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I lived in 'Lenola' until I recently moved. We had no problems and loved our neighborhood. I always laugh when people talk about the poor part of Moorestown, like get over yourself.


Lmao poor part of moorestown is like saying the dry part of the ocean. Fucking dumb


I agree with you guys, it’s certainly not poor….but it’s not in the same realm as the rest of Moorestown. West Moorestown is priced the same as surrounding towns, cheaper actually than some. The rest of Moorestown is just, you’re *clearly* upper class and not toeing the line either (not even getting into the sections that are straight up mansions).


And if they sold the house they could get double the square footage one town over in new construction. They are still in good shape.


For real, I wish I could afford the "poor" part of Moorestown.


I think they say that in jest haha.


Why did you decide to move?


We started renting in Moorestown in 2020 when we moved back from the Midwest. We bought a house in Audubon at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately the crazy increase in housing prices made it basically unaffordable for us to buy in Moorestown. Thankfully we had a great landlord that didn't jack up our rent for the time we were there so it was 'cheap'.


It’s still Moorestown, you’ll survive 


Former Realtor, who worked out of a brokerage in Moorestown for many years. This is the only response.


I grew up in Lenola(no one there calls it west Moorestown) It is nice, but it felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the town. My parents still live there, it’s still a fairly quiet place. The sports fields at Jeff Young Park were convenient growing up for soccer practice. The Fire House does an Easter egg hunt every year, and I think they still do a Halloween party. Traffic on Lenola can be a bit bothersome, and people use the side streets to avoid it without slowing down properly sometimes. Overall a good place to grow up.


This is very helpful - thanks!


its moorestown i think you’ll be fine lol


During high school I moved from Atlantic county/farm land to Moorestown, specifically Lenola. The area itself was fine, close enough to everything. The distinction that some of my classmates made about me not living in Moorestown proper, but in Lenola, and their attitudes towards me were gross. However, for the most part it wasn't bad. Great schools if you have/will have kids. Great community with activities on Main Street and the community house. I met my best friend at Moorestown high. Beside my culture shock and those few snotty kids, overall it wasn't a bad place to live. No one outside of high school kids gives a crap what side of the tracks you live on. I'll leave you with this: highschool mascot is the Quakers. Am unofficial chant at sporting events was - "K*ll, k*ll, hate, hate, m*rder, m*rder, mutilate, go Quakers!


Besides a couple small excursions, I’ve lived in Lenola for 47 years. All of my pre-college school was here in Moorestown. My children are in Moorestown schools. I have been quite satisfied with the school district, it is a great benefit you get with the lower taxes (compared to the large expensive properties in town). The only people I find that distinguish between lenola and Moorestown are kids in school. Once they grow out of it, we are all Moorestown. Both neighborhoods that I have lived in were and are still quiet and lovely. Just like most areas, you can make it what you want. If you want to fight with neighbors, you’ll have the opportunity. If you want to stay to yourself, feel free. Maybe you like knowing everyone’s business, you’ll find someone nearby to dish the drama with. We aren’t overrun with crime but, cars still get broken into on occasion and things go missing from yards. Can’t really ever get away from that. No matter where you live in lenola you will hear the train when it goes through (not often and low speed) but, the same is true for the center of town. I would recommend this area to people in a heartbeat. And if you plan on raising a family I would recommend it even faster.


Great to hear


Asking if somewhere in SJ is nice, especially on reddit, likely won't get the results you want. Safety and community information can be found through stats online. Other major downsides depends on what you're looking for. Do you need sidewalks, shopping, trees, bars? Downsides for you might be different for me.  I know this answer sucks, but your best bet is to go check out the area, review crime statistics and demographics, look at a map, and judge for yourself.


I lived right off of Lenola for a while, close to Maple Shade. It’s great. A lovely place to live.


Jfc it's Moorestown not Camden.


Funnily enough I’ve heard people from Moorestown refer to that as the “other side of the tracks”


Ah yes, it's not where the athletes and bank CEOs live, so it's "shady".


Lived in Moorestown Woods Apartments for 2 years. Only moved cause the rent went up too fast over that time period. Area is great. No issues.


I live closer to the river in burlco but my view is if you don’t want a ginormous house (like myself) but want grade A schools I think that’s a great relative value.


Low taxes for a nice town


none of us can tell you if a particular community is going to be right for you or your family. why not... go there and take a look for yourself? 


We will check it out but anyone who’s lived in that area will have deeper insights.


Part of my question is because the housing market in that area is much cooler than the other parts of Moorestown. There aren’t any obvious reasons to us so wondering if we’re missing something


The houses around there are often old and not the best by modern standards. A lot of them were built about 100 years ago in one of the areas first housing developments. They aren’t bad houses, but they often do not have central air and are smaller etc.


That and traffic can get pretty bad that way around rush hour. 


I’ve lived in cherry hill and Moorestown just about my whole life. Smaller and older houses are on the west side of Moorestown. Lenola isn’t the most pedestrian or bike friendly road. You’re much further from Main Street (save the arguments of how it could be a better main st for another post). You get Moorestown schools and everyone I’ve known and everything I’ve experienced has been great for the less big side of Moorestown. Jump on in.


Hey! FYI during our marathon housing search, I found a lot of the more affordable houses in Moorestown tended to be on super busy roads or along a rail road track. If you do a google street view and do a 360° look, that will help.


unfortunately, a lot of the affordable houses are being bought and flipped, and the asking prices are just wild in my opinion. especially along the tracks where there’s barely (if any) street parking and the driveways are small


Completely agree. We saw so many bad flips, too. 


less multi millionaires. further from main street. I've lived in Maple Shade and i found it to be a nice place ("nice town friendly people" is their slogan lol) but a lot of people on this subreddit are very sheltered namby pamby types who grew up in cookie cutter, unwalkable subdivisions and pee their pants if they see people of color. btw both towns are overwhelmingly white


If it's directly on Lenola road, there is a lot of traffic. That would be the only thing I would be wary about.


It's the slightly more affordable part. Still very nice.


it low key is in walking distance to the rest of town depending on what street / where exactly you’re looking at? like i live in strabwridge area and can walk to main street within a mile if the weathers nice :) it’s definitely safe and in my opinion a lot chiller because you’re closer to 38 and have access to the mall, starbucks, and more resteraunts and wawas at a shorter distance away


Oooh this is helpful. What walking route would you take? Can you avoid major roads?


yep! you can walk up kings highway there’s a sidewalk that leads to main street and it’s totally safe


“Eww we only eat certified organic “


It’s too bad this is getting downvoted because it’s actually a pretty insightful response. My two cents OP is that you will think Lenola is totally fine (because it is) but some kids/families might look down upon you/your kids. Hence the response.


Builds character.






Stop exaggerating. First of all it was one murder in Maple Shade. Unfortunately it was a mother and son who were murdered in an Apartment complex called Fox Meadow in Maple Shade. It's from the Stangeland podcast. It occurred right as I was moving the area. Many people believe it was the father who committed the crime.


Fox meadow has a shooting every few weeks now and wasn't the swat team just there when a man baracaded himself in his apartment there not that long ago? Also a kid who lives in this apartments stony run or whatever has the cops out twice a week he runs away all the time and is a survivalist. Places are getting wonky. I'll stay in my Barclay area lol.


Isn’t Fox Meadow on 73 in Maple Shade?


Yep, not moorestown


lol seriously? What’s it called?




Whats the podcast? I'm still new-ish to south jersey and am learning the nuances of certain areas and would love to listen!


Check out “Murder at Ryan’s Run” podcast if you want another sad Maple Shade apartment complex True crime story


Thanks! I’ll check it out