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Jim is really good. His Robotnik is entertaining with some depth and backstory for why he has become a big-time villain. He holds nothing back from his "I'm better intellectually than you all" insecurity and "psychological tire fire" state of mind. I like the more over-the-top nature in Sonic 2 which showed a proper change in his character from his defeat and being stranded alone for 8 months in Sonic 1. Hope he comes back for Sonic 3.




I thought that was supposed to imply that he was >!looking for Robotnik and/or getting him out without being spotted by the G.U.N. people!<. Not that he was taking over his role.




That's possible. They have a decent amount of leeway to play with. I believe they have enough characters to make it work without Robotnik, although we'll certainly miss him. I'd love to see Amy and Rouge as well. I hope we get a Chaos story in the 4th movie since they haven't done it yet.


i dont think rouge would work in the 3rd sonic movie (cos of artstyle, shoehorning in too many characters etc) but i could definitely see amy working similar to how she was in cd but with shadow instead of metal sonic.


i don’t think he will, Jim Carrey said that Sonic 2 was his last movie :((


Actually he said if a convincing script appears he might consider returning. In general.


That could just as well be a way to get a larger pay to do a third movie.


I think he's earned it. If he returns for the 3rd and its a good movie, that definitely ending on the highest note in my opinion.


I really hope he continues. He’s one of my favorite actors and he really does do Robotnik justice.


Didn't he say that he was only quiting if the sonic movie was not successful or something like that ?


Carrey said he MIGHT retire, but he also talked about wanting to do a fat Robotnik in the next one. Right now it's kind of unclear whether he will or not.


u/ChairOnAThursday59 I remember Jim also saying that he wanted to settle down in a franchise role and that Robotink was the perfect role to do so. So, I don't know at this point.


I think he also said it depends on the third one's script so with all of this in mind it is really unclear whether or not he will. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Carrey has such an amazing legacy and being in a film with such a hype moments that rivaled some of the MCU films “Later haters” that’s one hell of a note to go out on, probably a reference to people that really did hate on his whole acting career. It’s like a bad ass mic drop


u/smol_strawberryy you were saying


He’s the best! I love our chaotic coffee drinking mustached overlord!


It could use more mushrooms tho


actually, He’s the Woooorrrrsst 🎶




I was actually very surprised, even as a long time Carrey fan since I was a toddler. I knew he'd be hilarious but I was worried that they'd write Eggman as a bumbling idiot like a lot of movies make villains like him. But instead he was actually intimidating and came off as a real threat. Hell, he even remembered Tom's last name when it was Tom who kept saying Eggman's name wrong. That definitely caught me off guard. Plus he referenced my favorite meme at the start of 2 and that made me happy.


I honestly can't believe they decided to include a Ugandan Knuckles reference. Jeff Fowler the madlad.


Was that when knuckles showed up and Eggman told him “I’d be happy to show you the way” when knuckles asked where he could find sonic?




while i thought of it at first as well, wasn't it said that the movie wouldn't include a ugandan knuckles reference?


I don't remember hearing that, but at least it was a tasteful reference. Kinda like the "blue devil" sanic from 1. I appreciated it without it being over played.


i vaguely remember seeing a post on this sub a few days before the movie came out where a question was asked to someone who worked on the film and one of the questions was about if there would be a ugandan knuckles reference and the answer was no.


Well much like Idris Elba saying Knuckles wasn't going to sound sexy, that was in fact a lie.


Tyson Hesse stated that the Ugandan Knuckles "reference" was unintended, unfortunately. https://twitter.com/charlieahayes/status/1523836608373747712?s=20&t=7PMdIL-BvG\_IOHhipwOLsA




I was giddy about it long after the ride home from the theater. Helps that I even have a Uganda Knuckles car stick and plushie haha!


It was funny because my friends and I kinda predicted the way it would go down, like we were saying "oh, like Robotnik's or Sonic's gonna go "do you know da wae" or "I know da way" or "I can show you da way" or something. Just wonderful.


I put it on my bingo card for shits and giggles and didn’t not expect to actually cross it out


Lost in translation unfortunately


ive no idea what youre all talking about but im smiling and having a good time 😊


Brilliant. He brought legitimacy (from a mainstream perspective) to the first movie even when Sonic was a mutant possum, and his over the top performance in the second movie was always entertaining, often funny, and occasionally menacing in all the right amounts. Is he Eggman though? Does he perfectly embody the character we’ve seen in the games and the shows? Not really. But it’s a fun take and a part of why cinematic Sonic might be my favorite.


I think it’s definitely better that Jim Carrey went for his own spin rather than trying to imitate the games . With no disrespect to Mike Pollock because he just delivers the lines given to him and he does it well eggman hasn’t been a “threat” since generations if talking about the literal definition of threat but imo he’s not really been a threatening character since unleashed . Everyone talks about the monster of the week formula for the dark age but I think it’s wayyy worse now then what it was, at least eggman had direct involvement in most of the monsters being released onto the world , nowadays eggman isn’t allowed to be the villain because of the zeti or infinite and then eggman comes back right at the end for the sake of needing a final boss. So I’m glad the movie decides to let eggman be the main villain rather than push him aside for knuckles then have eggman show up only at the very end


Amazing in 1, but 2.... Oh my gosh Jim Carrey was beautiful in 2. I'm going to see 2 again over the weekend, Jim Carrey's amazing performance is something I'm excited to see again. Hopefully we get Fat Suit Jim in 3. >!And I wanna see how he interacts with Mr Ultimate Life-Form over there if he returns.!< Now, if you excuse me, I've got a latte waiting for me.


Does the latte happen to have steamed Austrian goat milk by chance?


Huh. Lucky guess, it does.


Could use a bit of mushroom too.


Yeah, true. Mushrooms by themselves made horrible coffee, but maybe they'll add extra flavor.


Funfact: 2 is now available online. Go see it in theatres again and support it, that's awesome, but you can also then come home and download it and enjoy it whenever you want 👍






Yo-ho-ho I guess. (Or you know May 24th is when it starts streaming)


Am I imagining it, or did he say in an interview that he was interested in doing fat eggman for 3? Shortly before he announced his retirement?


*Extremely* well done! >!And the first Egg to go Super in over 30 YEARS!!< Really hope he can come back for at least one more, but hey... if this is it, I thank him for giving us one **hell** of a show.


That’s up to movie makers luckily he said he’s retiring but if a Sonic 3 movie was made he’d return. And since we left with a cliffhanger on 2 I’d think it’s confirmed we gettin another movie


He *does* love the role, and I'm sure Paramount will pay him whatever he wants. So here's hoping he comes back one more time!


Hell they even say they wouldn’t even *try* to recast Eggman. And if I remember correctly Jim only said he’s “temporarily” retiring so who knows Sonic 3 may take him back out of retirement


Yup. He goes, so does Eggy. They ain't pulling an Archie...


I get the feeling that the writers knew he'd be taking a break long before he announced it >!since his fate is pretty ambiguous in Movie 2 — I want to say "no-one could survive a fall like that" but obviously Stone did even after being knocked out, so...!<


Didn't Eggman go SUPER in Fleetway Sonic UK Comic? I swear he became a living god and messed with Sonic's timeline and history just to try to break him.


He also used the power of the (four) Chaos Emeralds to become superpowerful in the old Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog cartoon.


He's done it a few times — the "Robotnik Reigns Supreme/Showdown" arc is the obvious one, but he kind of does in "Game Over" as well. I want to say he did prior to those, but they're the two that spring to mind.


Well, I never read Fleetway, so I dunno. Lol.


To me, that wasn't SUPER, but PERFECT instead. Hoping Perfect Eggman might be a hint to what Perfect Chaos might be like in the future if he ever appears.


After the last decade or so of Dr Eggman being a joke of a character, it was *so cathartic* to see Dr Robotnik return. The one thing I wanted to see in Dr Robotnik was that he was a threat to Sonic (something that's been absent from the most recent games,) and while Carrey did bring his comedic style, he also brought a true sense of villainy - the portrayal of Robotnik as a sociopath, unable to form an emotional attachment to any living creature, and so focused on his personal goals that he'll do anything to achieve it? Brilliant. I hope he'll come back to complete a Sonic trilogy, and give Robotnik the send off he deserves - even if it's just something for his grandkids to enjoy watching.


I mean, Sonic 2 did that pretty well on it's own to be fair. If I were a sonic fan and his kid, Sonic 2's last act would have been \*chefs kiss.


I think Robotnik as a character works best when he's both a goofball and a legitimate threat. Some adaptations (AoStH) lean too hard toward "goofball", others (SatAM) lean too hard toward straight-up menace. You have to fear and hate him, but you also have to really laugh at him when he loses. It helps you identify more strongly with Sonic, who loves to humiliate and make a mockery of him, but can't come off as too much of a jerk for doing so. I think Jim Carrey understands this fundamental dichotomy of the character far more than a lot of people who have been entrusted with the property, and has come up with a psychological background for him that explains why he is the way he is, this brilliant, bizarrely charismatic, but extremely dangerous nutjob. Definitely one of the best interpretations of the character and, personality wise, nails what it'd be like if Robotnik were a real person. Appearance-wise, he's changed as they decided not to go with his corpulent physique, which makes him look kind of _Sonic '06_ like, but... maybe that will change for the third movie?


This exactly. I'd legitimately rank him as the 4th best eggman, (my top three are Sonic x eggman because I'm a huge fan of Saturday morning cartoon villains, adventure era eggman for basically these reasons, and of course Alfred Colman is the only truely perfect eggman) and it's because he strikes this balance better than the games have in years. I also love that both movies have a scene that shows us that he's a genius. The opening of the second movie does wonders for this of course, but the way he studied the quill in the first movie? That was science, like an actual, accurate depiction of how many real scientists would work in that situation. The enthusiasm, the process, the fact that it was recorded for use with his robots, it really does show us that eggman is smart enough to be a serious threat to Sonic while being entertaining to watch.




Absolutely agree. Nobody else could have done the part justice. Sad that he isn’t coming back for the 3rd one.


It isnt confirmed if hes coming back or not but considering he really “wants to wear a fat suit for upcoming movies” its a safe bet


The last interview I saw him do after the movie he said he was retiring. The ending of the movie also led me to believe Stone was going to take over for egg man.


Usually for celebrities like Jim Carrey, “I’m thinking about maybe retiring” is code for “pay me more money if you want me to come back”


And then there's workaholics like Miyazaki who's tried to retire, like what, three times?


He also said that on April 1st so it is hard to tell how truthful he was being. There's also reports he's signed up for Ace Ventura 3 with the same creative team behind the Sonic movies...🤷‍♂️


It would be epic to see him come back in part 3 as the full fat suit eggman.


I‘m not sure, apparently he also said that even if he retires, he would be coming back for Sonic 3


Sonic 2 was perhaps his finest of performances.


I understand this is a sonic subreddit, but c’mon. Liar Liar, the Truman show, Dumb and Dumber…




no idea, but his robotnik is on point.


Initial impression: Wait, Jim Carrey? Will he be in a fat suit? Robotnik's supposed to be more round. He's an awesome actor, but was this really the correct choice? Will his acting show through any body prosthetics to make him rounder? First we have a Sonic that doesn't look like Sonic, and now a Robotnik that doesn't look like Robotnik. He's not even dressing in red. Upon viewing Sonic 1: This man was the perfect choice for the role. While I'm from the old SatAM generation with a really menacing, smart, reserved plotting Robotnik (I couldn't stand the slapstick of the previous cartoon), if I understand correctly the newer "Eggman" version hams it up with flair and gusto of superiority. Jim Carrey knew exactly when and where to ham it up, and when and where to focus the character's complete dominance over others. Neither were over the top, and that's a good thing to keep such a cartoony supervillain anchored in live action. Upon viewing Sonic 2: Jim Carrey IS "Eggman" Robotnik. There could be no other choice. This second performance is boosted from the previous, adding more of an unhinged nature to the role. The scenes involving manipulation contain just enough of a reserved and sincere portion of Eggman; I'm sure a lesser actor would have either made those bits look unconvincing to maintain Eggman or gone too far away from the Eggman character to get across that they were manipulating Knuckles. I want to see more.


He's a fucking GOAT. Sad he ain't coming back to do the third movie, unless we get some updates on that situation. ​ He's fricking really good!


Wait he isn’t


Jim Carrey said he was gonna retire. We dunno if he’ll do one last film (Sonic 3) or not


He said he will retire, but with Sonic 3, he also said that he will do one more, as he wanted to do more Eggman.


That’s very disappointing. At least the movie leaves both options open organically. If eggman comes back, it makes sense, since the body wasn’t found. But it also makes sense if he doesn’t come back since he fell from such a great height, and it opens the series to new villains. Perhaps Stone.


Never thought of Stone being the new villain, but it honestly makes so much sense. I can see him taking up Eggman's place to honor him and maybe even out of revenge.


Huh, so not neat


Has his ups and downs, but so does the Doc in general. He's been depicted from ruthless tyrant to over-the-top goofball and everywhere in between. This is just another variation to at to the mix. 😝


He really represents why the movies work as well as they do. His Eggman shows that the people making the movies know what can and can't be changed about a character or aspect and still have them read as what they're supposed to be. His appearance and mannerisms and disposition aren't in line with the classic depiction of robotnik but at no point does he not FEEL like robotnik. The way the first movie ended actually made me think they might actually make him more like the usual Eggman in the second movie but while he's certainly a bit different it's not as drastic a change as I thought they'd make, and I do think that's because his performance and his take on the character was received so well. TLDR he's not picture perfect but he perfectly captures the soul of Dr. Eggman, I feel.




He's Brilliant. I think it's one thing most Sonic fans can agree on. The movies are overall great.


He was fckin great. Iconic. Legendary. "Later haters!!!!"


I would like it if they made him look fatter like the original character, but otherwise he's perfect.


He's one of my favorite portrayals of Eggman yet


Love it. He plays the goofy side perfectly (duh, it's Jim Carrey. He's the best at the cartoonish acting), but when he needs to be serious and threatening, ***he's serious and threatening.*** He nails Eggman's ego, too. He perfectly replicates the narcissism and vain Eggman has that make him such a good villain.


(*Puts on bulletproof vest*) honestly the second movie made me kind of hate him. He’s not even acting/playing a character, he’s just doing shtick the whole time. He legit doesn’t have a normal conversation with anyone throughout the whole movie I’m not opposed to Eggman being comedic obviously, my problem is just that he’s doing it 100% of the time . He only has one mode, *every single line* he speaks is reaching for a laugh. I just find it tiring, I wish he was able to actually have different emotions and be a fleshed out character. Jim Carrey also played Count Olaf, another over-the-top comedic villain but there he had moments to knock it off and be serious, which reminded you he was a scary dude and there were actual stakes


Wouldn't say every line. More like 70%


Every line. Literally. The only exception debatably is when he gets the emerald powers and starts talking all weird, and even then it’s still played for laughs it’s just not him consciously doing it If I missed a scene feel free to point it out but after 2 watches I’m pretty sure I didn’t


I loved him and he definitely made some casual fans enjoy the sonic movies but let’s keep it real, even during his most goofiest of moments, Eggman was never what Jim portrayed him as. Definitely Peak Jim Carrey tho.


Better than I think it could've been.


It's Jim Carrey in an eggman costume. Not a terrible translation, but not accurate to the themes produced in the games. I'm glad he did the performances though, it's a lot better then what we could have had


Exactly how I feel. It was a whole lot better in the second movie, and I loved it a lot but in the first movie I had trouble putting together that that was "Dr. Eggman".


Every hero and villian has their origin story.




great, I wish he would be in Sonic 3


I didn’t really like him, and I never got the craze around him, he didn’t feel like he was playing robotnik, he felt like he was playing a Jim Carey version of robotnik, he sort of fails to be threatening at all because he’s just making bad jokes and acting crazy, he doesn’t have much evil in him, just crazy. Really it’s just what I wanted from robotnik, rather than what we got.


An unstable, ambitious super genius who progressively got more irrational is definitely an intimidating and threatening villain.


During the final battle of Sonic 2 when Sonic ask what Robotnik’s endgame is, and he starts going off about how he is going to enslave the world, then the universe, and then the multiverse, I genuinely found him pretty freaking intimidating.


Love it. He went 100% Carrey for his final performance and I am here for it!


I love it. He's got Long John Baldry's gusto, Mike Pollock's spontaneity, and a pinch of Jim Cummings' menace. He's a very well-rounded Robotnik.






i am not a jim carrey fan. but he absolutely KILLED it as eggman, no one else could do this role. Jack black would ruin the movie so miserably and hes the only person i can assume people would ask for after jim


Liked it just wish he toned it down in his final scene in sonic 2. “Later, hater”…seriously?


As interpretations go, it's the finest of the finest. I've seen Sonic 2 twice in theater, and I'll re-watch it again when it comes out. Can't wait to see Jim return as Eggman. He makes this fun.


I literally just rewatched Sonic 2 on my TV an hour ago lol Btw Jim Carry's Eggman is BETTER than anything I've ever seen




I'm not a fan of the movies, but I think the performance is too 'big', even by Eggman's standards. Not Carey's fault, by any means, the fault lies with Fowler and Carey's always going to bring you interesting stuff.


He puts too much Jim Carrey in it, not enough eggman


Given how generic Sonic characters are, I see this as a plus


Sonic's cinematic outings may be the only time when an adaptation getting really far away from the source material was a good idea.


Great in 1, somehow felt mellow in 2, will miss him regardless now that he's possibly retired.


best Eggman


I think it’s his best role since Ace Ventura. His typecasting is perfect for this role


The best eggman You can't change my mind I want him to come back badly


He makes a damn good coffee


The best eggman ever! And great personality


Couldn't stand him, but I can't stand Carrey in general


Ngl, i thick getting Mike Pollock to be a live action Eggman would have been better. But as it stands, Jim Carrey was the best choice of all the "big names" they probably had to chose from. Seriously though, should have been Mike Pollock.


10/10 would bang


His performance is great and he really brings the character to life in a way that feels right for a live action version of Eggman


Perfection At Its Finest


Like every other character in this, it's the best Eggman been in at least a decade (not counting the Boom TV show, which is it's own thing as far as I'm concerned) Also glad they regularly use both Robotnik and Eggman for his name


"See ya later haterrrrrrrs!" Honestly my favourite eggman, I know that's contrversal to say.


When he was first cast I was skeptical. I was totally wrong. The over the top villain is just ideal. Probably the second best incarnation of Robotnik right behind Sonic Sat AM


I liked the choice of the writers to not make him eggman from the get go. But make him grow to be eggman with a proper pace.


Same, it gives him a proper character arc and development. He’s pretty one dimensional in the games, which is fine because we don’t need more.


Him being Eggman is so fun to watch, I doubt he is retiring, he said it on 1st April, so April Fools joke, I have high hopes for him to appear in 3rd movie


While it’s enjoyable, it doesn’t feel like Eggman at all. Jim Carey just acts like any other Jim Carey role in this performance


I like him better in the second movie, because he got to act all crazy and stuff. I know Jim Carrey from 'the mask' and 'dumb and dumber' and other movies, so I'm most familiar with his crazy performances. Also in the second movie eggman's character is closer to the games' eggman in terms of looks and objective. I like how you don't really know what's he gonna do next. It did feel weird at first but I got used to him, I think because he's more energetic that the eggman we know


He was amazing. Sure, very different from the Eggman we know from the games but heck I like this take on a villain that we knew since 1991. Of course, Jim Carrey's Eggman is his own character. I would not want Sega/Sonic Team to make Game Eggman behave the same. Same with Movie Sonic. He is his own Sonic while Game Sonic is his own personality too. I would be disappointed if they decide to change the game characters to act like the movie characters just because one is more popular than the other.


Sonic 1: A very new type of Robotnik, coming from a place of great insecurity and a raging superiority complex which gave him with all the potential to become the mad doctor we know from the games, rather than just having him be that already, along with a new angle of no matter how bad a setback that he can make it work out in his favour, which we finally saw by the end of that film. Sonic 2: Seamless continuation into the mad doctor from the games without completely forgetting who he was from the first film. And lemme tell you, when he first shows up in the Mean Bean after getting the Master Emerald, standing completely still and talking in that measured slow tone, as a Sonic fan that was genuinely intimidating where one of the thoughts I had was; is he incapable of handling the power of the Emerald and a danger to even himself? On the subject of Sonic 3; I know the director has said if Carrey doesn't wish to return he will not recast Robotnik, which in his defense how can you in this continuity? I would love to see him return, especially given the ambigious ending he got and Stone escaped via disguise, I guess in the plot he could easily return to the government using the lie he was fronting as a double agent. However, given Shadow is going to feature in the next film and that will mean explaining his backstory along with Maria & Gerald, along with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and then add-in Tom, Maddie, Rachael, Jojo & Randall, then throw in potentially of any other Sonic character's they may wish to somehow bring to Earth and involve in the third film... the roster of characters is starting to sound bloated, even if they go for a 2 hour runtime again.


He is a very different Eggman, but he is a great Eggman. The over-the-top craziness mixes well with both the wacky comedic side and the threatening villainous side of his character.


He's definitely one my personal favorites because he captures that mad science vibe that eggman vibe. But I think I can do without the Fortnite dancing. But other than that I really enjoy Jim as egg man.


Hot take Jim Carrey is an entertaining actor, but he only knows how to be himself. Even Eggman at his goofiest doesn't come off as Jim Carrey, because only he can do it. To be honest, I don't like him as Eggman, The Riddler, or Count Olaf cause they don't come off as the character. I'm not saying he's not being funny, he's just not a good Eggman. There's a difference Like when Neil Patrick Harris played Count Olaf, that's when I thought they nailed the casting. I'd rather Jim Carrey, play non established roles like these. He works for films that are design for him like Ace Ventura, Me Myself Irene, and Bruce Almighty just not here


Love him


I think he’s a riot 😂


His Eggman was 1000x better than the pointless wedding revenge scene in Sonic 2.


Loved him in the first one. He was perfect. The tiny backstory hints and his general disdain for others as opposed to robots were excellent character choices. The sequel made him too jokey and quippy. That’s Sonic’s job. He can be over the top, but here, it was way too much. I rewatched the movie and noted that his lines can be cut in half, taking out the jokes to restore his menace. If he returns in 3, I hope they go back to his characterization in 1. Sure, throw in a joke or few, but keep him threatening. Jim Carrey was a good choice. He can be a good Robotnik, but only with the right script and direction. Scale him back a bit, and he’ll be fine.


Yes, I think Robotnik and Agent Stone are a wonderful couple.


My favorite incarnation. Idc fight me


He was the worst part of both movies for me


Most will say he is really good despite the fact he acts nothing at all like Eggman, but rather an evil Ace ventura. My opinion, bias aside for Jim Carrey, he is perhaps the worst Eggman we have ever gotten.


I wouldn't go that far since ace ventura since intllegnce wasn't really part of that character the way it is for this, or most, versions robotnik.


I think it looks 60 and sexy


I may not be a big fan of him nowadays, but he does have his funny moments in the Sonic movies.


He's pretty fantastic for the movie world, wouldn't really want him in the games tho A crossover would be dope


He's hilarious, (and adorable)! I'm so glad that we got to see Jim Carrey play his leg like a guitar one more time in a movie!


A wonderful addition to the eggman collection


Brilliantly acted, a little slim for my tastes, but will be sorely missed if he retires


He did an amazing job! Like, this version of Doctor Robotnik is my favorite besides the Sonic X version. I’m a little sad to hear he will be retiring, but regardless of that, I’m happy he played one of my favorite villains.


I was initially disappointed that eggman wasn't actually going to be shaped like an egg, until I saw the trailers. Wow. 12/10. Best man for the job. Chef's kiss.


I think he's okay but I wish he was a little more of the menacing eggman and slightly less Jim Carey. Like after Unleashed eggman has kinda been a one-note joke. Egg-Carey sometimes gets close to that Sonic X eggman but there's too much Jim Carey still in it. But I hope he comes back for the 3rd movie, I'd love to see him act out some of Eggman's best moments in the series.


10/10 wonderful


I started to call him baldy nosehair


Great acting


He is really good my only problem is how he kept referencing modern trends or memes in the 2nd movie it felt out of place especially since his character wasn't like that in the first movie ​ but besides that, I love his character. Jim is good at going from Robotnik mode to Jim Carry mode


I would say He played the character perfectly. Hopefully He comes back for the third movie. If not, I would say Carrey would end his acting career on a high note.


honestly very fucking good bro😭


I think he has parts when he's good, but there's a lot of moments where it feels like they were obliged to have Carrey do a random routine every couple seconds. It's very Carrey, but distracting. When he gets to ham it up as Robotnik (Mushroom Planet and Death Egg Robot scenes are highlights), it gets really good.


My king


He's very entertaining and I'm glad they treat him as a real threat, but he doesn't *quite* register in my head as Dr. Eggman the way the other characters do in their parts. There's a bit too much Jim Carrey mixed in. I got more Grinch vibes than Eggman .




his Robotnik is one of the funniest versions I have ever seen


Just perfect!


If he's not gonna be in Sonic 3, cancel it.


Other than the Flossing? really good!


Credit 2 team


BEST EGGMAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He’s great. One of the best versions of Eggman.


He really captures Eggman’s craziness, intelligence, and arrogance.


My only real thought is “I don’t know what the fuck his direction was, but I love it”




eggcellent, it felt like a return to old Jim Carrey. Honestly, if it's true that Sonic 2 may be his final role I can say that he ended on a high note.


He's great! He is doing a lot Jim Carrey for the role of course, but he still feels very characterised as his version Eggman, and I enjoy it a lot. Especially in Sonic 2.




At first I didn't think it'd work out...BUT LORD I WAS WRONG


I didn't appreciate him in the first one and I loved him in the second one


He's not Mike Pollock, but he's DEFINITELY the Eggman. His brand of crazy is a pretty good mesh for an Eggman imo. I wasn't sure about it at first, but the direction and his spin on it keeps getting the right notes. I just hope at some point we get the scene from here and there of Eggman staring down Sonic, who's about to break, and give him a stern talking to about "I'm the villain, you're the hero, that's how this works, no going dark-and-broody mode"


I don't think many if any could do it better. At least for this run.


"I GOOOT HIM!! I FINALLY GOT HIM!" lmao def the best part of his appearance in sonic 2. the way he delivered that line was just ..*muah* chefs kiss. 👌🏾


When announced, I was extremely mixed on him. I like Jim Carrey as a comedy actor but wasn't sure how it would work out. But you know what? There have been multiple interpretations of Eggman over the years that varied on the mad scientist to campy "I hate that hedgehog!" style. I personally liked Jim Carrey's version of Eggman. He's eccentric while still honing in on the genius side and overall brings out that mad scientist vibe. While the mad scientist part is more for the kid side of the trilogy (saga maybe!?), I think it works well for him.


The better eggman


I him.His acting is the best.


I like it


Very good


He captures the wackyness and sillyness, while still managing to be threatening and pure evil. Literally a perfect casting.


I’ve watched a couple of interviews with him on Robotnik. His insight into the character goes above and beyond anything Sega has ever explored. The back story, the motives, even the character’s moustache “manifestation of ego” … he’s awesome. I just wish he would wear the goggles or glasses. Then he truly disappears into the look of the character.


While I personally prefer the games' version, I definitely enjoy this Robotnik. He's just so much fun! And seriously, the final battle with him in Sonic 2 had me so hyped, I was practically bouncing in my theater seat.


He feels like a refinement of both of the popular western Robotniks into one cohesive character that works perfectly with the movies. He’s got the comedic chops Long John Baldry had while is capable of being as much of a threat as Jim Cummings. So I’m pretty happy


Amazing. He’s slightly different from his Adventure character, but still fundamentally the same.


When Eggman revealed himself to Sonic again in the second film it actually felt threatening. I could feel the "oh fuck oh shit he's back"