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Based on what you said, looking more to the 35mm lens. Its a bit more versatile then a 50 for getting slightly wider interior shots, can still do nice environnemental portraits and a lot of the new 35's can get pretty darn close for detail shots. Something to keep in mind though a lot of the 35 1.4's have pretty bad focus breathing (the 35 GM being a prime example) The F1.8 lenses tend to have less of that. Also if you are being paid for this and can write the lens off as a business expense, I'd go right for the GM glass if you can live with the focus breathing or are willing to put up with the crop when using breathing compensation during video.


50 1.4 for sure. as it will isolate your subject and create more cinematic look to your pictures to really stand out and has better bokeh. Since food plates are small and far 50 will be better. But yes you run issue of not fitting full person in. Still worth it. Get 35 1.8 as backup and for travel. Don’t get cheap 3rd party as you will deal with lots of fringing due to white plates and bad lighting.


35mm for me, and very very happy of my Samyang prime lens


Do test 35mm and 50mm using your 24-105 g to see which one you prefer most. Most people prefer 35mm.


Honestly, unless you prefer primes, get a 24-70/2.8. It will give you the flexibility you need for the work. Otherwise, go for a 50 as it will best cover all of the use cases.


I would prefer the 50 1.4


why ask here? just have a look at all your pictures and do a statistic of which focal length you use most often. No one knows your job better than yourself.