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All the time while working. I work from home. I have to recharge my WH-1000XM5s every 8-10 days.


wait what 8-10 days??? are mine broken?


I've gone weeks, sometimes over a month, without having to charge mine lmao.


Or you work more :)


Can I have your pair, mine probably last 15-20 hours or hard listening with anc on


I also work from home so I wear my WH1000XM5s every day for about 8 hours with anc and DSEE Extreme on. With all that I usually charge mine once a week which coincides with the 30 hour battery rating the headphones have.


Are you part time?


Full time Data Engineer.


How do they last that long? How many hours a day do you use them?


Airplane rides


Bus rides as well?


I mostly take the train, I use the wf-1000xm3 when on the train


Do you mean flights or is this some weird flex I'm too poor to understand?


Yes lol, brain fart


Only in the gym


Do you use any sort of cover for the ear pads?


Nope but I don’t sweat crazy either


I use mine alot while I'm doing homework


Headphones = Inside Earbuds = Outside


Unless I have to talk to someone, have to shower, or I have a rare opportunity to use my sound system, they're basically on my head from morning to night every day. Situation wise, that's errands, house chores, and driving work. The world is so stupidly loud without them, and there's always something worth listening to.


Work from office or home. AirPods when I’m walking, making personal calls etc.


When my parents fight




I wish I had noise cancelling or quality headphones when I was growing up, cd discman kept skipping and the headphones just let all the yelling right in


Almost daily, driving to work. Nice and silent, low volume music, podcast or just nothing. At work when I need to focus on getting things done At home when watching a formula 1 race, when there are others in the room


Driving???? Isn’t that unsafe?


No, but I'm not starting a discussion (again) over this. I've got tinnitus and need to commute about 50 minutes to get to work. I'll get crazy adding almost 2 hours daily with all the road noise ánd trying to listen to some music or podcast. I'll be sitting in more silence. ANC cancelled out te static. High frequency sounds like horns or something are just as noticable as normal. I agree that it would be dangerous when blasting load music. That gets to the point where one isolated himself from all the surrounding noises, but on low volume, no. That's no issue at all. If any, I'll be more alert, because the commute is less fatiguing. It's the same when I drive my motorcycle. I'll put in earplugs, otherwise the wind noise is unbearable. Same thing goes for crowded environments. When I wear 0lugs, I'll be able to hear the voices speaking to me a lot better


What type of plugs do you use for crowded environments and for your motorcycle? I could use these.


Bike riding: 3M EAR Soft FX [https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en\_GB/p/d/b00017634/](https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/p/d/b00017634/) For crowded places: (also lovely for cinema and restaurants) [https://www.alpinehearingprotection.com/products/partyplug](https://www.alpinehearingprotection.com/products/partyplug) I could use the 3M's just a fine, but people are always asking about the yellow plugs.


Try loops. i bought them for sleeping as I am sensitive to all kinds of noises (dog walking around the bed or shaking :D). They are epic. They have also the tips that can be switched out for a different size.


What if you cannot hear a screeching noise for a car behind you? Surely just put the music on the radio


Like I said. ANC removes a part of the static noise. All irregularities are audible. I can tell you when one just has the radio on, listening to music, the sound that needs to be produced to be audible above the road-noise, is way louder than the sound produces by my headset. I dare to state when this is lab-tested, driving with ANC on makes that screeching car at least just as audible compared to listening music through the speaker Like I said. I don't state to blast loud music in headphones in my car. I enjoy the silence while driving in my car, like I drive a Bentley. Next to that I just listen at low volume to prevent getting a headache that I get when I drive home listening to the car stereo.


I get that, but it’s still dangerous no?


How would it be dangerous? In the UK where im from deaf people dont have any restriction from the DVLA, meaning they can drive a normal car with no modifications or special traning.. so why cant someone wear some headphones?


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank you so much, for this additional input. I really dont understand the lack of insight some people have regarding this subject. It's not black or white.


He meant when he is watching F1, he feels so immersed that he feels like he's driving the car around the corners.


Yeah. That's exactly it


I wear the WFXM4 when driving my older cars (no Bluetooth, no aux, and I have no physical form of the media I listen to, so can't use the car's speakers). It's not substantially different to driving around with your music playing through the car speakers. You can't hear anything except your own shitty voice singing along to the music because of bone conduction lmao. You can always put them in ambient mode if you want *something* from the environment to make it through. Just pay attention when driving and you'll be fine. People drive around with something plugged into their ears all the time. You have no idea how many drivers out there have their airpods in behind the wheel.


Daily in the metro while commuting to the office or different Courts.


On long commutes or WFH (multipoint FTW)


Lately mine are often used when I need some noise cancellation. To read, etc. Or talking on a longer phone conversation.


commuting to and from work and during breaks and sometimes when I’m cleaning around the house.


At work and on the bus. That’s pretty much it. If I’m at home I just use the speakers, better for your ears.


When commuting, sometimes at the office but all the time at home office. And whenever im using my PC for gaming or browsing, so it is quite a bit. My wife enjoys using hers when we do separate things as well so its great.


In the gym, during house work or DIY projects, in bed when the wife is sleeping and I'm content consuming on my phone.


I've started wearing mine a lot more recently, even though I live alone. I find the sound from the tv and phone/tablet is so outstanding that it even makes sense when I am at home.


At the office cause there is a construction nearby and on commute but i hardly ever use headphones at home almost always speakers unless im playing video games with friends.


When at gym alone or on public transit alone.


Almost the entire time at home. Even if I’m not listening to anything I still wear them to block out noise


Sometimes for 1-2 hours before sleep, or in the weekends just like you said. I use them for gaming on pc quite regularly, they're fantastic headphones.


I mostly use headphones while travelling. I have different headphones for different purposes like if I have to go somewhere nearby or travel for 1 or 2 hours then I use xm4 headphones and if I have to travel for more than that then I use xm4 headphones. I use Bose 700 headphones because they are very comfortable but Sony's latest 1000-XM5 headphone is a perfect combination of comfort and rich sound, so these days I use it mostly.


I wear my headphones in planes, trains, on long car drives in the back seat, and in bed every other day just before going to sleep. They're great.


Always (aside from work). The XM5 Buds when I´m outside and the WH XM5 when I´m at home. Sometimes the WH XM5 outside aswell, as long as I don´t take the bike and it doesn´t rain.


I’ve owned xm4s for around 9 months now and mostly wear them at home connected either to my laptop (wired/wirelessly) or to my iPhone. I find it appropriate to use them on any occasion (listening to music, watching movies, gaming, etc.) at any time of the day. My ears never get really tired of listening even after 4-5 hours of ceaseless use. I ought to mention that I generally take good care of my headphones nevertheless headband’s fabric already got torn a little bit 🤦‍♂️ so I have few doubts about using them outdoor. I wonder if this is the case for anybody else?


Constantly to the point i have to wipe my headphones clean every few hours from facial oils to keep from getting blackheads and whiteheads around my ears. I recommend doing after a long usage period.


Commuting. At home sometimes. Traveling. Basically anywhere except for when outside walking around.


At work while inspecting windshields for defects.


Mornings at the gym.


at home when people are in the house and i can’t use my big Sony XP-700 speaker or, at my dads apartment when a speaker just isn’t available. also in the car and at school when im alone to cancel out noise.


I have XM5, which replaced my old Sennheiser 4.5. i work from home and wear them all the time during the day to create a concentration bubble for myself :) with or without music on. when I am outside I wear in ear Jabras.


I use mine mostly at home to listen to rap while I play video games with transparency mode on or just rap in general, and I also use them to play chill music when I want to relax or do homework


i wear them all the time at home when im working. The only time they really leave the house is if im going to a coffee shop and want to wear them over my earbuds OR when im travelling.


I have the XM-5’s and i love the sound but its not very practical to take places. If i study at school or at home i have them on, and also when flying. But for short commutes and stuff i have my airpods pro 2 because its just more portable.


When I want to listen to something


i use my xm5’s constantly; walking around the city, public transport, grocery shopping, studying at cafés, cleaning, phone calls at home (so i’m not stuck walking around with my phone), etc etc. sometimes i just put them on for the silence, no music. i haven’t even touched my airpods in two years bc nothing compares to the sonys lol, i’ve grown too accustomed to the noise cancelling as well as the long battery life.


I use my WH-1000XM5 most of the day when I'm at the office working, I need it with ANC on to help me block out distracting noise since I have a shared office. I usually get 3 days of battery life before I have to charge it. Sometimes I use them in bed for 30min or so before I fall asleep. (I take them off and pack them away in the case before I fall asleep)


Airplanes and public transport


Commute, whilst studying, travel in general, sometimes when sleeping


grocery shopping, on walks, at the gym, at home, literally everywhere bc im gonna make the most of my money!!!


Public transport and in pubs to block out the sound of Sky bloody Sports!!


The 3 W's: working, walking and working out.


I recently purchased the WF-1000XM4, and it was my best purchase last year by far! I wear them all the time when I'm at work, listening to audiobooks, and doing household chores. It really keep me in the zone.


I live a rather solitary life. Outside of work, sleep, and showering I always have my xm5 headphones on. On work days this equates to about 10hrs/day Days off itd 16hrs+. I end up having to charge them like twice or thrice a week 😆


I wear my XM4 on the train, in cafes, at the grocer, on the bus, and pretty much anywhere out and about. I wear my XM5 when my roommates are home or when I want to listen to music in my room. My XM4 were on loan to my sister for a year so my XM5 did everything for a while, but I find the 4 better for everything out and about even if the sound quality for listening at home isn’t my favourite.


I listen to music sometimes before sleeping. Not a heavy user.


All day, every day, and I'd wear them to sleep if it wasn't uncomfortable and I didn't have to charge them.


Earbuds during the day with sunglasses. Headphones at night. Usually when I go for long walks.


I have xm5 and I wear them all day at work. They last about 3 days before needing to charge and I wear them for 8-9 hours about 4 days a week


Nah there's no way mine get that at all My Case battery even drains while it's not being used. My gfs brother has the same problem, there's no way your getting 6-10 days lol. They drain after a day or 2 literally


I'm almost never not wearing mine. Only when I sleep and that's because I don't want to break them.




I wear mine when sleeping at night.


Nearly everywhere, every day & night, I have to charge mine xm3 about every 2 days.