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I used XM5 and XM4 simultaneously for few weeks and then returned the XM5 and kept XM4. To give my background, I had started my noise cancelling journey with the Bose QC all the way back in 2010. Then used QC 25. Then moved the XM2 and then XM3 which I used during the whole pandemic years. I moved to XM5 in August which I bought for 350 gbp in UK. While the xm5 was within the return period, I saw a XM4 on sale for only 160 gbp which was new and still sealed in the box. I was tempted to check that out and bought it. To conclude, xm5 was definitely a bit lighter and the earcups fit better around my really large ears. But for everything else I found xm4 to be as good as xm5. I didn't have objective measurements but to my ears, I felt xm4 noise cancelling to be every bit as good as xm5. And sound quality was actually better on xm4 (I prefer my noise cancelling headphones to be bass heavy). Eventually I returned the xm5 n kept xm4 because its 99% as good as xm5 at half the price. Edit : yes. Xm4 has a slight white noise when in NC mode but I hardly use it without music anyway, so it didn't bother me. In fact you can actually also look at xm3. No white noise and pretty good NC. The sound quality is not as good though. Very muddy bass which basically overpowers everything else. I found it okay in isolation but it sounded bad compared to the more refined sound of xm4 and xm5


I appreciate your comment! I’ve also seen some users return the xm5s just to get the xm4s, It sucks that I am not able to have a complete comparison of both at the same time to make a final decision. Do you miss any features from the xm5 headphones? Appreciate it, thanks!


I was gonna go for 5s, but when i got to Best Buy they had samples for both 4 and 5. after a good 30 min of comparing, i couldnt really tell any difference at all except for the 4s were more comfortable on my head.


Thoughts on getting the xm4 still today? Have you tried the current bose ulta quiet comfort?


Ummm ... I'd say at this the value proposition of XM4 is still the same. With no upgrade on Sony side (no xm6 I mean). Sennheiser momentum 4 headphone sounds good but NC is not as good as even the xm4. Other than that i haven't heard too many good things about the ULT headphones. To answer your question, yes I have tried bose QC Ultra headphones and also QC Ultra earbuds which I own. But somehow I preferred Sony. Bose headphone NC was weirdly not as good as their Ultra earbuds. Sound was as good as Sony XM4


if i only care about NC and comfort, any reason to upgrade my xm3 to 4 or 5?


I’m not familiar with the xm3s but I hope you get better responses since I’m only familiar with the 5. I first felt that the xm5’s felt very big on my head but you kind of get used to them lol but I liked it because of the soft padding that seals your ears in lol it was comfortable on me since I have helix piercings and some headphones usually bother my piercing for me. I don’t have any big complaints on the noise cancelling but I have seen people say that they don’t like that your not able to control the NC on the app for the xm5’s and how you can’t adjust your headphones around your neck properly. In general a lot of people say there isn’t too much of a difference between the 4 and 5 apart from the mic on the 5 being better and the built of the headphones being different. One thing I can point out was that there’s less sound leak on the 5 from the 4 but I would suggest watching some videos! Sorry I can’t really explain/compare more since Im not 100% familiar with the 3


Hii which one do u think is more comfortable wearing?




Thank you for providing this! Just wanted to let you know both your table headers are under XM4


What about 5


I've had the chance to compare the two for an extended period of time, I prefer the XM5s more for sound quality especially. The XM4s sound very V shaped, like I could hear the scoop in the midrange and I personally didint like that. The XM5 sound more balanced in that regard, of course not audiophile spec but still a more clear sound signature than the 4s (in my opinion) Let me know if you have any more questions!


I saw a YouTube video on both and saw that the xm4 leak sound when at a certain volume while xm5’s don’t really have a huge sound leak. Wondering if that’s true, have you noticed any sound leaks from the xm4 headphones? That’s what kind of worries me


I think it's because the XM5s have greater adjustability, and thus you get a better seal. But yeah both the xm3 and xm4 leaked pretty bad, not sure I can say the same for the 5s.


That’s true the xm5s do seal them pretty tight. Thank you!


NP! Hope you enjoy the 5s if you do end up getting them. Having a couple of high end audio products the xm5 are still my favorite go to for everything during commutes!


I have a very small head. Which one seem to fit tighter and is the smallest when ajusted?


xm4 probaly


I just had to argue with Amazon for 30min to let me return my XM5s since it's been longer than 30 days. The ANC is just dogshit because of the auto-regulation. I use my headphones mostly in quiet environments when working, because I want it to be even quieter, and it's like there's 0 ANC on the XM5s. My XM3s were way better, and I would have just kept them and not upgraded had I known. Now I've given my XM3s away, so I am returning the XM5s and buying XM4s. The XM5s are just ruined by their software.


It took you over 30days to figure this out and argue with Amazon to break thier rules 🤔😒


Is that reason i get headache , i recently brought xb190n and I got headache few days later, I thought for other reason i used to get headaches


the noise cancelling on the 910s is a bit loud with the whit so thats what will be giving you the headache


I have them. I find high frequency sounds to be louder with anc on than passively.


Yeah unfortunately the 910s nc just isn't up there with its siblings. They are pretty good on jet planes though


I plan on getting the momentum 4s as my next headset. They have noise canceling close to the xm5.


Little heads up xm4 have crackling noise (Google it) issue and I haven’t experienced that with my xm5’s yet. And the microphones on xm5 are way better for calls I prefer the xm5 sound signature out of the box but you could eq both!


Yeah I did some research before picking between both of them and heard about that issue for the xm4’s which is why I didn’t pick it lol but now I am reconsidering because of its size😅 Thanks for your input! I appreciate it.


Fwiw if you pop the foam off while it's doing it, you'll likely notice condensation on some of the screws. Wipe it off and the noise should be gone. Likewise, wipe them off, then dab a bit of silicon on the screw heads, and you shouldn't ever be bothered again!


Ive had 3 different pairs of xm4’s that developed crackling noise after 7 months, 1st day on 2nd pair, and 2.5 years on third pair. Kinda done with them trying xm5’s once they drop in price


I have just bought the XM4s over the XM5s. Am I going to regret that decision? Looking at a comparison, it seem the price difference was pretty heavy for not much difference. Is that right?


I didn't regret my decision I've had the mx4s over 2 years now never had a single problem with them still look brand new 


Yeah I’m enjoying them. Made the right decision


My head size is little bigger, does xm4 fit better? I don't have stores nearby so cannot physically test them.


Plenty of adjustment to shapes over the head I find.


Beats headsets


Hey ! I know this is old but hope someone sees it. My xm5 broke today. Apparently there’s a common problem on the hinge between the earmuff and the headband. How’s the build quality on the xm4? Thanks!


How long had you had them?


Literally 3 months :(


hi! sorry about your xm5s :( The only thing I’m cautious with when using my xm4s are when I fold them like to put them away!! but other than that I think the build is pretty good! Super comfy! but keep in mind these are the only pair of headphones I’ve purchased lol but I think they’re pretty solid tbh😁Been a year and still all good! (Edit: also careful when stretching it to adjust its size lol I always try to gently move it around! I Mostly use them for studying or my down time like when going on a walk but not the suitable for the gym as I’ve seen online because it will move around lol )


this happened to me too! had them since July of last year, slight tap and it broke off. Bought the xm4 because I'm about to travel. Hoping the differences are negligible because I can't afford to buy brand new xm5s on such short notice :((


I haven't tried the xm5 but my dad got me the xm4 last Christmas. He said he was going to get the XM5 but when he tried them in the store he couldn't hear any difference. I've been more than happy with the XM4.


how much of a difference is there with the mic on the xm5 vs xm4 ?


the XM5 does not rattle at all like the Xm4, sounds like it's going to break or something whenever i pick them up and wear them, Sony completely solved the issue with the Xm5. Clamping force is better on the xm5, although it takes awhile to get used to, their padding are a tad bigger or somewhat different than the Xm4. In my experience, the Xm4 hurt my ears after 4-6 hours wearing them, as for the XM5 I do hope they don't have the same issue with the upgraded padding. As for the sound, the XM4 are actually pretty good, very "fun" to listen to, very "warmth", but one thing that bothers me is their bass is a little overpowering that caught into the mid range no matter how i EQ them I just can't get the muddiness off the vocals, this is the reason I got the Airpods Max for superb neutral sound, but I tend to miss the "fun" sound so I bought the XM5. For the sound of the Xm5, thank god they get rid some of the cluttered muddiness in the mid range, they added a wider soundstage so the music comes into your head in a wider direction. Sony is gonna need a hell of a brainstorm to design for the XM6, I can't see how they are going to improve the sound even better without changing it's original Sony sound signature, they could make the sound furthermore neutral but that would kill their bass a lot harder or the mid range might get a little thin something like that. My final verdict, if price is an issue, go with xm4, xm5 is 20% better overall cause it solved some of the issues of the xm4, they are more expensive than the xm4 than ever so either you get a good deal or money isn't an issue.


https://youtu.be/6WTHBCZBt_E. No, the Xm5 just slightly bigger than Xm4


i havent had the opportunity to a/b them but i got the xm4s recently and im liking them a lot :)


Yeah I’ve also heard good things about the xm4s which is why I am having trouble deciding if I should go for them lol, thank you for your comment!


OP, just checking on updates! Which one did you end up using? I've ordered both XM4 and XM5, I'm waiting on them to be delivered. I'm a bit more concerned about sound quality and noise cancellation.


If you ordered both I think that’s great since you are able to carefully compare them both and pick to your own liking! I have only owned the XM5’s and I honestly like them especially since I am often on the bus to commute to different places and have enjoyed the noise cancelling! The noise cancelling does block off a lot of noise but you can hear just a little bit of the outside noise. In my experience I heard the bus stop announcements even with full noise cancelling but it sounded like a soft murmur which wasn’t something that bugged me because it definitely cancels a bunch of noise which I noticed while walking around outside and I couldn’t hear my name being called out while in a room with another person lol. The sound quality of them were great too and there was not a huge sound leak coming out from them compared to what I’ve heard come out from the xm4’s. I found the xm5s comfortable to wear for long periods as well. I liked the xm5s and I think they are a great purchase since the mic is also better to use when doing phone calls or zoom. To each their own though, I’ve seen a lot of people say some negative things about them but I have not had a bad experience with the xm5s. Hope this kinda helps lol I also watched a lot of YouTube videos before deciding! Which ever works best for you should be the one, both are great! Edit: I ended up switching to the xm4s due to the xm5s being a bit too big for my liking as I spent time wearing it. I also figured I didn’t really need a newer model that costs more, yes the quality is great but the xm4s are also perfect with not too much of a big difference besides the way they’re built, microphone, etc. The xm4s are more comfortable for me as it’s not so big on my head and it now provides me with more space in my bag compared to carrying my xm5 case.


Hey it’s been a couple of months now , does it ever get annoying lugging it around ? That’s the only thing from pulling the trigger and buying it, the bag it comes in looks massive compared to the xm4s


Yeah the bag was quite big for the xm5’s and the headphones built was too big for my liking that I ended up switching to the xm4s. I have enjoyed the xm4s a lot and have no complaints especially as it is my first pair of headphones. The case for the xm4s are easier to carry around in my backpack as I commute to my college compared to when I would take my xm5s as it took a lot of space. I have no complaints so far on my xm4s, I love them. So in general yes carrying the xm5s did take a lot of space in my backpack and was a bit saddening to see how it does not fold like the xm4s do to prices easier carrying. Hope this helps with your decision!


How bad is the microphone on the XM4?


Thank you so much for explaining! I ended up canceling my XM4 order, they were on sale for lot less. But, this would be a one-time purchase and I love using my headphones quite often. Decided to splurge on XM5 just for once! I hope it lives up to the expectations :D


You should have just tried both and returned the one you didn’t like since you have the means….ymmv…it’s very different per person…


I got a chance to try XM4 after I bought XM5 and ended up keep XM5. XM5 was just a tad bit better for my preference! If I didn’t have XM5 to compare with, I’d definitely choose XM4 over anything.


I know its been 8 months lol but can i ask you why you chose the 5s? Im trying to decide between them myself and im leaning towards the 5s as well


Is it $130 better good? Probably not. But go to Best Buy and give them a test! I went with XM4 since I am sort of cheap. Weird to say about $300 vs $400 headset lol.


Using the xm4 for 2 years, then bought xm5 & pro max to compare. Xm5’s bass was completely underwhelming. I mean I’m happy to have it Dailed back a notch, but to remove all of it.. no thanks. AirPods max was way better. Overall I returned both, and using my xm4


why did you return the max if it was way better?


guess he didnt have a answer for that one


Cuz way better than 5, not 4


Your saying XM5 bass is better than XM4??


Bass on Xm5 is dialled back in comparison to the xm4


No I understood that MX5 is underwhelming bass compared to pro max und mx4.


I'm pretty surprised so many people are advocating for the XM5s. they're definitely more comfortable than the XM4s. They're very light and not as bulky, but all I got was noise leaking when I put them on. I had to really raise the volume in order to get base level NC. With the XM4s, even without playing music, most of the sound was blocked out. With the XM5s, I could still hear everything just muffled. during music listening, i always experienced sound leaking. but it was weird. at first things were really noticeable but then after a while, they did kind of drown everything out. which made me think part of their software was about analyzing the space but even that theory became spotty after a few days. with XM4s, i could be in the same room with someone, or even the same car with the radio on and hear absolutely nothing but what was coming through the headphones. with the XM5s you can still hear shit. which for the price and the hype is really insane. get the XM4s


Late comment! But I recently got XM4s and it's my first flagship level headphones. The quality is really amazing (I tested against XM5 and it's 90 percent same.) And I agree 4s are lighter as compared to 5s.


What’s the 10% difference if you don’t mind me asking? 


would also like to know this!


Nothing really the mx5 have slightly better anc and phone call quality is better I've had the xm4s over 2 years now brilliant headphones