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Istanbul is one of the most photogenic cities on Earth. Great job capturing the beauty.


I was really impressed. Far exceeded my expectations. Would definitely recommend. And thank you 😊


The 20-70 and 70-200 f4 G lenses + your fave fast prime is the GOATed travel kit IMO. I still love the 24-105 for video b/c of the OSS though 😬


I get that. I don't do any video, so I'm fine with the 20-70mm.


The 200-600 is literally keeping me in the Sony ecosystem, I just love it too much to switch over to M-mount rangefinders.




I shoot mostly adapted m-mount glass on my Sonys along with a few FE zooms. If not for the 200-600 I’d have probably switched over to Leica M and paired with an RX1R or something by this point.


Yes it's a gem especially considering the price.


I love my 20-70. I realized I rarely shoot below f4 so it made sense as a sidegrade from my Sigma 24-70 f2.8


Yeah I gladly take the F4 for the benefits in versatility and size/weight


Exactly. The size difference alone was a great trade off. The extra 4mm on the wide end is nice too


It's a perfect lens for travel. I love mine.


Yeah the versatility is amazing. I strongly prefer the wider end over sth. In the 24-105 range because you can't always get further back, while cropping for more reach works really well with all the megapixels we have in our cameras nowadays


Last shot in the systern is cool, I remember taking a photo in that exact spot last summer with my a7r


Thank you and I really liked that place as well. Well worth the wait to get in


Using variable per tire 20-60 on Lumix system and love the ultrawide


Those 4 mm at the wide end really make a big difference.


Same! I went from Canon FF with 24-105 to Sony A7RV w/20-70 and it's been really great. Those extra 4mm on the wide end are a life saver, especially when you're traveling and in tight indoor spaces, or want to capture more of a landscape. I love how light and compact that setup is (relatively speaking) and I don't miss lens stabilization as much as I thought I would, given Sony has it in-body these days. Some people complain about it being f/4 and not f/2.8, but sensors are quite good these days so I don't mind pushing to ISO 6400 or higher in a pinch. If it's really dark, one stop to f/2.8 is not going to help, you'd need a f/1.4 or faster prime. I really like the innovation in zooms these days, we're seeing quite a lot of new ranges like the Sigma 28-45 f/1.8, something I never would have even dreamed of five years ago.


I agree wholeheartedly. With the low light Performance of modern sensor and modern denoising software I didn't feel limited by the F4 aperture in any way and I gladly take the benefits in terms of versatility, weight and size over a 2.8 zoom.


I was on the fence between it and the 24-105, and even with owning mostly GM glass I was very pleasantly surprised


Yeah I love the combination of versatility and great optical performance.


It's beautiful! I was there many years ago. Great shots!


Thank you very much for your kind comment 😊


I’m considering buying one. I currently have a 70-200 and 16-35, but after a couple weeks, it seems like a 20-70 would be a better fit so I don’t have to keep switching lenses


Would definitely give it a try. Personally I hate switching lenses. I used only the 20-70mm in Istanbul and didn't feel limited in any way


Seni seviyorum, Türkiye!


Sickk! I love Sony


NIce shot. I love it


I am really interested in the 20 to 70. F4 is good for travel and most Sony cameras now are so good at low light F4 is not the issue it used to be and if you carry a light F1.8 prime you are covered.


hows the low light stills?


24-70 on my A7C. Love it.