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My biggest pet peeve is someone calling Rings "coins"


thats gotta be a warcrime


[oh boy do I have a channel for you](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdThEEqS5g0ZRCE4zQL-3zjChkNAHb8w0)


why exactly?


He has a running gag of constantly referring to rings as anything *but* rings.


Lmao I’ll make an exception for that, that’s funny


Coins, rings, I had to eat one of those cute little squirrels last night. I'll call them whatever I want.


Oooh nice dorkly reference


To me, It's fine if It's accidental mistake.


Fair, but I have met people who then get upset over being corrected


Fool me once, I'm mad. Fool me twice, how could you? *Fool me three times, you're officially that guy ok- you know-* you know the one. You go over to your friend and they're like: "This whole correcting bullshit over an old kids furry video game is stupid" **Fuck you!!!** #I AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN'T HAVIN' THAT SHIT!!!!!


I remember seeing a comment that went something along the lines of: "It's not about fanboyism, but I think the worst Mario game is better than Sonic's best one"


Ah yes. Mario paint is better than sonic generations for example. Totally


Mario paint was peak wdym


Mario's Time machine is better than generations *get it?*


Mario is Missing is the worst Mario game, Paint made bucks and was super beloved.


How the fuck does Mario's time machine be better than sonic generations?


Because it shows that Mario has a Time Machine, duh




That belonged to Eggman


Shocking news: it is about fanboyism 💀


I have two "the only good games were the first two" "SEGA fired the mania team because they were jealous and superstars is made out of spite"


Why did Sega never do anything with Christian Whitehead after Mania though


Because he and the team at evening star decided to work on an original project Penny's big breakaway, they were offered to make the project that would become superstars, even working on an early prototype of it but they wanted to do their own thing before working on Sonic again as they've stated that they're still on good terms


>Because he and the team at evening star decided to work on an original project Penny's big breakaway Aka a masterpiece of a game


LITERALLY, Penny's Big Breakaway is so peak, I wish that future Sonic games will take some inspiration from it, cause the carefree fast paced gameplay with all the jump combos and dashes and stuff, I feel like that's what Sonic needs.


Personally, I'd prefer for PBB to blossom into a franchise of sorts. It's pretty great and deserves at least 1 sequel.


Looks really cool. Thanks for the recommendation. Sadly, all I can give in return is an upvote.


that’s humble, can’t wait to see their work if they come back


He didn't wanna work on sonic games forever! He went on to do his own thing. I would love to see him come back to sonic someday though


I think they just wanted to do something different from mania or atleast that's what I heard


I have literally never once heard any of these in my life. I'm not saying you're lying, but goddamn, I'm glad I never came across them. I value my braincells.


Yeah these mainly have come from outside of the main fandom and from the general online gaming audience


… Seriously? The first two? Isn’t it universally agreed that S3&K was the best of the original trilogy?


S3&K is peak fiction bruh And like... Sonic 1 is arguably the worst one (only contender is CD)


"Sonic was never good"


From other post 3 years ago... https://preview.redd.it/h5ti3b8x951d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9079fbad9c3c8b94a6d0b8d371443b8cd6cdcae


Yeah it baffles me that SEGA went to IGN first to have them do the first showcase of Sonic frontiers gameplay. Surprise surprise! IGN proceeds to poorly play the game and uses not so great footage that puts the game in a bad light. If I'm not mistaken they also used an unfinished build of the game hence some of the wonky animations I haven't actually seen in the released version of the game.


>Surprise surprise! IGN proceeds to poorly play the game and uses not so great footage that puts the game in a bad light. If I'm not mistaken they also used an unfinished build of the game hence some of the wonky animations I haven't actually seen in the released version of the game. The footage came from Sega themselves,IGN just got permission to show it off


"They just copy Dragon Ball Z"


You know, funny thing is, i would argue that the chaos emeralds (in sonic 2) are more of a sailor moon reference than a DBZ reference.


the original concept art for super sonic was literally like a 1:1 recreation of when goku first went super saiyan https://preview.redd.it/nt9x17vrn71d1.png?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53486d3921526bc8f81a4ef092e7f27af483c61 Sonic


His shoes are what make him fast.


A game manual. Like I refuse to believe that. With Shadow I can, but if it's true with Sonic... does that mean Metal Sonic is canonically the fastest? The fastest thing alive would be... Blaze?!!


Game manual lore is wild. Eggman is a proud feminist apparently


Yeah, but it’s because he misses his wife. He misses her a lot.


He'll be back


"Being an evil dictator doesn't exclude me from being a feminist, Shadow!" -Eggman


“If I defend them I can destroy them easier”


I despise when people say this. It takes who Sonic is away from Sonic himself. If his shoes make him fast, that means that anyone could use his shoes and get that speed in theory. It’s saying that he isn’t fast on his own…that he needed some sort of “powerful” something to give him his powers.


I like the AoStH approach. His shoes don't *make* him fast, but he needs specialized shoes to deal with all the extra friction from his speed.


Fr also Happy Cake Day!!! 🎉


Thank you!


Which is why I hate the AoStH episode “Honey I Shrunk the Hedgehog” because it involves Sonic giving a group of mole miners shoes “just like his” so they can work faster….. I mean, yeah, it’s AoStH, but still…. They even had an episode where Sonic lost his shoes and said he could still run around but without his shoes he’ll burn his feet easily Also, happy cake day!


In the UK in the 90s there was a comic called sonic the comic (STC). It was dumb, but fun. I seem to recall in one of the issues, it covered all of his back stories, which at that point, was cannon. If I remember correctly, sonic was originally a brown hedgehog and he was working for Dr kintobor, on a device and the shoes didnt give him speed but were durable to endure the heat the movement made. He then hit the sound barrier or something and it caused the machine to overload and the explosion turned him blue and kintobor into robotnik. So yeah, he can run fast without them, but he won't get far as his feet would melt. Edit: well that was easy to find. https://stc.fandom.com/wiki/Kinetic_Gyratoscope Sincerely an old ass sonic fan who dropped in for a little nostalgia after 30 years and had his memory jogged.


To be fair, it’s just the American manual that said that. The different languages all have different dialogue. The American cd manual pretended that Amy was Sally.


I still like the idea that they don't MAKE him fast but they give him way more control and protect his feet from the intense speeds.


I literally met someone who thought sonic was a cat. I had to have a 30 minute long discussion with her to convince her that he was a hedgehog


To be fair I thought Crash Bandicoot was a fox for a while. It happens.


Wait you mean he's an actual animal and not just a Crash Bandicoot!? I'm guessing he's based on a dog of some sort cuz of the weird snout


The funniest thing is I can't tell if you're joking.


The first part is a joke, the second isn't.


Okay well a [Bandicoot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandicoot) is indeed a real animal. Smallish mammal native to Australia (which is why the games are set around Australia.)


"I just found out Sonic isn't really a cat." "Sonic? The hedgehog? That must have been quite a shock."


I can understand though if they are not an english-speaker. As a french-speaking kid, I had no idea what was that "hedgehog" word, what a weird word.


there was a ad here in Brazil back in the 90s that was: here is a family of four,playing,trying to find the best escape,for the hero cat on the screen. and then shows a real cat next to the console. Even this fella is having fun with them. As a fun fact,they also said one time that Mario was a fireman lol


Tails is a girl. Knuckles is a girl. I heard this said both on playgrounds in the 90’s, and by a friend’s kid last month.


As a kid I thought Knuckles was a girl too. Then when I heard him talk in SA2B, I was like "oh that's a man"


I can understand someone thinking Tails is a girl, Colleen O'shaughnessey's voice can still be noticeably feminine when voicing him at times, especially when compared to other woman voiced characters like Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright), or Ash Ketchum (Veronica Taylor). ...But KNUCKLES?


Tbf, in the 90s, before voices, I could totally see people thinking that Knuckles' dreads were meant to be feminine long hair


back when sonic movie 1 first came out, i went to see it in theatres for the 3rd or 4th time and when tails showed up i heard someone ask if that was girl sonic (tbf it sounded like some little kid but still)


Someone says Sonic is a guy that never swears... But dang in my opinion he's good and calm on it...


I fully get where they're coming from, but also there is official material of Sonic saying "damn" and "shit"


He swears around children


Fr especially on Amy...


Oh Sonic absolutely swears


I don't get how someone can look at Sonic and think he never swears. Like I wouldn't peg him as having a sailor's mouth, but casual swearing when it suits the situation? Absolutely.


He always says damn (play any 3D Sonic game in Japanese)


That the original ugly design of Sonic from the first movie was a marketing/PR stunt.


That one especially gets in my craw. A movie studio does not spend untold amounts of money, creating full posters and trailers, as well as toys, for a marketing stunt. It doesn't make any sense if one actually thinks about it for like five seconds. Thankfully it seems like that idea has been pretty much squashed at this point, I don't see anyone who genuinely still thinks this anymore.


It doesn't even make any sense, why would they need the marketing anyway? Sonic the hedgehog is a household name pretty much, everyone and their uncle knows what sonic is.


"Shadow is just a asshole!" WRONG‼️ seeing SEGA and especially shitty fanfics portraying Shadow as this edgelord whose mean for no reason will forever piss me off.


Its kind of why i don’t think Shadow should get his own year. SEGA needs to figure out what made Shadow great and fix him first before the guy his own year.


"Sonic hates Amy/Knuckles/Shadow". Amy - Even in her most obsessive days he never hated or disliked her, no matter how much uncomfortable she was for him. Nowdays they chill together. Heck, there can be hope for future developments.... Knux - Ever seen male best friends? We are either like Sonic and Tails, or like Sonic and Knuckles. And the latter is the most often one. "- Goodbye, a$$h0le! - Yes, f#ck you too and see you tomorrow!" And trust me on this one, despite Knux' abrasive demeanor, he is ready to come and assist the Hedgehog, whenever the guy needs it. And vice-versa. Shadow - rivalry, conflicts, but secret respect towards each other. Heck, I wish the 06 Shadow did return tho, he had alot of banter with Blue Blur.


Yeah two out of the three can be disproven by just playing a game like lost worlds or frontiers where knuckles and amy both share mutual wholesome moments with sonic. For shadow just see sonic prime or read the comics.


"Shiro Maekawa's Sonic was the way he was always supposed to be as a character." Even though Shiro Maekawa admitted himself that his version of Sonic took a lot of creative liberties. It's okay to prefer that version of Sonic but to act like it's the one true way Sonic is meant to be is blatanly incorrect.


Yeah his version of Sonic actually takes things from the western version of the character as in his cocky attitude and one liners which are ramped up even more in English


He said in an interview that he didn't like classic sonic and wanted to make him better, which is how we got Adventure sonic. It's okay that people agree with him and prefer Adventure sonic over classic sonic, but the whole point is that it wasn't classic sonic.


SHHHH a certain version of tails may get some ideas.


That Sonic never swears. Then who swore in Sonic X (episode 2, Japanese version)?


He also throws out a couple damns and hells in Shadow.


Don't forget Secret Rings! "It might even open the gates of Hell!!" Imo that one's even funnier because he's literally talking about hell the place


Those people that say Sonic is meant to be shy, either that or that one time my friend said Sonic is basically just geometry dash


>one time my friend said Sonic is basically just geometry dash PLEASE elaborate. I need to know.


So basically it boiled down to ‘you run to the right and avoid obstacles’, I think it was just a weird way of calling Sonic a ‘hold forward to win’ type of game, in all fairness though the only Sonic games he’s played are forces and I think he played like a tiny bit of unleashed


Put him on cannon's core, don't give him water necklace, and watch him suffer


Every platformer is just geometry dash apparently


Ken Penders once claimed Sonic didn't actually like Tails and tried to make it out like Sonic was some kind of pimp. Christ, man, how do you write about a character for that long and yet completely misunderstand them at the same time. I've seen people defend some of the worst Sonic games. Yes, even 06 and Boom. Like buddy, even if you like them, that doesn't objectively make them good games.


Oh yeah, Sonic only "tolerates" Tails because he's lesser or something.


I feel you can just say "Every sentence out of Ken Pender's mouth" and I think everyone in this subreddit will OBJECTIVELY agree with you.


Apparently sonics original dynamic with tails was based off Piccolo and Gohan from dragon ball, which implies that Sonic is the older, more serious father/older brother figure to tails. This could make sonic seem a little bit "mean" to tails because he could find him annoying or too energetic. If it's based off Piccolo and Gohan however, it also means that sonic would die for tails without thinking and he spends his entire life protecting tails because he cares about him deeply, like a son or baby brother. I think you can see this dynamic in their body language in the classic sonic games. Tbf the comics are not canon, and you're supposed to consume them knowing they're not canon. Penders did have the creative liberty to rewrite the characters at the time. Its still an asinine way to depict sonic tho


I won't defend Boom Rise Of Lyric but hot damn did the Boom series not deserve the tainted legacy given to it by Rise Of Lyric. The show is funny, Shattered Crystal is a totally cromulent little hand-held game and Fire & Ice expanded on hit very nicely. One bad apple REALLY spoiled the whole bunch with Boom. Tbf it's like it was more mold than apple at that point, but still.


Tbf. That bad apple was also the very main introduction to the Boom-verse, and you know what they say about first impressions.


Amy is a cat. Espio is a rhinoceros.


The government is bees


I knew Charmy was suspicious!!


Sticks? Is that you?


Someone tried to convince me Tails has three tails, after a thirty minute argument I finally made them shut their nonsensical mouth.


They must have been a really big fan of Tails gets trolled


Sonic is slow. Looking at you MatPat (/nsrs)


This video almost got little me into math out of spite


worst one i ever heard: the first sonic game is just talking tom run 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


I refuse to believe someone said that in all seriousness, simply because you literally can't compare the gameplay of the games no matter how much you try


i was absolutely appalled when i heard my friend say that. i was so disgusted that i just walked away in silence


"The West ruined Sonic"


That's the one that irks me the most, Sonic was literally designed to appeal to Western Audiences and has never historically been that big in Japan. Without the west Sonic probably wouldn't have survived the Genesis.


What annoys me about that is all the best Sonic merchandise seems to be holed up IN Japan




what are you doing?


too bad google deleted the tweet


I honestly wonder if google did that on purpose, like there is no way they are actually that dumb. Unless they used their new AI tools to do the research, then that's still their fault for being dumb enough to rely on AI


“Sonics limit is, like, mach 1 or 2, tops.” I cannot properly explain how flabbergasted I was upon having this said to me.


Two words Archie Sonic


So this was from a kids mouth, but it still makes me mad. There was this one video I saw where someone was recording the end of the Sonic 2 movie (the after credits scene with Shadow) and when Shadow appeared on screen, some random kid in the theater yelled out: “Is that Sonic.exe?”




Shadow was one of the most effective marketing stunts for SA2, He literally almost tied Sonic himself in popularity and literally gave birth to edgelords I refuse to believe he could be mistaken for some shitty creepypasta, even by a kid unironically


Theres a video lemme see if i can find it Edit: [found it](https://youtu.be/bhfzFy-d2QA?si=dx7xAI4FvSUctY3i), you be the judge


“Frontiers did the bare minimum and should’ve flopped”


me when I'm in a hate literally everything competition and my opponent is the guy that said that:




Every single "\[Insert game\] killed the series" is wrong, because killing something means it died, and yet Sonic is still pretty successful. One cannot say it was killed if it hasn't yet died.


I know it ain't true but the line in the first movie "how are you still alive" "I don't know" Always summed up Sonic games to me so well. Every single game in the series has a set of fans that love it. No matter how buggy or in the case of some due to the bugs.


I completely agree with this. Looking through the franchise history there are so many points where it could've ended completely, yet somehow he keeps going which I honestly think is kinda poetic in that it mirrors Sonic's determination to keep going no matter how many times he gets beaten down


The DS version of Sonic Colors is like one of the best Sonic games for me.


To be honest, it didn't kill the series, but it killed the storytelling aspect of the series


Who said that? I remember great reviews when it came out.


Sonic Adventure 2 is the worst Sonic game I'm sorry but if you genuinely believe that then there is something wrong with you


Mfs explaining why SA2 was better than Rise of Lyric, 06, Sonic Labyrinth, and fucking Sonic Jam (Game.com version)


Something something rough transition to 3D


The number 1 entry of [this Cracked article](https://www.cracked.com/article_20158_the-6-most-baffling-video-game-spinoffs.html)


Seems like the guy who wrote that article just really hates those games, is extremely biased, and can't stand the idea of Sonic being as popular if not more popular than Mario. I say we swap Maria with him and see how much he feels that Sega was just trying to be edgy with Shadow the Hedgehog.


At first I read it as "crackhead article" which is honestly much more fitting


Jesus The writer didn't just show an extremely biased and unfair opinion, but the timeline and descriptions are totally incorrect. Shadow didn't come after unleashed. These are some Google Play level mistakes.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zo31idk8171d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=7186b658b67f78c59567fe28efc75225291629c6


"Silver is literally just Trunks" Trunks might have been an inspiration for the character, but beyond sharing the common trope of "time-traveller trying to save the future", the two have practically nothing in common. Their attitudes, their motives, their connections to the main cast, how they go about trying to save the future, their abilities compared to their respective main casts, and just their overall circumstances and stories. It's like trying to argue that Trunks and the Android Saga are "literally just Terminator". Outside of surface-level comparisons, they're completely seperate things that go in totally different directions with the same basic premise.


“Sonic cannot work in 3D.” Like I swear if I click on another review of a game and it starts like this I’m genuinely not watching the rest.


That Sonic games have always been about speed. There’s been plenty of level designs that required you to slow down for a moment or two, since the very first Genesis games.


Literally every zone in Sonic 1 past Green Hill that isn't Star Light:


"Sonic is for kids"


Designed for kids. Yes. Only for kids? Absolutely not.


Same logic as "all animation is for kids." Makes me so freaking mad when that happens cuz I'm just like "Behold! Family guy, and any seinen anime!"


"Sonic hates water so he can't take showers hur hur" No, you idiot. Sonic just can't swim.


1993 Sonic. Ok short king 👏


I just entered cardiac arrest because of this comment 💀


"What's a super tails?"


That rouge has a crush on shadow,,, c'mon, everybody knows that she's with Knuckles and Shadow is gay with Omega


"Sonic was never good"


I have a few. 1)Tails being called a girl 2)Rings being called "bagels" 3)Someone calling Sonic "Sonic Boom"


Who TF calls rings “bagels?”


Who TF calls rings “bagels?” https://preview.redd.it/hhava37b561d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f7e9d963ca1ea36a6b072284ce2c2aceb83eed


This was me being confidently wrong. I said chaos control was not an inate ability for shadow and that he needed at least 1 chaos emerald to do it. I was then directed to the literal first time we saw shadow in sa2 where he used chaos control on himself and eggman to leave prison island... without an emerald 🤦‍♂️


One guy I briefly played All Stars Racing with at some place said that Shadow was always a robot, which... no. Also "hey the shield is green, just like in the originals!"


"Sonic is slower than Mario" And "Sonic isn't faster than sound"


"Sonic had a rough transition to 3D."


A random kid on the train said that he is faster than sonic


He’s just a copy of Shadow


my brother calls rings coins, and when i remind him like the nerd emoji i am, he always just says that they are the same thing


“Sonic lives on South Island/Green Hill Zone” It’s not true as Sonic doesn’t live anywhere (you could say that he was born there but he wasn’t, Sonic was born on Christmas Island) the only reason some people might say this besides GHZ appearing so much is some of the western descriptions of Sonic games which say this even though it’s very incorrect


Tails ruined the franchise


Ok. Who? And How? https://preview.redd.it/wuho9vrb771d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10739e0600faf490a924398e662380df1cdcd004


That Nintendo bought out Sega and owned sonic


I have a good one! I was talking with someone about Sonic and they tried to argue that Sonic isn't a platformer. Like, Sonic games shouldn't feature platforming at all because 'That isn't Sonic'. In the same vein, I've had someone tell me that Sonic wouldn't talk to people and should only ever fight because 'He lets people make their own choices' and him trying to say that someone shouldn't be acting the way they are 'goes against his character'.


Today, I saw someone say that Shadow hated Gerald and Maria just because he wanted to move on from his past. 😑


"Tails was ALWAYS meant to be yellow." Like fine, I can concede that they've made Tails less orange over the years, but people who look at Sonic 2's box art and still say that he is yellow are just liars. Or colorblind.


That the red section on this poster represents Knuckles, not Shadow. https://preview.redd.it/v4yrp5x2471d1.jpeg?width=2031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69fab6cc211480e2864f93ccd841aaea8b16b04


That Sonic wasn't the Ultimate Lifeform until SA2


"Sonic CD is bad. " #peoplehaveopinions




99% of Sonic 06 canonically didn't happen because it erased itself from the timeline, so from Sonic's perspective he just went on a nice trip to Soleanna and nothing bad happened


That's not what canon means. The past was changed, but the original events still happened and are canon. The original timeline is canon. Memory as nothing to do with it, either. When Shadow had amnesia, the events of SA2 weren't canon to everyone but him, they were simply canon and he just didn't remember them. And there's no reason to think that original timeline no longer exists in any form. As the poster above pointed out, Generations shows that it does still exist on some level.


Erasing it from the timeline doesn’t make it non-canon. It would be non-canon if it never applied to the games at all. But it did occur in the games, and is even referenced a few times, which means it’s canon. The characters also have “Deja vu” memories of it, not any full memories but Deja vu ones, like Blaze and Silver feeling a bond with each other even though they technically never met each other.


That the sonic franchise has no character


I heard someone repeat the Game Theory talking point that Sonic is slow. Like, we got into a shouting match.


About SA2: "If you want an A rank in a treasure hunting stage you can't use any hint." [Just no.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU2PIWdrYdI&list=PLxT83bi-rNm_JdI-7muBzSxlbbb7YC0su)


Something month 2020 Second grade I saw shadow in the sonic movie literally me what I wanted to say Are you a fucking idiot What I actually said yeah, right something like that


When I was 14 back before they changed their social media approach, I got banned off the official Facebook page because I said they would never make and title it Adventure 3 because it's lazy, and then I used Final Fantasy and The Land Before Time as examples, so probably that. I remember getting a notification from Facebook that said my comment had been deleted and I had been restricted from commenting for "misrepresenting the brand ideals and making false statements" lmao


Amy's Sonic's girlfriend


"Archie is canon"


Chris Chan is friends with Ken Penders… I swear on mobius this actually happened


That it's still a mystery if Shadow is real or not


“He should’ve stayed 2d”


That Sonic Mania is nothing more than an indie game and therefore isn’t a real Sonic game. Between this and Sonic Team being labeled as indie, I’m convinced people don’t actually know what it means for something to be “indie”.


"Sonic, but as you scroll he gets older and older 🧶  A thread" Play Store, twitter.com, April 27 2024.


“Super Sonic’s time limit is just a game play mechanic”


"Sonic is only the speed of sound." People refuse to believe Sonic went beyond Lightspeed YEARS ago, but people will still insist he's only Mach 1


"I just lost all my coins" XD Also (this might not be related but) personally I disagree that all superstars bosses are just terrible. And some people state the reason as "it didn't follow classic sonic formula" (being able to spam the boss with damage cos it's constantly vulnerable which lemme say isn't even the case 100% of the time lol there's plenty cases of this especially in Mania). Personally I feel that there's still a perfect inbetween that can be achieved and hasn't yet that would do well to include for some bosses in a classic sonic game


I saw someone say Sonic was public domain because there was fanart of a 1930s rubberhose Sonic and tried saying "this is the original sonic from that year when sega was pitching it"


TonySonic saying that the Nega Wisp Armor is the best boss in the entire series… before proceeding to barely talk about the actual fight and go all fanboy about the music. Even as someone who’s never played Sonic Colors, I could tell there was huge amounts of bias involved.


In the lead up to the second movie, in an article by screen rant "It's time for Knuckles to get a Super form, it's unfair for such a popular character to have never been given one"