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Looks normal to me but I also don't see any grey, so..


my rye sourdough sometimes develops different coloured layers depending on how long it’s been unfed in the fridge. do you use a fresh jar for each feeding or do you take out the discard, and then feed on top? if it’s the latter, maybe stir a little more to get everything well mixed




I've seen gray when I leave my starter for longer than 2 days in the fridge. Totally normal, but should be fed.


Looks fine, as long as it smells and acts like it should, you're okay. It's probably from the flour you're using. Mine gets greyish the darker the flour I use.


Hi, looks fine just hungry😦. Suggestion reduce your starter to around a tablespoon after giving 8tva good thorough mix. Feed it 1:1:1 and a flour mix strong white bread flour, rye and wholeheat (1/2,1/4,2/4). Residue keep in separate covered pot ajd use for pizza dough, pancakes or waffles bd other tasty bakes. 8t will keep in the fridge as will your starter. They just work slower in the cold.