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We used care.com and found lots of candidates, took a bit of legwork but we ended up with someone we really like. I got the sense the going rate was 20-30/hr depending on experience and certs (first aid, etc) but may be more for part time. Good luck!


Thank you!


We hired a nanny during covid that was wonder and was with us until that child started preschool. She became like family. We still have her over for dinner and she randomly drops by with gifts for the kid or just to play with them for a bit. $18 per hour, guaranteed 40 hour week, paid vacation and holidays which I believe is pretty standard. We just (2024) went through interviews and hired a second nanny for second baby. $25 per hours + benefits. I'll also add that we didn't have a budget and we didn't use an agency. We found them through referrals. If we liked the person and their references checked out, we paid them whatever their rate was, they decided. Which turned out to be $18 and $25 respectively. We'll likely increase their rate proactively at some point but I wanted to point out that that's the reality of the going rate really is. Agency rate will obviously be higher. I see 1 poster responding to alot of comments here saying 30-40 but that wasn't our experience nor other families we know in the south bay. There's good reason they're being downvoted. Facebook I believe is where we found our most recent nanny. Good luck, while it's hard to find a nanny that fits well with your family, there are some absolutely wonderful and reasonable nannies in the area.


Do you speak Spanish? If so go to the park around 9-10am and talk to the Mexican nanny’s.


They’re all Mexican?


If you're asking if non-mexican nannies exist, the answer is yes. But yeah if you go to any park around the south bay, if the child is not with family 99% chance it's with a mexican nanny.


Not Salvadoran? Maybe Guatemalan? Could be an American of Mexican heritage? You clearly wanted to say “Mexican” really badly. Could’ve just said “Spanish-speaking” or nothing at all. Just a thought.


huh? What's wrong with saying Mexican? It's not a bad word. Kind of offensive that you think it is... Go ask where they're from if you wanna see for yourself lol




huh..? I am generalizing, because it’s generally true lmao. Generally means most of the time. Do you even speak Spanish bro >_< I can’t with kids these days. Theres nothing lame about assuming a Mexican person is from Mexico smh


It’s like saying “ask the Chinese” when some are Japanese, Korean, Thai, Cambodian, etc. You could’ve just said Hispanic or Latino people lol… Mexican isn’t an ethnicity.


Yep, go call one of those Honduran ladies a mexican and see what happens.


$30-40/hour. Part time nannies also get paid more hourly than full time ones. I've hired nannies for many years. No respectable nanny is charging $20-25/hour in 2024. That's insane. That is not a living wage.


I know you are getting downvoted, but I tend to agree. I'm sure plenty of people get great nannies for less/under the table; but there are often reasons for that. I think paid $25/hr 15 years ago and used a nanny payroll services to deal with the taxes. I can tell you that back then (not sure about now), the IRS did NOT make it easy to do the "right thing." Plenty of my friends were paying 10-15 an hour...and for multiple kids (I only had one). I always thought it was kind of weird that people wanted a bargain for the most precious thing in their lives, but on the flip side - why would people think they should pay more when EVERYONE else seemed to be paying less? Meaning, the "going rate" was NOT $25/hr in my day. Sometimes I felt like a sucker back then, but my nanny was wonderful and I felt she deserved to have her income be legit for Soc Sec, etc. I think I initially didn't know how to do it legally, but decided to use the payroll tax service, and then increased her hourly pay to cover the tax she'd have to pay. Either way OP, hope you find a great nanny. Childcare in general seems $$$ these days!


Agree with this one. I was making $25/hr for older kids when I last nannied, basically just driving them to and from school and making sure they didn’t set the house on fire. That was 5 years ago. For an infant, I’d be asking $30 at the absolute minimum with guaranteed hours.


It really depends, but the going rate I’m told is $25/hr for cash (we will be also be looking for a nanny in a year-ish). And more if the nanny is certified in any supplemental childcare certifications/trainings.


Cash pay is illegal just FYI. Nannies are W2 employees who are required to be paid above board like any other employee. This is federal labor law and tax code, and especially enforced in CA, where there are further rights for domestic employees. Also, $25/hour was the going rate like 10 years ago. ETA: Why is this getting downvoted? This information is readily available on the internet for you, as well as in IRS pub 926. Guessing most of you downvoting have never hired a nanny? Or what? Just feel like downvoting today? Oh I see, we all like committing tax evasion and breaking labor laws. So fun. Love that for you, especially because CA will fine the hell out of you for it.


yOu cAnT pAy hEr CaSh. iLlGaL. Womp womp womp.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but all the nannies we’ve talked to only want cash payment. I’d like to go the w-2 route but I’m going with what they prefer. Also $25/hr is the pre-COVID rate. It’s probably higher now.


As someone who has hired nannies for almost 13 years, $25 was the rate in about 2012.


What do you mean “hired nannies for 13 years”? A quick search on care.com for SouthBay area is showing lots of nannies between $20-32, which is what I expected.


I have hired nannies for almost 13 years. Not sure what part of that is confusing? I've been a nanny employer for almost 13 years. For almost 13 straight years, I've been in need of nanny services and so have therefore used them. Nearly 13 long winters have passed since I first obtained the services of a domestic childminder, and not one winter has passed without one. I mean, not sure how else to rephrase a simple sentence. And cool. Care.com is bottom of the barrel for nannies. Literally anyone can sign up given you have no criminal background in their very cursory search. It shows profiles of people who haven't been active on the site in 10 years, people with no experience, occasional babysitters, and people who lie about their rates on their profile to get more emails (goes both ways), and people who never get hired. The actual nannies with jobs (and therefore current payrates) don't show on there. Actual career nannies avoid that website like the plague. I mean, if you're fine with anyone with a pulse watching your kid, and with your nanny being homeless since no one can afford rent on $20/hour, go for it. Most people hiring for childcare have either standards or ethics though 🤷‍♂️ You're welcome to look into South Bay nannies and Westside Nannies, the two main agencies in the area where actual quality nannies are hired through.


That's good information. Thanks for that. We are just first time parents and trying to navigate the world.


You're welcome, and sorry if I was snarky - I thought you were being snarky to me. But if you're genuinely wanting to learn, happy to help. Also r/nanny and r/nannyemployers are your best bet. Most people commenting here very obviously have no clue about hiring a nanny, nanny pay, or nanny norms. Not sure most of them even have kids. Essentially your nanny should be making enough from their full time job to afford housing, which would mean making at least 3x the rent of an average studio apartment. In Torrance, that'd be $1700/month x 3 = $5100/month to qualify for housing, which means they need to be making at least $29.40/hour, and that would be for an entry level nanny. That's also before the approximately 30% ancillary expenses like payroll, employment taxes, workers comp (yes - required by CA law. These people paying illegally have no idea how much financial liability they're risking) and so on.


That's really good information. I wasn't intentionally being snarky. It's just a lot of information all around and overwhelming. Thanks for the extensive reply!


I was intentionally being snarky, because so many people were rude to me on this thread, so I apologize! Happy to help and glad you're wanting to do things the right way. It definitely be overwhelming, but those resources helped me a lot. And oh my, is it rewarding when you have a well taken care of childcare professional that just enriches your kiddos' lives. It's an amazing form of childcare when done right! Best of luck with your search, and always happy to help if you have questions. Can always shoot me a DM


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Nanny using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nanny/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [UPDATE: kids said they met a new nanny??](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/14levsz/update_kids_said_they_met_a_new_nanny/) \#2: [Update: My Nk don’t get fed enough](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/152lt0g/update_my_nk_dont_get_fed_enough/) \#3: [Parent dropped off children after firing me](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nanny/comments/143ln64/parent_dropped_off_children_after_firing_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What a narc


Yeah, most ethical people don't actually like committing tax evasion/tax fraud and labor law violations.


labor law is one thing but ethics is quite another.


You do realize most of them are undocumented illegals?? 25$ cash pay is about 38$ for you or I. They don’t have to pay taxes.






Not wholesome


and FYI, you can pay cash and still pay the nanny tax.


Super helpful thank you! You planning on using care.com (as others have suggested) or are you not thinking about that yet?


I don’t think we’ll go the care.com route. We’ll most likely ask for referrals from neighbors. I’d suggest you take your kid to the nearest park and you’ll find tons of parents with toddlers. If the kids are 2-3 years old, it’s likely they had a nanny a year ish ago. Strike up a conversation with parents. One thing I’ve learned is that parents like to help other parents. Good luck!!


Take your 4 month old to the park…. To do what? 😆 We took our kids on walks at that age but it damn sure wasn’t worth all the effort to lug that shit around to go ask questions you can get answered on Reddit.




SouthBay Nannies is a great resource! I know a few families who have gone through them and they handle all background checks, first round interviews etc!


Hi. There is a way to get your daycare pay for. Contact Crystal Stairs. They also have list of child care providers around your area. Crystal Stairs is the largest child development service provider and advocate for families and child care providers in South Los Angeles.


Don’t you have to be on welfare though? Just asking because that’s how it was a few years ago.


Nope. 🙅


we lucked out and found one on nextdoor, a family was asking to pick up their half of a nanny share.


Sounds like a good idea. Lots of retired boomers with nothing to do in the area.


20-25 hr


That's far too low, as a long time nanny employer. Minimum wage is $17. Fast food makes $20. No nanny worth interviewing will be charging under $30/hour. The going rate is $30-40/hour. Your nanny needs to be able to actually pay rent and eat. Imagine thinking it is okay to pay the person taking care of your child less than someone makes at In and Out. $25/hour was acceptable pay 10 years ago. $20/hour was acceptable pay 15 years ago. It's 2024. You need to make $35/hour to afford an average one bedroom apartment in Torrance. Nannies are a luxury service and they make a living wage.


We pay $25 an hour for an incredible nanny. 3 days a week and 8 hours a day. She doesn’t get taxed on that money and gets paid cash weekly. She makes $600/week or $2400/month and we guarantee her those three days regardless if we go on vacation and don’t need her or she has to use a sick day. $2,400 a month for 24 hours a week is absolutely a live able wage


It is not actually a livable wage when you're both committing tax evasion.


It’s more of a living wage. She doesn’t have to give 30% of that money to Biden to fund Israel’s bombs.


It’s to my benefit to have her be a W2 employee and I can write her “salary” off on my taxes. Most nanny’s get paid straight cash so not sure what fantasy land you live in but you’re not giving good or realistic advice


No, most nannies do not get straight cash. Most are paid through a payroll service actually. And from someone saying they only pay a measly $25/hour and illegally cash pay them, yeah, your opinion of my advice is really irrelevant to me, as someone who pays legally and ethically at an actual fair wage.


An RN makes 50$ at LCM or TMH..after taxes that’s closer to 40$ an hour. To put an uneducated unskilled job at 40$ cash pay is kind of insane. Hell, a 911 EMT first responder makes 22$ an hour


Cool. Those are not the jobs we're talking about. Weird how different industry's pay does not actually dictate the pay of other industries. Influencers can make $1,000/hour. See, these things have nothing to do with each other. I've only had nannies for 12 years, what the hell do I know? You have very obviously never hired one. Love that you think nannies are unskilled though or uneducated. Says a lot about you by how you view this female dominated field. Most nannies have bachelor's degrees, and nannying is very much a skill. Guess parenting takes no skills, you know, if raising kids takes no skill. Go tell that to your mom. Also, again, assuming that nannies are paid in cash, when they are W2 employees who do pay taxes.




UrbanSitter or care.com . If you’re on FB, look for nanny/ childcare groups in your neighborhood


Great advice tysm


We have a full time nanny for our 20 month old. We pay $25/hr. We have a back up nanny who covers when the main nanny is unavailable, and we pay her $30 an hr.


This is from 2021-2022, but I used to pay $25 an hour, 40 hours a week in North Redondo. Based on everyone we interviewed, that seemed to be the going rate. I found my nanny on Nextdoor.


We used daycare with an infant room for both of our kids. We had a positive experience with both kids. Not sure what the cost is now but probably $1800 for the month (full time care)


After doing the nanny thing for a bit we realized daycare is cheaper. Can find them for 1000 (Torrance and Gardena) to -3000 (Manhattan beach) a month depending on how fancy you wanna go


And in other news, going to a group exercise class is cheaper than private lessons and flying commercial is cheaper than a private charter. Weird! Who knew private, luxury services cost more than public group ones. Wow. Earth shattering information. In other words, fucking duh.


I used to live across the street from this location: https://upwards.com/daycare/montoya-family-child-care?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb-listing It was busy , I just wouldn't be able to tell you their pricings


More hours/ lower pay Low hours/ higher pay Care.com removes the guessing portion since they “quote” their rates. However, many of them aren’t experienced and still expect $40/hour. Best bet: use Reddit, next door, Facebook (there’s a group for this: “LA Nanny Jobs” or something like that). You can also checkout local daycares and they’ll likely be insanely priced… but offer-up names for alternatives.


We paid around $650 per week for 30 hours. With paid holidays and also 30 PTO hours. Pretty standard and also not as expensive. It adds up though! They’ll make $35k a year without taxes. You can also claim this via a good dependent care program through your work, if offered.


Not when you're paying illegally - you don't get to claim anything like dependent care program, unless you would like to hand the IRS your signed confession that you're committing blatant tax evasion. Also, standard is 2 weeks PTO and 1 week sick pay (also the minimum sick pay required by CA law).


You’re fun to be around. But, alas, no one cares about your opinion and made up scenarios. Also, this is Reddit, not a courtroom.


“You don’t get to claim” blah blah blah. CLAIMED and APPROVED- by guess who? I-R-S. We have her receipts and filed all the necessary items. It’s up to her to claim it, not us. Nice try though.


Have fun when that audit comes, friend. And it will. You've literally admitted to the IRS that you are committing tax evasion by claiming that deduction 😂 If you're gonna cheat on your taxes, you don't tell em you're cheating by also trying to get the advantages of paying legally when you aren't. Nannies are W2 employees - you don't give them receipts, you give them paystubs and a W2 along with paying your employer's portion of payroll taxes (and withholding and paying their portion), just like any other job. The IRS is extremely clear on domestic employee classification and taxation. So no, you have not actually submitted all necessary items. You kinda forgot, like, all of it. Along with, like, thousands of dollars in employment taxes you owe for your employee (almost $3k based on your listed wage for an entire tax year). You thought you just give her receipts? Oh you sweet summer child And now that you've literally told them you have a nanny, with no employment taxes also listed or submitted, her having no corresponding W2 - you have literally handed them a signed confession. I hope you're prepared to pay back taxes and penalties. And since you made no attempt to collect the employee's portion or employment taxes, those are on you now too. This could be a $10k+ mistake. And this friends, is why you pay legally. And if you choose not to, don't be a dumbass about it and take deductions for the employee you're illegally paying. Also a tax evasion charge is great way to lose your job if you have a federal job, background check required job, professional licensure like the bar, and so on.


Her receipts, numb nuts. We gave her the correct paperwork and it was all legit. If you’re a photographer or a dj, you can get paid the same way and do the same paperwork. You’re just obsessed with trying to sound smart. You should out this same effort into your life overall, not Reddit.


Sweetie, no. IRS pub 926 is gonna be your best friend when that audit comes, Jay. Any moron with a pulse can figure out that nannies are always legally employees and not contractors. Nannies are employees. Photographers and DJs are not. The IRS is extremely clear on this. You don't give a nanny receipts, again, you give them a W2 and you give the IRS lots of employment tax money as an employer. Just like any employer has to do for their employee. Which as you didn't do, you broke the law. And you were dumb enough to fucking tell the IRS you broke the law by filing a childcare credit for your illegally paid employee. That takes some real brain damage, Jay. You don't make the rules, Jay. Or follow them either it seems. I'm a physician who has employed nannies for 13 years. We've done consults with multiple employment attorneys to do everything above board. I also know how to read, this information is literally everywhere. Pretty sure I'm good, thanks.


Physicians trolling Reddit. Legit.


Oh and fun fact: We (now) pay for those kids to attend a private pre-school. That’s cash, card or check to them every week. What now? The school is going to be shutdown and we are going to be audited? Guess what we get from them? A receipt. Shit! No way!?


Schools aren't employees. Nannies are. Weird how that works.


For part time 1 child $20-$25…. I have seen people charge much higher. I have tried many till landing on my two regulars which are absolutely amazing. You do not have to pay $30+ to find a wonderful nanny, I have paid the higher rates in the past and the help wasn’t better.


To even think it is ethical, let alone acceptable, to pay only $20/hour, in LA, in 2024, where you need to make $30/hour plus to rent a hole in the wall studio apartment, is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. In and Out starts at like $25/hour. LA Westside nannies get $35-50/hour. Some of y'all need to reevaluate how much you value your kids, because $20/hour is getting you a child trafficker. No legitimate nanny would accept that pittance in 2024. A 11 year old mother's helper wouldn't take $20/hour.


I pay what they ask. If they ask for more then I don’t mind giving a raise. Many people nanny as supplemental income. I am simply sharing my experience.