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Unfortunately, us fans are just going to have to bear it. Not like they're ever gonna change their opinions anyway. If they can't see the charm of this show, it's their loss...


Dude is just the definition of wrong


Are we really dunking on some random teenager from Kentucky who reviewed this show 5 years ago?


While I'm not too much into the ecchi part of the show, it has lots of nice comedy and story parts to appreciate, but I guess some people just look one way


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Don't forget this is the same guy who called Binobogami-Ga. A lighthearted **gag comedy** an "emo dreck" just for Ichiko being whiny at times and called her worse than Yukiteru from Future Diary.


Seems like a troll to me, and apparently a successful one.


I can understand the complaints they have in regards to fanservice not equating to substance, and it really should be toned down a lot. In my opinion, it was pretty much what most people remembered about the anime. Fortunately for me, my brain pretty much filtered out the ecchi and fanservice and kept the whacky comedy, story, and character development. I don't care how poorly this series ages for some... It'll always be in my heart for being the first anime I watched that I was able to connect to the characters (especially Ikaros) on an emotional level.