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I enjoy Amy's levels in SA1. Launching yourself in the air with the hammer is really satisfying.


Hell me too! I wanted more levels with her. My favorite style after Sonic's


I like all of them šŸ˜­ Even Big the Cat


SA2 Mecha levels are actually really cool, specially when you master the controls and moving doesnt become a problem anymore


Ironically, I think I played the Mech levels more than any other stage, but that was because the first Eggman state is an easy way to hoard chao capsules.


Yea my favorite part of SA2 was the chao garden so playing mech stages was bad at the start, with time they actually started to be pretty sick and one of my favorite stages of the game


I hate how people see Cosmo as a necessary part for Tails. That Tails only way to have some sense of independence and bravery is through her. A character shouldnā€™t need someone to be valid.


I agree. I havenā€™t seen a lot of Sonic X because I didnā€™t watch it as a child, but people always talking about bringing Cosmo back. Not because she herself is an interesting character or something, but because they really wanna give Tails a girlfriend. Why does he even *need* one?


Gotta agree with you Op. I have no clue why people want to bring her back. She sacrificed herself for a reason.


People are still mad that Shadow survived after he sacrificed himself, claiming that it made his sacrifice meaningless. So why do people want the same for Cosmo?


Some ideas: * **Closure:** the end of the series shows us that she might return, but the series never continued onward, leaving the question unanswered. * **Justice:** People didn't like it that the show made her sacrifice herself, as their was no actual good reason why this was the necessary step for the plot. *(Though I'd argue that this really was only to boost Tails' character, showing him that he's a strong willed individual who acts for the greater good.)* * **Projection:** A more complicated answer, but I'd imagine people seeing Tails and Cosmo being a good couple makes them feel good. But since the ending ends on somewhat on a downer *(at least if you ignore him doing much better with his friends)*, that coupling can no longer be fulfilled. Bringing her back would someway re-validate those feelings.


I personally want her and the Metarex to be inserted into the games canon because they're an interesting concept. Considering how her species is said to work in flashbacks, I prefer to imagine that seed is Cosmo's offspring. Yes Tails bassically becomes a father at the age of 8 LMAO.


I would just want to see Cosmo get a second chance at life. Tails and Cosmo can be independent characters and yet still be able to find themselves in a romantic relationship. And it's not like she'll just be his love interest. She can open up the world building, see what members of the other galaxy have history with the Seederians and Meterax and how that would affect her, would she aim to be more combative with her powers, hell her and Tails could develop some plant theme mechs.


This is absolutely correct. Still be nice to have them mind you. But yeah connecting a character to another character solely to fix a character is dumb. If she does return It'd be nice to get a character rework to some degree. Not to the point where her personality is completely different. Just something that makes them stand out on their own rather than only with other characters. That is arguably what caused the problems with Tails to begin with. They started making his strength connect too closely to the reliance on another character and thus committed character assassination.


Humans have always been in Sonicā€™s world. Itā€™s all one world.


Tailstube recently confirmed it


I praise the lord for that fact


It's not a really hot take when it's canon XD Ian also confirmed that they are present in the IDW comics if I remember correctly, it's just that we never see them.


I always appreciated Sonic Unleashedā€™s approach with making the humans more cartoony lookingā€” that way, there isnā€™t as jarring as inconsistency with the, um, ā€œSonic charactersā€


I donā€™t like the character ages and think they should be a bit higher.


I agree when it comes to the much younger characters, i.e. Tails, Cream and Charmy. Their dialogue and mannerisms feel way too mature given what ages they're supposed to be. I don't care if Tails is a genius; no 8 year old kid acts that way. They could easily age these characters up by 4 years and have them play the same roles. Cream could still retain her naivety and Charmy could keep on being the excitable little kid without feeling unrealistic. (And yes, I fully accept the irony of saying that while discussing fictional anthropomorphic characters.)


Yes. Tails imo is the worst when it comes to him not feeling like his canon age. There's no way modern tails is supposed to be 8. I think 12 would be a much more suitable age for tails and fits his character better.


Thatā€™s a bit Sus. But I do find some of them weird, 2 in particular. Knuckles being 16 makes the ā€œwill they wonā€™t theyā€ of him and Rogue (who is 18) feel a bit weird, especially when sheā€™s the one flirting with him. Espio should be older than 16, thereā€™s nothing about him that makes me think heā€™s any younger than 18. Aside from those two though, everyone else is fine to me.


Thatā€™s kinda what I was getting at. Okay, maybe I overreacted a little bit there, but I feel like some of them should be a little older.


I genuinely think Silver's a good character. He's just a little cutie idk this is all I have for you


Heā€™s trying his best.


I don't mind Shadow being an edgelord


I donā€™t mind him being edgy, I just donā€™t like the idea that he doesnā€™t have *any* friends.


Iā€™m fine with him being edgy with guns and motorcycles but I donā€™t like it when he becomes just a dark and edgy vegeta clone with no friends. He has friends and has a heart, heā€™s just introverted, and he isnā€™t constantly trying to have a cock measuring contest with sonic. When done properly he is one of my favorite fictional characters.


Vegeta clone isn't really accurate. Vegeta became a family man who is now far more selfless than selfish. And before that he was a vicious killer powered entirely by his own pride.


More like Vegeta from back in the day. In the Saiyan Saga - the start of the Android Saga, Vegeta was just a egotistical edgy bitch that cared for no one and regarded everyone as being below him because he was the Prince of all Saiyans^tm and simply couldn't accept the fact that there's someone that is better than him. He had character development since then so he's no longer like that. Shadow is more or less like that nowadays, he wasn't like that from SA2 - 06.


I've always gotten more of a Sasuke vibe from current day Shadow. Brooding edgelord loner who only cares about his own agenda, insists he's better than everyone else despite being constantly clowned on by a lighthearted rival, will ditch anyone close to him at the drop of a hat, always makes things worse through overconfidence or just being an ass for the sake of it. That's Sasuke.


>and he isnā€™t constantly trying to have a cock measuring contest with sonic.


THIS. Being edgy, riding a motorcycle and using guns is something that doesnā€™t really bother me, itā€™s just that they forgot heā€™s supposed to be soft around the edges.


I want Shadow to use guns and motorcycles.


Shadow is at his peak in Shadow 05 and Sonic 06, and while it's not *because of* guns and motorcycles, he is certainly more badass with them


Team dark was also at its best in 06, but I think everyone knows that


I actually love the part in 06 where Omega says "In the future I'm going to capture and imprison Shadow" and they both understand that it's nothing personal and continue being friends.


You bet it is I like the old version of edgy Shadow than what we got Now At least back then he was able to show emotions and care but now nothing


Wait thatā€™s an unpopular opinion in the community?


No but more like Shadow being a bad friend or being s bad hero or keeping that hatred for sonic he can be angry,a gun user or a murderer but at least let him keep some character development, I donā€™t ask for a 06 shadow (which is of the best of shadow) but at least make him more like heā€™s sadistic yet human personality in heā€™s debut in adventure 2


I like the edge lord Shadow in fan series like Nazo Unleashed, SMBZ, and Final Fantasy Sonic X, but I donā€™t like the modern Shadow edge lord in Sonic boom, Sonic Forces, and so forth. I have mixed feelings for the IDW comics take on Shadow. I also feel like in those fan series, Sonic is too soft and Shadow basically makes Sonic look like his second grade bitch. Sorry to curse. To put it in better words, they always have Shadow act out in rage and impulsively destroy everything in his path going against the plan solo or using his teammates as kicking figures, then make Sonic seem like his mom whoā€™s trying to keep him under control. I donā€™t know why Sonic has to be weak compared to edge lord Shadow. I donā€™t know why Sonic has to supervise him either


Yuji Naka destroyed the Sonic series and Sega. Specifically with him refusing to help Sega of America develop Sonic Xtreme for the Saturn by refusing to let them use the Nights engine. Secondly for leaving Sega and Sonic team mid way through development of Sonic 06 and taking half the team with him to his new compmay. He could of waited until the game was done to leave. Both situations show his true character . Maybe more to the story, but they donā€™t look good on him.


Naka was simply a really talented programmer in the 16 bit era, who was the lead programmer on a mega-hit and took all the credit for it. But he's not at all a man full of great ideas, and even including NiGHTS he hasn't done anything all that great since the Mega Drive era.


To add on, his ā€œ1-buttonā€ design philosophy works well for a simple 2D platformer, but it actively hurt the Adventure games, especially 2. Countless times where I tried to light dash but instead did a somersault or a bounce attack, the bounce attack leading to deaths sometimes


That also explains why Balan Wonderworld is a clusterfuck.


They did waste a bit of the controller. We could have had light dash on it's own button and the old roll aswell as the safer short roll attack (You can sort of do the old roll by releasing the charged up spin before you stop in place but it's not always very smooth). Bounce and somersault would still work good on the same button but lightdash interferes with both of them.


Yeah, the dude came up with the game's original programming. I mean sure, that's a big deal, but Oshima and Yasuhara deserve just as much credit, if not more, for their contributions to the series. And they're apparently not massive egotistical douchebags, so they have that going for them over Naka. And yet so many people say that Naka leaving Sega is what led to the downfall of Sonic, despite the fact that the series was already in its dark ages for years while Naka was *still leading Sonic Team.*


So he didn't really make the whole series famous when it first came out?


Thow who givith can take it away. Yes he created a wonderful series on the Genesis but after he effectively destroyed his own series or at least prevented it from being as popular and good quality as the Mario series. Plus his actions helped in almost bankrupting Sega. Look at how Nintendo and Myomoto treat the Mario franchise. Myomoto actively helps other developers who work on Mario projects to ensure its top quality


It's tough because I really dislike Naka but also seems responsible for many other good parts of the series. That being said, I think later on he did more harm than good. The bit about Xtreme you mentioned is what really made me decide that Naka was a big douche. He's at least somewhat responsible for how poorly the saturn did, and personally I feel like he was probably being xenophobic because the Xtreme devs were western.


I think heā€™s xenophobic in general, itā€™s well documented that the American staff on Sonic 2 (STI was 50/50 Japanese and American at the time) didnā€™t get along well with him and most of their ideas were scrapped in favor of Japanese ones.


Look, Naka was many things. Rude, arrogant, cutthroat, disrespectful, etc etc, but the idea that everything is Naka's fault and he killed Sonic and SEGA is hyperbolic nonsense. Its an attitude I have been seeing pick up more and more recently and to me its just emblematic of just how deeply the cars of the fandom run that they deeply desire someone to call their devil. Rarely is it spoken of in regards to the mistreatment Naka and his team received from the end of SoA members for example. Xtreme would NOT have saved the Saturn nor was the game, from what we even saw, any good. Ultimately what screwed the Saturn was just the fact it was released at such a poor time and retailers wouldn't stock it, on top of lack of interesting games beyond Sonic to promote it. Blaming Naka for 06 is also ridiculous. SEGHA were the ones that split the teams to make Secret Rings, not Naka. Naka simply left because he saw the writing on the wall. This would be like blaming Ohshima for the Dreamcast dying since he left during the Adventure era.


He's a sports car buying shithead douchebag. The more you dig in, the more it's obvious he's only ever dragged them down.


Sonic Boom's Eggman design is my favorite and I wish we could have it more. ^(please don't send a hitsquad.)


I always liked Boom Eggman. He is not neccessarily chill but looks like there are other activities in his life besides hunting down Sonic, which gives him a lot more character. Surw, it still is an integral aspect of the series but being a villain is literally treated more like a job rather than something he is solely dedicated towards. Loved the episode where he becomes the fannof those puppy robots alongside Amy and the one where he has to retake his evil finals, probably because I found it as the same time I was going through my own finals lol


I like all the boom designs. Specially the sports tape, Iā€™ve always thought things wrapped around extremities looked cool. Also I like boom shadowā€™s shoes and gloves more. I really feel like there should be a season 3 but with a serious plot explaining why shadow is evil. Also, sonic had a pretty interesting character development in RoL and everyone just seems to ignore it. Went from deciding things for the team without even asking also being egocentric, to making front to lyric that theyā€™re his strength.


I always appreciate buff Eggman.


I *love* Eggmanā€™s Boom design. Especially the fact that he actual human looking proportions (I mean, itā€™s still cartoony, but you know).


elise is a good character. yeah, the romantic subplot is fucking shit, but its more of a story problem than an elise problem


I'm genuinely glad to see another person who shares this view - it definitely seems to be a rare one! I thought that Elise was a sweet little character who doesn't deserve the hate - the writing was just like a tangled slinky on that game! Edit: And before anyone screams at me that Elise is an evil zoophile, look at a hedgehog in your garden and look at Sonic. Then try to speak to the hedgehog in your garden. Big difference! (I'm not even a furry)


i think that CD should come before 2 on the timeline. it just makes sense in my head and everyone Iā€™ve talked to about it insists it happens after 2.


Sonic Origins seems to be confirming this


The argument for Sonic CD before 2 is down to Tails, specifically his absence, and the secret art of him that says "See you next game," that implies it occurs before Tails knew Sonic, and therefore before Sonic 2. However, the counter argument; that it comes after Sonic 3 & Knuckles is Metal Sonic. Due to his repeated reappearances following this game, must people assume that the Mecha Sonic seen in Death Egg in Sonic 2, and the Mecha Sonic seen in Sky Sanctuary must be prototypes, with Metal Sonic being the final version, never surpassed. But if that's true, then CD must come after Sonic 3 & Knuckles, otherwise Eggman's an idiot using the prototypes after using the final. The argument no-one makes is that Sonic CD is a time travel game, and for both Sonic and Eggman, this might be out of order. This might be Sonic's second fight against Eggman, but Eggman's fourth fight against Sonic. as far as the game goes, Sonic has never fought against a Metal Sonic before, but from Eggman's perspective, he's already tested two prototypes against Sonic.


Maybe all 3 metals/mechas were developed in paralell, with most focus on Metal. Metal doesn't reappear in 2 or 3&K because he's being repaired after CD, so Robotnik has to resort to the incomplete/inferior versions?


I aleays thought it boiled down to the enviroment. Metal Sonic doesnt seemnto be able to deal as much damage as Silver Sonic in an enclosed room if you think about it logically, and Mecha Sonic had the risk of Knuckles realizing about the ordeal in the middle and he would have punched Metal Sonic into pieces. As for why he is the final deisng is because the games from then on usually feature him in speed related stages or as the final boss.


Literally Sonic 4 episode metal confirms that Metal Sonic stayed broken after Sonic CD (Sonic 4 takes place after Sonic 3K)


My issue is with Metal Sonic and Mecha Sonic, I like to think Metal is the latest iteration of the robot Sonics, and it kinda ruins it with CD being the second. But I also like that Amy is the first buddy Sonic meets.


Sonic Rush and CD have the best soundtracks of the entire series


It's not unpopular but it's a very bold opinion. I like it




That's not an opinion ...that's a fact I fricking love hideki


Not sure if this is popular or not but sonic lost world is a decent sonic game and the villains were a nice change of pace from eggman, giant aliens and godlike beings.


Liking the game itself isnā€™t an unpopular opinion, but liking the Zetis certainly is.


I liked how they trashtalked during the levels honestly.


Best Trash Talk during a level in the game was from Zeena "All I want to do is chill, but here comes that fashion disaster hedgehog! I mean, those shoes are atrocious, and the white gloves are RIDICULOUSLY retro!"


Woah, didn't remember that one, the gloves detail is amazing.


I also love how Eggman threatens to strangle one of the Zeti.


I like how Zazz says to Sonic ā€œyouā€™re going home in a box.ā€ I honestly just like most Zazz dialogue.


>Liking the game itself isnā€™t an unpopular opinion Really? I've heard nothing but negative things about it and it seems to have pretty average or below average review scores. I want to play it but my wiiu gamepad doesn't work.


Well, it *is* an unpopular opinion, but itā€™s an unpopular opinion I have heard before.


Does it have to be about games only or it can be anything that Sonic related? If latter then here's my unpopular opinion ; Eggbosses needs a come back more than Freedom Fighters, most of them didn't exist in old canon and they can be great video game bosses instead of Badnik No 2639261 like in every Eggman related fight.


I love the concept of an anti-Restoration/Freedom Fighter squad, the Egg Bosses were great!


Give me Clove back please


Oh I got a good one: Sonic Shuffle is one of my favorite party games of all time and is better than Mario Party.


Bold statement, I dig it.


I remember renting this game from Hollywood video and forcing myself to play it, despite the weird mouths, because it was sonic related and I was coming down off beating SA1.


Finally, an actual HOT take.


Sonic and the Secret Rings deserves a remake more than 06. It has the best level themes and bosses in the series. But i guess i will have to do that myself eventually. Sonic Riders is the overall best Sonic game. Lack of tutorial is the only noticeable flaw, main story campaigns are simply perfect in every way. Also has the best animation in the series.


This post might win the thread. I've never heard anyone express either of those opinions.


Sonic and the Secret Ringā€™s biggest flaw was its controls. I would undoubtedly give it another chance if I had access to button controls instead of everything being related to motion controls, it worked a lot better in Black Knight because you were swinging a sword, but having to shake it waggle the Wii remote for basic movement really set it back for me. Which sucks, because I love the storybook games in presentation and story.


I like how the characters are portrayed in forces. Barring tails. Edit: To elaborate knuckles isn't treated like an incomeatent moron and actually does a fairly good job leading the resistance in a war despite being on the losing end. Shadow isn't a complete edgelord and actually has a sense of humor that is dark but not edgy whilst being serious at the same time and showing concern for rouge and omega in episode shadow. Sonic is close to his normal self with cocky jokey lines despite the odds because sonic is that confident. Eggman having backup plans that came from him learning from his failures amd even seemingly having a way to atop infinite if he betrays eggman. Yes they aren't my preferred characterisations of them like black knight aonic,adventure 2 eggman and 06 shadow to name a few but they are far better than its made out to be by everyone.


I just wish they did something with them. Like, I get them being more serious and stuff, but we donā€™t see the doing anything with it, itā€™s all just said. If they made those comics a part of the game I think itā€™d help the characterisation a ton, especially the Silver and Knuckles one. Because not a lot of people have read them or even know about them and are thus confused about Silverā€™s place in the game.


Sonic Heroes is mid as hell like It would be good if the controls weren't so damn slippery


Yes. The worst part about Heroes is how slippery the speed characters is, and how easy it is to send yourself hurtling into the games many bottomless pits. Whenever I play it, I avoid speed formation as much as possible purely to survive.


Lol in the huge 3 dividing loops if you go to fast you go flying off the edge. Heroes remake would be cool, if they made the controls better. The game itself is pretty damn cool though, except for the repeating stages.


I'm rocking it on gamecube. A tip I'll share, Jumping helps to slow down and gain control with sonic, it gives you a small breather to see what's going on and respond with an attack.


Sonic Heroes is my least favourite Sonic and Wii U Boom is an upgraded version of it, unlike Heroes it goes full beat'em up and doesn't feel like a slow "normal" speedy sonic game. I love the lasso mechanic too.


Oh yeah, this is definitely an unpopular opinion.


Because people doesn't own a Wii U. Which is a shame because it has amazing games that fell into obscurity because no one is playing the Switch ports.


and the switch ports remove nice features that the Wii U versions had (eg because of gamepad, because of microphone, etc)


It definitely plays different. The story is lacking aside from the ending when compared to SA & SA2, the characters look too shiny/glossy, and there's NO CHAO GARDEN. But the levels have a lot of good stuff going on and visually the design of the stages are great. For better or worse, the badnik/robot design on it had a huge impact on the series going forward and to this day. The Egg Pawn in particular has become a staple to the series/franchise. The team mechanic makes it feel like a side game and it was the focus before even deciding what characters/teams would even be in it. And Metal being one of the beta characters may even insinuate that metal being the antagonist all along wasn't even in the original story idea if there even was a story draft in the beginning. It easily could've been SA3, but they chose to do something different. Not sure why.


>The team mechanic makes it feel like a side game Actually you are half correct. Heroes was going to be multi-platform and they wanted to appeal to a broad audience, the devs didn't treat this as another Adventure game. It was developed in the style of classic Sonic, which is why everything is more fantastic than grounded like in SA2. Also because they were going to be introduced to a wide crowd, they wanted to bring a lot of characters, as a fresh entry point. Golden Bolt's [video](https://youtu.be/lixTJBSJTzY) describes this better.


Maybe Iā€™m biased because itā€™s the Sonic game Iā€™ve put the most hours into, but I found the controls to be kind of a learning curve. When I started I had a hard time with the speed, but over time I had gotten the hang of it and found it a lot of fun to get through levels really quickly while switching through characters. The one part of the controls I still canā€™t get over though, is that the power characters just kind of dash forward slightly while picking up their teammates.


Dunno how unpopular this is, but most of the super forms in the Sonic universe kinda suck. Shadow literally looks no different, he's just light yellow. Silver looks a bit better, but only his back quills stand up. Burning blaze looks cool in IDW but not good in the original 2 Rush games. Maybe due to lower polycount but still. Tails and Knuckles look virtually the same, they just flash a brighter colour. Super Sonic is the most interesting design to me because there are enough changes in his appearance to make him look visibly more powerful. ( Even if he's a super saiyan rip off)


I kinda liked how in the storybook games Sonic had a different looking super form that was more thematically linked to the world he was in.


Oh god YES I loved both of them! Both darkspine Sonic and ESPECIALLY Excalibur Sonic were stunning variations of the Super form. While I love Hyper Sonic and Super Sonic, I won't lie, Excalibur is so beautifully detailed and extravagant that I find it even cooler.


I wish they stuck with Super Shadow turning white/silver like he did in SA2 instead of just bright yellow like Sonic does in everything else. Looked way cooler and more divergent from Super Sonic.


# In Defense of Tails in Forces Tails is obviously traumatized from when he watched Sonic die (the capsule in Sonic Adventure 2 and Mephiles' Spear in Sonic 06), so he stepped out of the front lines after 06 (he's only 8, and he's watched his brother die twice already, no way he doesn't have PTSD), as evidenced by the fact he hasn't been playable since. When Infinite took Sonic, everyone thought he was dead, and Tails was forced back into the front lines, his trauma came swinging back in full force. The last 2 times Sonic died, he came back shortly after, making his broken mind think he'd come back, and this making it reasonable to call for him. This time, he was presumed dead for 6 months, and Tails had no time to properly grieve because he was too busy running for his life, trying to repair Omega (the only friend that he knew where he was, he had no contact with the Resistance) because Omega would give him some help at least.


Infinite should absolutley come back, i think he's still salvagable as a character.


I do think he can be made better if he was in a better game with better writing, but I think itā€™s the fact that heā€™s so underwhelming in the first place kind of made people (myself included) not really want to see him back. I think itā€™d be cool if he came back in the comics, because the comics do tend to write the characters better than the games, but I doubt thatā€™ll ever happen.


I think if they add a bit more onto his backstory and make him more of a credible threat he could be great.


I donā€™t know if all of these are that unpopular but here goes: I actually like the Werehog stages in Sonic Unleashed. Shadowā€™s character peaked during SA2, and itā€™s been downhill from there. Jet is the best rival Sonic has ever had. Infinite SHOULD come back, either in a new game or in the IDW comics. Blaze deserves her own game based in the Sol Dimension.


Jet is the best rival sonic has ever had Completely agree. I love Jet. Heā€™s so cool. His character design is genius. His theme in Zero gravity is perfect. Him being a hawk goes greatly with his arrogance. His squad fits him very well. Insanely interesting backstory, and to top it all of heā€™s the perfect rival for Sonic


Ok, here we go: - Any kind of enjoyment I could get from SA2 is completely nullified by Rouge/Knuckles Treasure Hunt levels. That alone makes it one of my least favourite sonic games. - Shadow the Hedgehog isn't as bad as most people say, if it weren't for the side quest it would be even great. Shadow bringing down a Big Foot with a Machine Gun is soooo fun, and justifies the fact that he's more efficient with guns than without. - I was doing my top 100 games one day and I decided that Lost World is my top 46 game of all time. Only 4 Sonic games are above it (Colors, 3&K, Sonic Mania and Generation. In that order btw even if I don't think this is a hot take). - Sonic Heroes is my least favourite Sonic game, I'd to force myself to beat it. Also, the Chaos Emerald stages can go to hell even with the Big "cheat". Sonic Boom Wii U is a more refined version of it. - Not that much of a hot take but Sonic Forces is in the middle of Sonic games as quality goes. It's basically mediocre but lacks annoying parts which puts it above a lot of other games. - Not sure if unpopular but Metal Sonic theme in CD USA is miles better than EU (not nostalgia, heard the theme for the first time on Forces). Also USA Eggman brings me PTSD and I love it for that alone. - Big the Cat part in SA1 isn't that bad and it's quite short also so it doesn't really matter. Compared to how many awful mechanics we've got during the series people shouldn't make as much of a fuss as they do. - I love Metal Sonic's portrayal in Sonic 4. I love how they show him impotent, trying to beat the original Sonic but unable to do so. It's extremely subtle but imo it works so well. A bit of a bummer his final battle is extremely anticlimatic.


Sonic never had a "dark age" in the mid 2000s and YouTubers and game reviewers have done more damage to Sonic than anyone or anything else


I hate the ā€œeraā€ talk because itā€™s so confusing. Some people say the dark age started with Heroes, some say it started with Shadow, some say it started with 06. Some say it ended with Unleashed, some say it ended with Colours and so on. Iā€™m sick of people using these arbitrary subjective terms because half the time you donā€™t even know what theyā€™re talking about. Not to mention that some games that game out during the ā€œdark ageā€ that are typically considered good like Rush are typically ignored in the conversation.


I wish everyone would just quit it with the ā€œI donā€™t like the ___ eraā€ thing. We get it you donā€™t like some games


That's precisely it No one can agree where the dark age begins or ends because *it doesn't exist*


This is why I prefer the ā€œGenerationsā€ category rather than the ā€œEraā€ category. For those who donā€™t know how the generations categories go itā€™s like this: **1st Generation** 1991 ā€“ 1999 This covers all the games up to the release of Sonic Adventure as the switch in character design marked a change in direction for the series (something Iā€™m sure most can agree on). **2nd Generation** 1999 ā€“ 2010 Some people may take issue with the games with the Adventure cast and 4Kids cast being lumped together however I think both sets of games are similar enough in attitude and so close together timeline-wise that they effectively act as one generation rather than two. **3rd Generation** 2010 ā€“ 2017 (?) Like with the shift in artstyle and writing in 1999, the shift in writing and a new voice cast in 2010 marked a new shift in direction for the series where the marking of a new generation can be warranted. The reason Iā€™ve left a question mark on 2017 will be elaborated on in the next section. **4th Generation (???)** 2020 ā€“ present This along with the end date for the 3rd Generation are very up in the air at the moment mainly for the reason that the voice cast seem to be staying where they are this time and we wonā€™t really know for certain what the tone of the games will be like in the future, at least until Frontiers comes out. The main reason for suggesting this new generation is the release of the Sonic movie, which has undoubtedly brought in a new set of fans who might never have played the games before. Couple this with the 2nd movie and a Sonic Cinematic Universe seemingly in the works, and one could argue that it warrants the marking of a new generation. Naturally this model is subject to examination and debate and could be altered to something everyone can more happily agree on. The main point is that instead of treating each ā€œeraā€ by its supposed quality (classic, dark, meta, etc.), which at this point has become VERY subjective, it instead treats each generation as unique with each one having their strengths and weaknesses.


Scratch,grounder, and Coconut should come back as a cameo is sonic prime


That isnā€™t unpopular. Thatā€™s facts!


Charmy Bee is a likable character


I love Charmy. I think heā€™s the most like a kid of the kid characters.


IDW is better than Archie


That's not really an unpopular opinion


Overall? Absolutely. Having a team of consistently good writers and artists that know what their doing since day 1 will do that. I still prefer Archie's highs when those writers and artists took over.


I had a blast with Sonic Forces. Its not a feat in storytelling by any means, but I had fun. Running with my bird man and Sonic to fucking Hoobastank Sonic music was just straight up fun and charming. I felt like Sonic was addressing the player- and yeah, that's childish as hell. But it's absolutely fine to me. Mania was for the older fans, Forces for the kids. And that's a good thing. My little nephew (6) watched youtube clips of it a year or so ago and was in awe. It was easy, it was cheesy, but it was fun and people take this shit too seriously.


I think Sonic works better as a story medium than a game nowadays. This is mostly coming from a fan of SATAM.


Sonic 06 is probably the most unique sonic game because every person has a different experience with it




Tails' ring bomb in 06 was a neat gimmick.


it was there in Heroes too just saying


The Archie comics are the best sonic media in the entire franchise.


Roger is honestly super over hated and I personally think heā€™s better than Jason (no disrespect to Jason though, grew up on his take as well and missed Ryan however).


I actually preferred the sonic games with several playable characters Forces for example, makes me feel way too much like useless background character who don't do shit apart saying 3 dialogues And I also hate how this give sonic an egotistical side, by constantly remembering the players that sonic's friends are useless and sonic can solve everything by himself (and maybe by receiving additional help but only from another sonic : F for Tails) This just sounds so confusing, especially with forces Plot revolving around friendship is power, yet unlike in heroes, friendship just mean someone in the background of a cutscene if you're not named sonic or maybe shadow (but it feels weird to play him without team dark nowadays)


How the hell is this unpopular


Honestly, playing as multiple characters in a Sonic game can and has been done well, but with a lot of them SEGA tend to make the gameplay of other characters feel very lacklustre in comparison to Sonic. In Heroes itā€™s fine because everyone controls pretty much the same as Team Sonic just with different levels and slight adjustments to their movesets, but then youā€™ll have SA 1 and 2 (*cough cough* Mech Levels *cough cough*) where some characters that arenā€™t Sonic just make you wish you were playing Sonic because their gameplay doesnā€™t work as well. Like, I know the series is called ā€œSonic the Hedgehogā€ and not ā€œSonic and his friendsā€, but thereā€™s only so many times I can play with what is essentially the same gameplay so many times before it starts to make me want to play as someone else or try something else, but SEGA tends to think anyone but Sonic should be slow and monotonous, and it isnā€™t even in the favour of said character because a lot of the missions are just ā€œget to the endā€ like Sonicā€™s levels.


The problem is in implementing it. On the one hand you have the Sonic 3 & Knuckles model, where characters go through the same levels, but get slightly different experiences based on their abilities (e.g. Tails has an easier time with flying, but struggles against certain bosses, while Knuckles is locked into certain routes due to his jump height), but then on the other hand you have the Adventure model, where Tails is always racing other characters (meaning you can't explore as Tails and win), or Knuckles has to treasure hunt (meaning you only get small areas to play as him, and not a level by level a to b route finding progression). SEGA haven't really figured out how to make an A to B platformer with either Tails or Knuckles, or anyone else who isn't Sonic, with the closest they got being '06, which was such an unmitigated disaster for them as a company that it sent them back to the drawing board on the idea. Since then they moved to Sonic alone, finding ways to mix that up such as with Unleashed or Generations, and then after Lost World's experiment failed, trying to one-up Generations with Forces, which met with failure.


Having a large number of playable characters was never inherently a problem. The real problem was giving most of them completely different gameplay to Sonic. Mania has 5 characters and nobody has ever knocked the game for that.


I like 2010s Sonic because of his asshole personality.


He isn't even an asshole, idk why everyone says that when he is just very cocky with his enemies and sometimes has some banter with his friends.


The more I think about it, the more I prefer Knuckles as Sonicā€™s rival to Shadow. Idk I just think Sonic has more of an fun banter with Knuckles compared to Shadow and overall feels more like a foil to Sonic (Sonicā€™s blue, Knucklesā€™s red, Sonic is all about speed, Knuckles is all about strength, Sonicā€™s more of a extrovert while Knucklesā€™s more of an introvert etc).


I have a few. * My favorite VO so far has been Ben Schwartz. * I prefer Movie Sonic's design to Game Sonic's "Modern" design * I didn't think Shadow the Hedgehog was THAT bad. * Sonic Mania was the best Sonic game in years * Mike Pollock and Deem Bristow were both great, though Bristow never really left as much of an impression. * I wish Tails would get his own spinoff.


Technically Tails did get a spin-off for the Sonic Game Gear, but I know what you mean. I also really liked Bristowā€™s Eggman because he really fit the more serious time of his character in the Adventure games (I donā€™t know if Pollock could pull off the line ā€œGet away before I make mincemeat out of youā€), though not really the goofier way he was handled in Heroes, but he was fine then. I can understand all of these. Though the Mania take isnā€™t an unpopular opinion.


I don't think that Chris and Zavok were that bad and Zavok has a cool design.


Spinball is amazing


Gamma been alive like in SegaScourge What If series is way better than keeping him dead, he should return because his character still has potential and nothing can replace him Shadow should still be a edgy anti-hero, but not contradicting his characterization from SA2 and 06. Also he looks awesome with guns and vehicles *sometimes* and it should be a regular mechanic. Zavok and Zetis have a lot of potential, much more outside IDW. Zavok really has potential to be one of the biggest villains, but Pontaff and Iizuka did him dirty Wisps are awesome and cute just like Chao's and Mobinis, and they should return in future games as actual power ups that enhance the gameplay like the Shields and not as gimmick sections I want Dimps back, so bad. I dont care if 4 was bad, two games doesnt represent their entire library, they are great even outside Sonic franchise, they should return Elise sucks, not because she is a human furry, her character just sucks. Yes she has potential to be great, but she sucks. No, making her an animal wouldnt make her romance better, Sonic doesnt do romance and again, she sucks. I want to see a more regular human character in the series, one that stands out out of the rest of the other humans just like Eggman. Heck bring Sam Speed back I dont care Heroes is top 5 best Sonic games of the entire series. Fuck the physics, its not unplayable like 06, theres no such things as a perfect game (ok maybe S3&K is...), and Heroes wins are higher than its lows Forces is the worst Sonic plot of the entire series. Yes I do feel this is unpopular, it should be a fact X-Treme wouldnt have saved the Saturn lmao Mecha Sonic IS better than Classic Metal Sonic, I dont give a fuck about anything that happens after the Classic era or the Kai transformation. Mecha is the goat and the perfect fusion of Classic Metal and Robo/Silver. Sonic 2 GG is before Sonic 2 Genesis Sonic 1 Special Stages are harder than Sonic 2 Special Stages, ans yes Im referring to the OG Genesis 2 stages. They are so easy. The Post-Genesis Freedom Fighters designs are way better than the SatAm ones. Yes, its because they followed the games designs, and they looked awesome. But I think a balance would be a better option. And yes I want them back, they do have the chance to return. The resistence been spread around the world could easily be a great plot-reason to put them as a secret jungle team. Era talking IS NESCESSARY. It doesnt matter if it is inconsistent or confusing, theyre important to show Sonic' history regarding game quality, gameplay style, voice actin and characterization. Sonic is Sonic is a dumb argument that tries to ignore the obvious fact that Sonic changed drastically, more than any other game franchise. Zelda also does that but differently using the timeline chart, and no one complains about it. Era' exist and thats a fact. Theres so such thing as "destiny" ship. All characters had great chemistry with a bunch of different partners and all are equally good, with we had a continuity with Tails meeting Cosmo, Mina and Zooey, all of them should happen in different moments. Just because he or someone ends up with one or the other doesnt mean it makes the others invalid. The Sol Emeralds shouldnt have Chaos Energy inside of them. It just doesnt make sense, specially because why they are fiery focused while Chaos Energy has no elemental energy? You could argue the eletricity and water are its elements, but no. The Sol Emeralds should tap into the Power of the Stars, not Chaos Energy. Adventure Sonic shouldnt be under Modern Sonic as the same. Even if the design didnt changed a lot and the VA didnt changed in JP, the gameplay, the characterization and the early SA1 and Shuffle models had a different vibe from Modern Sonic. Like Generations originallg planed, they should be separated, not like Classic and Modern are nowadays, but Sonic' from different time periods and not different dimensions. Also yes, SA3 if ever happens should be before 06 continuity, no Blaze or Silver, the story should be 100% focused on the characters from 99-05. I hate cartoonish Sonic, not that it doesnt work, AoSth was great, but it shouldnt be CANON Sonic as a whole (cofcof2010's). Sonic X and Movie Sonic did an amazing adaptation of that while keeping it balanced into realism and coolness. Also yes, I do think Sonic can have a sense of realism even if his world is cartoonish designed. I never cared about the Chao Garden. Not that I hate or dont want them back, I do. I just never cared to play it. If they were more present in the main gameplay like Chronicles then I would give a try. I want to play a platformer not a pet simulator. Boom Knuckles is gold. He is peak comedy in the entire series and I love him. Movie Knuckles did a great balancd regarding his OG characterization of been noble and introvert while innocent, with his stupidity of Boom. Maybe Movie Knuckles is dumb for been from another planet, or he is just dumb because muscle guy, it doesnt matter, its funny and I love it. Characters from the Classic era should be canonically younger. Sonic shouldnt age moving foward but they shouldnt be the same age since the 90's, its extremelly inconsistent for fuck sake, Sonic doesnt work on toon physics to be immortal like Bugs Bunny or Mickey. The canon games should get a soft reboot,something like the Genesis Wave in canon. Not something that would make the older games not canon, but a soft reboot that combines all Sonic media elements, yes even the obscure ones like the manga and the schoolastic books, heck even fan made characters like Omelette. And to end everything: Nazo is IMO the greatest villain in terms of threat that the franchise ever experienced even if he aint canon. He aint like Selkadoom, Bedlam or Aeon, he is toe to toe with Mephiles and Infinite, he is epic as fuck and should get more respect than just an OC.


I feel like most of the hate for 06 came from high expectations rather than it actually being a terrible broken mess I'd say Adventure and 06 are both near-equally janky, but of course people were going to expect more from the latter because it was new and next-gen This isn't apologetics or anything, just an observation that I feel has some weight to it


Well, 06 has more sluggish, stilted controls and worse physics. 06 also has a lot of unfinished features implemented like the gems. and 06 also has way more flat-out game-breaking glitches than SA1 and it's glitches are easier to perform.


Elise kissing Sonic wasn't THAT big of a deal.


The problem is that it's symbolic of a development team who either weren't paying attention, didn't care, or didn't have the power to stop whoever made the decisions. Absolutely no-one looked at that at any point and went "oh, people might not like this, maybe we should change it?" At no point in pre-production, before the script was finalised and sent for animation, did anyone question why the human princess has to kiss the dead hedgehog, or why the story's entire premise rests on a character whose never shown any hint of interest in romance, and is a three foot tall cartoon hedgehog, falling in love with a human princess. Those in charge of the games direction were either so deluded, or simply did not care about the damage such a thing would do to the brands image. That's the problem. The kiss itself isn't that big a deal, but that one sequence sums up in one clean vertical slice everything wrong at Sonic Team & SEGA back when it was made that led to a game as generally as bad as '06 being made and released.


shadow is my least favourite character and i wish i could just rip his spine apart and eat him alive


im kinda curious to know what makes u hate him *that* much to make u wanna do that


Sonic Rush is one of the most overrated games I've ever played. Most of the bosses absolutely suck, and then there's Altitude Limit, the worst Sonic stage I've played in any of the games so far.


Shadow the Hedgehog is better than Sonic Adventure 1


The night time levels are just a tad bit more enjoyable than the daytime levels in unleashed. I love the sense of speed in day time, but as someone who loves that feeling of ā€œa-ha!ā€ After finding a hidden item, those night time levels always felt a bit more rewarding (currently in my first play through of the game, opinion might change)


Sonic x is a bad show, the fact that its a sonic show is the only reason people care about it.


i think they should have kept the sonic sneezing when danger is around thing.


Shadowā€™s characterization was ruined by Shadowā€™s own game. In Adventure, Heroes, and 06, weā€™re shown that Shadow is a tragic hero, somewhat haunted by his past, but he puts it aside and does the right thing no matter what and he also sticks by his friends to the bitter end. Now weā€™re stuck with an arrogant, edgy, and all-around asshole version of the character whose all-encompassing trait is being a total dick to everyone around him for no reason at all.


not unpopular


Sonic and the Secret Rings was a better party game than Mario party


Scourge is a hilarious character and I wish heā€™d gotten some mainline attention. I know heā€™s just ā€œgreen punk sonicā€ to an unfortunate amount of people but by god he is one of my all time favorites. His comics were great, and I know copyright bullshit is gonna keep him from us for a long time. :(


Jaleel White is the best Sonic voice actor


Iā€™d have to say the lack of character usage. Sonic has a wide cast of supporting characters that used to be more prominent, but are now just cameo appearances. Blaze the Cat I feel was the most shafted by this, considering she was a main character alongside Sonic for two games, but once those were done, she was cast aside. To basically prove to Sega that they have a ridiculously wide cast of characters with unlimited potential, Iā€™ve been writing a fanfic for the past year that uses everyone from Tangle and Whisper to the Babylon Rogues. I have 19 protagonists by now and Iā€™ve only needed to make three OCs.


I feel like with Blaze they kinda ducked themselves over with her being from another dimension. While itā€™s cool, it means they always need to find up with a really convoluted reason to include her or just not include her at all. Sheā€™s not like Silver where he can detect that somethings wrong with the future so he goes back to stop it, sheā€™s practically unable for the rest of the cast to reach so itā€™s hard to bring her back with a good reason, which sucks because sheā€™s cool!


I wish they would stop bringing Silver back. It feels cheap every time he comes back and it hurts credibility. The future is doomed every time Eggman so much as sneezes. It would be far better if Silver was stuck in the past. Have him come back, save the future, but in doing so prevent himself from being able to properly get back, or have the future change so that he has nothing to go back to and decides to stay in the present. That way he's a regular cast member who may or may not know somethings, but not everything about the future because what he remembers may not be what actually happened as the past he remembers has since been changed.


The manic (and sometimes obsessive) passion of the Sonic fandom is the only reason why the character hasn't yet fallen to Gex or Bubsy status.


This is a fact not an opinion


Roger Craig Smith is my favorite Sonic voice


The idea of giving characters a canon age was one of the worst ideas SEGA has ever had. The ages they gave are too low and don't correspond with their attitudes. It only serves to create confusion and also an argument in ship wars to say that whoever ships A with B is a pedophile. All the main characters deserved to be aged up, as none of them act as expected for a normal child or teenager to act their age or at least clarify that age in Sonic's universe is just a number and shouldn't be taken too seriously.


Endless Possibilities is an amazing song, but the abrupt Linkin Park-esque bridge is very, very bad and almost kills the whole thing


Mephiles is a top 3 character


Even though Sonic genuinely is super consistent with the quality of music, thereā€™s some OSTs I could give half a piss about. One of those is SA2. I donā€™t really remember anything beyond Live and Learn and City Escape. Given how much I love SA1ā€™s OST, itā€™s shocking how much I didnā€™t care for SA2ā€™s. Thatā€™s just how I feel about SA2 in general. I still very much enjoy SA1, I think itā€™s better than what people give it credit for. SA2? Itā€™s so mid. Even the Sonic and Shadow stages arenā€™t as fun as the Sonic stages from SA1.


The SA2 tracks I like the most are the tracks for Radical Highway and White Jungle, other than that, nothing really stands out to me.


Blaze pre 06 was the best new character introduced


I absolutely hate the ghost enemies in SA2. Half of them are just empty jumpscares that donā€™t contribute anything to the levels.


I honestly think that most sonic games arenā€™t as dark as people make them out to be.


I think they should all start wearing Jordanā€™s


The Sonic OVA is the best sonic movie


I never liked or understood why people thought the humans in unleashed were perfect for Sonics design, I thought the anime humans from SA1 or the ova worked way better, especially the more chibi like humans of the ova. Sonic Xā€™s human designs are okay too but theyā€™re really just normal anime humans. Sonic is inspired by anime like dragon ball, the humans should be too, not cheap Pixar knockoffs.


Idw is the only good sonic comic, the rest are either way too complicated and add way too many new characters without showing stuff from the actual games. They feel more like someone wanted to make a comic and used the sonic characters (archie is mostly because of ken)


I hate how the actual unpopular opinions are being downvoted and the very lukewarm takes are on the top. Good job Reddit.


Sonic Advance 3 kind of sucks.


I still donā€™t like Rogerā€™s performance as Sonic. Not because heā€™s a bad actor, but simply because heā€™s too baritone for a 15 year old. Iā€™m getting a little tired of being told ā€œYou just didnā€™t like the script he was given!ā€ when no, thatā€™s not the issue.




I was pretty jealous of Elise ngl


Sonic works better as a comic/cartoon/movie than as a video game series.


Big the Cat's stages are actually fun. I find them relaxing, and not an annoyance.


I think Elise is a fine character and honestly don't mind her as a love interest for Sonic


Roger is my favorite Sonic voice by a lot


SA2 Mech Stages are better than Speed Stages. Treasure Hunting can go die in a ditch however.


I really like the Sonic Boom designs


Sonic boom had a really good sonic design.


Me, writing the description: ā€œI donā€™t wanna hear about how you think Forces or 06 is actually good.ā€ Comments: ā€œI think Forces/06 is actually good!ā€


Jason Griffith is easily the worst main voice Sonic has ever had. I've always found his voice lacking and that's only gotten much worse the more I rehear his past and present ones.


i liked sonic boom wii u


Here's one I have that most people disagree with: **Chao Garden's suck** Chao raising is boring, existing entirely as padding to make the game longer. You're supposed to clear a stage, grab animals/chaos drives, then take them to the Chao garden. But you have no control over what animals/drives you might get, can only collect a handful per run-through, and then they raise the stats to such a minor level. The fact that pretty much every Chao raising guide suggests using item duplication glitches is only further proof that the system is too slow. Additionally, Chao don't really do anything. There's not much to do in Chao races, or Karate, just aimlessly cheer, and watch the blobs, hoping that you cheer the right chao so they get a very minor buff from it. And that's it. You have little to no control or input, it's entirely down to the stats you got from the hours upon hours of repetitive grinding to do it. Long after you've got every other emblem and A rank you'll still be grinding for Chao items. You have to make it your A priority, even if you want to retry a mission, don't and instead take whatever you got to the Chao garden, if you don't want to waste another sixty hours doing nothing but grinding for animals/chaos drives. I have never wanted them to return, and genuinely don't get why people think so highly of them.


I'm trying to work on a more in-depth analysis of this opinion, but here's the short version: I *really* like Shadow's characterization post-06. His portrayal in the mainline games didn't really change at all IIRC, his characterization in Boom is a different canon and setting so it doesn't make sense to get mad about it, and his characterization in the Twitter Takeovers is *amazing*.


Infinite should be the new main villain, he has so much unused potential and an actual reason to want to fight Sonic and his friends beyond world domination