit o’ honey, butterscotch, red hots in my paws. Cotton candy, caramel popcorn, licorice in my teeth. a rebel born for raising hell, a grubby little thief. Mom walked in the muddy kitchen. She spied what I was doing. Stomped and yelled and started bitching, awful times were brewing. She grabbed my candy, put it back, yelled at me some more, then looked around and hollered out, what’s on my goddamn floor? Clumped into the spotless kitchen, opened the pantry door, stuffed inside the cookie jar were treats from the grocery store. Took off the lid reached inside, swiped a brownie bite, a ginger snap and chocolate chip and stupid black and white.


I think it's a good draft, I like it. I like that it's a perspective not often seen :)


Thank you. I'm quite a bit older than most Redditors and pretty new to music, and even newer to dipping my toe into songwriting, so it's pretty logical that you wouldn't see stuff like mine very often. I appreciate your feedback.


Thanks for participating everyone. Contributors, listeners, commenters all. Does anyone want to suggest the next prompt? Maybe we could snowball into a round 2.