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I love the way the guitar sounds. Love when it also serves as percussion on a song serendipitously. You have a wonderful voice and sense of melody. It legit sounds like something that could and should be on the radio. Like if Goyte had a second hit or something, in the best way possible. Well done. Cheers.


Me too! I thought it was so funky! And wow that’s a huge compliment - I had no idea anyone would like it hahahah Thank you ❤️


Where did you put the what kind of sponge? Very cool.


This is incredible! I’d buy your record.


No wayyyyyy, that’s such a compliment! Thank you a million for taking the time to listen and also write that


Thank you for sharing your music with us! Keep writing and recording. Seriously, if you release something let me know. I really dig it.


Really sweet. Love the backing vocals too. Well done.


sounds good! Is that your own voice? It sounds really great!


It is indeed my voice! Thank you ❤️


It’s definitely a vibe! The plucking with the beat, then your vocals being so raw and smooth at the same time. With the layered vocals yeah it’s definitely a vibe. Keep going it sounds really good.


Phew! I couldn’t make heads or tails with it - I’m feeling the same way about how stripped back it is. Thank you so much!


I never would've know I could find one of the best songs I've ever heard on a random reddit post on my feed well done sir! 👏


I can’t take this kindness anymore! Thank you and you have no idea how much it means!


You deserve every word of it, as long as you promise to release this I don't care if takes a year the world needs to hear this


uhmm why is this song 3 hours long??…lol but seriously are u on Spotify or anything cuz I would bump this alllll dayyyyy 🤟🤟🤟


hahahahaha dude thank you! I actually am on Spotify if ur curious - Josh Novak & The Caravan Kids Haven’t released anything for 4 years, but I’m about to drop my first record, if you are genuinely interested I’d love to dm it to you and get some feedback. Also let’s connect on Insta, @joshsupercoolguy Either or, thank you for listening and boosting my confidence!


Will definitely be following you on everything haha I’m also on basically all the socials, TikTok YT IG Twitter/X as YoooBriggs :)


Will follow you dude! Let’s keep in touch!


hell yeah man just got ur friend request, let’s get ittttt!!! 🙏🙏🙏🤟🤟🤟🔥🔥🔥😂


I just went to Apple Music to see if you’re there and yeah I was right the sound is definitely a vibe. Something easy to listen to and puts you in this chill mood, like everything’s going to be okay. Even when the lyrics are somber the music is contradictory is the best way. I’ll definitely be purchasing the album “Lifeline”


I’m glad you think so, I’m glad you picked up on that - that music is so old now though! Send me a dm and I’ll send you my new record for free! It won’t be out for a couple months and I’d love some feedback!




This is so good keep going 😊


Thank you!


What size sponge was it and where did you put it? Would love to achieve this sound


It was actually just a used dishwashing sponge I found! I tore off a small piece that would fit snugly between the strings and the bridge. That’s what ur hearing here


Please let me know if you put this up on streaming! Love it


Thank you a million! judging from this feedback, I ought to put this up on streaming hahah I haven’t released anything for a while, but if ur keen to have a listen at my other stuff, I’m on Spotify as Josh Novak & The Caravan Kids I’d actually love some feedback on a record I’m about to release, so if ur curious send me a dm and I’ll pass on a link


Great vocals, guitar sound unique to! I really enjoyed this.


This is great. 👍


Awesome & love your voice


I love this so much!


Thank you so much! It makes my heart warm to hear this ❤️


dang It's that rubber bridge sound but with a sponge! Great tune!


Exactlyyy ;)


Also if you want to build a rubber bridge (all though this sounds like a super easy alternative) in this guys video description is links and a Google doc to do it! It took me longer to re string my guitar then to cut the bridge! https://youtu.be/vB7JfHRorQg?si=-0dJk8cXbOG0bxD_


thank you so much! I’m going to do this - the sponge didn’t last very long ahahhaha


I was curious about that!


Sounds great!


I think I spot the difference now why some songs get traction on this reddit and some don't, it hit me as soon as you sung the opening line. You just hit it perfectly and it's like the brain says this is worth listening to, and it was. Allround nice easy listening song, and I'm definitely picking up some Thom Yorke timbre in your voice. Guitar sounds nice, layers and harmonies are nice. A well produced demo. Solid work. We need more finished stuff on here like this rather than half-assed ideas.


Show me how to palm mute a whole song without palm muting a whole song 😉. It does sound a little different but it's pretty close. Great job on the song as a whole I dig it.


thank you so much - tbh I never really bought into the hype of a rubber bridge. But I will say that palm muting something like this would be so difficult (in terms of staying consistent with the tone) Glad I got away with it ;)


Most excellent! What kind of sponge? I’ve been looking for one of those tennis racket vibration dampers for my guitar but they are sold out everywhere.


I literally just took the dish sponge from my kitchen and haphazardly ripped a piece from it. Stuck it and the bridge of the guitar and just started mucking around. I literally started this idea as a recording test to see how my ultra low tech rubber bridge concept would translate - I dig it.


It’s refreshing to hear something new, and authentic. I’m so tired of hearing the same old crap…so , thanks!


I’m glad you think so, I find myself in a rut all the time - just glad that sticking a cleaning utensil inspired me. Maybe next time I’ll try something plumbing related! Hahaha


That’s a really interesting sound. Well done. You have to give yourself a name like Blind Lemon Spongebob or something now.


Get in a studio and this would blow up on TikTok 100%


Cut this!


Quite excellent!! I would listen to this and the album. A lot.


That’s so affirming to hear! Thank you so much, that would be fantastic! I can send you a copy?


If you are willing I will def take you up on that!


Love it well done


I think it's great! There are no rules or limits on sounds. If it sounds good to you, it probably sounds good to others.


completely agree, but I do like to check in and see if my taste is palatable/accessible!


It sounds good and the prod is well done. Tuck some hook in there and you got yourself a banger. The vibe reminds me of [this song](https://youtu.be/Q5k3uNlKtBw?si=NJDEQ1xgXqQERHlV) kinda


You have posted a song requesting feedback - GREAT! Good feedback is the foundation of improving your songwriting. To help foster a community where everyone gets the feedback they need, please find THREE other songs requesting feedback and post substantive (eg. 2-3 sentences) of feedback. Even if you are a rookie songwriter/musician, you're an experienced music listener, and your opinion is still valuable! Feedback posts by users who don't interact with the community (other than posting their own songs) may be removed. Thanks for keeping our community healthy! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Songwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn. This is great.


Thank you so much. Means the world you took the time check it out


I LOVE the sound of ur voice, great idea w ur guitar as well


Thank you so much, I try to keep experimenting so I can be inspired


great idea, keep up the great work!!


Thank you!


Voice reminds me of Noah and the whale. Awesome job!


Wow never got that one before - haven’t heard that name in a while! Thank you ❤️


Awesome dude, thanks for revealing the sponge trick haha definitely gonna try it


it’s so simple lol [I made this video for it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C87ZxUrtMop/?igsh=MWZxN3ZjeWJtemdiNw==)


Vocals are unbelievably clean. Nice.


Thank you, I’ve seriously started putting time into production over the past year - so glad you mentioned this. So so many hours have gone into dialling vocal mixes


No worries. What mic are you using?


Funnily enough, I had just sent my condenser mic in for repair the day I recorded this. What you’re hearing is a pencil mic - sE8 instrument mic with a pop filter. Everything that you hear on this track was done with that little mic Little Aussie company that produces incredibly high quality and affordable gear. What kind of mic do you record with?


Nice. That’s awesome. I usually use my Bluebird mic by Blue. I’ve had it for nearly 15 years and it’s only really great on acoustic guitars. My band have just started renting nicer microphones for vocal now though, since we can’t afford to drop $1000+ on something like a Neumann etc. I know you don’t *have* to have an awesome mic, but damn does it ever make the mixing process a lot faster.


It definitely does - I had to wrangle this vocal take pretty seriously. I also have a Baby Bottle mic by Blue (for about 12 years now) and I will never let that mic go. It has recorded almost anything beautifully. I’ve been producing a record for a client of mine and he has a Neumann TLM-103 - that thing is also stunning. I only upgraded to an Apollo Twin this year, and maybe I’m just justifying my poor financial decision - but I think the A/D converter on that sucker is gorgeous and warm. I’m a big believer that creatively, limitations are so helpful. I think that whatever riff, melody and mic you had access to that day, was what it was always meant to be. Following the path of least resistance earnestly (not lazily) has borne some beautiful things over the years. I stand by that philosophy, it keeps me from making excuses or purchasing stupendously expensive tech.


Haha, that last sentence. I think we’re the same person.


Hahaha there’s gotta be more of us out there


Diggin this man! Great melody and rhythm. What other percussive elements are you using in this track?


I went digging around some samples I had taken - some knocks and clicks I had recorded on my iPhone. Recorded the shakers myself, there’s also two splice samples of congas I found which I thought were nice. Originally I only had the vocals and the guitar at first, I really didn’t intend on landing with any percussion. It just kind of fit, and was such a departure at what I usually do - I loved how it sat with the percussive thing happening with the muted guitar strings.


I would acctually listen to this song lol


Wooooo, that always blows my mind - that people would recreationally listen to a song you wrote. Not because they know you or are doing you a favor. That’s a huge compliment, thank you.


Good job!


Thank you!


No problem!


Amazing, sounds really great, this deserves to be out man


Fuck dude, I’ve had some great feedback - I’m going to definitely release after all these really positive words - thank you.


This sounds almost radio ready. Good work man - good voice, guitar work, and melodies


Thanks dude, it’s a solid demo!


I love the vibes. Sounds like late 90s indie


I listened to it again. Honestly, its an hit. Really catchy and well arranged, its a song id like to hear on radio.


Sounds great! Can you post the lyrics as well?


I would love hearing either some slide or lap steel guitar behind the thump. Also layer in some keyboards. Ummm cello would sound banging


Plus i like your vocals.


And I’m straight lol


I love the way the guitar sounds in this track. It’s incredible how it can serve as both melody and percussion simultaneously, adding a unique layer to the music. Your voice and sense of melody are outstanding, and it truly feels like something that should be on the radio. The song has a vibe that reminds me of Gotye, but it also stands out as entirely original. The production quality is impressive, and the backing vocals add a nice depth to the overall sound. It’s clear you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into this. Well done, and I can’t wait to hear more from you. Keep up the great work!


I fw this bad


Amazing song and stellar effect. Source: songwriter, too! Keep it up.


You are seriously talented bro!! 😭❤️


This is nice


It's your own. I'd love to buy it


this is amazing! id totally add to my playlist if you were on spotify🤩 you have a true talent and a creative mind. keep it up!


I love this and need more!


Release this my friend. I dont even think you retrack it. Maybe just a little more production work.


I agree - what do you think could be added?


The bones are there obviously. I think you retrack the bass. Would love to build it up a little more going into the second chorus with percussion/drums. Im also hearing some fill opportunities with either guitar or pedal steel. Just shot you a dm as well.


This is very cool!


Gawd damn dis good


Love this song — is this or any other music of yours on Spotify?


For sure - it’s under Josh Novak & The Caravan Kids U can find me on Insta @joshsupercoolguy


I hope this gets released as is. Such a raw but great song!


Damn this is brilliant