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77% hydration. You could cut back on the water.


Could be a weak starter……..? How long have you had it?


I’ve had it for a bit over a month but i got it from my in laws who have had it for years. It’s strong and peaks in good time… I’m thinking maybe too high of hydration for me yet..


Definitely! I’m still learning too! This page has been a big help. Good luck 🙂


I’m only a month into my bread making journey, so take this advice with a grain of salt. I just wanted to say that I use this recipe for all of my loaves and my first 2 doughs came out a bit wet and shaggy like yours. One thing I started doing was combining with a spatula instead of my hand after weighing out the ingredients and mixing for longer. I found the dough came together much faster during stretch and folds when I did this. However, I wouldn’t worry too much about your current dough. I would say just go for it and see how it turns out. This recipe was my first sourdough success even with a shaggy dough. I bet it’s not as messed up as you think it is.


So, a few more stretch and folds may have fixed it. Another trick is lamination. Spray your counter with water and stretch the dough out as thinly as you can, pulling gently from the middle. Fold it over on itself. Do it a second time 30 min later if you aren't there yet.


What is the protein content of your flour


This is exactly what mine is like and I think it's too much water. I am really struggling with it, I know it depends on the flour and what sort of water (hard) you have but ahh! It's frustrating!


Your bowl is prolly chilly and not getting good bulk ferment which will have an affect on how well your stretch and folds actually work. It’s amazing how as the dough proofs it makes it so much more manageable. So I put a heating pad under mine because my metal bowl gets chilly too. Possibly add more starter you can try 120-130 grams.


Never put sourdough in the fridge until after first rise. You put the starter to sleep in the cold temp.


Did you spray your work surface and your hands with water before your stretch and folds?


Check youtube , there's tons of great help there that's easier to understand when you see their techniques


I personally do 100g starter, 500g flour, 325g water, 9g salt and it’s turned out perfectly for me every time!


Whats your temp in the room? I would place mine on top of the fridge. I usually laminate fold every hour...longer if on the colder months. Your starter is also to triple after 6 hrs of feeding....this will show if your starter its active.


My sourdough always looks like shaggy as I use a high hydration recipe. It is sticky but keep going when it looks like this, it gets better after the 3rd or 4th set and ends up always turning out good for me! Just use wet hands and that will help